| THE ROANOKE BEACON And Washington County News Published Every Friday in Plymouth, Washington County, North Carolina WALTER H. PARAMORE Managing Editor - The Roanoke Beacon was established in 1889 and consolidated with the Washington County News in 1929. Subscription Rates In Washington, Martin, and Tyrrell Counties One year $1.50 sil months . 75 Outside of Above Counties One year $2.00 Six months . 1-00 (Strictly Cash in Advance) Advertising Rates Furnished Upon Request Entered as second-class matter at the post office in Plymouth, N. C„ under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Tuesday. May 17. 1932 Carl L. Bailey For State Senator Washington County citizens find delight in pre senting one of her sons for a seat in the next legisla ture as a Senator representing the second district in the personal of Carl L. Bailey, who has for years been active in the county’s affairs, serving as repre sentative for one term, as judge of the recorder's court for several terms, and who is now county attorney. In all these positions he has served his people with such diligence that they are willing to trust him to serve them in a greater capacity. The best testimony any man can offer always comes from those who know him best. The Washington County people know Carl Bailey. They trust him. They recommend him to their fellow citizens through out the seven counties of the district. The problems of the next General Assembly will be largely those centering around the problems of taxation, and representatives who are familiar with the needs of the section, and who are willing and able to fight for our needs are essential if we are to obtain what we hope from the next session of the General Assembly in that respect. The people of the county know that Carl Bailey has, in his position as county attorney, necessarily learned the details of the structure of our tax rate, and is bound to know what is necessary to reduce it. Rural people, knowing that Mr. Bailey has farming interests, as well as his law practice, know that they will be safe in sending him to represent them in the Senate of North Carolina. There is another consideration which the people of the county feel deserves attention. That is that Washington County has not been accorded represen tation in the State Senate since 1919, when the late W. S. Davenport last was a member. For these rea sons Washington County people urge the voters of the Second District to cast their ballots on June 4 for their own native son as one of the nominees. Give Us Half of What Is Promised If the office seekers do half what they are promis ing, we are going to have the best government the world has ever known. Some of them are even going so far that they are going to give the wets liquor while keeping the country dry for the prohibitionists. Some of them are going to take all the taxes off and pay the grocery bills of everybody with less than $12,000. Now, voters, remember that one of the weakest things about pre-election promises is that they are not, or at least they have not been heretofore, bind ing contracts. So you had better have the candidates give you their promises in writing, and signed by two or more witnesses. You will need this testimony all along through the coming years because the lines are going to be pulled tighter than ever in both our state and national legislative bodies. They are going to be besieged by regiments of lobbyists to swing them from the promises they are now making to the people to special service of the fellows they are now de nouncing. Keep the record list. They forget. Confidence Already Lost Secretary Mills, the big bankers’ fiscal agent, says people will lose confidence if the currency is inflated. The honorable secretary seems to have overlooked the fact that the people have already lost confidence, and not only that, but they have lost their property— all because Mr. Mills and his New York banker friends have deflaed the money of the country. Mr. Mills and his gang, consisting of a very few folks in number, want their dollars each to be worth many days of labor and many bushels of wheat and corn. When they can do that, they know they have power and they have confidence—kingly confi dence—in their cash. On the other hand, men and women and children are starving because their labor and their products are worth so little. Mr. Mills should know that the people have lost confidence in the folks who are handling the money system. What we need is a Congress, a President, and a Cabinet that is bigger than the Xew York bank ing system. Hoover and the Tariff Greenville Reflector. President Hoover has reiterated his faith in Repub lican high tariff principles in spite of the fact that the world faces ruination because of the tariff walls erected by the various countries. The last two years have proved beyond doubt that high tariffs are detrimental to every branch of indus try and instead of improving business conditions, as Republicans claim, literally drives it away. Other nations have retaliated as a result of the American tariff wall, and our own products are glutting our markets because of the lack of foreign demand. Trade between the various nations is absolutely necessary to the welfare of the world at large, and if the time comes when Democrats get a chance at cutting down the tariff barrier it may well be assumed that conditions will soon show signs of improvement. (This Advertisement Paid For By Friends of Carl L. Bailey) To The Democratic Voters Of Washington County We, the undersigned citizens and voters of Washington County wish to heartily endorse the candidacy of Carl L. Bailey, of Washington County, for the office of Senator of the Second Senatorial District. We know him to be eminently qualified to hold this office and to represent our irrteres'fs.'- Wfc 0 know the problems of the next General Assembly will be largely those ceh tering around the problems of taxation, and that representatives who know our problems and are willing and able to fight for our needs are essential if we are to obtain what we hope from th e next General Assembly in that re spect. We know that he has, in his position as County Attorney, necessar ily learned the details of the structure of our tax rate, and is bound to know what is necessary to reduce it. We know he is one of us, and that we will be safe in sending him to the Senate of North Carolina. The Second Senatorial District is composed of sevqa yooun^ps, ^frptpr which two Senators are nominated and elected. This county has not been accorded representation in that body since 1919, when thel&te W. S. Daven port last was a member. For those reasons pefsonaTtb us ahd otfr jpfpsent candidate, and from our county’s stan dpoint as having been deprived of rep resentation, we wish to urge the voters of Washington County to cast their ballots on June 4th for their own nati ve son as one of the nominees. C. E. Mizell Geo. W. Hardison W. E. Waters Mrs. George Hardison W. B. Chesson D. V. Clayton Lloyd E. Gilbert M. W. Spruill E. H. Hicks C. R. Wilson Mrs. Frances R. Jones Elsie W .Hardison L. V. Landing E. F. Still R. L. Whitehurst P. M. Arps H. E. Beam J. M. Horton J. C. Spruill Annie W. (Spruill J. H. Leggett G. R. Leggett W. L. Whitley G. W. Waters \ W. R. White Eva Brown J. R. Campbell J. E. ISwain T. A. Stubbs Z. V. Norman B. G. Campbell D. O. Hurley H. H. Allen Frank C. Spruill S. D. Davis C. L. Gurkin W. R. Hampton M. Hornthal W. F. Winslow Joe T. Tetterton O. E. (Gardner W. H. Gaylord S. F. Garrett Mrs. S. F. Garrett L. W. Gurkin P. H. Darden W. W. Ange Harry Chopick E. C. Hassell Geo. W. Harrison L. C. Hassell G. H. Harrison M. L. Bowen W. F. Erwin John W. Darden W. C. Jones J. S. Norman ' R. E. Dunning H. A. Blount E. G. Arps W. E. Weed* ; Roscoe Gaylord E. D. Carstarphen W. T. Nurney R. L. Bateman J. K. Reid, Sheriff F. E. Reid, D. S. T. L. Bray, M. D. Luther Brown L. P. Hornthal, Jr. L. O. Horton Jas. W. Norman Roji Wi Swain George Seston , W. T. Stmrhari G. S. Thompson Abe Adler Zeno Lyon H- C. Spruill Walter H. Paramore R. G. Hardison James Ira Hardison P. iW. Brown, Chief Police C. V. W. Ausbon, C. S. C. Harry Stell J. T. McNair ; Van B, Martin Theo. Kenyon J. C. Swain W. G. Blount L. E. Hassell B. G. O’Brien E. ,M. Chesson B. M. Snell G. V, Lewis E. N. Riddle A. R. Phelps F. D. Wilson. Ralph Harrell J. £ Phelps •\ Joe Nowarah J. W, Chesson Roy C. Chesson R. H. Chesson W. A. Blount E. R. Lewis, Co. Com. J. O. Highsmith L. L, Allen I J. W. Marrow W. W. Hardison SCUPPERNONG I if. B. Davenport, of Norfolk, was j the week-end guest of his parents, Mr. ! and Mrs. M. F. Davenport, i Alvah Alexander, of Pinetown, was | the guest of Miss Lucy Pritchett Sun j day afternoon. Mrs. Lee Clifton, of Norfolk. Ya., | and Miss Fanny Gray, of iEdento27, 28, 29 Round -Tripe Part From : PLYMOUTH, N. C., $1.751 Intermediate Points Proportional RETURN: Any Train leaving destina tions before Midnight, Monday, May 30th. t - Consult Any A. C. L. Ticket Agent or J. B. RftWONDSON Phone ATLANTIC COAST LINE a b 5as Washington County, North Carolina, in an action therein pending entitled “J. T. Cooper vs. Corinthia Corprew and others," said judgment having been rendered on Monday, May 23, 1932, the undersigned, as commission er of the court, pursuant to such judg ment, will offer for sale, to the high est bidder, for cash, at 12 o'clock noon, on Friday, the 24th day of June, 1932, at the courthouse door of said county, the property referred to in said judg ment as follows: That prperty conveyed to Norman Corprew by the following deeds, of record in the office of the register of deeds of Washington County, North Carolina, and to which reference is made: (a) Deed from John L. Roper Lumber Company, dated April 1st, 1908. recorded in book 56, page 251: (b) deed from W. T. Spruill, dated May 12th, 1919, recorded in book —, page —: (c) deed from J. J, Williams and wife, dated August 5th, 1913, re corded in book 61, page 311: (d) deed from Jennie A. Simmons, dated Febru ary 8th. 1917, recorded in book 68, page 310. The bidder at such sale will be re quired to deposit as much as 25 per cent of the amount hid as a guaranty of good faith pending confirmation by the court. This the 23rd day of May, 1932. rm-27 4t W. L WHITLEY, Commissioner of the Court. NOTICE OF RESALE OF VALU ABLE REAL ESTATE North Carolina, Washington County. Under and by virtue of the authority of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by M. D. Hare to 1’. W. Brinkley, trustee, dated 21st day of January, 1931, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Washington County, in book 74, page 540, to which reference is hereby made, default having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby se cured. and demand having been made upon the said trustee to foreclose said deed of trust according to the terms of the same: And said trustee having sold the said property on the 2nd day of May, 1932, and the bid having been raised as per mitted by law, and the clerk of the su perior court for Washington County, North Carolina, having ordered said trustee to readvertise and resell'said real estate, the undersigned trustee will, on Monday. May 30, at 12 o’clock noon, in front of the courthouse door in the town of Plymouth, Washing ton County, N. C., offer at public sale, and sell to the highest bidder, for cash, the property described in the said in strument as follows: Being located in Scuppernong Town ship, adjoining the lands of C. E. Cam pen, M. M. Hare and others, and bounded on the north by C. E. Cam lien: on the east by Isaac Furlough; on the south by Scuppernong River; 1 and on the west by M. H. Hare. Ex cepting from the operation of this con veyance any and all rights of the said . M. D. Hare in and to the schoolhouse lot embraced within the above de scribed land. The bidder at such sale will be re quired to deposit as much as 10 per j cent of the amount of the bid as a guaranty of good faith, pending con- i firmation by the court. This the 11th dav of Mav, 1932. P. W. BRINKLEY, my27 It Trustee. H. 1). Davenport, owner of the debt. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY rsortii Carolina, Washington County. Under and by virtue of that certain deed of trust, executed by Joe Hath away and his wife, Geraldine Hatha way, to the undersigned trustee, dated July 15. 1931, and recorded in book 107, page 104, of the public registry of Washington, UtHUity,■ and at the re quest of the holder of the bonds.of in debtedness thereby secured, default having been made in the payment thereof, the undersigned, Sam S. Woodley* trustee,, will, on Monday,■ June A .1952, at 10 o'clock a. up, a.t; fhe courthouse door in Washington County, offer for safe at p'ublfc auction 1b the highest bidder, for cash, those lands and pj-gmist^s ^l^sqyibed in . the,, aforesaid defd pf Jrust, as. fallows, "to wit: noaniUYt t ■ -• bv \ J That certain tract on- parcel of land lying.and being in the County of Wash inftoiv State-of North Carolina, ivhichi was go,uvyye*l to the said Joe Hatha;,, wgy. by deed dated January 6, 1909, exyciiWd bv A. B. StiMrfiari and Ale tlVi'a B. Stillman, to Joe Hathaway, 1 tvMich, .deed is of public record :in,!the mince of the Register pi Deeds, for. said Washington County in book 53, page 58, which lands are described in the said deed as follows: Beginning at TuHvty Cock Arch and running north alongl tjie line of L. M. Phelps heirs (and to the Bay Pocosin and Indian Swamp, tb a SrVe'et gum and pine, then castwardly across the branch and a - long the Pocosin and Srwamp to Wil iam Bateman's heirs’. corner, former ly Jesse Norman's corner, a .gum, then nestwardly 'along'said Bateman’s heirs line to walnut tree, then southwardly dong Bateman’s heirs’ line to the pub lic road, then westward> -along tba public road to the firyj statiaru cott Uunin^hMr^lUMdre(h^cresCtd6r<^or A TRADE IN « jtotiroAf u tires i for new ii 1932 11 Goodyear All- ".'i " snr/ii j . I , J-i.D :. ' ■ to IW-ii Bigger Savings in Setsl 1 Lifetime Guaranteed GOODYEAR , rlii a SPEEDWAY 10O Sune^wist Cord Tires NEW LOW PRICES! ?.ViV ■. ToU Oversize CASH PRICED Pripe of Each , feachin Fiirs Tube 24x4.40-21 rT„ 295x4:50-20 __ 30x4.50-21 — 28x4.75-19 5- 20. 29x4.75 29x5.00-19 30*5.00-20.. .... 28x5.25-18.... v 41x5'. 25-21-*;. 30*3}3 Reg. Cl 93.95 4-50 4.37 5.12 5.20 5.39 93.03 4.17 4.23 4.97 5. i7*'i 6.15 6.63 3.57 i;55v - 29 5.56. 5.97 6.43 3.46 $ w91 .91 .91 .94 .91 m M.26-1 1.02 1-10 .86 i/d • Fxpertly Mounted Free CENTRAL GARAGE Phone 2776 |< " .■ ■' ! < ■ ■ ■ IjiW it I ,leio(J.»liii ■-’/ j -n waI ii,') >1 ,1 !,ai. ,ibrii;H j Adams St. less. "**■ The said lands will be offered for sale subject to all liens thereon of public record which are prior to the aforesaid deed of trust, and especially subject to that certain deed of trust executed to the Southern Trust Com pany. as trustee, and the purchaser of said lands will be expected to meet the . payments due under the deed of trust to the Southern Trust Company in order to relieve the said lands from the lien created by the deed of trust to the said Southern Trust Company. A deposit of 10 per cent will be re quired of the successful bidder as evi dence of good faith. This the 3rd dav of Mav, 1932, SAM S. WOODLEY, myl3 4tw Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE ~ Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that certain deed of trust, dated the 20th day of January. 1920, executed by L. W. Gur kin to Z. V'. Norman, trustee, and re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Washington County in book 79, page 477, to which reference is hereby made, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, the undersigned trustee will, at 12 o'clock noon, on Friday, the 3rd day of June, 1932, at the courthouse door in Washington County, offer for sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, that certain property described in said instrument as fol- ] lows: Beginning on the south side of Wa ter Street at an iron marker at Joe Shugar's northwest corner, running thence southwardly along said Shu gar's line 200 feet to Mrs. L. M. Hamp ton’s line; thence westwardly along said Hampton's line 150 feet; thence northwardly along said Hampton’s line and along the line of the Pettiford heirs 200 feet to Water Street; thence eastwardly 150 feet along said Water Street to the beginning, said lot being the upper parts of lots Nos. 159, 160, and 161 of the plat of the town of Plymouth. The bidder at such sale will be re quired to deposit as much as 10 per cent of the amount bid in cash, pend ing confirmation and the right is re served to reject any and all bids. This the 2nd day of May, 1932. Z. V. NORMAN, mao 4t Trustee. By W. L. Whitley, Attorney. NOTICE North Carolina, Washington County. Under and by virtue of a power of sale embraced in a deed of trust exe cuted by J. A. Getsinger and wife to H. D. Bateman, trustee, on the 20th day of June. 1928, and recorded in the office of Register of Heeds of Wash ington County in book 110, page 45, and by virtue of another power of sale embraced in a mortgage or crop lien executed by J. A. Getsinger to Branch Banking and Trust Company, mort gagee, on the 6th day of February, 1931, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Washington County in book 109, page 293, and de fault having been made in the pay ment of the notes thereby secured, the said undersigned trustee and mort gagee will expose at public sale to the highest bider, for cash, at the mill of said J. A. Getsinger (now deceased) on the south side of the town of Ply mouth, at 11 o’clock a. m., on the 13th day of June, 1932, the following described personal property: Those certain articles of personal property, situated on that tract or lot of land situate in Plymouth Township, Wash'%rtpn County, N. C\, near the town of Plymouth, and on the south side of the A. C. L. Railroad, adjoin ing the lands of the Bain Peanut Co., on the east, and the Plymouth Brick Company on the west, fronting about 200 feet on the A. C. L. Railroad, and extending southward about 500 feet, more or less, said personal Drooertv consisting of 1 saw mill; 1 edger (Tower make); 1 trimmer (American make); 1 cut-off saw; 3 steam engines; 1 boiler (Erie City make); 1 20-inch planer and matcher, double service (Fay and Eagle make); 1 molding ma chine (American make); 1 re-saw (American make); 1 rip-saw machine (American make); together with all fittings, belts, piping, tools and equip ment used in operating the aforesaid machinery, together with the lease owned by the said J, A. Getsinger cov ering the aforesaid land upon which is kept the aforesaid machinery, and upon which said machinery is now op erated by J. A. Getsinger, as a saw mill, planing mill, redrying plant, and for the general manufacture of lumber. Each and every article of personal property consisting of machinery, belts, lumber, etc,, now on hand or hereafter purchased during the life of this instrument and owned by said Get singer in connection with the opera tion of his saw and planing mill, sit uate near the corporate limits of the town of Plymouth, Washington Coun ty, and all equipment used in connec tion with the operation of said mill, now owned or which may be hereafter purchased until this instrument is fully paid and discharged. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids offered at the above sale. This the 12th day of May, 1932. H. D. BATEMAN, my20 4t Trustee. Branch Banking and Trust Company Mortgagee. By Zeb Vance Norman, attorney. (Political Advertising) To the Thinking Democrats of Washington County Wfr take this means of calling to your attention the follow ing facts concerning Mrs. Van B. Martin, Sr., Democratic can didate for nomination of Register of Deeds of Washington County. That for the past 20 years, as the wife of Washington Coun ty’s Democratic leader and best friend, the late Van B. Martin, Sr., she has worked untiringly for the benefit of the Democratic party. That Mrs, Martin is remaining at her home trying to conduct a dignified and fair campaign. She is not asking the Democratic party to support her because of the fact that she is in heed of the position; even though this may be true. She is, however, asking for your- support because she feds that with her age and experience, she is more capable of per forming the duties of the office of Register-of Deeds and that she should be given consideration for the work that she has done for the Democratic party. In view of the above facts, we earnestly solicit your support and vote for Mrs. Martin and urge that you true DEMOCRATS —THINK^-before casting your vote in, the primary June 4th. Friends »u \\\ ■jfii j ill ' ■ tm'l .Vi ALL any weevitasks ia kchance—one chance. ■Xm Gnoehegefcs busy with a square, the boll is gone. Reports indicate enough, weevils this year to ruin the crop, if they get a chance. Whether they get it or not*, depends pretty much on you. Weevils can’t hurt a crop much, once the bolls are set. Because of the heavy infestation this year, set your crop as early as you can. Nothing takes the place of a Chilean Nitrate side-dressing for making an early crop. There is no way a little money could be better invested now than for 100 pounds (200 pounds would be better) of Chilean Nitrate to side-dress each acre of your cotton. Don’t fail- to specify Chilean Nitrate when you see your dealer. That is just as important as side-dressing itself. Get fcttVhTNrwSWfcjwtt'ba plenty, busy «3pa*^. 1 'tlituoO nt tvjv'tO Jd n! TWO KINDS Both are natural .■K| | Tl. * ‘ , j-suiid *7/ ,51 1 7 -IK 11 •* 3lll ii- . ilOOISiCAOSl i 11 t-j-|. AND .1 20V LS- BAGS CHILEAN ,-NITKATS EDUCATIONAL Raleigh, BUREAU, INC. North Caroline