The Crippled Lady of Peribonka • • He- swung himself out, thrusting against the rock, and when the ogres of the water pit dragged at their vic tims Carla was in his arms. Bis brain was keenly alive again, and he knew that teams of oxen could have pulled but futilely against the under currents, which, one after another, were transporting them irresistibly and yet without great haste through watery space. Thought of physical salvation scarcely filtered in a ray of hope through his mind, and his senses were unterrified by the suffocating presence of death. In Carla were his strength and -courage. He locked his arms about he-r closely. He could feel her clinging to him with the same desire to remain inseparable when the end came. Strange. A king dom of Micomicon—a land of Al naschar—a place of fairies—a world of dreams— They were going to it all, Between the walls where no man had ever looked. Death! A magnifi cent adventure, with Carla in his arms I A roaring filled Ids ears. They .were traveling swiftly now. Ilis senses grew less distinct, like colors merging one into another in a sunset sky. Queer, why it should end like this, after years of life—lie—and Carla —together—as it must have been in tended from the beginning. A glori ous graciousness of Fate, an immortal jifmphony of fulfilment—to pass on like this with Carla, no matter how many hundred centuries had gone be fore! And some one—ins wife—liad Sad—that secoiids cjfnnt more than yeat^y^ieri—like this—' 1* The roaring was an enormity of sound. Its wailing was like the wind in the cave of Aeolus, its thunder like Stentor's blasts rumbling through the empty bowels of the earth. They numbed and anesthetized, yet left him with a shred of living, thinking cells which told him they were tearing through the gullet of the gorge, and which, at the same time, held his arms unyielding ns bands of steel about OarhFs liod.vl ’•‘"Although close to ihe edge of an abyss of UTiter darkness, consciousness did not quite leave film. Vaguely Tie experienced the thrill ot being trans ported out of a hell of tumultuous sound into a soft ami gentjy drifting sea whlcTi was without noise or vio lence. For jui interval he fancied his qarrus VltgJ an<] (hat I'® was (ry ltjjTo"fiy, makthg ratli^f fi »nes» i^ becauay one side $f him refufi^S to ^Srdjmate Hus oljter. This vWs thjj ra m, only one arm bow, which held ~ lltFfe held C^rTa. jvSfji tlie other, after a hlfljsel f clawing and Vn(thing. A man may ■^digging in. . live & hunt red years, tint when he |s ready to die and looks Tiaclj over the path he has traveled, It seems very short, arid the hundred years no more than a few hours. Paul had reflected upon the illusory and baseless fabric of time, its inadequacy and the hol lowness of its human measurement. "One who is happy has hut a fleeting vision of life," Carla had said to him once. “To live long and terribly, one must be unhappy—in prison.” It was odd why lie should he thinking of this as lie continued to claw and dig. But time had fastened Itself upon him like a leech, and If each second of Ids her, because there was no longer an earth for either of them. For a few hours they were to be in a world all their owu. Then—their couch of everlasting sleep—together lie [elt *6 spiritual reaction from the oppres sion of horror and fear which had come upon him. To feel sure that Carla knew, and that she had given herself to him because of her knowl edge—that she was not afraid, but was happy in the freedom which an ap proaching termination of life made possible for them, filled him with an emotion which took from their brief future Its stark and ugly grimness and gave to it on almost Joyous as pect. As if she had been a partner in the few seconds of his thoughts, Carla spoke softly, giving him her hand again in the night which shut them In. “I want to hear you say it, Paul! I have dreamed, and even prayed in my wickedness, and have fancied your voice telling me the story. For that I have many times asked God to for give me. But now it is right and just. I want to hear you say—you love me.” ‘‘I do,” said Paul. ‘1 know—now— that I have loved you from the be ginning of time, before I came to the Mistassini, before I was born in this life—a thousand or a million years I have worshiped the soul that is you. Sometime, It may have been ages ago, I know that you belonged to me.” «I have always belonged to you," said Carla. “Yours is the love I thought was hopelessly gone from me —up there. But to die with you is my right Can there be such a thing as doubt for us now?" i **I nm sure there cannot" be said. OBITUARY Mrs. Fannie I). Allen departed this life February 5, 1030, aged 57 years. She loaves five children, Tilman of Kinston, N. C., Mayo of Rocky Mount, N. C., Mrs. Irma Tet tort on Keneth and Hugh of Plymouth, Four Grand Children, five Brothers and a host of friends to mourn lier demise. Her husband, Nathan Allen preeeeded her in death about two years ago. She has been a faithful and con secrated member of the Mt. Olive Free Will Baptist Church since early child-hood. Her life was a busy one her dear hands were never idle, always work ing to make this world a brighter place for those about her. As a mother she~was loved and loving, as a friend she was kind and good. The vacant place can never be filled and we shall cherrish her memory as one loved but not lost. I cannot say, and I will not say, that she is dead, she is just away, with a cherry smile, and a wave of the hand, She has wondered into an un known land. And left us dreaming how very fair it needs must be since she lingers there just think of her still, as the same I say. For she is not dead - she is just away. “iuu would like to live?’’ "Without you, n “And there is no chance—no hope o saving ourselves?’’ "I can conceive of none. No force could contend with the maelstroms In the throat of the chasm. At the olhei end nil physical mailer Is ground to pulp ns the water comes out through the gorge. We are caught between the two.” He calmly and frankly spoke the truth to her. She made no reply in words, but he could feel her response creeping through her linger tips t< him, could feel the tremble and thrill of it in her body. He had not fright ened her, but had dispelled front hei the beginning of a fear. She did not want to live. The truth seized upon and helped him with a kind of shock Yet it wn* n simple thing, one lie should have tn«Avo without In'ultior or discovery. For Furln was - hot cwjj' a woman, Tiui a soTd. Rack there, in C.lnire’s world, she wnild he lost ti him—no mailer wlut he miglit do in the way other men hud solved sue! problems. nnly here, ir. a beginning and nn en^J nil their own, could she belong to tilui. Again she was In his heart, listen jng to his thoughts. “17 is si i an£e, but ‘ Wilhl to sing In this darkness,” site said. “I did Col Hnow dial blindness cr-uld be so beau tifuU” .-g&n*' “Nor I!” he answered. . . CHAPTER X During the night following Paul's accident and Carla's leap, n\eu were active below the gorge. Derwent lost no time in raring bach to the Mistns sini, and the presence of a hundred men below the chasm before midnight was the result, livery device of en gineering science ami unlimited re , source which might he employed came I with them. The big pool at the foot of I he gorge was a glare of illumlna tion. and men went down the rivet with their flaming torches, afoot along its hanks and in canoes between them, questing for a shred of something which a few hours before might have been a part of Paul 01 Carla. Luey-Belle, shock’d iuto sickness, was taken ig her home. But Claire remained. Men who saw tier In the weird glow of the lights will never he able to forget the Image of her face as it was photographed upon their memories. Her blue eyes were so wide open and staring, so filled with an unwavering sapphire flame that at times Derwent thought of her as a spirit-goddess Instead of a woman. Could Paul have seen her he would have known that at last she had con quered her fear and repugnance of the wilderness. She had come with the first men before a trail was cut. Her dress and shoes were torn, her soft skin bruised and bleeding. Where the water crashed and thundered loud est out from between the chasm walls she stood unafraid, until Derwent twice drew her back from the near ness and danger of it. She resented his appeal to leave the search to others, and Derwent made It only once. A white face, watching for its dead—that was wliat men would re member. Eyes flamingly blue, hun grily searching the black stream ns it came from the mountain. A fragile form that seemed tireless, ns steel. A woman, and yet more than woman— an unforgettable spirit, a vision that was like tragic music, always to be re membered. o8g 8 NEW LIFE PILLS The Pill» ^Hat Do Cuto fcOLEYSBONEY^TAR far cbttdr+ni to,fm, ««< Jf* Wtof** Keep Your Money At Home-Trade With Your Home Merchants. 6 6 6 Tablets Reloaves a Headache or Neuralgia in 30 minutes, cheeks a Cold the first day, and checks Malara in t hree days. 666 ateo in Liquid LITTLE GIRL, IB, UTS SO MUCH MOTHER AMAZED ‘ My lO-year-dd daughter had no ap petite. Then we gave her Vinol, aDd now she eats so much .we are amazed” —Mrs. W. Joosten, Vinol supplies the body important mineral elements of iron., calcium with cod liver peptone. This is just what thin nervous children or adults need, an t the quick results are suprising. The very P'lRST bottle brings sound sleep and a BIG appetite Viaol tastes delicisus! P. M. ARPS DRUGGIST ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Mrs. Mary E. Tarkeuton deceased late of Washington county, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of the deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Mackeys, N. C-, on or before the 19th day of Feb., 1931, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 19th day of February, 1930. THOMAS W. TARKENTON, Administrator NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, WASHINGTON COUNTY. Under and by virtue of a deed of trust executed by John Blount and Wife, Minerva Blount, on the 20th. day cf February, 1920, to Z. V, Nor. man, Trustee, and recorded in Wash ington County in Book 79 page 571 and the holder of the note thereby secured having applied to the undersigned Trustge for a sele of the land herein, after described, now, therefore, the undersigned Trustee wiil expose at public sale at the courthouse door of Washinaton County to the highest bidder for cash on the 26th day of March, 1930, at 12 o’clock noon the following described real estate: It being the land on which said John P19UE5 uow lives, adjoining the lands of M. Lanyear, deceased, Bennie Lamb and others, and being the same tract of laud conveyed to John Blount by M. Lanyear, and wife by deed dated September 24th, 1912, which said deed is registered in Book 61 at page 414 to which reference is hereby mace fora full and complete description. This the 22nd day of February, 1930. ZEB VANCE NORMAN, Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of a powei of sale embraced in a mortgage executed by George H, Downing to Maggie E. Pnelps, Mortgagee, on the 1st. day of February, 1924, and recorded tn the office of the Register of Deeds of Washington County in Book 77 page 415, and default haviog been maoe in the payment of the note thereby se cured, the undersigued mortgagee will expose at public sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 6th day of March, 1930, at the courthouse door of Washington County at 12 o’clock noon the following described land: Lying and being in Lees Mill Town ship and adjoining the lands of Chris tine Allen, W. L. Roberson Heirs, T. W- Blount Heirs and being the eastern half of the tract of land foimerly own ed by George Hassel, deceased, whereon the said George Downing now resides containing 12J acres, more or less. This the 3rd day of February, 1930. Maggie E. Phelps Mortgagee Zeb Vance Norman, Attorney I NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA, WASHINGTON COUNTY, I Under and by virtue of a certain naorgage deed executed by J. E. Bow. en to A. L. Owens, mortgagee, on the 7th day of February, 1922, recorded in Washington county in Book 77 Page 271, and default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness se cured thereby, the undersigned, will expose at public sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 25th day of March, 1930, at 12 o’clock Noon the following described land: “Beginning at drainage line near church, and W. C. Weede’s line, thence Westwardly alongsaid Weede’s line to C.S. Spruill line (known as new Modlin line); thence Southwardly along the said Spruill’s line to Ellis Daven port’s line; thence Eastwardly along the ditch and said Ellis Davenport line to Long Acre Road: thence across Long Acre Road with said ditch to the drainage district line; thence Northwardly along said Drainage line to the first Station, the beginning, containing 67 acres more or less. This indenture is given for purchase money.’* j A deposit of 10% will be requested of the successful bidder as evidence of good faith. This the 24th February 1930. A. L. OWENS, Morgagee. By EDWARD L. OWENS, Attorney, WANTS FARM FOR RENT—33 acres cleared land, dwelling and barn, 6 miles fowii Plymouth near hard surface road Zeb Vance Norman, LOST—black oil cloth cover account book about 4x7 with 400 pages - Bet ween Plymouth and Pardens-Finder please notify A.S. Moore. Plymouth. FOR SALE—Two Ponies 1 five years and 1 near 2 years old, J. G. McNair between Plymouth and Mackeys. WANT TO BUY — 1 Platform Scale weigh up to 2o01bs. Send us your1 best cash price. CASH Sc CARRY Plymouth, N. C FOR SALE—Farmall Tractor and att achments aod six horse Lanson en gine all nearly new. Good Cletrac Tractor Bush and Log Plow. Two iiottom Oliver Tractor Moldbord Plow. One Horse Drill. Low Iron Wheel Wagon. Daniels and Benck endorf, Weuona, N.C. MAN WANTED IMMEDIATELY —by giant internationpl industry; over 7000 already started; s< me doing an nual business $13,000; no experience orcapital required; everythingsupplied realize success, independence Raw leigh’s way; retail food pioducts, ,oap toilet preparations, stock, poul try supplies; your own business sup ported by big American. Caoadian, Australian industries; resources over $17,000,000; established 40 years; get our proposition; aM say it’s great! Raw eich Oompay, D«pt NC-45-J, Rich mond, Va. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administrate r oi the Estate of Mrs. Martha E.Tarkenton this is to notify all persons having claimsagainstsaidestate present them to the undersigned at Plymouth, N. C , Washington County, N C. on or before the 20th day of January, 1931 or this notice will be pled in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement with the undersigned Ad ministrator. This 20th day of January, 1930. H. W. TARKENTON, JR. Administrator Estate of Mrs. Martha E. Tarkenton NOTICE North Carolina, Washington County. Pursuant to the terms of a certain mortgage deed executed by Richmond Ruffin and wife, Roberter Ruffin, to J. C.^ Spruill, recorded in book 77, page 407, Washington County registry, de fault having been made in payment of the indebtedness therein secured, the undersigned will, at 12 o'clock noon, on the 3rd day of March, 1930, at the courthouse door in Plymouth, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, that cer tain tract of land in Plymouth Town ship, Washington County, more par ticularly described as Follows, to wit: "Beginning at a pine, running an easterly course 175 yards to a scrub oak; thence northeastwardly 280 yards to an ash, thence westwardly 175 yards to a gum, thence southerly 280 yards to a pine, the beginning, containing ten acres, more or less. It being the same land conveyed by deed from John Cole man and wife to Richmond Ruffin and wife, said deed dated January 30th, 1922, and recorded in book 82, page 87, to which deed reference is hereby made for further description.” Dated and posted this 25th day of January, 1930, J. C. SPRUILL, f20 Mortgagee. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY North Carolina, Washington County: Under and by virtue of tbe author ity of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by A. L. Alex ander and Wife, Sadie Alexander, to H. D. Bateman, Trustee, dated January 15th, 1927, and recorded in Book 74, on Page 407, Washington County Reg istry, default having been made in the Thin, Pale, Weak "I HAD been through a bad spell of sick ness which left me very weak,” says Mrs. Virginia Spruce, of Stapleton, Va. "I was pale and felt lifeless, and my strength did not return. "I spent most of my time on the bed. I was very nervous, and the least thing upset me. I did not have strength enough to lift a broom. At times I would have bad headaches, which would hurt me until I could hardly see. "Someone asked me why I did not try CarduL I had read of it, so I thought I would see what it would do for me. It was really remarkable how I came out. My strength re turned, and my health was bet ter than it had been in years. I gained in weight about ten pounds. My color was good, and I ceased to suffer from headaches. I have told my friends about Cardui because I was benefited after taking it.” CARDUI Helps Women to Health Take Thedford’s Black-Draught for 'Constipation, Indigestion, Biliousness. 1 cent a dose. .... payment of the note therein secured, and demand having ben made upon said Trustee to foreclose said Deed of Trust, the undersigned will on Wed nesday, the 19th day of March'. 1930, at the hour of Twelve O'clock. Noon in front of the Courthouse Door in the Town of Plymouth, Washington County, North Carolina, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, subject to all prior lines, the following real property, situate in the Town of Plymouth, and described as follows: FIRST TRACT: Situate on the South side of Main Street, fronting 101 feet on said Main Street and extend back in parallel lines 200 feet, bounded as follows, viz: On the North by Main Street, on the Ea-st by the lands of J. M. Horton; oin the South by the lands of National Handle Company and II. E. Stephen son; on the West by the lands of H. W. Latham and Goldie Davis, and known as Lot No. 94 as shown by the plat of the Town of Plymouth, and is the identical lot upon which is erected a 2-story dwelling house. SECOND TRACTS: IS vacant lots now owned by A. L. Alexander in that certain plat of laud divided and known I a< the Marcia Latham place or sub division, situate in the Town of Ply mouth on the North side of the A. C, L. Railroad; subdivided by A. J. Ncw iK'rry, said plat being duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Washington County, in Book No. on Page No. , to which ref erence is made for further dsecription. This conveyance is intended to con vey and does convey all the lots of said sub-division now owned by the said A. L. Alexander. This the 11th day of February, 1930. H. D. BATEMAN, Trustee. Miley C. Glovre, Attorney. BEAUTIES jut MM LEMON CLEANSINO CREAM tob«aHh|. E. H. LIVERMAN Plymouth, North Carolina NOTICE! DR. G. C. HODGENS. OPTOMETRIST WITH THE BELL JEWELRY CO.. WASHINGTON. N. C. WILL BE AT THE The O’HENRY DRUG STORE Plymouth, N. C. The 3rd., Wednesday of Each Month EYES EXAMINED GLASSES PROPERLY FITTED Remember— Our profit sharing offer closes Saturday, March 8th, at 12 A. M. How many tickets have you in the box? Three prizes of $10.00, $5.00, $2.50 each will be given to the lucky ones. You get three sterilized towels with each shave. The Sanitary Barber Shop Washington St. Plymouth, N. C. Cushion Holiday, Cecil Craft, Louis Spruill, Henry Garrett Cut Coffee Cost Save money all year! “GOLD RIBBON” Brand Coffee and Chicory has twice the strength of ordinary coffee and you use only half the quantity to a cup. When you buy a pound of “GOLD RIBBON” Blend, it’s like buying 2 lbs. of ordi nary coffee-and it tastes better too. DOUBLE STBENGTH W,'i,f," i 'oiler and » t hit ory ^ NOTICE! ON SATURDAY MARCH 1. 1930. WE WILL INAU GURATE A NEW POLICY IN OUR SERUICE DE PARTMENT AND SELL ALL REPAIRS. BOTH PARTS AND LABOR. FOR CASH ONLY WE ARE MAKING THIS CHANGE IN AN EFFORT TO ENABLE US TO GIUE BETTER SERUICE/BY ELIMINATING A LARGE UOLUME OF CLERICAL WORK AND TO KEEP OUR REPAIR PRICES! AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE LEUEL. V Buchanan Motor Company “Ford Service Since 1912“ PLYMOUTH. NORTH CAROLINA