Rupture Shield Expert Coming to PLYMOUTH ON Monday, March 17th, from 10 to 4 Tues. March ISrh, from 9 to noon AT THE BRINKLEY HOTEL Evenings by telephone appoint ment Only TWO DAYS ONLY No Charge For Consultation Mr. C. F. Redlich, the successful expert says: The “Perfect Retention Shields1’ hold the rupture perfectly, no mat er what position the body assumes or how heavy a weight you lift. They give instant relief, contract the open ing in a remarkably short time and strengthen the weak tissues (the real cause of rupture) so that they fre quently recover their previous natural retaining power, needing no further outside support. Stomach trouble, backache and constipation often caused by Rupture promptly disappear. Truly remarkable and prompt re sults have been obtained not only with recent and not fully developed ruptures but also with old, long ne glected ones. Ingenious, recently perfected de vices are now holding ruptures fir mly which heretofore never had been retained. No elastic belts nor filthy leg straps are used. I guarantee the durability of my absolutely sweat a n d moisture proof, sanitary aj p'iances. . 75% of ruptured children recover completely through expert mechani cal treatment according to statistics Do not waste your money on widely advertised mail order con traptions. You cannot fit yourself. C. F. REDLICH, Rupture Ap pliance Expert, Home office, 535 Boston Block, Minneapolis, Minne sota. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of a deed of trust executed by L. b. Allen and wife to YV. B. Cox, Trustee, on the 31st day of May, 1923, recorded in Washington County in Book 83 page 463, and de fault having been made in the payment of the note thereby secured, and appli cation having been made for a sale of the land hereinafter deserribed, the undresigned Trustee will expose at min Mcrlirxit hiflrler for cash on the 2isi day of March. 1930, at 12 o'clock neon the following de scribed land: The one-half undivided iutere.-t of I.. I'd Alien in and to a tract of land in Lees- Mill Township-, Washington Count}-, in Wenoita and being an 80 acre section owned by C. Id Allen and tilt- heirs of S. !.. Carter and being Lot Number 16 S of the subdivision of the Eastern Carolina Home and Farm Association Book 1 page 2?. This the 17th dav of February, 1930. W. B. COX, Trustee. ZEB VANCE NORMAN, 3-14 Receiver. NOTICE. OF SALE North Carolina Washington County Under and by virtue of a power of sale embraced in a mortgage executed by C. H, Hanley and wife, Id*® L. Bag'ey, to W. A. Swain on the ‘27th day of January, 1928, aou recorded -in the office of the Register of Deeds of Washington Coun v in Book 03 page 82, and default having been made in the payment of the note there y se cured, (he undersigned’ mortgagee will expose at nubUc sale at the court house door cf Washington County to the-highest bidder for cash on the 1'ftb day of April, 1930v at 12: o’clock noon the following described teal estate: Known as a part of the Uriah Swan ner tract, and sold to- rddl R. Lamb by R. Virginia Lamb, It is situated on the siate highway number $)’ near Plea sant Grove Church and bounded as Follows: Beginning at a road leading from said: highway, running north east 130 feet,, then-cc south east from sard side road1 liOOfoet, thence south west 150 feet to N. C- PCighway Number 90) sind along N. C- Highway 90’ too feel. This the 10‘day of March 19301. W. A.. SWA IN, Mortgagee. By ZEB VANCE NORMAN, Attorney. THIS IS NOT A CHAIN STORE WILL VENTURE TO SAY THAT ONE HALF OF THE PEOPLE OF WASHINGTON COUNTV THINK THAT MV PLACE OF BUSINESS IS A CHAIN STORE. SIMPLY BECAUSE THE STORE IS AR RANGED LIKE ONE WITH PRICES ON EVERY ITEM. BUT YOU ARE MISTAKEN THIS IS A HOME CONCERN OWNED AND OPERATED BY W. F. WINSLOW A Few of Our "Specials For Friday & Saturday Fairsex Soap 1 cake 10c, 1 cake 1c, 2 cakes 11c Green Coffee, good grade ik. 25c Cheese lb. 27c S Sugar lb. 5^c Childrens Chambray Overalls size 2 to 6 25c WINSLOW’S CASH & CARRY and 5c, lOc to $5.00 STORE PLYMOUTH. NORTH CAROLINA OUR LINE Of Sprung Coats is the biggest' we have ever had.. All New Dresses in the very latest atyfes- at extremely low prices Mens Suits, From $6.38> to $37*50 If you fail to visit our store you* Ibae,. We give you William Rogers Silver Ware FREE-Get your share of this ware along with others.. Our Millinery department is loaded and Running over Get your Czecho-Slovakia Sandals now as our stock is complete 9x12 Rugs - - - $3.95 2 yards wide Lenoleum - 98c yard PLyMOUTH'S BUSIEST STORE PliYMOUTH, NOimi CAROLINA We Are Independent Merchants — WHO — LIVE IN YOUR CITY, SUPPORTING YOUR COUN TY A N D CITY GOVERNMENT, SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES AND CIVIC ENTERPRISES MAY WE HAVE YOUR PATRONAGE? 0. R. LEGGETTS SON I. C. SPRUILL REXALL DRUG STORE THOMPSON-CLAGON, INC. E. H. LIVERMAN WILLIFORD’S HASSELL BROS. THE WOMAN'S SHOP L. T. WEEDE WINSLOW’S—CASH & CARRY and 5c • 10c to $5.00 STORE I W.H. HAMPTON T. C. BURGES T 8 T STORE { 4th. STREET GROCERY B. G. CAMPBELL WHOLESALE j WHITE CITY STORE H. R. LATHAM E. G. ARPS I C. M. TETTERTON O’HENRY DRUG STORE