PLYMOUTH LOCALS _ Dr. J. Ryland White of Atlanta, Georgia is spending a few days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, R. White, Miss Alice Grey Wolf of Norfolk is visiting her mother, Mrs. T. B, Wolfe. Mrs. Gilbert Davis is rapidly improving from a recent operation in Rocky Mount hospital. Mrs. M. T. Bradshaw was in Washington during the past week ■ end. Miss Louis Jackson and Mrs. W. B. Brantley of New Bern spent Tuesday here, the guest of Miss Louise Harrison. J. R. Campbell of Smithfield was a business caller Thursday. 1‘Gratitude To Sargon Is Beyond Words’1 MRS. WM. N COCHRAN ‘‘Ever since I was a comparative ly young woman I suffered from stomach trouble and nervousness. I was terribly constipated, bilious, rundown and miserable. The way Sargon ended my troubles seems little less than a miracle. The first normal bowel move ment I have had in years I owe to Sargon Soft Mass Pills. My grati tude to the Sargon treatment is be yond words."- Mrs Wm. N. Coch ran. 1147 Harrison St, Portland< Oreg. Sargon's fame is based on actual results- not empty promises. Milli ons use it - millions praise it! E, G. ARPS DRUG STORE. Four Roses LEMON Vanishing cmam (than used as a bate (or Four Rote* Faro Powder9 i-jaytA give* you that woodao fully perfect Complexion tutbtka dream of every f a*t idl ou* worn an, eisd caa only be obtained by the tue of toilette oeetfone of the highest Integrity. They are aaade by the ffouee of Friodrlch, famous for the purity of its products. Send name, day at month of birth, poet office and lOe (stamps) for postage, to Dept. F, Boa 850, Chattanooga, Tain, for Horoscope of your life, "When Dreams Come True." and samples of Four i face powder and Vanishing cream. The Four Boeeelinelofareatoby E. H. LIVERMAN Plymouth, N. C. WRT.TCT that Is REFRESHING .1 CONTAGIOUS DISEASES List of contagious diseases occur ing in Washington count}' during the month of January 1930. Diptheria, Pinetown R. F. D. Odell King. Total - 1 case Whooping Cough, Roper, N. C. (colored) Sarah Woodley; Edmond Wood ley; Jennie Woodley; Leroy Sutton; Henry Alexander; Mary L. Alex ander; Edmond Norman; Virginia Norman; Bradley Norman; Roso May Norman; Helma Norman; Alberton Johnson; James Downing; Angus Downing. Steven D. Phelps, Creswell, N. C. Total - 15 cases W. H. WARD, Quarantine Officer, Washington County AL.MO THE A WE TONIGHT Clara Bow IN “Dangerous Curves” Fifth Episode THE BLACK BOOK The Best Purgative for the congestion, reduces complications, hastens recovery. CHAMPION PLOWS CLIMAX INCREASED PRODUCTION PERMITS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY If Your Dealer Cannot Supply, Write U* C. Billups, Son & Company, Inc. NORFOLK, VIRGINIA ESTABLISHED 1858 Sole Manufacturers of the Genuine ”Champion” and ’’Climax” ‘Plows and Parts WATTS - - Williamston Mon. ■ lues. - Wed. - Feb. 10 • 11 -12 Mat. Monday 3 p. m. SPECIAL SHOWING SUNDAY MIDNIGHT RIVALS THE RAINBOW IN COLOR! Wakxh Bui. 'tiom.Di Oir ' WOOD HAUL YOUR OWN WOOD $2.50 Truck Load $1.25 Cart Load - See - Ed Jackson r T. C. Burgess moist cold and dry cold in the same refrigerator Frigidaire equipped with the new Hydrator now offers an txtra sendee. Celery comes out of the Hydrator crisp and brittle. Lettuce takes on a new freshness. Tomatoes become firmer. Parsley, cress and other garnishes almost seem to grow again! See a demonstration at our display room-now. FRIGI DAI RE™ L. 0. HORTON AND 0R0S. \ PLVMOUTH, N. C. Thompson-Clagon (Incorporated) We still have a large stock of ladies Dresses, Coats, and mens Suits that we are offerig at extremely low price BUY NOW, and Save LADIES $10.00 values $17.00 $25.00 at at at $5.95 $9.50 $12.50 LADIES $10.00 Coats 17.00 27.50 39.50 60.00 it it ft ft at at at at at $5.00 8.50 13.75 19.75 30.00 MENS SUITS $20.00 Suits 27.50 ” 35.00 1 Pants Suits at at at $12.95 15.95 19.95 ALL MANHATTAN SHIRTS IN FANCY PATTERNS BELOW COST Thompson-Clagon (INCORPORATED) PLYMOUTH, N. C. , IHIS IS THE. YEAR OF VALUES AND THE NEW WILLYS SIX IS THE VALUE OF THE YEAR! 1 m„72 M/LES AN HOUR 48 IN SECOND ... 65 HORSEPOWER ...1 ... RICH BROADCLOTH UPHOLSTERY . . INTERNAL 4-WHEEL BRAKES . . . HYDRAULIC SHOCK ABSORBERS SEDAN DE LUXE DOWN PAYMENT ONLY $320 BALANCE IN It EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS Litl price* S69S to $859. Price* f. o. b. Toledo. O., end specifications subject to change without notice. The 1930 Auto Shows throughout the country have been a succession of triumphs for the new Willys Six. The immediate popularity and impres sive sales of the Willys Six prove how great has been the demand for just such a car—an inexpen sive Six with spe,sd and power capabilities unprec edented in the low-priced field. You get unusual mileage per gallon of gas and oil at the modern cruising speeds of 35 to 45 miles an hour. WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC., TOLEDO, OHIO WISE BUYING IS TRUE ECONOMY IN 1930 THE WILLYS-OVERLAND POLICY IS SOUND, MAXIMUM VALUE FOR EVERY DOLLAR YOU SPEND Plymouth Garage & Motor Co. (INCORPORATED) PLYMOUTH, - NORTH CAROLINA