THE ROANOKE BEACON And Washington County News Published Every Friday in Plymouth, Washington County, North Carolina WALTER H. PARAMORE Managing Editor The Roanoke Beacon was established in 1889 and consolidated with the Washington County News in 1929. .75 Subscription Rates In Washington, Martin, and Tyrrell Counties J ... $1.50 One year six months Outside of Above Counties $2. One year Six months (Strictly Cash in Advance) Advertising Rates Furnished Upon Request Entered as second-class matter at the post office in Plymouth. N C„ under the act of Congress of March 8, 1879.____ Friday. August 31. 1934 Political Lines Being Smashed 8 8 Political lint'- are being smashed and their walls are being torn down on many fronts.__ Two former Democratic candidates for President have joined up with the main-line Republican poli cies. while in California the Democrats have nomi nated Upton Sinclair, an avowed enemy of the army of organized crushing wealth and who stands a hun dred per cent behind the Roosevelt principles, was nominated for governor by a large majority. In the same primary, the Democrats joined with the Repub licans in the nomination of Hiram Johnson to suc ceed himself as United States Senator. If this country is ever saved for honest government the South and West will have to do it, regardless of whether we call ourselves Southern Democrats or Western Republicans, or any other name that we may elect. Such Democrats as Carter Glass and his ilk will never give us a safe democracy. We Are Still Suspicious It may be that the Davis-Smith-Shouse-Raskob bloc wrongfully surmised in their assumption that Glass, Bailey. Byrd & Co. would be with them in their evi dent intention to embarrass the President in his ef forts to restore democracy, and that thev might count on them to help hold the country in the hands and under the domination of the gang that has almost utterly crushed democracy and the liberty of the coun- |' try with it. At least they. with the old money gang, all squeal, i and it is a strange thing that both sides think the same thing about the Senators who have opposed too many of the plans of the New Deal to be counted friends f it. They are really counted as friends of those fellows who would destroy the President and the things he has done for the rank and file of the folks. We are still suspicious. The Right Direction The courts seem to be working hand in hand and | marching in the right direction. This week we have seen the su;>erior court of a certain county send a snide lawyer to the penitentiary for from five to seven wars for conspiracy and from three to four years for bribery. The supreme court and bar association, after ex amining 109 applicants for law license, found 03 of them deficient in character of knowledge and refused to permit them to go out as plundering ignoramouses to stir up trouble and practice their fraud and graft on an ignorant and gulliable public. We already have too many people trying to live j out of law. when in fact, they lack the knowledge and the high appreciation of the real duty of the profes sion. Don't Be a Sucker l Greenville Rcjlectar. Everybody is pleased with the high tobacco prices, [ but. as in the past, even good prices bring with them a drawback to the community in the form of all kinds of fakirs with get-rich-quick schemes who flock to the tobacco belt looking for some easy money. The intel- j ligence of our people .we believe, is up to the average, . but it is a known fact that as a rule the American peo- ! pie are natural-born suckers when it comes to falling 1 for get-rich-quick schemes with the result that around j a billion dollars a year goes to pay for the proverbial gold bricks. I In view of this return of prosperity to our section, | no doubt there will m on be an influx of slick-tongued j salesmen and others with glowing tales of great profits out of small investments and. as in the past, all the , purchasers will get in return for their money is a | pretty stock certificate not worth the paper it is j I printed on. We do not urge our folks to hoard their j money or be miserly, we urge you to spend it for your I needs and comfort, and if you desire to invest any j surplus you may have we urge you to investigate care | fully any proposition before you put your money into I it. OF COURSE You were satisfied anywhere you sold your tobacco, but 3on’t you know that there is always one market BETTER THAN THE REST—and one house better than the rest? WHY DON’T YOU SELL YOUR NEXT LOAD AT Roanoke'Dixie Warehouse ^Villiam^lon, N. C. OUR ENTIRE SALES NEARLY ALL OF WHICH WERE FIRST PRIMINGS Averaged $3012 WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 29TH BELOW ARE A FEW OF OUR SALES WEDNESDAY: D. B. STALLINGS 32 164 48 244 34 49 38 $ 10.88 80.36 18.24 $109.48 Average $44.86 100 122 166 388 A. T. WHITLEY 34 $ 34.00 38 46.36 46 76 36 $156.72 Average $40.39 JOHN HOWARD 108 70 102 70 122 472 28 32 34 36 38 $ 30.24 22.40 34.68 25.20 46.36 $158.88 Average $33.66 M. E. GRIFFIN 156 238 76 470 35 38 45 $ 54.60 90.44 34.20 $179.21 Average $38.14 42 138 120 110 112 522 W. A. FLEMING 28 $ 11.76 33 45.54 36 43.20 40 43 44.00 48.16 $192.66 Average $36.91 WM. E. ROBERSON 100 140 132 68 64 504 24 35 37 45 48 $ 24.00 49.00 48.84 30.60 30.70 $183.16 Average $36.34 S. A. PERRY (First Primings) 20 76 62 96 26 90 162 632 15 25 22'/2 32 37 45 48 3.00 19.00 13.95 30.72 46.62 40.50 77.76 $231.55 Average $36.64 J. C. GURKIN (First Primings) 108 32 . $ 34.56 120 35 42.00 164 38 62.32 46 29 13.34 438 $152.22 Average $34.73 FIRST SALES—TUESDAY, SEPT 4TH—FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7TH SECOND SALES—MONDAY, SEPT. 3RD—THURSDAY, SEPT. 6TH THIRD SALE—WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 5TH Your Friends, Claude Griffin-Jimmie Taylor-Jule James SALES MANAGERS WILLIAMSTON, N. C. MRS. PEEL DIES IN BEAR GRASS Burial Last Wednesday In Lees Mills Township Washington County -9 Funeral services were held last Wednesday afternoon for Mrs. Georgianna Peel who succumbed 1'uesday at the home of her step-son, Lonnie Peel, in the Bear Grass sec tion of Martin County. Her death ivas caused by a kidney trouble that tad confined her to her bed for about seven weeks before death. Interment t"ok place in the family cemetery on the farm of Billy Mizelle in I.ees Mills Township. Washing ton County. Rev. Ben S. Cowin. Primitive Baptist minister, conducted the last rites. A crowd attended the funeral. Mrs. Peel. 77 years old, was pre ceded to the grave by her husband several years ago. She is survived by one sister. Mrs. J. R. Knowles, of Dardens; tw ■ brothers. Johnny Mi zelle and Billy Mizelle, both of Roper. Active pall bearers were Willie : Mizelle, Louis Mizelle, Linwood ; Knowles, Lonnie Peel, J. D. Knowles, Dan Peel and George Peel, jr. He: j nieces and great nieces served as dower girls. Mrs. Peel was, before her marriage, Miss Georgianna Mizelle, of Washing ton County. Following her marriage she made Martin County her home. Holding membership at Morrattock. she was a faithful member of the Prim itive Baptist church for many years. $2,701 in Cotton Rental Payments For County -® Rental payments to farmers :n j Washington County participating in ! the cotton control program are #2,701. This money has been divided among j 149 growers. This included pay - [ merits up until August 16. As .oon as this payment is com- . pleted by the Agricultural Adjustment Administration and compliance with cotton acreage contracts has been cer tified. payment of the second install ment will begin. Cotton growers will also receive a parity payment in De cember. Notice of Sale Land for Taxes DELINQUENT TAX LIST OF WASHINGTON COUNTY Pursuant t instructions by the Washington C ounty C ommissioners, the following property will be sold for taxes at the courthouse door in Plymouth, following Property ^ September 3 ,034, {or_ 1933 taxes due and unpaid. unless said taxes, cost and penalty are paid betore that date. A penalty is added to the sum owed by each person according to law. This the first day of August. 1934. ^ R R£In Sheriff of Washington County. Plymouth Township—White Albemarle Drainage Dist., 435 a Arnold Swamp, "0 Ayers land 50.12 5.24 4.49 18.85 11.97 8.30 11.22 7.78 11.22 9.59 18.70 38.15 11.22 5.24 , 120 a Big place. 15 a Bowen 74./1 32.95 2.99 22.85 770.94 ’.57 Allen/C. M.. 40 a Allen land Allen, J. F., 28 a swamp Allen, J. S. (Est.), 42 a home Allen, j. W„ 50 a home Allen, Kenneth, 10 a home Allen, Ottis L.. 24 a Alwilda 911en Allen, Stafford. 20 a swamp, 9 a old home Baxter, Mrs. M. C., 60 a J W Griffin land Beasley. J. R , 1 a home Beaslev, J. W. (Est), 1 1 Wilson St Beaslev, Nellie E„ 4 1 Washington St Beasley, S, E„ 10 a home Bowen, Cottie E., 1 a White City Bowen, G. L. (Est), 40 a J T Gurganu Island, 10 a A Gaylord, 200 a home Harold Swamp, 20 a G L and \\ C Bowen, Lawrence H.,~60 a Spruill Bowen, W. R.. 31 a Spruill, Bowen, W. S., 24 a Respass . Brinkley, D. O. (Est), 31 a Beasley land. 5 a Sander son, 2 1 Old Home, 1 1 Baseball park, 1 1 Water Sr Jefferson, 1 1 Water and Washington, 1 1 Jefferson, 1 1 Jeffer.'On & Brinkley, 2 1 Brinkley Ave, 1 I K 5 Cooper, 1 Water & Jefferson store, 1 Harper Place Monroe, 1 Washington Harrison place, 6 New Town, 1 Water St . Brinkley, Paul, 284 a Conklin land Burgess, M. C., 1 home, 1 bungalow and farm Campbell, Oliyia, 1 1 Washington St, 1 1 Water St Chambers, Charlie, 18 a Long Ridge road, 1 a King Faulk place . Chesson, Mrs O. M„ 1 1 Third & Jefferson, 1 1 I bird St Clark, Lawrence B., 1 1 Main St Clayton, D. V., 1 a No 90 Highway, 1 1 Jefferson St Coburn, Hubert. 14 a Stillman, 35 a Oliver Coffield, Capt. C. T„ 1 1 Fourth St Darden, A. T., 5 a No. 90 Highway Darden, Mrs. D. G., 60 a home Darden, P. H., 10 a Hayres land, 1 a Red Hill Davenpor.t Mrs. Olive, 67 a home Davenport, Mrs. Tobitha, 1 1 Third St Davis, Goldie, 144 a Arp- home, 1 1 Main St Davis, W. J. (Est), 40 a Willis Moore, 2 a Phelps Gilbert D. Davis, 1 lot Main Street Dennis Simmons Lbr Co., 105 a Garrett land, 171 Ange entry . Dixon, L. W., 36 a Asa Dixon, 50 a Bishop Doughtie, Mrs. J. E., 1 1 Monroe St Ange, Ethel Blanche, 50 a Woodlawn 59.84 Ange, J. I-., 30 a Woodlawn 39.68 Ange, James Wilbur, 40 a Woodlawn 53.80 Ange, Lonnie I.., 58 a L. G. Ange land 25.94 Ange, L. I... 35 a Simpson 3-~4 Ange, Mamie J., Est., 60 a home, 90 a State Board . 23.19 92.75 97.71 18.43 52.36 33.66 25.90 31.19 14.53 12.47 44.88 26.37 14.96 37.40 66.67 23.94 93.54 a 20.64 23.94 2.00 .21 .18 .75 .48 .33 .45 .31 .45 .38 .75 1.53 .45 .21 30.84 .10 3.71 3.91 .74 2.10 1.35 1.04 1.25 .58 .50 1.80 1.05 .60 1.50 2.67 .96 3.74 .83 .96 .39 2.39 1.59 2.15 1.04 .21 52.12 5.45 4.67 19.60 12.45 8.63 11.67 8.09 11.67 9.97 19.45 39.68 11.67 5.45 2.99 1.32 .16 .91 77.70 34.27 3.15 23.76 801.78 2.67 96.46 101.62 19.17 54.46 35.01 26.94 32.44 15.11 12.97 46.68 27.42 15.56 58.90 69.34 24.90 97.28 21.47 24.90 10.21 62.23 41.27 56.01 j 26.98 I 5.45 1? Ange, Mrs. Virginia, 40 a home Ange, Wheeler F, 70 a Harrison . Ange, Mrs. W. H., 35 a home place Atamanchuk, John, 3 1-2 a Bennett, 200 a Ambrose, 50 a Johnston, 50 a Johnston Ausbon, C. V. W. (CSC), 7 a Stephen Moore Ayers, Mrs. A. M„ 40 a Conaby, 1 1 Main St, 2 1 Water Ayers, Marcissa (Est.), 12 a home, 18 a lit F Bateman Ayers, Rebecca (Est), 18 a Allen Bassinger. A. D., 2 a Main St Bateman. Alex (Est), 1 a old school site Bateman, Edgar, 145 a Harrison land Bateman, James T., 100 a C F Bateman Bateman, Mrs. S. R., 1 1 Jefferson St Bateman, Tom W., 100 a home Baxter, D. B., 105 a W W Griffin land Dunning, R. E., 1 1 Owens place Eastern Carolina Co., 63 a F M Boyd farm Eastern Cottton Oil Co., 33 a Ausbon, 10 a Ruffin, 50 a Tom Downing, 2 1 Jefferson St. Eborn, C. E. (Heirs), 80 a Holiday, 100 a Ambrose Everett. J. O., 1 1 Main St Faust, Paul. 1 1 Fort Williams Gardner, Sallie, 1 1 swamp, 1 Wilson St Garrett, S. I'., 1 a home Gaylord, C. R„ 2 1-2 a home Getsinger, J. A. (Est.), 50 a A "Re land Gurganus, C. W., 40 a Battle Entry Gurganus, J. T. (Hrs.). 1-3 a old home Gurkin, John A., 63 a Vail land Gurkin, L W., 1 1 Washington St Hamilton, J. H. (Admr), 75 a home place Hampton, Mrs. L. M., 1. 205 E Water St, 209 E Water St, 114 Monroe, 209 Second, 126 W 2nd & Monroe, 124 2nd St, 122 2nd St, 118 2nd St, 110 2nd St, 108 2nd St, 119 2nd St. 117 2nd St, 113 2nd St, 222 Washington St, 31! Washington St, 12 3rd St, 206 3rd St, 210 3rd St, 214 3rd St, 114 4th St, Madison Lane, 212 Madison* St, Water St store, Water St, Main St, 1 W 2nd St Hampton, W. R., 22 a Johnson land, 1 1 Main St home, 1 1 Jefferson St, old home, 1 1 Water St store, 1 1 Water St Plymouth Mercantile Store, 1 1 Wilson St, 1 1 Sutton house, Hoggard . Hardison, Garland, 1 a E W Chesson Hardison, R. G.. 1 1 Washington St Hardison, Mrs. W. R., 1 1 Third St Harney, Mrs. Geo. W., 1 1 Main St. 1 1 3rd St Harrison, James S.. 55 a home Harrison, Mrs. I.. D., 65 a Vail land Harrison, A. H., sr., 200 a swamp Harrison, W. C., 1 1 Water St Harrison, Whit J., 1 1 Brinkley Ave Harrison, W. Lee, 24 a home place Highsmith, J. O., 1 part Hampton lot Hooker, Mrs. Annie, 1 1 Wash. St, 1 Brinkley Ave Hopkins, Mrs. Isoline, 1 a Wolf, 10 a Hopkins, 6 a swamp, 1 schoolhome site Hopkins, Mrs. J. J., 20 a home place Hopkins, K. R„ 1-2 a store | 21.07 .84 21.91 14.96 .60 15.56 146.38 4.86 151.24 26.55 1.06 27.61 I 37.70 1.51 39.21 75.55 3.02 78.57 | 16.46 .66 17.12, 62.68 2.51 65.19 l .37 .01 .38 1 13.38 4 54 H7' 2 45.66 1.83 47 4" 18.33 64 ! 8 6', 84.56 3.38 87 94 17.82 .71 18.53; 7.33 .3 ) 7 63 j 17.95 .72 1.8 67 1 56.85 2.27 59 12 30.52 1.22 31.74 i 34.60 138 35.9.8 15.80 .61 16.43 22.35 1.29 23.64 9.85 .40 10.25 22 81 .91 23.72 7.48 .30 7.78 | 4.79 .20 4.99 4.49 .18 4.67 19.15 .77 1992 23.95 1.76 25.71 37.40 1.50 38.90 373.25 14.93 388.13 481.56 19.26 500 82 16.96 .68 17.64 1 32.86 1.31 34.17' 11.22 .45 11.671 100.98 4.04 105.02 1 29.98 1.20 31.08! 31.00 1.24 32.24! 14.96 ,60 15.56 33.66 2.32 35.98 I 10.51 .42 10.93 4.00 .44 4.44 14.96 .60 15.56 51.33 2.05 53.38 14.68 .59 15.27 16.83 .67 17.50 4.86 .20 5.06 nornthal. L. P., Martha, and Mrs. /.eno i.yon, t I Main Street . Horton, Mr-. Dorothy, 50 a Roberson, . Horton, H. I.., 170 a Manley, 1-4 int home place Horton, J. L., 1-4 int. Home Place Horton, J. M., 2 L. Man St., 1 E. Water St. Horton, L. O., 1 L. Brinkley Ave. Hurley, D. A., 1 L. Washington St. Jackson, A. S., (Hrs.), 50 a. Loncy Jackson Jackson, E. R., 400 a. Old Home, 5 a. Riddick, 60 a. Harrison, 50 a. Horton, 37 a. Williamson, l^L. Washington St., 1 I,. E. Main St., 2 L. W. Main St., 1 E. Water, 1 Sinclair hilling Station 45.44 1.82 59.76 4.19 19.77 .79 13.22 .53 46.00 1.84 10.42 .42 21.20 .85 7.48 .30 266.51 10.64 47.26 63.95 20.56 13.75 47.84 10.84 22.05 7.78 277.15 499.40 1.87 59.84 24.68 111.92 Jackson, W. J.. (est), 2 I, Third St., 1 Monroe St. 67.32 Jackson, Mrs. W. J., Jr., 1 I. Thrd St 14.96 Johnston & James. 112 a Piney Island 29.92 Johnston. Robt. \V., 210 a. Garrett Land, 94 a John ston. 2 2-4 a. Barnes land 115.45 Johnston, Mr-. R. \V., 1 1 Main St 47.69 J & W Land Bank Co., 36 a part Sheppard. 71 a Stewart Allen. 359 a Davenport, 124 a. Pettiford & Watson, 169 a. Alt' Jackson. 156 a. Browning, 306 a. Huff & Allen, 135 a. D. \Y. Davis, 77 a. C. C. Jackson, 88 a. Halsey Ange, 174 a. Battle Entry. 80 a. G. L. Bow en, 117 a. W. ( . Bowen, 675 a. Big Island, 22 a. B. F. Wallace, 130 a. Gurganus. 492 a. State Board, 420 a. Freeman, 203 a Hollis, 510 a. Part of J. & \\ . Kelly, Cicero, (Hr*.), 25 a. Joe Harris and Kelly Kelly, C. M.„ 400 a. H. S. Gurganus Kemp. Mr*. K. I).. 1 I.. Brinkley Ave Knowles, J. R., 158 a. Old Home Landing, L. S., 2 1. Mater St., 1 L. Main & Jefferson, 1 L. Jefferson Landing, L. V., 1 L. Brinkley Ave. Latham, E. \V., 60 a. Hilliard Leggett, J. H., 16 a. Sand Hill, 18 a. Gardner Leggett, Mrs. Margaret, 1 L. Washington St. Leggett, Raymond, 2 L. Washington St., 1 L. Brinkley Ave.. 1 L. Wilson St. Liverman. H. A., 1 L. Washington St. Lucas, J. B., 40 a. Home Place Lucas, S. B. & R. H.. 350 a. Home Lucas, Mrs. T. S., 1 L. Third St. Lyon, O. H., 1 L. Main St., 1 L. Jefferson St. Lyon, O. H., Guar., 1 L. Madison St., 1 I.. Adam Lyon, Mrs. O. H., 1 I-. Main St. Martin K: Getsinger, 1 I.. M'ilson St. Martin, Van B., (Est.), 1 Home K. Main St. Martin, Van B., 1 L. Mrs. A. M. Johnston Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., 58 a. L. G. Ange Farm Mighell. Wynn C.. 175 a. H. S. Respass Mizelle, W. A., 170 a. Kcllv, 80 a. Harris, 104 a. Battle St. 2.69 .60 1.20 4.62 1.81 19.98 .07 2.39 .99 4.48 105.66 27.62 54.61 37.77 14.96 4.23 110 2.18 1.51 .60 67.39 17.98 22.89 290.04 23.75 57.17 88.54 125.57 1.50 71.81 21.23 23.94 52.36 2.70 178 .92 11.60 .95 2.29 3.54 5.02 .06 2.87 .85 .96 2.10 70.01 15.56 31.12 120.07 49.50 519.38 1.94 62.23 25.67 116.40 109.89 28.72 56.79 39.28 15.56 70.09 19.76 23.81 301.64 24.70 59.46 92.08 130.59 1.56 74.68 22.08 24.90 54.46 Entry 8U.ll Moore, W. C., 106 a. Bateman Owens 29.40 1.18 Myers, Willie C., 1 a. L. D. Harrison 4.99 .20 McNair, Mrs. C. E., (Est.) 40 a. Clifton, 1 L. Jefferson 17.65 2.74 McNair, Minnie .1., 1 a. Owens 4.49 .06 Newman, Mrs. Nona, 40 a. Woodlawn, 112 a. Home or Harrison 72.71 2.91 Noble, Mrs. P. W., 38 a. C. J. Gurganus, 25 a. Pete Gurganus 15.50 .62 Norfolk Southern Land Co.. 2,02.2 a. Potter Lands in cluding Lots 78, 79, 80, 81, 91, 92, 93; 8.423.1 a. Pot ter lands including Lots 17-B, 18-B, 33-B. 34-B. 35. 36, 37, 38, 39, 40-B, 49, 52, 53, 54, 62, 63, 64. 65, 66, and 67 . — ..1145.66 45.83 Norfolk Southern Railroad Co.. 2.36 a. \\ . R. Griffin Land, 4.00 a. Old Marsh Land, 4.30 a. Lucinda Mitchell 3.07 .12 Norman, Mrs. Claude, 1 L. Third St. 26.93 1.08 Norman, J. S., 2 L. Adams St. 38.56 1.54 Norman, Mrs. Madeline, 1 L. Washington St.. 1 Main St. 1 3rd St. 47.57 4.31 Norman, Z. V., 1-3 a. int. J. T. Gurganus, 1 I,. Third St, 1 1 Adams St, 1 W Main St, 9 Marcia Latham 9 .66 3.79 Oliver, H. Augustus, 2 a. Sanderson 13.00 .60 Owens, A. I... 400 a. Johnston, 53 a. Tetterton, 40 a. Sanders, 80 a. Modlin, 100 a. Tetterton, 60 a. M. Norman, 114 a. M. Norman, 60 a. Bullock, 85 a. Vail, 4 a. Morning Sde, 1 a. Eva Johnston, 103 a. Hilliard. 5 a. L. L. Owens, n0 a. Tetterton, 50 a. Long, 65 a. Hatrison, 82 a. Old Waters, 65 a. Tom McNair, 1 a. Howard, 55 a. State Board, 2 a. ad joining School Site. 75 a. Home, 60 a. Norman, 41 a. Bateman, 7 L. Washington St., 1 I.. Hurley House, 1 L. Main St., 1 T.. Mayo House, 1 L. 3rd St., 1 L. Jefferson St., 1 W. Third St.. 3 Hoggard Houses, 2 L. Fourth St.. 1 L. Water St., 2 L. Madi son, 1 L. Adams St., 5 L. Brinkley Ave., Marchia Lots, 1 Piedmont Warehouse, 1 L. Wilson 1546.33 65.36 Owens, Edward L., 2 L. K. S. Cooper, 1 L. John Patterson, 1 L. Madison St. 24.25 .97 Parker, Surry, 125 a. Gurganus 10.85 .43 Paul, Chesson & Hill. 25 a. Harrison 8.23 .33 Paul, J. D„ 215 a. C. T. Cox. 32.91 1.32 Paul, Mrs. Mamie H. (Est.), 5 a. adjoining J. D Paul .75 .03 Phelps, Mrs. Mary, 33 a. Ambrose Land, 66 2-3 a. G. C. & Clara Phelps . 31.55 2.12 Phillips Fertilizer Co.. 35 a. F. M. Boyd 17.95 .72 Pierce, T. N., 27 a. Pierce Entry. Plymouth Ice Plant, 1 a. End Madison St. 112.20 4.49 Adams St. Building, 1-2 L. Jack Swain 99.15 3.97 Porter, James F., 414 a. Morris land . 58.17 2.33 Price, P. O., 1 L. Fort Williams St. 17.95 .72 Read, J. W„ 1 L. Main St. Ext. 12.19 .49 Respass, G. S„ 50 a. E. R. Allen, 40 a. Spruill . 53.41 2.15 Roanoke Service Sta., 1-2 a. Gas Station 32.73 1.31 Roberson, Mrs. Annie E., 18 a. Home , 65 a. Willis Roberson, Mrs. C. E., 113 a. Home, 27 a. White Oak 66.07 2.64 Roberson 67.24 2.69 Rodgers, J. J., 100 a. Bullock Land. 1 House and Lot (Continued on Next Page) 30.67 5.19 20.39 4.55 75.62 16.12 1191.49 3.19 28.01 40.10 51.88 98.45 13.60 1611.69 25.22 11.28 8.56 34.13 .78 33.67 18.67 116.69 103.12 60.50 18.67 12.68 55.56 34.04 68.71 69.93 Let Us Supply Your Needs For CROP LIENS SALES BOOKS CALLING CARDS STATEMENT HEADS SEARCH WARRANTS COMMITMENT FORMS PAY OR COIN ENVELOPES CHATTEL MORTGAGE BLANKS EJECTMENT & RECOVERY FORMS MAYOR’S TOWN WARRANTS STANDARD NOTE FORMS BLANK NOTE FORM PLAIN NEWSPRINT RECEIPT BOOKS ORDER BOOKS CIRCULARS LEGAL PAPER SPECIAL FORMS WARRANTY DEEDS MANUSCRIPT COVERS MANILA SECOND SHEETS CARDBOARD IN ANY COLOR TRANSCRIPT of JUDGMENT FORMS CLAIM AND DELIVERY FORMS MAGISTRATE’S SUMMONS TYPEWRITER PAPER LETTER HEADS COUPON BOOKS COPY PAPER ENVELOPES CATALOGS The Roanoke Beacon Printers - Publishers - Binders

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