p Personal* Club Meetings Entertainment* Wedding* Engagements iimiiimmitiiiimiijimmimiiMHiiii innniinn!iiiiiiwimiii Society & Persona/s MRS. MARION RAMSEY, Editor lllllimiimiilllllllltllllHllillllllllllllilUlilimilllHIIIIHIIIIIIIIHIIIUIMIIilllHIIIi'IIIIIIIHIlMDIIIIIIIIIMIIIIMii iiniiimmmiiniiitmi PHONE Anything for This Department To 46 lllllllllllllllllllMlilllimitlllii'UIMHlIr, nimiiiiiiiiniiiimiiiiin: Harry W. Latham, of Washington, lias been spending some few days here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Bas singer. Mrs. Bruce Bateman and son re turned Sunday from an extended visit , to relatives in Greensboro. Mrs. William Moore, of Smith field, is the guest of her daughter. Mrs. T. ! L. Bray, on Main Street. Mrs, Edison Swain and Miss Min nie Brinkley spent last week in New , York City. Mesdames F.. G. Arps, H. V. Aus tin and P. M. Arps were in Rocky Mount Saturday. Mrs. Bosie Horton of Scotland Neck, is visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hardison are at home for a visit as the guets of their mother, Mrs. Blanche Hardison. Mrs. Hubert Chesson and children and Whit and William Sanderson, of Richmond, spent the week-end here as the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Sanderson. for SALE! Branch Banking and Trust Company PLYMOUTH, N. C. notice To My Tr/eorfs and Customers: extra fine young brood6'mares3"^*13^1*"5 this Tear heavy with colts and thrnth S?me of them' are Also I have plenty of nke mules. ^ have colts A CHANCE ©. Shuga: & 3nd /• 5. 5Aygar, Manager Notice to Voters I am a candidate for Representative on the Republican ticket, 1 believe in letting the people know how I stand on the issues of the day. Below are some of the things for which I stand: 1. T am opposed to any increase in taxes on property. 2. I am in favor of an eight-months state-supported school term, with just recompense to the school officials. 3. 1 shall be glad to help secure funds from sources not paying their proper share of taxes, if it can be done, and thereby do away with the sales tax. If those sources are not available, I see no reason for doing away with the sales tax. _ 4. I am in favor in a reduction in automobile license tags. 5. I am opposed to any increase in hunting and fishing licenses. I shall appreciate your active support and promise that, if elected, I shall at all times try to carry out the will of the people. J. Richard Carr Fireworks Now have a complete line of fireworks. Any thing in the line that you want. I have license to sell them and I am stockd up with these items. Look them over. Prices Are Right Also get your furniture repaired or refinished by us. Or, better still, we will build all kinds of novelty or regular furniture for you. See us to day. JACKSON Cabinet Shop Water St., Next to Winslow’s Plymouth, N. C. Mrs. J. J. Brinkley and daughter spent last week in Norfolk. Mrs. Amerlia Stillman and son, Phillip, are in Durham this week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Peal, of Cres well, spent Monday w»th their daugh ter, Mrs. Wade J -hnston. Mr. and Mrs. Jes^e Hardison, oi Norfolk, are visiting here. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brinkley, of Norfolk, will move into the J. G. Dix- ! on home on Washington Street short ly. Mr. Brinkley is conductor on the i local A. C. L. train from here to Tar boro. j ROPER -<3> Mrs. J. H. Gaylord, ^r., spent last week in Wilson, guest of Mrs. Lloyd Lucas. j Miss Mildred Marrow is spending I some time in Norfolk and Ocean View 1 Va. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Dixon and son of Littleton were week-end visitors of Mrs. Lsolind Dixon. Mr. Roy Kessinger, of Philadelphia >pent Thursday here with C. L. Walk er. j Tom Wiley Norman, of William | ston. ^pent the week-end here with Mrs. W. O. Norman, j Edna Wisegar, of New Bern, is vis ! iting Mattie Marrow. Runt Harrison, Nathan W. Spurill, Ksthe Knowles, Katherin and Virginia Gibson accompanied Mrs. W. T. Gib ; son to Bailey Saturday. From there she will go to visit her parents, Mr. ! and Mrs. W. R. Wright, in Bates ! brug, S. C. i Mr. Ernest Harrell, of Suffolk, is • visiting his brother, Mr. Ralph Har j rell. | Raymond and Dora Tarkington ! spent Sunday in Roanoke Rapids. Miss Dorothy Walker, of Columbia, were the week-end guest of Esether and Virginia Knowles. — ---O'. SKINNERSVILLE —®— William Spruill, of Fort Bragg, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Spruill. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Swain and sons, Thomas and James Swain, of Grecn i vide, spent the week-end with Xfrs. I Henrietta Swain. Mrs. Clinton Everett, Mrs. Lennie | Riddick, Mrs. Matilda Aumack, Miss j Eva White, Mrs. Tom Curies, and ! Miss Alice White attended the feder j ation meeting held at Roper last I Thursday afternoon. | Mr. and Mrs. Tom White and sons, | Billie and Thomas, Mrs. Matilda Au | mack and Mrs. Clinton Everett at ' tended the parent-teacher meeting at Roper on Thursday night, j Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Hollowed and (daughter, Little Miss Esther Wake, of Creswell, were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Holton Sunday. Mr. Corbett Swain, who has been very sick the past week, is able to he hack at work in Plymouth. Rev. W. H. Hollowed held his reg ular appointment at Oak Grove Bap tist church Sunday morning. 666 Liquid, Tablets, Salve, Nose Drops j Checks COLDS and FEVER first day HEADACHES inJO Minutes DR. VIRGIL H. MEWBORN Optometrist Next Visits: Bethel, at Rives Drug Store, Mon day, November 19. Robersonvide, Robersonville Drug Store, Tuesday, November 20. Widiamston, N. C., at Peele’s Jew elry Store, Wednesday, November 21. Plymouth, at Liverman’s Drug Store Thursday, November 22. Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted - At Tarboro Every Friday and Saturday Wanted WILL BUY PopCorn OF ANY VARIETY Highest Market Cash Price Paid for It DELIVER TO J. J. Brinkly HOLE IN THE WALL Plymouth NEW THEATRE - PLYMOUTH, N. C. I Matinee Each Day—Continuous Shows Saturdays Plymouth’s Community Asset ■ Thursday November 1 PAUL LUKAS, LEILA HYAMS in “AFFAIRS OF A GENTLEMAN" Friday November 2 Chester Morris, Mae Clarke in “LET’S TALK IT OVER” Saturday, Nov. 3 Continuous Shows Ken Maynard in “STRAWBERRY ROAN Chapter 2, “TAILSPIN TOMMY” Mon.-Tues., Nov. 5-6 All Shows 10-25c Shirley Temple, Gary Cooper, Carole Lombard in “NOW AND FOREVER” Wednesday November 7 New Serial, “MYSTERY SQUADRON” Ginger Rogers, Frances Dee, Bruce Cabot in “THE FINISHING SCHOOL” Mrs. M. J. Elliott and Mr. C. L. Everett were in Creswell Thursday evening. PLEASANTGROVE ——<»— Mrs. Albert Gard. of Elizabeth City, fias reutrned home after -pending tome time with Mr<. Effie Gurkiti. Mrs. Inez Hughes, of Washington. D. C.. and Mr. and Mrs Eubanks, of Durham, were callers a, the home of Miss Jamie Riddick last week. Miss Euegnia Patterson, of Ply mouth, was the dinner guest of Mrs. W. B. Chesson Monday Mrs. Effie Gurkin has returned home after visiting friend- and rela tives in Elizabeth City. Mrs. Bonnie Coburn and little son, of Plymouth, were the guests of Miss Jamie Riddick Monday. Miss Margaret Phelps is spending some time in Goldsboro with friends. Mrs. W. B. Chesson, Misses Louise and Frances Chesson were the guests of Mrs. J. C. Tarkenton Sunday. Rev. Ambrose, pastor Holly Xeck church, spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Chesson. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of i the late Job Clayton. I hereby give 1 notice to all persons indebted to his estate to come forward and make im mediate settlement, and those hold ing claims against the same to pre sent them for payment within twelve months from the date of this notice, or it wilt he pleaded in bar of their recovery. This the 24th day of October. 1934 D. V. CLAYTON, fit Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF THE PEOPLES BANK, OF CRESWELL, N. C. | A fund has been paid to the clerk of the superior court of Washington County to cover pro rata dividends on all valid and exi-tng liabilities recog nizer! as such by the Peoples Bank, of Creswell, N. C., on the date of its .closing anti for which no claims have been filed; and to cover prior dividends unpaid on claims filer! too late to share in such dividends. The clerk will hold this fund, together with a list of such creditors, for a period of three months from the date of filing the final report of the liquidation of the above trust and such creditors are hereby noti fied to take actions in the premises as are necessary to protect their respect ive interests. GURNEY P. HOOD, Commissioner of Banks of North Carolina. o26 4t NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to an order of the clerk superior court entered in a special proceedings entitled ”S. R. Davenport and others vs. Sansberry Davenport and others,” authorizing and direct ing a sale of the land hereinafter de scribed and for that purpose appoint ing the undersigned commissioner to make said sale, said Z. V. Noramn, as commissioner of the court, will expose at public sale to the highest bidder, for cash, at the home place of the late J. I'. Davenport in Scuppernong Town ship, Washington County, on the county road, about one mile east of the town of Cherry, at 2:00 o’clock p. m., on the 23rd day of November, 1934, the following described real es tate: Tract No. 1: Lying and being in Scuppernong Township, Washington , County, North Carolina, on the coun- . ty road, the said county road passing through said tract of land and bound- j ed on the north by the Sade White land and J. F. Davenport’s Collins tract, on the east by Elwood Daven port's land and Charlie Phelps’ land, on the south by the Still River tract and home place of late J. F. Daven port, and on the west by lands of Ar thur Spruill and E. H. Phelps, con taining 66 acres, more or less. Tract No. 2: Lying and being in Scuppernong Township, Washington County, North Cai lina, and conveyed by A. L. Alexander and others to J. F. Davenport, the 3rd day of Janu ary, 1923, bv deed recorded in Wash ington County, book 84, page 338, and correctly described in a judgment reg istered in book 97, page 374, said de scription being as follows: Beginning at an iron pin about 350 feet from east end of Spruill bridge and north side of Lake Phelps road, thence S. 22 de grees 30’ W, 229 feet along the said road, thence S. 39 degrees 45’ VV. 1119 feet, thence S. 13 degrees 55’ W. 424 feet still along the said; thence S. 32 degrees 20’ W. 1300 feet to an old pine stump, a corner, thence S. 84 degrees 30’ E, 4083 feet to a sweet gum standing on the road, thence N. 41 degrees VV. 3670 feet to an angle in the road, thence N. 33 degrees W. 146 feet to beginning, containing 141.5 acres, excepting from the said deed the cemetery plot or site on the road shown on the map herein referred to, which does not pass by the said road. Tract No. 3: That tract of land de scribed in a deed from J. N. Pruden, commissioner, to .1. F. Davenport, dat ed March 30, 1914, recorded in book 65, page 95, Washington County said j description being as follows: That tract of land in Scuppernong Township, [ bounded north by Scuppernong river, east by the lands of C. W. Clifton, south by J. F. Davenport and others and west by the lands of Haywood Quick Relief for Chilis and Fever and Other Effects of Malarial Don't put up with the suffering ol Malaria—the teeth-chattering chills and the burning fever. Get rid of Malaria by getting the infection out of your system. That's what Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic does—destroys and drives out the infec tion. At the same time, it builds up your system against further attack. Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic contains i tasteless quinine which kills the Infection I in the blood. It also contains iron which ' builds up the blood and helps it overcome the effects of Malaria as well as fortify against re-infection. These are the effect* j you want for COMPLETE relief. Grove'* I Tasteless Chill Tonic is pleasant to take 1 and absolutely safe, even for children, j No bitter taste of quinine. Get a bottle | today and be forearmed against Malaria, l For sale at all stores. Now two sires— SOc and $1. The $1 siie contains iVt | time* as much as the 50c size and give* j you 25% more for your money. Ainsley and being the same tract of [ land upon which the said Arthur Col lins lived, including all roads and cart- i ways leading to and crossing said land i which were acquired by said Collins during his life. The highest bidder of the respective parcels wil lbe required to deposit 10 per cent of his bid pending confirma tion and to be forfeited for non-com pliance. The said land will be offered in separate parcels. This the 23rd day of October, 1934. /. V. NORMAN, o2b 4t Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power \ of sale embraced in a deed of trust ex ecuted by Minnie Smith (single) to A. L. Owens, trustee, dated the 13th day of January, 1929, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Washington County, North Carolina, in book 74, page 498, tc which refer ence is hereby made, default having 1 been made in the payment of the in debtednes- thereby secured, the under signed trustee will offer for sale to ' the highest bidder, for cash, at the courthouse door in Washington County, at 12 o'clock noon on Wed nesday. the 14th day of November, , 1934, that certain property described in the said instruments as follows: Located on the Norfolk Southern j Railroad, adjoining the land of A. L. Gray on the east; the lands of John L. Roper Lumber Company on the south, a creek on the west and the lands of John L. Roper Lumber Com pany on the north, and known as a part of the John L. Roper Lumber Company land, and is the same land described in that mortgage deed from C. E. Skinner and wife to A. L. Alex- ; ander, recorded in book 77, on page 101, in the office of Register of Deeds for Washington County and State of North Carolina, to which reference is made. I The highest bidder at said sale will ' be required to deposit 10 per cent of his bid to be forgeited to said trustee in event of non-compliance. Said ■property will be offered for sale sub ject to all unpaid liens on same. This 13th day of October. 1934. ol9 4t A. L. OWENS, Trustee. "COUGHS Don’t let them get a strangle hold. Fight them quickly. Creomulsion combines 7 helps in one. Powerful but harmless. Pleasant to take. No narcotics. Your own druggist is authorized to refund your money on the spot if your cough or cold is not relieved by i Creomulsion. (adv.) Oyster Bar Opening FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 2 Fine Fresh Oysters Right Off Private Beds Be On Hand—They Are Delish Shabby Cabin T. W. TARKINGTON PROPRIETOR Flooring Ceiling Roofers Trim Sash Doors Moulding Lumber Porch Columns PLANING MILL Waters Stier Wood Products Company PHONE 577 Washington, N. C. Wc Deliver MACK WATERS A. H. STIER SAW MILL Ml] work Stairwork Nails Brick Lime Cement Roofing Shingles Framing & Timbers Let Us Supply Your Needs MIDDLING FISH MEAL SEED OATS SEED RYE SALT RUBBER ROOFING TUXEDO FEEDS LIGHT WHITE FLOUR ANYTHING IN THE WHOLESALE GROCERY AND CON FECTIONERY LINE Prompt Service Appreciation of Your Patronage H. E. Harrison Wholesale Company H. E. HARRISON, Owner PLYMOUTH, N. C. NOTICE; ^Payers Town PaZ Your Taxes °f the ®®pcr J933 Town 0f J? ;d~.ntheBeaconR°PerT-« Now not ,he money a„7 “'aCOn "«* week. -T !! Wi" be cost and embay,. y°“ avoid the °''’n "ecds ta*« 0, „„ce Smem of advert,-„in„ advertisi"<r 1Slng by payjng y our t-V.Ch TAX COLLECT °*> TOWN esson WN 0F Ropee

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