HOME AGENT REPORTS (Continued From Front P:vge) trate of Soda people are g ving tlje.se women a one-hundred pound bag of Nitrate of Soda to be used in these gardens. A ten do: ar team p ore cooker and a seven-fifty pressure e tr has been oftefTret! as prizes in tins Garden Contest. Four hundred debars worth eggs were graded and shipped tr- \V: mug ton during the month, i he.-e eg-; are to he processed, stored and ■ ■: i nest fall. The shipper;, will re re • : e dif ference in the market ;-r v and the market price in the - stor ing charges of 15 cents per .-rate per month. Sales on t’-e curb 1. -t a mounted to $705.68 during i • month. Two hundred ami lift;, v. • . . ul ed the federation needm; 'keys on March 28th. Tite Crerw.l. H eme Dem.-ustnath.n Club was the winner of the lovely trophy cup presented tin. Clubs by the Chamber o; C ,r:rce. A mutual Exchange lias hot' rgan ized through the Farm and Home agents with the help of Mr. L. C. Seller, Marketing Specialist. April JL IK* V. i till L \ V-Ui.: i.IOMUlU.* of Education and Superintendent of Schools were given a dinner at the courthouse on the first Monday in the month. The chicken tor this dinner was cooked by the same meeting o -king process demonstrated to the women in the clubs during the month of March. The subject tor study during the month was Me.it Substitutes. In s was one of the moot interesting lessons given. The v.-omen were sir, v. u bow a one-dish meal could be prepare t in twenty minutes, which cost less than the usual Sunday night supper. Five hundred and eighty dollars worth of eggs have been shipped to V. ih.mng ton to date. Total sales on the curb market now aim ant t- S’., Ninety-five club meeting- . .. e been held, 3,054 miles have ! .•-■a traveled, 28 new member., lorn bee cd. .'4 office calls, and 4! calls by teieph lie., 42 press articles written, and 1.1 t-1 cir cular letters mailed during tuts period. IN MEMORIAL! In memory i m; husband. Ed gar Swain, who died Oct. 2-*. 1930 Thou hast been called t-> the Isie of Somewhere, But never will thy memory fade, Sweetest thoughts will always Linger, In the home where thou hast Staid. The pearly gates were open, A gentle voice said, "001110,’' And with good-byes unspoken, Thou didst calmly enter home. The seperation, oh! ’tis painful, And my lot is hard to bear; But my grief I take to Jesus He will ali my sorrows spare. Patiently thou suffered, Thy pain in silence love, Until the Master called thee Where suffering is no more. Sleep on. dear one, Take thy much needed rest. The days to me are long r od lonely Even at their best. But ere long I’ll join thee On that beautiful shower. Then we'll be happy again together Forever and evermore. MATTIE ROLLINS SWAIN IX MEMORIAM God in his great wisdom and love has called from our midst to his heavenly home a much loved friend Joe Sitterson. He \ ■ rn Feb. 5th 1861 and died April 3 1930. Although hi' and !• cn in failing health for several morphs ho was apparent!;: improving, and Iris death came as a great shock, to the com munity. II 1 stricken with par al; . onlj few hoi He wa : devout supporter of St Delight Christian Church of which he has h( n a member since early youth. He served as an elder and a deacon in this Church for several years. His pew war rarely vacant. We feel our loss very keenly but bow ourselves in humble submission to Him who doeth all things well. He is survived by his widow, the following children, Ramal of Detroit Michigan, Mrs. Sherley Williams of Elizabeth City, Mrs. Wila Beli and Sidney of Rocky Mount, and Miss Louise of Roper, two brothers J. X. of Richmond, Va. and Luther of Plymouth, and one sister. Mrs. Ed Skiles of Windsor, X. C. he has fought the good fight, fi nished his course, and has gone to receive a crawn of rightonsness that is laid up for those who have kept the faith. Mrs. M. It. Swain. REJOICES OVER NEW HEALTH “'i was in an extremely nervous condition and finally had a nervous breakdown. I’d have pains in my back and Sides MRS. AMANDA LADD nearly all the time, and I’d almost go frantic with headaches. A ter rible rheumatic condition in my arms ank hips nearly ran me into hysterics, Sargon is the only medi cine that ever gave me lasting re lief, and I’m filled with rejoicing over the new health it gave me. Every trace uf indigestion is gone, my appetite is fine, and the rheu matic condition and the pains in my back and sides are gone. I’m fast regaining my lost weignt and Sargon Pills are the finest treat ment I ever found for constipation and a torpid liver." Mrs. Amanda Ladd, 59 Vance St.. Asheville. E. G. ARPS DRUG STORE CONTAGIOUS DISEASES Co:i. igiuns disease? occuring in W::.-'.:ing!.on county, X. C. during month r the sum of 597 fid. due said plainiif for merchandise purchased by defen dant, which summons is returnable, before said justice of the peace, at his office at Plymouth, N. C , and in Ply mouth Township on the 15th day of : May, 1930, at 10 o’clock a. m. The de fendant wiil also take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued by said justice of the peace on the loth day of April, 1930, against the property of said defendant, which warrant is re turnable before the said justice at lb? lime and place above named for the re turn of the summons, when and where ttie defendant is required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint or the relief demanded will be granted This the loth day of April, 1930. W. F. AU3BON 5 0 Justice of the Peace NOTICE North Carolina. Washington County •—Tn the Superior Court. Edwin 3. Hall vs. j & \V Land Com-1 raoy and all other persons claiming j any interest in the lands described i herein. An action having been instituted in tl'.e Superbr Court of Washington < ounty. North Carolina, entitled as a hovc, t > ‘oreclosc tax liens for taxes dttf tor the year 1027 listed in said (tmty: The Shepherd tract containing about 36 acres, the Stewart Allen tract con taining about 71 acres, the Andrew Davenport tract containing about 35b acres, the Pettitord Watson tract con taining about 12-1.3 acres, the Alfred Jackson trie; containing about 160.6 acres, the M. Brown’tig tract contain ing about 156 acres, the Huff Allen tract containing about 306.7 acres, the D. W. Davis tract containing about 135 acres, the C. C. Jackson tract con taining about 77 acres, the Halsey Arge tract containing about • ’ a r ■ about I 1-4 acre.- known as tiv Cattle Entry, the G. L. Bowen tract contain ing about 180.8 acre-, the W. ('. Bow en Big Island tract containing about 67.5 acres, the B. F. Wallace tra t con taining about 22.7 acres, the Gurganus tract containing about 138 acres, the State Board tract c; staining nb nt 250 acres, the Freet:iar,-\Yshare tract con ! i 1. mng :iT>rxtit 420.2 acres, the IlolliS* tract containing about 203.3 acres, and that part of the main J & \Y. or Dis mal. situate in Washington County, c chaining about 510.7 acres. Said tracts j oi land are situate in town Iship, Washington County, and are par ticularly and fully described in a deed from Roanoke Railroad and Lumber Company to .1 & \V Land Company, dated January 7. 1921, of record in the | Register's Office of Beaufort County, \( r:h Carolina, in Hook 230, page 215, anil of record in the Register's Office I of Washington County, North Carolina in Hook , page Notice is hereby given to all per sons claiming an interest in the sub ject matter of the said action to ap pear. i t tip and defend their respective claims in six months from the date of this notice, or be forever barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or' * claims in or to the said property or pro ceeds from the sale thereof. Dated this 21st dav of April, 1930. C. V. W. AUSBON, Clerk Superior Court. 5-16 REDUCTION PRICES PRICES EFFECTIVE THIS WEEK Barred Reeks - $12.50 Hundred White Leghorns ■ $10.00 “ Custom Hatching 3e Egg ■g’i'i rJPW 12$ IS F? H Iff il JB a «a>J- ft*. tTi & a A a at « n k ^ &i ei e; u as & COLU^Oi^ NORTH CAROLINA H. C. Davenport T. W. Armstrong VALUE Far Above Fhe Price - THAT IS WHY - Ford Sales ARE LEADING ALL OTHER MAKES EVERYWHERE Let us Demonstrate a Beautiful New Ford Today. PHONE 2546 Buchanan Motor Company “FORD SERVICE SINCE 1912” Plymouth, - North Carolina LAST CALL! ALL TOWN TAXES MUST BE PAID BY MAY 1ST. We will have to enforce the law and sell all property on which Taxes are still due after the First PAY YOURS NOW! and avoid the embarrasment and cost of being advertised TOWN OF PLYMOUTH P- W. BROWN, TAX COLLECTOR