..immiimiimmmimmiim Opening of a NEW BUSINESS PLYMOUTH, N. C. ....... With a Complete Stock Of Brand New Merchandise Will Open Their Door to the Buying Public FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28th With a complete new stock of men’s, women’s and children’s shoes and hosiery, men’s and boys’ clothing, shirts, underwear, hats, caps, overalls, and all other wearing apparel. This stock has just been bought in the northern markets, and you will find every article the newest thing in style and quality. You will note below we are offering some real bargains as introductory prices. Shoes MEN’S DRESS SHOES $ 1.98 to $5 WORK SHOES $1.98 to $3.50 BOYS’ SHOES $1.48 to $3.50 LADIES’ SHOES in White. Tan, Blue and Black $1.98 to $5.75 Children’s Shoes 98c to 3«5o Shirts MEN’S DRESS 79c-98c $1.35-$1.65 and $1.95 WEAR Marlboro Shirts MEN’S SOCKS Plain and Fancy Patterns 10c- 19c 25c-35c Men’s and Boys' UNDERWEAR SHIRTS & SHORTS 19c-25c 35c-50c Congratulations to the Burgess Shoe & Clothing Store May we extend oi r heartiest good wishes to this organiza tion on the opening of their new store and to the people of Plym outh on another new institution. THE STORE IS NOW OUR EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR OUR COMPLETE BLUE RIBBON LINE of Men’s and Young Men’s Custom-Tailored Clothing. We, in behalf of the new store, cordially invite your inspection of this new Spring and Summer line—comprising over 400 styles—rep resenting the latest styles—at reasonable prices. MAKE THIS STORE - YOUR STORE” The Haas Tailor ingCo. Men’s Clothing College Park In all models. Stouts, slims and regulars. $20.00 to $22.50 values $15.95 THESE ARE BIG BARGAINS Other Numbers $19.95 and $21.50 Men's Dress Pants We Have a Large Line $1.98 to $5.95 HATS Sample Lines at Wholesale Prices A Beautiful Line of Neckwear 10c-25c 50c-$l r wt5H TO c a v TO THF PUBLIC WHEN I BOUGHT THIS STOCK OF MERCHANDISE, I THOUGHT OF QUALITY AND STYLE FIRST, AND TRIED TO BUY TTT^T WHAT a WPT T DRFSSED PERSON WOULD WANT. THEN I BOUGHT IT FOR THE VERY BEST PRICE POSSIBLE. NOW I AM PASSING IT ON TO YOU— NEW STYLES BEST QUALITY, AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICE OBTAINABLE._T. C. BURGESS. Compliments of Plymouth Box and Panel Company Burgess Shoe and Clothing Store Is Agent in Plymouth for LEE HATS Sold bv B. 4. SlIMNER a PURCHASE YOUR SKEEZIX SHOES from Burgess Shoe and Clothing Store Sold by S. A. WARD, Sr.