..miuiim.. iMiiiiii»rniinitiiniiniiiniiininiHMiitinniiinintiiinmniittiiii)niinniiniiuiinniiiiiiMiiiiii ..iiiiiiiiiiiiiniitiimiiimui^ Personals Club Meetings Entertainments Weddings Engagements Society & Personals MRS. MARION RAMSEY, Editor PHONE Anything for This Department Ta 251-1 -Turn.. Mrs. James Ausbon. who has been visiting her parents at C layton, has re turned home and i> row at her accus tomed place in the clerk of the court’s office. Mist I aye Earnhardt, of Lexington, was the guest of Mi>s Virginia Ga boon last week. M 'ses Virginia Gaboon and Leslie Darden returned home last week fn m X. G C. W where they have been attending -chord the past session. Mr and Mrs. (). H. Lyon, Zeno Lyon and Lue Read spent Sunday in A y den. James Wood Xornian, of Richmond, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. Norman. Miss Elizabeth Norman, who has been attending Emory University. .At lanta. (da., specializing in a librarian course, returned on Friday, having graduated in tha tcourse. Mesdames E. G. Caton. H. R. Livers I. S Brown, and Marion Rarnsey. and i Mi.-ses Hazel and Miriam Ausbon mo- j tored to Rock> Mount Thursday. Mrs E. G. Arps and Mi>s Miriam ANNOUNCING! | New Ownership and j Management oi BONNIE'S Pressing Shop We shall continue to do our best to render service that satisfies in ■ every detail. Clothes called for and delivered. Cleaning, pressing, altering, and | mending and all at very reasonable prices. CLARENCE AINSLEY Owner PLYMOUTH. N. C. A us bon art* visiting in Hampton, Va.. [this week. Mrs F W. Chesson, of Washington, is visiting friends and relatives here this week. Frank C. Ausbon spent Thursday; with his mother, Mrs. W. F. Ausbon,: having just returned from a tour or northern states and southern Canada. During his trip Mr. Ausbon visited: friends in fifteen states and traveled i ■ver 8,000 miles by motor. Mesdames H. R. Fivers and W. A. Crockett reutrned to Hampton. Va. Thursday, after having spent a few days here as the guests of Mrs. \V. F. Ausbon. Miss Anna Livers, of New York' City, and Miss Georgia McKinny. of Langley Field. Va., were the week-' end guests of Mrs. W. F. Ausbon. Miss Jean Martin left Sunday to visit relatives in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. Reid spent the, week-end in Richmond. Mrs. C. L. Jackson, of Elizabeth City, i> visiting her daughter, Mrs. Raymond Leggett, on Washington Street. Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Whitehurst spent [ Sunday in Belhaven. Hugh and David Brown are in New York visiting relatives. It is expected that they will remain there for some time, since they have accepted a po sition with a theatrical concern. Marion (Baby) Martin, of Langley Field, Va,, spent Sunday with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Jones and chil- j dren spent Sunday in Cove City. Benny Stephenson, of Weldon, was a visitor here over the week-end. Mrs. B. C. Henson and children, of j Rhoda, Va., are the guests of Mr. and ; Mrs. W. R. White. Miss Mary Ellen Stephens, of Bly theville, Ark., is the guest of her sis- [ ter. Mrs. Eugene Still, on East Main I Street. SAVE MONEY ECONOMICAL VACATION AND BUSINESS TRIPS Via Norfolk Southern Railroad Summer Excursion Fares May 15-September 30 Sunday Excursion Fares May 30-September 7 Florida Excursions June 5, July 2. August 7, September 5 Niagara Falls Excursion Each Week June 12 to September 15 Jersey Coast Excursion Each Week June 24 to September 16 For Further Information Apply To Any Agent of the NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAIL ROAD COMPANY Miss Owens Hostess -® Nfi<s Mildred Owens was a most: gracious hostess on Tuesday evening when she delightfully entertained the members of the “Straight Eight" Bridge Club. The home was pretty with a profusion of summer flowers artistically arranged about the living room and reception hall, and here the tables were appointed for bridge. At the conclusion of the game, the hostess served delicious ice cream an cake with mints and salted nuts. Special guests to the club were the Misses Louise Brinkley and Mary El len Stephens, and Messrs. Lloyd! Owens and Buddy Stier. -$ Mrs. Spruill Entertains Mrs. M. \V. Spruill was a charming hostess on Tuesday evening when she delightfully entertained at bridge hon oring Mrs. B. C. Henson, of Rhoda, Ya. A variet\ of bright spring flow ers were artistically arranged about the living room, forming a pleasing background for the tables set for the game. After several progressions, the hos tess, assisted by h<|r mother, Mrs Harry Stel 1. served delightful frozen fruit cream with fruit cake and salted nuts. Those accepting Mrs. Spruill s hos pitality were Mesdatnes A. R. Duvall. II. S. Midgett. H. A. Blount. A. I and Herman Alexander. (). H. Lyon, and B. C. Henson. -» Walker-Harrison Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Harrison an nounce the marriage of their daugh ter. Miss Louise, to Henry Walker, of Roxboro, on Saturday. June 13th. at Duke Memorial Church. Durham. PINEY GROVE Mr. Dallas Chesson. of Raleigh, spent the week-end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Chesson. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Marriner. of near Roper, were the guests of Mrs. Marriner's parents. M. and Mrs. |‘. C. Spruill, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Sadie Stillman and Miss Ola i Chesson and Messrs. Archie Barber and Harold Patrick were in Plymouth Saturday night. Msises Verna Tarketon and Esther ■ Spruill were the guests of Miss Gladys Collins Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Collins were in Creswell Saturday evening. Mr. Mercer Stillman left Monday for Darby. Pa., after spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1 J. A. Stillman. j FINAL NOTICE All Past Due Taxes on All Real Estate Will Be Advertised For Sale J uly 1st In order to save the advertising costs and penalties on your property, see me before July 1 and pay you taxes. I do not want to adevrtise anybody’s property for sale, but I have no choice in the matter. The law must be complied with. ONLY 10 MORE DAYS IN WHICH TO PAY YOUR TAXES. Don’t let your property be advertised for sale. See me to day and pay your taxes. J. K. REID SHERIFF OF WASHINGTON COUNTY PLYMOUTH NORTH CAROLINA SKINNERSVILLE -^ Miss Nellie d'arkenton, of Charles* t««n. S. C., spent the week-end here as the gue-t of Mr and Mrs. Guilford Davenport. Mis*, farkcton left Wed nesday for Virginia, where she goes to v isit relatives and schoolmates with whom she attended school at Farm ville C ollege. Mi<s Margaret Everett spent tin past week with Miss Renetta Snell at R oper. Mrs. Henrietta Swain and Mr. Cor bett Swain spent Monday in Plymouth. Mr. and Mrs ( V. White. Misses Eva and Alice White and Miss Con nie Blount, of Roper, spent Sunda\ afternoon in Creswell. the guests of Rev. and Mrs I t Russell and fam ily. Mrs. John Halsey returned home Sunday from Norfolk. where she has been visiting her children. Mr and Mrs. Raymond Babbitt. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Halsey, and Mrs Ida Salter, and children. • Mr. Guilford Davenport and Miss Nellie Tarkenton spent Sunday in C > lunihia, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ike l )a ven port. Mrs, Walter White and daughter. Miss Margie, were the guests of Mr. j and Mrs. Duff Collins in the Pleas ant Grove section Sunday. Mi>s Jennie Swain and Miss Don nie Blount were the guests of Misses. Eva and Alice White Sunday. Rev. J. C. Russell held his regular appointment at Rehoboth M. P j :hurch Sunday morning and Sunday j night. A revival meeting will begin it this church «m the second Sunday j in July, with Rev. R. L. Hethcox. of, 1'riplett. \’a., assisting the pastor. Thei public is urged to keep this meeting in j mind and to he present for the open-j ing service. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Snell anil Miss Ruth Bray and Renetta Snell, of Rop er. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Everett Sunday afternoon. CRESWELL —j— Mrs. J. T.. Grandy. nf Norfolk, Va.. Ya„ Dr. H. D. Walker, of Elizabeth City, and Mrs. K. H. Bachman, of Edenton. are at tlu bedside of their father, Mr. A. <i. Walker, who is criti cally ill at his home here. Mr. am! Mrs !.. M. Phelps and daughter, Virginia, of Raleigh, are vis iting their father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. J. 1.. Phelps, and also at the bedside of their grandfather. Mr. A G. Walker. Mr. John M. Phelps is at home for i few days from Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa., where he has been studying medicine for the past year. He will leave in a few days for Atlantic City, N. J., to take up in terne work in the Atlantic City hos pital during the summer months. Mrs. Herbert Bateman, Misses Ma tilda Alexander, and Essie Jordan left this week for Chapel Hill, where they will attend summer school. Miss Lucy Swain is attending sum mer school in Greenville. Mrs. William Willey is very ill at her home here. Mr. Douglas Starr is home from State College, Raleigh, to spend the summer with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Starr. Mr. Walter Hines, of Edenton, was in town on business Monday. Mrs. W. O. Phelps and son have returned home after spending a few •- | Getting Up Nights If Getting1 Up Nights, Backache, frequent day calls, Leg: Pains, Nerv ousness, or Burning1, due to function al Bladder Irritation, in acid condi tions. makes you feel tired, depressed and discouraged, try the Cystex Test. Works fast, starts circulating thru the system in 15 minutes. Praised by thousands for rapid and positive ac tion. Don’t give up. Try Cystex (pro nounced Siss-tex) today, under the Iron-Clad Guarantee. Must quickly allay these conditions, improve rest ful sleep and energy, or money back. Only 60c at ' • O. Henry Drug Store _ _ n-s.-ss-.ft-nn' INEXT time you are out of fix as the result of ir regular or faulty bowel movement, try Thedford’s Black-Draught for the re freshing relief it gives thousands of people who take it. Mr. E. W. Cecil, a construction super intendent in Pulaski, Va., says: —— "When I get con stipated, my head aches, and I have that dull, tired feeling—just not equal to my work, I don’t feel hungry and I know that I need something to cleanse my system, so I take Black-Draught We have found it a great help.” Sold in 25-cent packages. Thed fords BLACK" DRAUGHT WOMEN who are run-down, or Buf fer every month, should take Car flul. l-sed for over 50 years. e I77-* ROPER , Airs. Joe \\ indley, of Hagerstown, Mcl., is visiting Mrs. L. R. Windley I at this time. Misses Marjorie Bray, Mildred l.ewis, and Knda Knowles, of Balt I - more. Md.. are also visiting lure this week. After a tour of western North Car olina, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. O’Brien have returned to their home here. Mr. William Bateman, of Raleigh, is spending a few days here. Gerold Gaylord is visiting his sister. Mrs. Lloyd Lucas, in Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Mauldin, of Nor folk, were the week-end guests of Mr and Mrs. Henry W illiams. Mr. Webb Davenport, of Creswcll. i was in town Saturday. Mr. Charlie Spruill, of Washington,' in spending a few days here. Mrs. Charlie Chesson and children have returned home alter spending a week in Washington. Mr. Jerry Davenport, of Columbia, was a business visitor here Saturday. -$ In 1930 North Carolina ranked sev-' enth in the farm value of the 22 prin cipal crops and sixth in the farm value of the 75 principal crops. I SCUPPERNONG Messrs. H. YV. Norman, M. F. Dav enport, and John YV. Spruill were in Plymouth Monday on business. Mr. Charles Pritchett has returned home from Norfolk, Va.. where h* spent a few days last week. S B. Norman is quite ill at his home here with measles. ' Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Davenport were the guests of Mrs. Hugh Patrick Sun day afternoon. Mrs. J. D. Hutton has returned home after visiting friends and relatives in Norfolk. Va.. during the past week. Messrs. H. YV. Liverman and E. Pritchett attended the church service^ at Mount Tabor Sunday night. Messrs. A. YV. Alexander and Pat Boyd, of Pinetown, were visitors in the community Sunday afternoon. WESTOVER Mrs. Willie Singleton and son, Tree man, of Rocky Mount, and the for mer's mother, Mi's. George 'freeman.: of near Washington, were the guests | >f Mrs. Tfeeman’s sister. Mrs. G. A. Holland. Sunday. Mrs. Bernard Bateman and children iof Newport News, Va., are spending i jtew days with Mrs. Bateman’s moth er, Mrs. Sarah Sitterson. j Mr. Harry Reese, of Newport New - I Va.. and his mother, Mrs. Rosie Re.- * ■of near Plymouth, visited their cousin, iMrs. (i. A. Holland, Sunday. Miss Elizabeth \ ail i> visiting rela tivev and friends in Norfolk, Va., this weke. Marjorie Bray, Mildred Lewis, Ki na Knowles, all of Roper, were the guests of Mrs. B. F. Skiles Sunday. Mr. Klmer Davenport, of Roanoke Rapids, is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I.. R. Dav enport. REDUCED WEED-END FARES Via Norfolk Southern To Southeastern Points Tickets sold Fridays, Satur days and Sundays, A. M , Ti October 25, 1931. Fianl limit midnight Tuesday following sale Consult Ticket Agents WILLIFORD’S and YELLOW FRONT MARKET When Cheaper Groceries Are Sold, We Will Sell Them FLOUR! FLOUR! Bound To Rise 12 lbs. 33c; 24 lbs. 65c; 48 lbs. $1.29; 98 lbs. $2.40 South Down 12 lbs. 35c; 24 lbs. 69c; 48 lbs. $1.37; 98 lbs. $2.65 Queen’s Taste 12 lbs. 37c; 24 lbs. 72c; 48 lbs. $1.43; 98 lbs. $2.75 Pillsbury 13 lbs. 49c 24 lbs. 95c Ballard’s 13 lbs. 55c 24 lbs. $1.09 | BEST BUTTER Pound, 29c | Compound Lard 10c — Pure 11c M:1U Eagle 17U _ EVAPORATED MILK IQ Milk Brand THREE FOR 1“C Large Pineapple, no. 3 can, 19c Soap and Powder, 3 For, 10c Bread 5c LAYER CAKE Any flavor, lb. SUPER-SUDS Three for PURE COFFEE Pound In Our Market FRANKS, I71 Pound 11 2t STEW BEEF Pound ROUND STEAK Pound HAMBERGER Pound CHUCK ROAST, Pound SAUSAGE, LINK Pound PORK CHOPS, Pound 15c 25c 20c 20c 20c 20c Best Foods, Bread, and Butter SUGAR 10 Pound Bag 16 OUNCE PICKLES Two for CHEESE — BEST Pound Large Golden, Fresh Ripened BANANAS Four Pounds FANCY ICEBERG LETTUCE Fancy No. 1 NEW POTATOES, 10 lbs. 19c Fresh Picked, Red Ripe Q1 TOMATOES, lb: 8aC 8k 25c MEAL HOME GROUND Peck MUNTS Peck 25c 29c TEA — 1-4 Pound Package 19c RICE—WHOLE GRAIN Pound . 5c CERTO, Bottle 29c NUCOA Pound 17c Black Flag INSECTICIDE Pint can 47c 10c TOILET TISSUE 4 for 25c MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 31c 17c PER DOZEN FOR EGGS ALLOWED IN TRADE

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