'immmmiiiiimtiiiiiiitL Personal* C!ub Meeting* Entertainment* Wedding* Engagement* immmmiiimmiiuM • Society & Personals MRS. MARION RAMSEY, Editor . ... ""i11raj1111111■ i■: .. il . . • I Hi■,. PHONE Anything for This Drpartrctn: To 46 filial! i't:ii: ■ • iif• i riiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiHii Mr. and Mr'. F.. F Still attended the Duke-Wak* Forest t- otbaTl game at Durham Saturday. Joe Art" has accepted a position with Kyser Drug Company in Rocky Mount. Mr' John Deaton and Mrs. B. G. Campbell and daughter, Elizabeth, spent la't week-end in Fayetteville. Mi'S Ethel Arps and R. 1. Syden -tricker were in Rocky Mount Sunday. Lawrence Jone'. who is with the State Highway Commission, with headquarters at Raleigh, visited his wife at Roper, and mother, Mrs. Delia Jones, here this week. D. G. Davis was in Richmond and Baltimore during the week-end buy ing Christmas merchandise. Ray Swain, of Norfolk, was here last week visiting his mother, Mrs. Maggie Swain. Joe Leggett, of Baltimore, is the guest of his mother, Mrs. Jack Leg gett, on Washington Street. Mrs. O H Lyon and little daugh ter, Miss Priscilla, are spending a few days in Norfolk. Mrs. T. B. Wolfe and daughter, Miss Willie returned Saturday from an extended visit to Mrs. B. Baker in Camden, X. J. L. R. Ausbon has accepted a posi tion with Wall and Williams in ka leigh. Mesdames Martha Harris and Ar thur Vail and Miss Ruth Satterth waite attended the Baptist Association in Shiloh last week. Mrs. Linw > .cl Brown, oi Greenville spent last week here with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs A Bh.unt. Mrs. Gaston Ambrose is in Park View hospital being treated for a re cent illness. Mr. ant! Mrs. l.eeR y Harris, of i Bethel, spent the week-end here. Mrs. Ame lia Stillman returned dur 'it : the week-end from an extended vis i- t I.er daughter in Durham. Dr. L. \V. White, of Suffolk, wa in the city Monday on business. Mesdames R E Dunning, W. C. Jones, E. G. \rps. W. L. Whitley, and Marion Ramsey spent Thursday in Rocky Mount. _§ Bridge Supper -<3> One of the m >-t delightful affair of the fall was the unique bridge sup per given in Thursday evening, No vember 8th, when Mr-. J. Lloyd Hor ton charmingly entertained the mem bers of her contract bridge club at her home on East Main Street. Guests were invited in for 7 p. m. to find a beautifully appointed dining table a waiting with places tor 12 laid, and here an old-fashioned southern repa-t was served in three courses. Immediately after the meal, attract ive tallies were passed and the guests found their place- in the living room and an evening of interesting bridge contracts followed, during which Mr William Roy Hampton made high score and Mrs. J. W. Reid received low prize Attractive gifts were pre sented to both victors. _ Notice to All My Friends I want to notify you that I will have a better se lection of mules and horses this year than I have had in five years. If I don’t have exactly what you want when you come to see me. I can get it on short notice to fill any orders. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shugar and J. S. SHUGAR, Manager Weekly Specials Reduced Prices Good Until November 26 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT FROM LIST PRICE On Any of the Many Kinds of Patent Medicines in My Store Also by a lucky purchase I have a collection of ladies' and men's wrist watches that have been reduced 25 per cent Liverman’s Drug Store H. A. LIVERMAN, Proprietor FOR SALE New Perfection oil-burning cook stove. Three standard and one giant Superflex burner, making four in all. Recently repaired and in good condition. Will sell cheap for immediate disposition. C. L. Bailey ROPER PLYMOUTH There Is A REASON! FOR THE FACT that ever since we opened our new store a little over a month ago, we have been busy; in fact, there are three reasons; Guaranteed and up-to-date mer chandise, reasonable prices, and efficient dependable service. We are building our business on those foundations, and we appreciate the support which the public has given our new business. We shall continue trying to merit your patron age and to deserve your confidence. Mr. Don G. Davis Has Just Returned From a Trip To Northern Markets where he has personally selected items suitable for AT TRACTIVE CHRISTMAS GAFTS, and we invite you to call and look over our line and to “LAY AWAY” your gifts by the payment of a SMALL DEPOSIT and you may pay a little each week if you want to. Then you’ll prob ably have it paid for by Christmas. REMEMBER, TOO, OUR REPAIR SERVICE DON G. DAVIS Ace of Clubs Meeting -$ I he Ace i Clubs contract bridge club met • n Friday evening, Novem ber 9th, at the 11 :ne • f Mr-. Raiser Edwards. ->n Adams Street. For the occasion the house was beautifully ar ranged with choice rose- and chrysan themums and marigold- A cheer\ open tire burned up n the grate and within the radius of the firelight tables were appointed for the game. When all had arrived and found their respective places, a delightful cocktail was -erved. after which an evening of spirited progression- were enjoyed. During tlie play, Mrs. Rob ert K. Dunning marie high score and was awarded a novel perfume 1) tth for the purse filled with perfume while Miss Della Wynne was winner of tin low score prize, a unique hat bru.-h Mrs. A. J. Riddle wa- presented the guest prize, a dainty linen handker chief. At the close of the game, the host ess served a sumptuous sweet course of frozen svllahuh t pped with cher ries and apple sauce cake with hot c tree and toasted pecans. Special guest- included Mrs. . j. Riddle and Miss Elizabeth Russell, f Edenton, house guest of Mrs. G. R. l.eggett. Round Dozen Club Member of the Round Dozen Con tract Bridge Club enjoyed a most de lightful evening on Friday. November 9, when they were the guests of Mrs. H. E. Beam on Jefferson Street. Masses of flowers made the room attractive for the play and after many progressions Mrs. Gordon Norman was found to be the winner of high "Core and received a flower container, while Miss Elizabeth Norman making low score received a silhouette. Mrs. Wade H. Johnston was the victor a mong the guests present, and she re ceived as a prize a set of ash trays. A delicious chicken salad plate with hot coffee was served immediately aft er the game to the club and Mesdames Catherine Harrison, Wade H. John ston and Mrs. Beam, of Greensboro, guest of the hostess. Just before starting the play the club presented Mrs. Beam with a gold locket and chain for her new baby, born in October. -- Literary Club Meets The Literary Club held its regular meeting on Tuesday afternoon, No vember 13th. at the beautiful country home of Mrs. Jim Blount, "Oakland Farm." For the occasion the spacious living room was attractively arranged by myriads of choice fa'l flowers, while an open log lire burned in the Colonial fireplace and within the radius of the firelight the guests were seated for meeting. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Henry S. Midgett, Mrs. H. A. Blount presided. No business session was held, but a most enjoyable literary pro gram was presented by .Mrs. Loui Hasscll and Mrs. W. Roy Hampton. When the meeting had adjourned the hostess was asisted in placing small tables before the guests and an I old-fashioned country supper was serv ed. Special guestf; to the club includ ed Mrs. E. S. Blount, of Philadelphia, Mrs. J. T. Rhodes, of New York City; Mrs. Wheeler Blount and Mrs. Edi son Davenport, of Mackey.-. Miscellaneous Shower -<s (iuests who attended the miscellan eous shower given on Wednesday eve ning, when Mrs. L. A. Peal and daughte.r, Miss Annie Myrtle Peal, charmingly complimented Mrs. Ray mond Atwood Peal, a>recent bride, re port a most pleasant time. As guests entered they registered in the bride's book after which a most enjoyable evening of appropriate con test and parlor games were played. Later in the evening the bride was led to a central table laden with many and attractive gifts which she opened and displayed. The hostesses assisted by Mrs. Al ton Lilley served a variety of fruit with home-made chocolates to the 30 guests present and while every one enjoyed the repast Miss Charlotte McNair ren dered a number of popular song hits on the piano. Cool Springs Club The Cool Spring Home Demonstra tion Club met with Mrs. J. \V. Snell October 31, with 13 members pres ent and 6 members absent. The club was also hostess to five visitors. Aft er the usual opening exercises by the president, a nominating committee, consisting of Mrs. S. B. Lucas, Mrs J. W. Snell, and Miss Beatrice Ashy was appointed to select officers for the coming year at the November meet ing. The agent made a splendid talk on fall apparel both coloring and style, also cleaning and remodeling of felt hats. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. S. B. Lucas and Miss Louise Oliver, served a delicious chicken salad plate with hot coffee. The next meeting will be held with Mrs. j. B. Stillman. Scuppernong Club Meets -<♦> The Scuppernong Home Demon stration Club met at the home Mrs J. E. Nooney Jr Monday after n -on. November 12th. The meeting was railed to order and pr • ided over by the president, fiie deed >n < f t v i fficers was first n me program. Mrs. I. J Afligood was eh-o.-d ; i dent: Mrs T. E X one. Jo evretary. Mrs l C. Cohoofl garden lender. Mrs B. Id Norman cannim leader and Mrs. Ellen Stillman yard leader. Mi ff. \V. Norman the ret dig president, was elected vice pre-ident and booster for the club. The meeting was then turned over m Mi-s Patterson win* gave a very interesting demonstration on remodel ing hats. Hat patterns were distribut ed among the members. Mrs. P. B Belang.i was elected clothing leader in the place of Miss Merle Norman who lias moved to Norfolk. After the meeting Mr-. N • in \ served pea nuts and fruit. Swain ■ Bell . Ann iiineemcnt' reading as follows h ave been received here: "Mrs. Win ! ifre.! W Bell. . •: Washington County, announces tiro marriage of her (laugh ter. Mi-- Corinne Bell, to James Cor bett Swain, on Wednesday, November 14. 19.14, at Rocky Mount." Mr. Swain is well known in thi county, having been a successful farm : or and at tlte present is county ac countant for Washington County. Miss Bell is also well known in this coun ty. Creswell 4-H Club The Creswell junior-senior 4-H club met on Thursday, November 8, with 17 members present. The meeting was taken up in organizing for the ensuing year. Officers were elected as follows: President, Ruth Burgess; vice presi dent, Christine White; secretary and treasurer Mamie Davenport. The club decided to take cooking for their project for the year. Miss Pat terson gave a talk on proper diet, A Three Days’ Coug£: , Is Your Danger Signs-.. Don't l.i then -.trangle hold. ! i. th ,.. qui . ilsion coml it *71 " in one. Powerful -rmle-s. Plearsnn take. No narco tour own c! use. : authorized to r- lend your mots. :m spot if your cough or cold is not r list Creomulsion. ■hewing various types of food nec essary for the body. After singing | the National 4-H club song the club adjourned until November 22nd. ROPER Mr. and Mrs Arthur Swain, of Ra leigh. pent Sunday here, guests of Mrs. E M. Chesson. M’ ami Mrs. Ouorge Caffe and (laughter, and Mr. aril Mr-. Ernest Ricketts, of Portsmouth. Va., spent the week-end here, guests of Mrs. I heodore Chesson. Mrs. Fannie Cordon lias returned h me after spending some time in Washington, D. C. P> >rn to Mr. am! Mrs. L. B. Wind lex. a daughter. Ann Temple. Novem ber 8, 1934. Mr. and Mrs. .!. O. Highsmith and Mrs. Ruby Oliver spent Thursday in Washington on business. Bishop l ie mas ( Darst will be at St. Luke's Episcopal church on Eri day night. November 16. at 8 o’clock. Mr. Milton Chesson continues very ill. Attorney Nathan H. Spruill has ac i epted a position in Greenville. Mrs. A. X. Wentz spent Tuesday in Plymouth shopping. Lawrence Jones, of Warrenton. pent the week-end here. Potter Dixon, of A. C. College, at Wilson, spent the week-end here- with .Mrs. Isolind Dixon. M i-1 Virginia Ainsky spent the week-end at We^tover. guest of Mrs. Jasper Swain. Mrs Sidney Sittersnn, of Rock% Mount. is spending some time here. Mrs. B. F. Bailey has returned home after spending a few flays in Norfolk. Va. A. K. Hooker, of Enfield. spent the j week-end here. PLEASANT GROVE J. W. Tarkenton, of Newport News. Va., spent the week-end with his fam ily. Mrs Will Riddick has returned home after visiting friends and rela* tives in New Bern. Mrs. L. B. Marriner is reported as being quite ill at this time. Mi<s Margaret Collins, of Norfolk. spent the week-end with her parent . Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Collins. Mrs. H. C. Davenport and H"dgv Davenport, of CoTr.irMa. were the guests of Mrs. Ida Hodg. S o, ay. Born to Mr. and Mr.-. Kd : i’help a son, Wednesday. November 7th. HU M III—IHIIIIII II III mil new $ THEATRE Plymouth’s Community Asset Mon.-Tues. Nov. 19-20 J Adults 25c Special Privilege Mat. Adm. for School Children JACKIE COOPER WALLACE BEERY and All Star Cast “Treasure Island” Let Us Supply Your Needs MIDDLING FISH MEAL SEED OATS SEED RYE SALT RUBBER ROOFING TUXEDO FEEDS LIGHT WHITE FLOUR ANYTHING IN THE WHOLESALE GROCERY AND CON FECTIONERY LINE Prompt Service Appreciation of Your Patronage H. E. Harrison Wholesale Company H. E. HARRISON, Owner PLYMOUTH, N. C. You Can Depend on the Man Who— ADVERTISES He has too much at stake to risk losing your trade or your confidence. You can depend on him. He is not in business for today or tomorrow only —but for next year and ten years from next year. He knows the value of good-will. Y ou get better merchandise at a fairer price than he could ever hope to sell if he did not have the larg er volume of business that comes from legitimate ad vertising and goods that bear out the promise of the printed word. Nine times out of ten you will find that the man who advertises is the man who most willingly returns your money if you are not satisfied. Don’t miss the advertisements. This very day they call your attention to values that tomorrow you will be sorry you overlooked. DON’T MISS THE ADVERTISEMENTS Important When you ask for a product by name, as a result of advertising, do not accept a substitute—substitutes are offered not as a service to you, but for other reasons.

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