THE ROANOKE BEACON And Washington County News Published Every Friday in Plymouth, Washington County, North Carolina WALTER H. PARAMORE Managing Editor The Roanoke Beacon was established in 1889 and consolidated with the Washington County News in 1929. Subscription Rates In Washington, Martin, and Tyrrell Counties On* year ___—---- $1.50 Six months --- ---- .75 Outside of Above Counties One year .-..—...- $2.00 Six months _______—... 1.00 (Strictly Cash in Advance) Advertising Rates Furnished Upon Request Entered as second-class matter at- the post oihce in Plymouth, N. C., under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Friday, July 19, 1935. Organizing the Preachers An exchange laments the fact that preachers do not form a closer cooperation and cultivate a spirit of greater sympathy. The article points out that every other thing is organized and that which is good and that which is bad work diligently for the things which seem good for the groups. Many such organi zations work directly against the things that all preach against. If all preachers would assemble often and study and work together on the great problems that confront us, we might be able to avoid lots of those things that apparently are snatching us nearer the precipise of destruction every day. It is an evident fact that nearly every father and mother is on thorns daily over the modern pitfalls confronting their boys and girls, and many of them in this modern \t*>rld are concerned about each other. If our soiety is to be saved to decency and safety, we must depend on Christianity, for there is hardly a chance for us if we depend on beach pajamas. Cotton Mills Do Not State the Facts The cotton mills do not state the facts, according to the findings of the Institute of Pacific Relations. The American mills seem to want the American gov ernment to remove the cotton processing tax and raise the tariff on foreign cotton goods. The mill owners claim that the tax is ruining America’s foreign trade, which statement is false according to the findings of the institute. The claim advanced by the cotton mills will cut the price of the farmer's cotton about one-third in value, and give the American factory a world monopoly. Foreign countries can’t buy our cotton unless they can sell their manufactured goods. And if we bar them by a tariff higher than the present one, the American cotton farmer will suffer and the American people will not be able to buy goods any cheaper. We are unwilling to see the producer of raw ma terials grow poorer day by day, and the user of the manufactured product grow poorer in every way W'hile the manufacturer stuffs his coffers to over flowing. NOTICE! Buy Your Used Car While They Are Cheap The following Used Cars are all Reconditioned: 1930 Model A Four Door Sedan 1934 Plymouth Delux Four Door Sedan. 1931 Ford Model Tudor Sedan. 1933 Plymouth Tudor Sedan. 1931 Ford Model A Coupe with rumble seat. 1933 Plymouth Coupe with rumble seat. 1934 Chevrolet Master Coupe with Rumble Seat. 1930 Studebaker Tudor Sedan. 1933 Chevrolet Master Tudor Sedan. 1933 Dodge 1 1-2 Ton Truck. 1929 Chevrolet Tudor Sedan. Remember, when the tobacco market opens all used cars will be much higher. Buy now and save the difference. We keep all customers satisfied. Plymouth Motor Inc. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS All delinquent 1934 taxes will be advertised for sale beginning the first week in August and will be sold the first Monday in September, according to law. Those who haven’t paid are urged to Please Pay Now It will eliminate the embarrassment of seeing your property advertised for delinquent taxes; it will save you money in penalties and advertising costs; it will help the county a great deal, as they need the money now. Washington County Commiss oners J. C. SWAIN. TAX COLLECTOR EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as executor of llie estate of D. T. Davenport, late of Washington County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons holding claims against the estate to file same with the undersigned at Creswell, N. C., on or before July 16, 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted t” said estate are urged to make im mediate settlement. This 16th day of July, 1935. U. G. DAVENPORT, Executor estate of D. I. Daven jy- 19-6-t port, Creswell, N. C. FOR-SALE: TYPEWRITER, DESK and chair, and other furniture. Ap ply at 304 E. Main Street, Plymouth, I N. C. jyl2 2t PIGS WANTED: WANT 50 PIGS at once, weighing from 35 to 50 pounds. Call 109, Williamston, or write J. S. Whitley, Williamston. jy 12 2t FOR SALE:"THE MARTIN HOME on East Main Street. Part cash, balance on terms to suit purchaser. See owner. jyl2 2t NOTICE OF RE-SALE Whereas pursuant to a power of sale embraced in a deed of trust ex ecuted by A. R. Modlin and wife to H. [). Bateman, Trustee, on August I, 1928, and recorded in the office of Register of Deeds of Washington County, in Book 102, page 82, the land therein described after due ad vertisement was offered at public sale, at the courthouse door of \\ asliing tjn County by said Trustee, on the 6th day of July, 1935, when and where W. H, Parantore became the last and highest bidder in the sum of Two Hundred and Seventy-Five Dollars, ($275.00), subject to all unpaid taxes. And Whereas the said sale was duly reported to court, and on the 10th day thereafter, to-wit: July 16, 1935, the said bid was increased ten per cent (10 percent), and thereupon an order of re-sale was entered by the Clerk Superior Court of \\ ashington County, North Carolina. Now, therefore, in obedience to said order, said H. D. Bateman, Trustee, will again expose at public -ale to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door of Washingon County, at 12 o’clock noon, on the 1-t day of August, 1935, subject to all unpaid taxes and paving assessments, the following descriped land: Lying and being in Plymouth Township, adjoining the lands of S, W. Beasley and others, and bounded by a line described as follows,'viz: Situate in the Town of Plymouth, on the West side of Washington Street, between the luts of S. W. Beasley and W. C. Harrison, said lot being 50x200 feet. It being same land described in Book 74, page 256, above referred to. The highest bidder at said sale will be required to deposit ten per cent (10 percent) of his bid to be forfeit ed to said Trustee for the benefit of the holder of said notes upon his failure to comply with -aid bid upon tender of deed. The first bid at said sale will be Three Hundred Two Dollars and Fifty Cents (302.50), subject to all unpaid taxes and paving assessments. This 16th day of July, 1935. H. D. BATEMAN, jy-19 2t Trustee. By Z. V. Norman, Attorney^ ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having this day qualified as the ad ministratrix of the late Sansbery Da venport, of Washington County, I hereby give notice to all persons in debted to the said estate to make im mediate settlement, and those hold ing claims against the said estate must present them to the undersigned at Creswell, N. C., within twelve months from the date of this notice, or it will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This the 31st day of May, 1935. MRS. MARY J. DAVENPORT Administratrix of the estate of the late Sansbery Davenport. j7 6tw NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Washington County. By virtue of the authority contained in that certain mortgage executed on the 15th day of August 1911, by Elijah Joyner and wife, Della, to A. L. Owens, Mortgagee, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Washington County, N. C., in Book 59, page 137, the default having checks MALARIA in 3 days COLDS Liquid - Tablets first day. Salve - Nose DropsTonic & Laxative DR. VIRGIL H. MEWBORN Optometrist Next Visits: Bethel, at Rives Drug Store, Mon day, July 22. Robersonville, Robersonville Drug Store, Tuesday, July 23. Williamston, N. C., at Peele’s Jew elry Store, Wednesday, July 24. Plymouth, at Liverman’s Drug Store Thursday, July 25th. _ New Theatre Plymouth’s Community Asset Extra Special Attraction For Sunday July 21st Bing Crosby - Joan Bennett in “MISSISSIPPI” Booth Tarkington’s romantic story of the old Southland with dashing blades and lovely maids ....Soft Moonlight and Sweet Music .. ALL ABOARD FOR DIXIE _t Join the merry throng! on the “river queen"! meet Col. Bing Crosby, the singing killer- Sit at the Cap tain’s table and Commodore W. C. Fields will laugh you under it. Shake a leg with Queenie Smith, five feet two of dancing dynamite! Flirt with Joan Ben nett and Gail Patrick! You can even challenge Cap’n Blackie, the unchained alligator of the Dismal Swamps to a duel, if you want to! Come along! It’s a musical journey you’ll never regret! ONE DAY ONLY SUNDAY, JULY 21 3 and 9 P. M. Adm. 10c-25c been made in the conditions and pay ment of said mortgage, the undersign ed Mortgagee will, on the 3rd day of August 193S at 12 o'clock, noon, at the courthouse door of Washington County, N. C„ offer tor sale at Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property: Being part of lot No. 19 in the Town of Plymouth, and beginning at Robert Taylor's Southeast corner on Fourth Street and running eastwardly ’ill) -aid street 49 feet to Blount's line, thence westwardly 49 feet to the said Taylor’s line, thence southward ly along said Taylor’s line 200 feet to fourth Street, the beginning. This being same lot bought of Levi Blount and wife by deed dated September 3. 1911, and recorded in book 53 on page 56 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Washington County. This mortgage include.-' all the buildings |that have been erected on the above described property ben>re and alter the execution of this mortgage. A deposit of 10 percent of the a niount paid will be required of the succesful bidder at the hour of sale to he forfeited to the said mortgagee for the benefit of the holder of the 'aid notes upon his failure to com ply with said bid upon tender of deed. This the 1st dav of July, 1935. A. L. OWENS, jy-5 4t Mortgagee. By Kdv a ' 1 • 1 A; t \ Summer Here Are SAVINGS Our Big Summer CARNIVAL OF VALUES Continues Thru Saturday with Added Specials GALVANIZED TUBS WITH BAIL 15 Quart ALUMINUM PRESERVING KETTLES $1.19 Value / Friday and QQp Saturday 131 2 Inch Lids for 1 A« Above Kettles “ W Clearance Sale on LADIES’ MILLINERY 59c HATS Reduced to 39c 79c & 97c HATS, Reduced to 59c SANITARY NAPKINS Regular Size—Six in a Box Friday and Saturday, Box -WINSLOW’S 5c To $1.00 STORE WILLIFORD’S * * YELLOW FRONT MARKET ONE WHOLE WEEK OF SPECIALS BUY NOW AND SAVE Flour $3.25 Pounds 85c Pure Apple VINEGAR Gal. 29c JAR TOPS Dozen ALL 10c SPICES 3 for CEKTO, Bottle.29c JAR RUBBERS, 6 for 2',c Best Toilet Soap. 3 for 10c Toilet Tissue, 3 for . 12e MUSTARD Qt.Jar IOC FRUIT MRS Pts. 75c Qts. 87c POSTOASTIES 2 pkg. 15C CLEANSOR. 2 for .... 9c OCTAGON SOAP. 3 for 7c Baking Clioc'late, reg sz 9c PINE APPLE, can. 8 l-3e LARGE MILK 3 for 19C Best Quality ROLL BUTTER 28c 44-Ounce WASHING POWDER pkg. 12 l'2c BANANAS Doz. . 19c Fly & Mosquito Sure Death Sure Death 10c CHEESE lb. 19c Macaroni 2 pk«;s. .. 9c Ballard's Flour CANOE 12 lb. 45c LARD Small Quantity 14c Large Quantity Ask for Prices OBELISK FLOUR Plain 12 lb. 57c