CAGLE AMAZED AT THE RESULT “After suffering for 5 years Sar gon put me back on my feet and made me feel like a man that had been made all over again VIRGIL CAGLE “I was so week and rundown that I'd lay off from work for days at a time and rheumatic pains nearly drove me crazy. My kid neys were over-active, my appetite was next to nothing and nearly) everything I ate disagreed with me I’ve actually gained eight pounds since I started Sargon, I'm enjoy ing hearty meals along with good digestion and my whole system has been rebuilt to a strong healthy condition. My kidneys never bot her me now and every rheumatic pain is gone. Sargon Pills stimu lated my liver and ended my cons tipation, and I'm absolutely amaz ed at the results this treatment brought me." — Virgle Cagle, Way nesville, N. C. E. G. ARPS DRUG STORE MAN WANTED IMMEDIATELY —by giaut internationpl industry; over 7000 already started; some doing an nua) business $13,000; no experience or capital required; every thin gsupplied realize success, independence Kaw. leigh’s way; retail food pioducts, ,oap toilet preparations, stock, poul try supplies; your own business sup. ported by big American, Canadian, Australian ir duslries; resources over 117,000.000; established 40 years; get our proposition; all say it’s great! Raw eisih Compay, Dept NC-45-J, Rich mond, Va. NORTH CAROLINA. WASHINGTON COUNTY. NOTICE AI! persons holding claims against the estate of Sarah A. Craddock, late o f Washington county. North Carolina, are here by notified to present them to the ■ undersigned Administrator within ! one year from date of this notice will be pleaded in bar of theia right to recover, and all persons indent ed to the estate are hereby de manded to make prompt ssttle ment. This the 1 Oth. day oi March, 19 30. TERRY M. CRADDOCK Administrator. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY North Carolina, Washington County: Under and by virtue of the author ity of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by A. L. Alex ander and Wife, Sadie Alexander, to H. D. Bateman, Trustee, dated January 15th, 1927, and recorded in Book 74, on Page 407, Washington County Reg istry, default having been made in the payment of the note therein secured, and demand having ben made upon said Trustee to foreclose said Deed of Trust, the undersigned will on Wed nesday, the 19th day of March, 1930, at the hour of Twelve O’clock, Noon, in front of the Courthouse Door in the Town of Plymouth, Washington County, North Carolina, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, subject to all prior lines, the following real property, situate in the Town of Plymouth, and described as follows: FIRST TRACT: Situate on the South side of Main Street, fronting 101 feet on said Main Street and extend back in parallel lines 200 feet, bounded as follows, viz: On th( North by Main Street, on the East by the lands of J. M. Horton; on the South by the lands of National Handle Company and B. E. Stephen son; on the West by the lands of H. W. Latham and Goldie Davis, and known as Lot No. 94 as shown by the plat of the Town of Plymouth, and is the identical lot upon which is erected a 2-story dwelling house. SECOND TRACTS: 15 vacant lots now owned by A. L. Alexander in that certain plat of land divided and known as the Marcia Latham place or sub division, situate in the Town of Ply mouth on the North side of the A. C. L, Railroad; subdivided by A. J. New berry, said plat being duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Washington County, in Book No. on Page No. , to which ref erence is made for further dsecription. This conveyance is intended to con vey and does convey all the lots of said sub-division now owned by the said A. L. Alexander. This the 11th day of February, 1930. H. D. BATEMAN, Trustee. Miley C. Glovre, Attorney. Found At Last The Famous Q-623—Guaranteed re lief for Rheumatism, Neuritis, Ar thritis, Sciatica, Lumbago—is now a vailable to all sufferers from these tor tures. Q-623 is a prescription of a famous specialist that has done wonders for thousands of people when many other remedies have failed. We ask you to try this famous prescription, as it is absolutely guaranteed to help you. A few doses usually stops the pain, and many people say “it is worth its weight in gold.” Sold and recommended by O Henry Drug Store, Plymouth, N. C. 6 6 6 Tablets Releaves a Headache or Ncuralgh in 30 minutes, checks a Cold tlx first day, and checks Malara ir three days. 666 also in Liquid On Fifth Avenue/ cMany of the fairest ou'a Uieir beauty to ’ wav to Uoun) E. H. OVERMAN Plymouth, North Carolina HALF PRICE Save money all year! “GOLD RIBBON’’ Bran 1 Coffee and Chicory has twice the strength of ordinary coffee and you use only half the quantity to a cup. When you buy a pound of “GOLD RIBBON’’ Blend, it's like buying 2 lbs. of ordi nary coffee—and it tastes better too. NOTICE! DR. G. C. HODGENS. OPTOMETRIST WITH THE BELL JEWELRY CO.. WASHINGTON. N. C. WILL BE AT THE The O’HENRY DRUG STORE Plymouth, N. C. The 3rd., Wednesday of Each Month EYES EXAMINED GLASSES PROPERLY FITTED Baby Chicks II BOOK YOUR OrO£RS NOW FOR PURE BRED WHITE LEGHORN AND BARRED ROCK CHICKS « White Leghorn Chicks $12.50 per 100. Barred Rocks $15.00 We have doubled our hatching capacity and offer attractive prices for custom hatching, 3§ cts. egg up to 450, over 450, 3c FOR FURTHER INFORMATION WRITE OR CALL TYRRELL HATCHERY COLUMBIA* NORTH CAROLINA NO FEED LIKE THIS FOR LAYING HENS Here’s a feed for greater egg production. We know that many successful poultrymen are using it— we ask jou to make a fair test. It is called This great, feed contains fresh pure oatmeal — to which arc added just the right amount of animal protein, cod liver meal, molasses in dry form—and other ingredients, com bined to make a feed that produces more eggs, at lower cost. Start now— it’s an ideal feed for your hens. Quaker FUL-O-PEP EGG MASH FOR SALE BV PLYMOUTH WHOLESALE COMPANY Plymouth, North Carolina NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY North Carolina, Washington County: 1 Under and by virtue of the authority of sale contained in that certain Deed I of Trust front J. H. McNair to W. 13. Cox, Trustee, dated February 5th, 1924, and recorded in Book 85, on Page 75, Washington County Regis try, default having been made in the payment of the notes therein secured, and demand having been made upon said Trustee to foreclose said Deed of Trust tike rnulexsigned will on Wed nesday, the 19t|i day of March, 1930, at the hour of Twelve O'clock, Noon, in front of the Courthouse Door in the Town of Plymouth, Washington Ci imty, North Carolina, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real property, situate in the Town of Plymouth, and described as follows: Being Lots Nos. 4 and 5 in Block “D" as shown by that certain map of the subdivision of the Marcia Latham proprety made by A. ,T. Newberry, Civil Engineer, and recorded in Book of Maps on Page 21 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Washing ton County, N. C. This the 11th day of February, 1930. W. B. COX, Trustee. I Back Quit Hurting s "I was in a very weak condition from a serious sickness,” writes Mrs. I. Leonard, 571 Joseph St, New Orleans, La. "I was 60 weak, I wanted to sleep all the time. I did not have strength to do anything. M y back ached nearly all the 1 time. 1 was iust in misery. "My mother told me 1 must arouse myself from the sleep } iness, and take something to help get my strength back. She had taken Cardul and had been helped, so I decided to take Cardui, too. After my first bottle, I could see that it was helping me. I took four bottles at this time. My strength came back and I gained weight. Pretty soon, I was my old self again. "My back quit hurting, and I haven’t had any more trou ble since I took Cardui.” CARD HELPS WOMEN TO HEALTH Take Thedford's Black-Draught for Constipation, Indigestion and Biliousness. E-ise i; TIRES 8c TUBES MEANS GOOD WEAR AC 317-B fhthfriidet: 4:40 X 21 - $6-30 STANDARD ALL WEATHER 4:50X20 - $8.85 Central Garage PLYMOUTH, N. C. Williford’s THE HOME OWNED STORE LOOK FOLKS! How The Prices of Flour Have Dropped 12 lb. 47c 24 lb. 90c 48 1b. $1,75 981b. $3.45 Lard 1 id. Z5c bu id. 12c Coffee Pure Ground b. 25c Luzaniie 3 lb. $1.22 Rice, in whole grain 4 lb. 25c | Munts Water Ground Med 40c pk. Seed Oats 90 day Seed Potatoes 150 lb. Laying Mash 100 Hi. Growing Mash 100 lb. $3.25 $6.25 $3.50 $3.75 Large Bucket Syrup 3 Large Milk 6 Octagon Soap 7 Washing Powder 35c 25c 25c 25c Snuff Any Kind _ 3 for 25c Tobacco Ping • • _15c 10 qt. Galvanized Bucket 19c 0 size Galvanized Tubs 49c 1 “ “ Tubs 69c 2 “ “ Tubs 89c 3 “ “ Tubs 98c No. 1 Wash Board 39c PILLSBURY FLOUR 12 lb. 63/ BALLARD’S FLOUR 12 lb. 69/ We Appreciate Your Patronage