Per«op.*l» \ Club Meeting! I Entertainment* Wedding! | Engagement! Society & Personals MRS. MARION RAMSEY, Editor ■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitii .11111111111111111;i mi ilium i* m 11..... i. i mill! PHONE Anything for This Departmtnt Ta 46 immiihiiii:'!(i(iiniiiihi iiiomn .imiimmiitiniiiimmii; Mesdames J. W. Brown ,Sarah F. Nurney, and Mr. L. C. Nurncy spent Monday in Rocky Mount and were accompanied home by Mrs. D M. McKnight, who will visit here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar L. Ayers an nounce the marriage of their daugh ter, Edna Mae, to Frank C. Spruill, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Spruill, on October 27th, in the Methodist Episcopal church, South. Mrs. Ruby Windley, of Greenville, spent the week-end here with her parents. His many friends are delighted that Dr. T. L. Bray has returned from ^he hospital and is now on the road to recovery. Mrs. Thomas Stith, of Virginia Beach, is the guest of her niece, Mrs Louis Horton. Mrs. Ed Jackson and daughter, I of Aulander, are visiting their par-1 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bratten.1 Little Miss Bettie Riddle is slow-| ly recovering from a tonsil opera-: tion. Mrs. Carrie Moore has returned1 home from Norfolk, where she has spent several weeks. Mrs. D. M. McKnight, of Rocky Mount, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Sarah F. Nurney, on Jefferson Street j Mrs. Herman Hornthal, of Nor folk, is the guest of her niece, Mrs. Zeno Lyon, and Miss Martha Horn thal. Camels don't qet your Wind i've smoked camels for \ I 15 YEARS. THEY DON'T GET [ I MY WIND. NOTHING COULD j SHOW THEIR MILDNESS BETTER THAN THAT | AND IVE FOUND THE REAL MILDNESS THAT l WANT — IN CAMELS ! THEY NEVER j DISTURB MY WIND CART. TERRELL M. JACOBS Lion Trainer SO MILD! YOU CAN SMOKE ALL YOU WANT mmmm \ HORSEWOMAN Judy Ford COSTLIER TOBACCOS What An Account Here Means Very briefly an account here means that you have all the rights to your money at any time, while we assume all the risks of safeguard ing it for you. A Good Bank is the safest place in which to store up money that has yet been devised by man. We’ll be glad to explain how easy it is to start and continue an account! Ask us about it! YOUR MONEY IS SAFE HERE Branch Banking & Trust Company Plymouth folks who attended the marriage of Louis Phillip Hornthal Saturday evening, October 5th, in Tarboro were Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Still, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Wendt, Mr. and Mrs. Edison Swain, Mr. and Mrs. Z. G. Lyon and son, Mrs. Bosie Horton and Miss Martha Hornthal and Mrs. Abe Adler. Miss Naomi Weede spent last week in Norfolk as guest of friends. Van B. Martin, jr., of Norfolk, is in the city as guest of his mother, Mrs. Estelle Martin. Mr. and Mrs. H. Marion Ramsey spent the week-end in Richmond with friends. Mrs. Bruce Bateman and son have returned from a visit to relatives in Greensboro. The announcement of the approach ing marriage of Miss Mary Mizelie Morgan, of Winfalf, in December,; will be of interest to her manyj friends here. Miss Morgan is the niece of Mrs. John S. Brown, of Plymouth, and has visited here a number of times. She is also relat ed to Clerk of Court C. V. W. Aus bon. Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Davis, of Washington, spent Tuesday in the city witli friends. Bob Tarkenton, of Robersonville, was a visitor here this week. Mrs. Arthur Vail and Miss Ruth Satterthwaite were in Richmond over the week-end. Dr. and Mrs. W. L. White, of Suf folk, were in the city Friday on bus iness. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bateman and family, of Rocky Mount, and Miss Della Bowen, of Atlantic Christian College, Wilson, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. George W. Bowen Mrs. Walter Oakey, of Hertford, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Lloyd Hor ton. Miss Virgie Piland, of Kinston, w'as here Monday visiling Mrs. J. S. Brown. MBS. J. W. STARR IS HOSTESS AT BRIDGE Outstanding in social significance was the delightful contract bridge party given Thursday afternoon of last week at the home of Mrs. J. W. Starr in Creswell. The living and dining rooms were thrown en suite and six tables were arranged for play. Attractive and colorful tallies and other bridge ac cessories added to the scene, and after many interesting progressions Miss Faye Tadlock was adjudged high scorer, for which she received a perfume set and atomizer. Mrs. Floyd E. Cahoon won an imported vase as second high. Following the game the hostess was assisted by Mrs. A. W. Bachman in serving a delicious salad plate with hot cheese biscuits and hot tea followed by a sumptuous dessert of orange creme delight with apple sauce cake. WANTED: MAN to TAKE CHARGE of small industrial insurance deb it in Plymouth and Roper. Good commission contract. If not hustler, don’t reply. Apply Post Office Box 507., Edenton, N. C. o4 2t FOR SALE! An extra good farm, 1 1-2 miles from Roper. Also 8-Room House and lot in Roper. Good terms. J. O. HTGHSMITH Roper N. C. ACE OF CLUBS MEETING IS HELD LAST FRIDAY The Ace of Clubs Contract Bridge Club was graciously entertained on Friday evening, October 4th, at the home of Mr.j. A. L. Alexander on East Main Street. Choice early fall and late sum mer flowers formed a most pleas ing background for -(-he tables ap pointed for the game, and after the guests found their respective places fcv attractive tallies, several, inter esting progressions were enjoyed, during which Mrs. W. L. Whitley made high score and was given a novel prize, while Mrs. W. E. Waters was presented the low score prize for club members. Mrs. J. B. Ed mundson compiled highest score for 1he guests and was presented a prize while Miss Lucille Brinkley won low score prize for guests. Special guests to the club included Mesdames B. G. Campbell, M. A. Blount, J. B. Edmundson, L. W. An derson, H. H. Alexander, and Miss Lucille Brinkley. During the play delicious fruit punch was served, followed by a de lectable chicken salad plate after the game served with hot coffee. '-S JUNIOR WOMAN’S CLUB IN MEET LAST WEEK The Junior Woman’s Club held its I tegular monthly meeling on Tues-; day evening of last week in the club rooms with their president, Miss Alma Sanderson, presiding. This meeting was of strictly a business nature to formulate plans for the year’s work, and it was agreed that each month the club would have some worth-while objective, begin ning with the donation of a set of encyclopedia for the school. Hostesses for the evening were Misses Emily and Louise Brinkley and Mrs. W. E. Waters. Two new members were enrolled and fair attendance of the old mem bers was reported. -* HORNTHAL-LANE Miss Mildred Foye Lane, of Tar boro, was married to Louis Phillip Hornthal, of Tarboro and Plymouth, in the Calvary Episcopal church in Tarboro October 5. The wedding music was played by a sister of the groom, Mrs. William Wa-f-ts, of Wil liamston. A number from Plymouth attended. -<j> ROUND DOZEN CLUB IN MEET TUESDAY The Round Dozen Contract Bridge Club met Tuesday evening at the Main Street residence of Mrs. Zeno G Lyon. For the occasion the home was beautifuly decorated by a pro fusion of early fall flowers. An evening of enjoyable progres ; sions ended with Mrs. J. B. Edmund Ison making high score for club mem bers and receiving a novel range Quick Relief for Chills and Fever and Other Effects of Malaria! Don’t put up with the suffering of ! Malaria—the teeth-chattering chills and the burning fever. Get rid of Malaria by getting the infection out of your system. J That’s what Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tome ‘ does—destroys and drives out the infec tion. At the same time, it builds up your system against further attack. ' Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic contains tasteless quinine which kills the infection in the blood. It also contains iron which builds up the blood and helps it overcome the effects of Malaria as W’ell as fortify against re-infection. These are the effects you want for COMPLETE relief. Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic is pleasant to take and absolutely safe, even for children. No hitter taste of quinine. Get a bottle today and be forearmed against Malaria. For sale at all drug stores. Now two sizes —50c and $1. The $1 size contains V/i times as much as the 50c size and gives you 25% more for your money. set in china, while Mrs. B. A. Sum ner compiled second high and was awarded a bowl of rooted bulbs. ■Mrs. J. W. Reid was also presented la bowl of bulbs for guest high score Foilowing presentation of the prizes, the hostess w^s assisted in serving a delicious ice course. -» TO SERVE SUPPER SATURDAY NIGHT A chicken salad and oyster sup per will be given by the Senior Wo man’s Club Saturday night at the Legion Hall. Proceeds from the re past will be used by the Woman’s Club in {.heir work in the commun ity. A small charge will be made for each serving. Mrs. H. A. Liver man will be in charge. --- TURNAGE - THOMPSON Roper.—Announcement has been made here of the marriage of Miss Rcita Carne Thomason, of this place, to Collier Anthony Turnage, of Washington. Mrs. Turnage is the sister of L. S. Thompson, of Plym outh. She has been teaching school for a short time. checks MALARIA in 3 days COLDS Liquid - Tablets first day. Salve - Nose DropsTonic & Laxative Saturday October 12 th is the last day of our Annivesary SALE! and it will be to your advantage to see the wonderful values we are offering in watches, dia monds, silverware, and jewelry, and to buy at prices which it will be impossible for us to of fer later . . . We want to thank our customers who have helped make this event such a success and earn estly hope that those of you who have not taken advantage of our special offers will do so this week before this event is closed. DON G. DAVIS JEWELER PLYMOUTH, N. C. Official Railway Watch Inspectors SKINNERSVILLE ■ Mrs. Wade Woodley and son. Lance, of Rocky Mount, were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pritchard and Mrs. Asa Snell Sun j day. Mr. Vance Bass, Mr, Wade Wood ley, of Rocky Mount, and Mr. Ches ter Spruill were visitors in Cherry Sunday. Mrs. Henrietta Sw^ain, who has ! been visiting her daughter, Mrs. i George Spearman, of Plattsburg, N. j Y , returned home the past week. Mrs. D. P. Pharr and Mrs. Leon Spruill spenj- the week-end in Noi folk shopping. Mrs. Robert Swain returned to her home at Kingstree, S. C., Sun day after an extended visit with Mi. and Mrs. Corbitt Swain and Mrs. Henrietta Swain. Rev. Richard Lucas held his reg ular appointment at Oak Grove Bap tisf- church Sunday morning and was the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Holton. Henry Starr Everett, who has worked at Smithfield, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Everett. For Satisfactory Results, Send COTTON to /. W. Perry Company SUFFOLK VIRGINIA For Sale or Storage and Loans PENDER FOUR REASONS WHY YOU FIND Bigger Savings Here |xo i| ' SALE OF QUALITY Southern Manor Canned Foods ALL GREEN ASPARAGUS SLICED HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE r 2ic > No. 2 can 33c ASPARAGUS STYLE STRINGLESS BEANS No. 2 cans 15c White Corn, No. 2 can 10c Bartlett Pears, can 21c Tomato Catsup, 2 bottles 25c Lima Beans, No. 2 can 17c I no. 21 SALE OF INVIGORATING PENDER S COFFEES D.P. . 19c Yellow 17c Golden 15c SALE OF POPULAR COLONIAL CANNED FOODS SIFTED EARLY JUNE PEAS PIKE TOMATO JUICE No. 2 can 10-oz. J cans 10c 25c COLONIAL PURE PHOSPHATE 1-lb ~| wm BAKING POWDER can J_5C Tasty Mackerel, 2 cans Cut Beets, 2 cans Sauer Kraut, large can Apple Sauce, No. 2 can 15c 25c 10c 10c |~no~| SALE OF PLAIN or SELF-RISING D. P. FLOUR 12-lb. Bag 24-lb. Bag 49c 97c NONE BETTER AT ANY PRICE Kt Week Plymouth 4 Coun October 14, 15,16, 17,18, 19,1935 Featuring the best balanced urogram of Agricultural, Livestock, Poultry. Fancy W ork, Canned Goods and other exhibits ever seen at a fair in this section. A program of entertainment second to none. Shows on the Midway 10 Rides and 12 Shows. See the Sensational Free Acts. Smith’s Superba Band all week. Fireworks each night. TUESDAY Wild, BE CHILDREN’S DAY: All school children (white) in the four counties will be admitted to the grounds free up to 5 p. m. Remember, it’s going to be a real fair with all the fair environment. Don't forget the dates: October 14,15,16, E. 18,19. 1 he gates will open Monday afternoon at 5 p. m. Rent your booth for eats and drinks now. General admission: 10-25e. Block tickets being sold now are good for six admissions instead of four. N. G. Bartlett, Sec. Mrs. W. H. Paramore Asst. Sec.

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