PLEASANT GROVE —— Mrs. Effie W. Gurkin motored to Plymouth Wednesday to accompany Miss Nellie Tarkenton home for the Thanksgiving holidays. Mr. Nathan Everett spent the week-end at Columbia visiting his sisters. Mrs. William Uverman and Mrs. Nicholas Hopkins. Messrs. George Oyster and Elroy Turlnigg of Alliance, Ohio, spent Thanksgiving with William Ross Cliesson. Mr. Ernest Everett and son, Ernest Jr., of Norfolk, is here visiting his father, Mr. N. T. Everett. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Cliesson, ac companied by Miss Era Cliesson, mo tored to Washington Sunday to see Mr. Raymond Davenport, who is re ported as being somewhat improved in a Washington hospital. several Blount is here ip this M. W. Mrs. Hester Cahoon spent days as guest of Mrs. J. W. near Plymouth last week. Mr. John Swain, of Durham visiting relatives and friends community. Mrs. Harry Stell and Mrs. Spruill, of Plymouth, were guests of Mrs. Effie W. Gurkin Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davis, of Roper, spent Sunday with Mrs. J. W. Chesson. Mr. A. T. Leary, of Goldsboro, was a visitor in this community Monday. Mrs. S. L. Waters received a mes sage from her husband, Mr. S. L. Waters, who has been traveling in the Greenville section, stating that he was quite sick at that time. Messrs. Wm. Ross Chesson, J. C. Tarkenton Jr., and Charles Snell were the guests of Francis and Henry Everett Sunday. Messrs. L. C. Oyster, of Alliance. Ohio. C. E. Frerick, and Roy E. Powell of Baltimore, Ohio, were the guests of Mr. John Swain Thanks giving. Mrs. Effie W. Gurkin and son. Jack were the dinner guests of Miss Myrtle Tarkenton Sunday. Misses Dorothy Everett and Marjorie White spent Sunday with little Miss Virginia Tarkenton. Mr. and Airs. T. \V. Tarkenton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. White at Skinnersville Sunday. Mr. and Airs. A. J. Barnes and son, Roy, were visitors at Creswell Sun day. Mr. W. B. Chesson made a business trip to Plymouth Saturday. Airs. C. W. Snell, who ras at Alackeys Saturday to see little Joseph Buncle, reports that his condition is still very critical. CRESWELL ——— Bishop T. C. Darst held the annual service at the Episcopal church Sun day evening at 7:30. Mr. W. A. Cook, of Norfolk, Va. was here on business last week. Mr. A. W. Bachman motored to Henderson to spend Thanksgiving with relatives. Misses Carrie Barnes, Myrtle By num, and Mr. J. C. McClees, of Co lumbia, were recent visitors here. Mr. Jennings Davenport, of Nor folk Ya., spent Thanksgiving with his parents. •Mrs. W. H. Harrell is at home after a lingering illness in the St. Vincent Hospital, Norfolk, Va. Mr. Douglas Starr, a student of a state college, Raleigh, was here for Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Starr. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Hatfield and children, Mable and Billy, motored to Raleigh Thursday to visit Louise who is a student nurse in the State hospi tal there. Mr. Ernest Swain was here for the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Swain. Miss Eloise McArthur spent the holidays with her parents in Clinton. Mrs. J. L. Hassell has returned home after an extended trip in Ra leigh. Mr. Dallas Woodley, of Angier, spent Thanksgiving here with his parents. Mrs. Jennis Hopkins and daughter, Mrs. Le-ni S. Brey, of Roper, attend ed the Union meeting at th*. Baptist j church here Saturday. Mr. Douglas Starr spent Saturday in Washing!.' n on busine Miss i'D-ie Jordan, of Parniele, was here for Thanksgiving won her pa rents. Mr and Mrs. \\ . D. Jordan. Mr. 1-tn el Owens a -tin! 1 t at Wake L t-i -t College, w;e iu-re *»n business Saturday. Misses Virginia Peel and Ruth Swain spent the holidays in Durham. They were accompanied b\ l-)r. Wade H. Johnson, Mantelle R. \ > kers and J. M. Dunlap, Jr. They attended the Washington and Lee-Duke game. Mr. Jan.t"- I. Bateman of Newport News, Va., spent the holidays with his mother. Mrs. Ida S. Bateman. Mr. Samuel L. Luck of I'd ■ iton, is in town : a few days on be . Messr-. C . \V. Fourshell and John F. Hobbs of Goldsboro, ar here for a while <m business. Mr. II; \ wood C. Cohoon was here for the week-end with his parents. Miss Mildred Davenport and Mr. Dan W. Alexander attended the foot ball game at Belhaven Thur-day. Messrs. : . J. Bateman and R. L. Pinner were here on busine- - Satur day morning. Miss Viola Stephenson spent the j holidays at her home in Pen ti> . n. Card of Thanks I wish i" take this opportunity oil thanking n'i those who were -o kind during the illness and at the death of i my brother, Dr. W. H. Ward, 'the expressiot - of sympathy and beauti ful floral i IrVrings were also sincerely appreciated. JOHNSON G. WARD. FOR SALE TWIN BEDS. COM pleto. Practically new. Will sell one or both. $15.00 each. Mad < r sec Beacon. Plymouth, N. C. D-5 1 NOTICE OF SALE Under ami by virluc of authority | contained in a certain Mortgage ex ecuted by K. S. Cooper and wife, He len Cooper, to D. O. Brinkley on the 14th, day o July, 1927, and recorded in the otfice of the Register Deeds of Washington County, North Caro-, lina, in !lo h 93. page — i : deiault har ing been made in the payment of the indebtedm - thereby secured, the aforesaid Mortgagee will mi the 5th day of January, 1931, at 12:90 o'clock noon, offer for sale to the highest bid der. for cash, at the Court House door "Befope I started taking Black Draught, three years ago, my health v. very bad,” writer- 2.Ira, C. C. C n, 945 Concord St., Beaumont, Texes. "I sttiTered consta ' • from constipufic.. I had head., he when I got up in the mo. :. and I felt doll r, 1 sluggish. I hardly ate t. . cal that my food agreed wi ■ mo. Frequently I would have ’ on my stomach, and felt a. . :1. "I read about Black-Di tg’nt, and I thought it might he ip me. After I b '.1 taken ita little . :'c, I felt much better. It relieves constip; on. I keep it on h . ’d so whe l I need a laxative 1 will have it. In the three years I have bet n taking it, I ha e found anything a3 good for con stipation.” EEFFm ;2Bf8l»S=£L; INCH —Co iyhldCent _a.. ~ ~~~ :T-165 mBKiKS" "-T . ; .tA-ZOBMIKNUlI•-V2-.. mjm WOMEN v are run-down, n rvous, or suffer ry month, ss!i take CARDITI. i ! for over 5 1 Lumber I rices Paints Doors Windows Door Frames Window Frames Brick Lime Cement Nails Locks Hinges, Etc. Etc. Lumber of Every Kind. Have Come DOWN Now is the time to make construction repairs at lowest cost. You will save the most money on labor and materials now. Murray and McCabe Co. WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA n said Count;, real property . Town of Pl\ i Beginning Oscie Harper running a!«<i . 50 feet; then* long the 1 in heirs of Geo land of Gen. Bowen’s line per’s land; tin of Oscie Harp ginning. Bern, ed by Dill ie ( by deed dated corded in Bn c>f Deeds Om This the 1-t D. ollowing desc nad being in i the western un n Monroe Street • aid Street we.*>tw; at right angles ai f the lot owned lr. Mann 200 feet t - 1 tnwen, thence 0 feet to Oscie ice south along the r lot 200 feet to t. tliat certain lot c-a or ham to K. S. < \ i »ri 1 4. 1022 a: - , H4 page 221, Re Washington Co dav of December. BRINKLKY. Mortgae the the dar line : be initv. 1930. NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of mortgage deed ex ecuted to me i Josephine Jam* <>t Martin Counly. X. dated Septem ber 4th., 1909. nd of public record in the office of the Register of Deeds for said Washing!' n County in Bo<A ”7, at page 170 . at the request of the [holder of tin ir of indebtedne-s (thereby secured, default having :i made in the payment thereof, 1 \ December 29th 1930, at 12 oYAck Noon, at the courthouse do : in Washington ('< city offer for : at public auction the property described in said Mortgage deed as follow Beginning at tl- South-east icr of John Walker- land: running 9 Westerly along -aid Walker’s h D. F. Bateman’ line; thence S< lv along said I',man’s line to A Pettiford’s lima tin.-nce Easterly .. said PettifordY line to a street \va tween the Jame-ville Road and D. Id Bateman’s land thence Norther long said strei ! ay to the begi: containing T\\" and One-halt (2 1 2> acres, more or le--. and being that tract or parcel land this day ;hased from W. R. White and wife, >y "aid Josephine Jan e>. A deposit of 10 per cent of the a mount bid will be required of the pur chaser at the time of -.ale. This notice dated and posted this 28th., day of November, 1930. ( C. James, Mortgagee, Coburn & Coburn, Attorneys. D-2-4t NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of a mortgage deed ex ecuted to rue by W II. Pettifort and Annie Pettifort of Washington Coun ty, N. C., dated January 16th., and of public record in tin office of the Re gister of Leeds for said Washington County in Book 59, at page 171, and at the request of the holder of the note of indebtedness thereby secured, default having been made in the pay ment thereof, I will. a December 29th., 1930, at 12 o’clock Noon, at the courthouse door in Washington Coun ty offer for sale at public auction the pioperty described in said mortgage deed as follows, to-vvit: Beginnig at a juniper post on Wash ington Road near and opposite of James Brooks land formerly Wiggins Sr nth-east corner then a measuring Westercily down what is known as 1st., ave, a distance of 200 feet, thence Southwardly 100 feet: thence Last ly 20 feet; to Washington Road; thence Northwardly along said road to fit st station, containing One-half (1-2) acre, more or less. A deposit of 10 per cent of the amount bid will be required of the purchaser at the4 time of the sale. Thsi notice dated and posted this 29th., day of November 1930. C. C. James, Mortgage. Coburn & Coburn. Attorneys. D-2-4t NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the powers c* ntained in that certain mortgage deed executed by T. C. Holmes and wife, M. Annie H -bn•••-. to Mr-, M. F. Smithson, dated the 20th da\ of April. 1930, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Washing ton County. North Carolina, in book 77, page 76, to which reference is hereby made, default having been made in the payment of the indebted ness thereby secured, the undrsign ed will offer for sale, to the highest bidder for cash', at the Courthouse door in Washington County, at 12 o' clock. Noon, on Monday, the 29th day of December, 1930, that certain real property described in the said instrument as follows: Beginning at T. C. Holmes corner on Main treet between Sixth and Seventh Streets and running along his line northwardly 200 feet to A. G. Walker’s line: thence, southeast wardly along A. G. Walker’s line 50 feet: thence south west wardly along A. G. Walker’s line 100 feet: thence southeastwardly along A. G. Walk er’s line 85 feet: thence, along A. G. Walker’s line 100 feet to Main Street: lthence northwestwardly along Main Street 135 feet to the first station, be ing all that town lot purchased from E. S. Woodley and wife, Alice Wood ley, deeded to M. Annie Holmes. De cember 12th. 1919, and recorded in j book 76, page, 298. I The bidder at such sale will be re quired to deposit as much as 10 per cent of the amount bid in cash as a guaranty of good faith pending con firmation and the right is reserved to reject any and all bids. This the 28th day of November, 1930. MRS. M. E. SMITHSON, d-26 Mortgagee. By W. L. Whitley, Att’y. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power ; and authority conferred by that cer tain mortgage deed, dated the 6th day of March, 1916, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Washing-: ton County, North Carolina, in book' 69, page 123, to which reference i> hereby made executed by T. C. Hol me- and wile to Dempsey Spruill, de fault having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby se cured the undersigned, as administra trix of the estate of the said Demp sey Spruill will offer for sale, to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door in Washington County, at Id o’clock Noon, on Monday, the 29th day of December, 1930, that real pro perty described in the instrument as follows: hirst Tract: All of that tract of land containing 272 acres, more or less conveyed by deed from R. S. Neal, Stall! Linn, Trustee, and others to T. C. Holmes by deed dated Dec. 21st. 1915, and filed for registration this day, said land being part of the Somerset farm, and being full described by com plete description set out in said deed, together with all of those easements, rights of way and drainage privileges as fully set out in the said deed. Second Tract: All of that property in the town of Creswell. North Caro lina, fully described in three deeds from Alfred Alexander and wife to T. C. Holmes and wife, M. Annie Hol mes, said deeds being dated as fol low.-: April 27th, 1901. November 16th. 1905, February 12th. 1908, one of said deeds being registered in book 49, page 529, and the other two deeds being filed for registration on this day. Said parcels of land being in the town of Creswell and composing the store lot. residence and property therewith connected on Main Street in the said town of Creswell, and reference is had to the three deeds herein mention d for a more complete and perfect des cription. Third Tract: All of that tract and parcel of land in Washington County, North Carolina, fully described in a deed from J. A. Sexton and wife, and J. W. Sexton, Ida M. Swain and T. A. Swain to T. C. Holmes, said deed be im p L’i-lon d in \\ a-Inngtou l oiinty, North Carolina, in book 47, page 52. The said M. Annie Holmes owning by descent from her father a one-fourth undivided interest in this land and the other three-fourths having been con veyed by the above mentioned deed, said parcel of land being described as follows: Beginning on the Scupper nong River at a point 35 feet of the center of the Thirty Foot Canal and running southwardly and parallel with said canal and 30 feet from the cen ter of the same to the Spruill's Bridge road, thence westwardly along the said road to the west line of the Somerset farm: thence, northwardly along the line between Somerset farm and the lands of Gilbert Spruill and D. Horna Iblue to the Scuppernong River: thence, along the said river to the first sta tion. 4th Tract: A parcel of land contain ing three acres, more or less, adjoining the said Jordan Sexton place above | mentioned being fully described in a ! deed from Tilghman Gaskin and wife to T. C. Holmes, registered in book 49. page 530, dated November 24th, 1906. Fifth Tract: A parcel of swamp land, containing thirty acres, more or ■less, adjoining the said Jordan Sexton place and others and being all of the swamp land conveyed by deed from j John \V. ykes to T. C. Holmes which the said T. C. Holmes did not con vey to Bettie Knowles, it being. as stated, all of the residue of the lands conveyed by the said Sykes to Holmes and not conveyed by Holmes to Bet tie Knowles as will appear by deed from Sykesto Holmes and from Hol mes to Knowles of record in Washing ton County. The bidder at such sale will be re quired to deposit as much as 10 per cent of the amount bid as a guaranty pending confirmation and the right is reserved to reject any and all bids. This November 28th, 1930. MRS. M. E. SMITHSON, Admx. D-26 ore Powerful than any gasoline p«| “ESSO, beyond a doubt, is the Motor Fuel for fire equipment, ready at the sound of the gong to re spond to the speed which is necessary to keep our low percentage of fire loss at a very proud mark, regardless of weather conditions. “For power, ESSO speaks for itself On a recent test ESSO pumped more gallons of water per minute than any other fuel tested, and / do not hesitate to say that the fouling of spark plugs in our equipment is a thing of the past since the Giant Power Fuel has been in use. Fire Chief J. R. Sorsby, of the Rocky Mounts N. C., Fire Dept. “As a motor fuel for future service, I hereby pre• sent my endorsement for ESSO, exclusively, one hundred per cent.”— Fire Chief J. R. Sorsby, of the Rocky Mount, N. C., Fire Department. • • • Equipment and Personnel, Rocky Mount, North Carolina, Fire Department. T/ i s i ti monia/ was jrtcly ;; cn. It was not ■paid j' r in any way. “More powerful than any gasoline and costs no more by the mile." COMPANY O F N E W JERSEY STAN I) A R D O

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