Personal* Club Meeting* Entertainment* Weddings Engagement* riiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiuiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiii miiiiiiiiiiiii iimm mm Society & Personals MRS. MARION RAMSEY, Editor iiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiimimiiiiiimimiiimiiHmiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiimiiiiii PHONE Anything for This Department Ta 46 iiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiui iMlINIIIIIIIIIIIilllillllUlllli James Wood Norman, of Richmond spent the week-end here with his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bishop announce the birth of a baby girl on Sunday, June 25th. Mrs. Bishop was Miss Lillian Ausbon before her marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ruark, of Ra leigh, spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hardison. Miss Della Bowen was called to Shiloh this week on account of the illness of her sister. Misses Eva and Mildred and Mil dred Spruill are visiting their anr.t, Mrs. S. D. Jone.-, in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arps, of Nor folk, spent a few days of last week here as the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Arps. Mrs. A. R. Dupree and Miss Peggy Brown spent last week in Norfolk as the guest of Mrs. C. L. Murphy, DR. VIRGIL H. MEWBORN Optometrist Next Visits: Bethel, N. C., at Blount Hotel, Mon day, July 17, 1933. Robcrsonville, N. C., at Fulmer’s Drug Store, Tuesday, July 18, 1933. Williamston, N. C., at Peele’s Jew elry Store, Wednesday, July 19, 1933. Plymouth, N. C., at O’Henry Drug Store, Thursday, July 20, 1933. Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted - At Tarboro Every Friday and Saturday Victor Everett, of Washington City -pent a few clay- at home last week Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bateman anc children, of Rocky Mount, am Messrs. Merle and Irving and Bow en are guests of their parents, Mr 1 and Mrs. G. W. Bowen, on Jeffersor Heights. Mis- Virginia Cahoon is spending | her summer vacation at home after attending X. C. C. VV. for the past ! term. B. F. Reid, of Virginia Beach, was here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Je- Bowers, of New York City, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Owens on East Main Street. Mrs. Clifton Stok s and son re turned Thursday evening after spend ing a few days in Washington as the guests of their mo:her, Mrs. Hugh Paul. Mrs. Miitie Joyner and son are vis iting friends ami relative- in Durham this week. Friends of George W. Waters are glad to learn that he V slowly recov ering from a recent Pines:, and hope to see him about town soon. LOST: ONE PAIR OF GOLD RIM spectacles, lost between Hampton Farm and White City. $1.00 reward. Return to the Roanoke Beacon. It ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF Tomato Market We will buy and pay top prices in cash to the independent growers. Will be located at the old Plymouth Garage and Motor Company. See us before you sell your tomatoes. Arps and Bowen Don ’t Do It ! !! Don’t buy inferior ice cream products when experienced manufacturers offer you the best. Maola’s rputation is staked on quality and clean liness. You’ll Taste The Difference! Maola Ice Cream Company WASHINGTON NEW BERN Phone 1 Phone 84 REFRIGERATORS $84 and Up u Unquestionably, you will want to see the Majestic FIRST! Get*// that Majestic offers. See the new models. Easy Terms Isolator Wall Construction "Stay-Kold" Defroster Elasto Finish "Stay-Brite" Shelves J. 0. Highsmith ROPER and PLYMOUTH I Walden-Ausbon I -V Coming as a complete surprise to their many fi'iend- throughout the States of Virginia and North Carolina was the announcement of the marri age of Miss Miriam Ausbon, of Ply mouth, to Cecil Walden, of Lexing ton, Ky. I I In a ceremony marked by simplicity and beauty, this couple was united in Holy Matrimony at the home of the groom's grandmother, Mrs. Mary Cor nette, in Catlettsburg, Ky., at high noon on June 8. An improvised al tar of pastel hydrangias and ferns was the only decorations used. Rev. A. O. Price, of the Presbyterian church, performed the ceremony. Following the wedding, Mr. and Mrs. Walden left by motor for Lex ington, where they spent a few days before returning to Williamsburg, Ya., where Mr. Walden is located at present. The bride is the charming and ac complished daughter of Mrs. W. F. I Ausbon, of Plymouth. She was grad uated from Plymouth High School and ‘resumed her studies at E. C. T. C., | Greenville, where she was graduated | in the class of 1929. Since her grad uation she has been engaged as a j member of the Pitt County faculty. The bridegroom is the son of the late Charles Walden and Mrs. Flora Walden, of Lexington. He was grad uated from Lexington High School and followed a musical cateer He i.j now employed with the American In stitute of Music in Washington City. Mr. and Mrs. Walden expect to es-1 tablish a residence in Lexington after July 1st. Swain Club Meeting The Swains Demonstration Club held its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday afternoon at the home of! Mrs. E. L. Davis. There were 17 members present. Miss Patterson gave an interesting talk on “The present outlook for the farmer and farm women.”’ A mem orial service as follows was conducted by Mrs. Mattie R. Swain in remem-1 brance of one our faithful members,! Mrs. Maude Skyles Jackson: Song: “1 Gave My Life tor Thee.” Scripture reading: II Timothy, I Thess. 13-18. Eugenia Patterson. j poem, Mrs. Mattie Be the Tie That Prayer: Miss Eulogy and Swain. Song: "Blest Binds." The hostess, assisted by Miss Oc tavia Davis, served lemonade and wafers. I lie meeting adjourned to meet in July with Mrs. Ella Vail. Ice Cream Lawn Party -- The members of the Ladies’ Aid So ciety of the Plymouth Christian church gave an ice cream lawn party Thurs day evening on the spacious lawn of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Darden. For the occasion a colored canopy of at tractive jack-o-lanterns were used to throw a soft glow on the many tables appointed for the guests. During the evening home-made ice cream of every variety with cake was sold to the many guests who attended. Outdoor games and contests were enjoyed on the side lawn, and a jolly good time was had by all. The net proceeds from the affair were gratifying to the ladies who spon sored the party. Beach Party -■*> The women’s Bible class of the lo cal Methodist Sunday school gave a beach party at Rae’s Beach on Wed nesday fftternoon, wjhich proved to be a most delightful affair. The crowd gathered at the court house and went from there by autos to the beach, where bathing, boating and general conversation was greatly enoyed. When all had had their swim a most delectable dinner was served in the beach dining room, where a banquet table was spread picnic style. Following the dinner, the party gath ered about the piano and, with Miss Donnie Clifton playing the accompani ment, sang popular songs of the day and old Southern airs. Snell-Ambrose Piney Grove.—Miss Eula Lee Am brose, daughter of Mr. and Mr.-. Her j bert Ambrose, and Edison Snell, of I Scuppernong, were married Saturlay afternoon at 4 o’clock in Columbia. The bride was attired in a white ensemble. Jlr. and Mrs. Snell will make their home in Tyrrell County ; with Mr. Snell's mother. piney"grove Misses Gladys Collins and Mae ; Patrick returned home Saturday after la few days' visit in Edenton. Miss Callie Patrick was the Sunday dinner guest of Mamie Simpson. Mr. Gilbert Overton, of Eliabeth City, was the Sunday guest of Miss Gladys Collins. Miss Melba Phelps, of Cherry, is spending some time with her aunt, Mrs. Raymond Patrick. SKINNERSVILLE Mr. and Mr-. Theron Johnston, of Smithfield, are spending some time with Mrs. Johnston's sister, Mrs. Tom White. Mr. Charles Spruill accompanied his son, Wendell Spruill, to Damascus, Va., the past week where his son is in the forestry work. Mrs. Jim Swain, of Norfolk, is here, the guest of his sister, Mrs. Henri- j etta Swain. Stewart Saunders, of Aulander, is here, the guest of relative-. Mrs. George Spearman and daugh ter, little Miss Katherine, have return s'! from a trip to Raleigh Sunday where they were the guests of Mrs. | Spearman’s sister, Mrs. Emmett ! Grandy. Mrs. Lela Styron, of Greens i boro, is here the guest of her mother, ■ Mrs. Henrietta Swain. Mrs. Mollie Wiley received a mes sage from her granddaughter, Miss Alma Lee, who was called to Norfolk from Richmond the past week on ac count of the illness of her father. Captain Rom Lee, who is at the Nav al Hospital. MILL POND —»— Miss Annie Garrett was the week-1 end guest of Miss Algie Ambrose, of I Creswell. Miss Annie Spruill and John Me-! Cloud were in Columbia Sunday night. | jack Edwards and family were Sun-i day guests of his sister. Mrs. Joe’ Phelps. Miss Mildred filount was the week-j end guest of Miss Lucy Chesson. | Monroe Chesson and W oodrow Pea cock were visitors in Creswell Satur day night. Julian and Algie Ambrose and Ida Bell Spruill, Lindsay Phelps were the Sunday guests of Monroe and Lucy Chesson. Virginia and Gladys Lamm are vis iting Daisy and Lydia Sexton. Miss Hazel White has returned home after spending some time with Lyndell Marriner, of Belhaven. NEW LAND NEWS Miss Louise Davis, of Virginia Beach, Va., is spending some time with her grandmother, Mrs. G. F. Woodley. Master Eugene Phelps is spending the summer with his grandmother, (Mrs. J. E. Hassell, of Plymouth. Thomas Furlow. of Roper, was the Sunday evening guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Morris. Leman Ainsley, Macon Davenport, Misses Elizabeth Furlow, Zylphann Oliver motored to Gibbs Beacli Sun day afternoon. FOR SALE: ONE ICE BOX IN good condition. 100 pounds capac ity. Side iccr. C. L. Groves, Ply mouth. je232t ROUND TRIP Reduced Bargain Fares Via Norfolk Southern R. R. ANNUAL MOUNTAIN AND SEASHORE EXCURSION August 19th Niagara Falls and Jersey Coast Ex cursions. One each week until Sep tember Special Week-End Fares to Norfolk, Virginia Beach, and Southern Points Sold Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, v Limit Tuesday Special Sunday Fares to Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Beaufort and More- ! head City “A Century of Progress Fair” j Chicago, 111. Greatly Reduced Fares. je2 Daily Until October 15th tf; Hake Up Your Liver Bile —Without Calomel And You 15 Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rari:/ to Go If you feel sour and sunk and the world looks punk, don’t swallow a lot of salts, mineral water, oil, laxative candy or chewing gum and expect them to make you suddenly sweet and buoyant and full of sunshine. "For they can’t do it. They only move the bowels and a mere move me.-t doesn’t get at the cause. The reason for your down-and-out feeling is your liver. It should pour out two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels daily If this bile Is not flowing freely, your foo4 doesn’t digest. It just decays in the bowels. Gas bloats up your stomach. You have a thick, bad taste and your breath is foul, skin often breaks out in blemishes. Your hea4 aches and you feel down and out. Your who*a system is poisoned. It takes those good old CARTER’S LI TTIJ3 LIVER PILLS to get these two pounds of bila flowing freely and make you feel “up and up.** They contain wonderful, harmless, gent.'a vegetable extracts, amazing when it comes to making the bile flow freely. But don’t ask for liver pills. Ask for Garter’* Little Liver Pills. Look for the name Carter’* Little Liver Pills on the red label. Resent a substitute. 26c at all stores. © 1931, C. M. Ca, Home and Schedule for next week: Wednesday, July 5, Roper. Thursday, July 6, Chapel Hill. Friday, July 7, Beech Grove. Saturday morning, July 8. curb mar Young Democrats Will Meet At Wrightsville Officials of the Washington C un ty unit of the Young Democratic Clubs of North Carolina have received a letter from D. Vaughn Allen, chair man of the New Hanover Count'. Young Democratic Club, which will be host at the meeting of young Dem ocrats at Wrightsville Beach, near Wilmington, on July 8, urging the local young partisans to attend the State meeting. The Seashore Hotel at the beach has been chosen as the place for the state gathering. Reasonable rate have been secured from the hotel man Cooperative selling of wool by far mere of Graham County gave them 9 to 15 cents more a pound than was being paid oh the open market. The pooler wool sold for 25 cents while outside buyers were offering from 10 to 16 cents a pound. By Miss Eugenia Patterson I Hgcment. A snappy, beneficial, and , enjoyable convention program is prom ised by the host club. This is ex jpected t' be one of the biggest con j vent ion- in 3 ears. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix of [the e-tate of Dr. J. W. Speight, late ! 'i Roper, Washington County, North 1 ~; t > notify all persons having claims against the estate of .-aid deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Roper, N. C., on or before the first day of June, 1934, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of '.fir recovery All persons indebted ; aid estate will please make im mediate settlement. This the 1st day of June, 1933. Mrs. MARY G. SPEIGHT, Ad:, r.i-tratrix t estate of Dr. J. -..t. _je9 6t r KUK SKVKmJB^Oil NOTICE TO INDEPENDENT I m iomato Growers L. L. MIZELLE AND N. S. HARRINGTON Are Local Representative of the Carolina Distrib uting Company, at Roper, and Will Buy Green Wrap Tomatoes in Plymouth at the Old National Handle Company Building on Water Street Cash Paid for Tomatoes Delivered at Shed HIGHEST MARKET PRICES GUARANTEED C A 8 0 L I N A DISTRIBUTORS NEW THEATRE - PLYMOUTH, N. C. ADMISSION 10c AND 25c Shows Each Night at 7:30 and 9 P. M. Matinees on Wednesdays and Saturdays Saturday July 1 GEORGE O'BRIEN in ZANE GREY'S “THE GOLDEN WEST” Comedy: “Torchy Rolls His Own” Matinee 3:30—10c to Everybody Nights: 10-15c Monday and Tuesday July 3 and 4 JANET GAYNOR. WILL ROGERS, LEW AYERS and Five Other Big Stars in “STATE FAIR" Year’s Best Picture Fox News and Comedy Adm. 10c-25c Wednesday July 5 “WAX MUSEUM” All Technicolor Mystery Sensation Matinee 3:30, 10c To All Nights: 10-lSc Thursday and Friday July 6 and 7 “DANGEROUSLY YOURS” All Star Cast Best Selected Shorts Adm. 10c and 25c A MWpU’S VACATION FROM YOUR KITCHEN NVouldnt you en jo> a month's vacation from your kitchen every yea; ? Cert ainly! And it is yours when you install a modern a^. >.ratic Electric Range! ’ Say good'byc forever to cooking cares! No- co rking can be automata . . so com pletely automatic that you can duplicate your best results every time . . c.ic! never go near the kitchen during cook ing period. "j The automatic features of modern Electric Ranges are bringing golden hours of free dom every day to hundreds of thousands of housewives everywhere ... is bringing them millions of hours of lei sure and rest and care-free time for recreation. Think what this means to you! No more afternoons cut short because you must hurry home to prepare the evening meal. No more bending over a hot stove while you test and bas'e ar.d worry about foods you are preparing. All you do is place the cold Foods in the oven any time during the day . . . make two easy settings . . . leave your kitchen with never a thought to the delicious meal that will be ready when you want it. It is so simple and easy! - As marvelous as it is, Free dom is but one of the many features of cooking Electrically. You owe it to yourself to learn all the advantages and we (or your dealer) will welcome the opportunity to supply these facts. Do it NOW because prices are low; down payment small; terms easy; and operat ing costs suprisingly low. VIRGINIA £kduc AND POWER COMPANY Q / L fit dta/tidut h dkzap

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