THE ROANOKE BEACON And Washington County News Published Every Friday in Plymouth, Washington County, North Carolina WALTER H. PARAMORE Managing Editor The Roanoke Beacon was established in 1889 and consolidated with the Washington County News in 1929. Subscription Rates In Washington, Martin, and Tyrrell Counties Ona year ... — $1.50 six months . —.—.-.- .75 Outside of Above Counties One year $2.00 Six months 1.00 (Strictly Cash in Advance) Advertising Rates Furnished Upon Request Entered as second-class matter at the post office in Plymouth, N. C., under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Friday, May 1, 1936 Prejudice and Argument We are glad that Tom Bost, our preacher friend and Greensboro News Raleigh correspondent, in his recent tirade against the McDonald candidacy, did not come right out point-blank and use the frequent argument of some that the candidate was born in another state. Of course, Preacher-Writer Tom has many time read the cruel story of how the wicked Jews tried to prejudice the people even against Jesus by asking ‘'Can anything good come out of Nazareth?’’ and then how they had to change their charge and say that He stirerd up sedition; how they dropped the charge that He was a Nazarene and crucified Him because of new reasons altogether. Mr. Bost, the preacher-writer, probably also knows that the real reason why Jesus was nailed to the cross was the jealousy of the rulers in Jerusalem who feared the loss of their jobs. We are not trying to draw any parallels between the Crucifixion and any political campaign in North Carolina—or anywhere else, for that matter—but the thought simply occurred to us that over 1900 years ago it was found calling a man an “outsider” was a pretty sorry argument against his qualifications if he had anything at all to recommend him. Are We Free Men? The Emancipation Proclamation freed the Negro in 1863, and the American people marched along. Both white and black were supposed to be free until the organization of wealth and its claim to dominate the government. Then the liberty of the average man was taken from him. The laborer was forced by his employer to vote as directed or lose his job. This condition of affairs was practiced throughout the na tion, finally reaching down to our own Southland; and has reached a state where officials of the govern ment are commanded by their bosses to go out and tell the employees how to vote, with a veiled threat that if they did not follow orders they would prob ably lose their jobs. This state of affairs is decidedly worse than the old-time lash, because it wiped away a greater freedom. It is perfectly right to persuade a voter to vote your way if you use a truthful argument based on facts, but it certainly is not right when politicians use their power to scare voters into voting for certain candidates for governmental positions. We all re member four years ago, how certain units of govern ment in our own state wielded the scepter of their appointing power over workmen to force them to vote their way. The very meanest thing we have heard of so far, however, is where a man calling himself a party lead er and a political guardian sets out to wield the "big stick ” over an inmate of a county home, calling the unfortunate man’s attention to the fact that "we have stuck to you” and at the same time intimating to him that unless he votes for certain candidates he may find himself "out,’’ facing a cold, cruel, breadless world. Vet we are facing this condition in this state today; where men who feel that they are able to drive men are seizing the lash and seeking to wield it over those whom they can scare. A Super-Super Jury Many things have been said about the ignorance and incompetencv of jurors, which argument we re fuse to take sides. However, it does seem that we now have an opportunity to observe a jury which should have knowledge and judgment. The United States Senate is now sitting in judgment on the im peachment trial of a United States Federal judge. Now, what may we expect? Will the Senate vote for acquittal or conviction? Will the vote be colored with partisan bias or will it be cast honestly accord ing to the evidence presented! Of course, we expect the Senate to know more than an average jury, but it may not act with more hon esty. The Farmer Was Not Heard The question of the right of an officer to run rough shod over the wishes of his people has several differ ent phases. If the people are ignorant and do not know right from wrong, it is certainly the duty of a governor to advise them; and when the people cry for bread no ruler has the right to cast them a stone. The attitude of Mr. Ehringhaus in meeting thous ands of his representative constitutents this week was beneath the dignity of the high office of governor which he holds. It is unfortunate for a man to outgrow and apparently to despise those who only so recently be stowed favors upon him. It is strikingly strange that a man can so easily for get thousands and spurn their prayers and at the same time bestow all his favors and love on a small select bunch or group. We have two distinct tobacco groups in this state. The farmer was not heard, apparently because the governor listened to the wiser, richer manufacturing group. Cash Poultry & EGG SALE! SAT., MAY 2nd EGGS, per dozen.16c CASH. PER POUND Colored Hens.17c Spring Chickens_ 20c Leghorn Hens.16c Roosters. 9c Stags. 12c Ducks . 12c Geese.12c Turkeys, No. 1.20c Turkeys, No. 2.18c Guineas, each.25c A Farmer’s Exchange Truck Will Receive Eggs and Poultry at the Following Places Saturday: COLUMBIA 8:00 A. M. to 12:00 M. CRESWELL 1 ;00 P. M. to 3:00 P. M. (Cash, Not Checks, Will Be Used at Creswell) ROPER (DOCTOR’S OFFICE) 8:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. PLYMOUTH F. C. X. STORE ALL DAY The farmers in Washington and Tyrrell Counties have cooperated mighty well in the marketing of poultry and eggs. We will probably keep this up through the month of May. The Exchange feels that the farmers of these counties have benefited in this cooperative movement and that the service is appreciated enough that they will continue this method of mar keting as long as poultry and egg prices are low. Hold your eggs and chickens until next Saturday and deliver tfiem at the place nearest you. Candidates' Cards COUNTY BOARD EDUCATION I wish to announce as a candidate for the nomination to the Washing ton County Board o£ Education, subject to the Democratic primary in June. Will appreciate the sup port of the voters. Respectfully, R. C. (DICK) PEACOCK. FOR COMMISSIONER This is to announce my candidacy, subject to the coming Democratic primary, to succeed myself in the office as a member of the Board of Commissioners of Washington Coun ty. If nominated and elected, I promise to carry out the duties of this office to the best of my ability. CLYDE SMITHSON. FOR COMMISSIONER This is to announce my candidacy, subject to the coming Democratic primary, to succeed myself in the office as a member of the Board of Washington County Commissioners. If nominated and elected I promise to carry out the duties of the office to the best of my ability. FRANK L. BRINKLEY. FOR BOARD EDUCATION This is to announce my candidacy subject to the Democratic primary, to succeed myself in the office as a member of the Board of Education of Washington County. If nominat ed and elected I promise to carry out the duties of the office to the best of my ability. C. N. (Mike) DAVENPORT, Jr. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS I wish to announce my candidacy for the office of register of deeds of Washington County, subject to the Democratic primary in June. I will appreciate the support and vote of the voters in Washington County. Mrs. MATTIE R. SWAIN. FOR TREASURER I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of treasurer of Wash ington County, subject to the Dem ocratic primary in June. I will ap preciate very much the support of the people of this county. J. ROBERT CAMPBELL. FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce to the Demo cratic voters of Washington County that I am a candidate for member of the general assembly, subject to the action of the voters in the Dem ocratic primary. Your support will be appreciated. A. L. OWENS. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I wish to announce to the voters of Washington County, that I am a candidate for the office of Commis sioner, subject to the Democratic Primary in June. If nominated and elected, I only promise to do the best I know in the duties of the office. Sincerely, PERCY M. ARPS. FOR TREASURER After due consideration I have de cided to be a candidate for the of fice of treasurer of Washington County, subject to the Democratic primary in June, and I will appre ciate each and every vote and the support of the voters of Washington County. STUART D. DAVIS. COUNTY BOARD EDUCATION Announcing my candidacy for the county board of education in the coming primary. W. L. WHITLEY. MEMBER BOARD of EDUCATION I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of member of the Washington County Board of Education, subject to the Demo cratic primary that will be held on June 6, 1936. If nominated and elected I promise to fulfill the duties to the best of my ability. P. H. DARDEN. FOR COMMISSIONER This is to announce my candidacy, subject to the Democratic primary in June, to succeed myself in the office as a member of the board of Washington County Commissioners. If nominated and elected I will ful fill the duties of the office to the best Of my ability. J. M. CLAGON. FOR TREASURER I take this method of announcing myself as a candidate for treasurer of Washington County, subject to the Democratic primary June 6. I have been a loyal Democrat for 40 years and only ask for the office one term. All support given will be greatly appreciated. W. E. BLOUNT. FOR TREASURER I wish to announce myself as a candidate for the office of treasurer of Washington County, subject to the Democratic primary in June. I have always supported the Demo cratic ticket and supported the var ious old-line leaders for the last 21 years. I will greatly appreciate any support that the voters may give me. W. L. HASSELL. FOR CORONER I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination as coroner of Wash ington County, subject to the Dem ocratic primary in June. I will ap preciate the 1 upport of my friends, and if nominated and elected I promise to do my best to fulfill the duties of this office. WILLIAM S. NURNEY. FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a can didate for renomination to the of fice of sheriff of Washington Coun ty, subject to the Democratic pri mary in June, 1936. If nominated and elected, I promise to fulfill my duties to the best of my ability. J. K. REID. FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce myself a can didate for representative in the Gen eral Assembly, on the Democratic ticket, subject to the primary to be held this year. I am a World War veteran. If nominated and elected, I promise to serve the interest of all the people of this county and state to the best of my ability. J. LLOYD HORTON. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I wish to take this method of an nouncing my candidacy for the office of county commissioner of Wash ington County, subject to the Dem ocratic primary in June. If nomi nated and elected, I pledge to fulfill the duties of the office to the best of my ability and business experience SIDNEY A. WARD, Sr. FOR TREASURER After being approached by a num ber of friends who urged me to be come a candidate for the office of Treasurer of Washington County, I have decided to announce my can didacy for this office, subject to the Democratic primary in June. I will appreciate the vote and support of the voters. JAMES A. (Jim) CHESSON. FOR RECORDER To the voters of Washington County I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of judge of the re corder’s court, to succeed myself. I desire to state that I have sought to deal honestly and squarely with the public and with every defendant in all cases that have come before me. If I am favored with the nomina tion and election, I shall continue this course. I shall appreciate your support in both elections. Thanks. JOHN W. DARDEN. FOR BOARD EDUCATION Having been approached by a number of my friends, I hereby an nounce myself as candidate for the nomination as a member of the board of education of Washington County, subject to the Democratic primary in June. I will greatly ap preciate the support of my friends. PAUL B. BELANGA. FOR RECORDER Having heretofore announced my candidacy for recorder of Washing ton County, subject to the coming Democratic primary, I enlist the support of the Democratic voters of Washington County, and if nominat ed and elected, I promise faithful and conscientious service. ZEB VANCE NORMAN. FOR STATE SENATE I wish to announce as a candidate or the State Senate from the Sec ind Senatorial District and solicit he votes of members of the Demo ratic party. T. B. ATTMORE. FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce myself a can didate for reelection to the House of Representatives in the next General Assembly from Washington County. If nominated and elected, I pledge myself to support all legislation for the betterment of the masses of the people. HARRY STELL. FOR TREASURER I wish to take this method of an nouncing my candidacy for the nom ination for the office of treasurer of Washington County, subject to the Democratic primary in June. I have always been a Democrat and am interested in the party’s wel fare. I will appreciate the vote of each and every voters. W. T. (Tom) FREEMAN. FOR CORONER I hereby announce my candidacy for coroner of Washington County, subject to the Democratic primary to be held in June. If nominated and elected I pledge to serve to the best of my ability. W. H. (JACK) PEELE. FOR STATE SENATE I hereby announce my candidacy for reelection to the State Senate, subject to the Democratic primary in June. I will appreciate any support giv en me, and if elected I pledge my best efforts to properly represent the people of my district. ROBERT L. COBURN. NOTICE! The Alba-Noke Funeral Finance Association, of Plymouth, N. C., has been licensed by the State Insur ance Department and has given a compliance bond to carry out their obligations. Members of the old Washington County Burial Association wishing to have their mem bership transferred may do so at once. Alba-Noke Funeral Finanee Association MRS. SARAH F. NURNEY PRESIDENT mrs. d. m. Mcknight vice president WILLIAM S. NURNEY SECRETARY and TREASURER FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS To the voters of Washington County: I hereby announce myself as a candidate, subject to the Demo cratic primary in June, for the office of Register of Deeds of Washington County. I will appreciate the sup port of the voters for this office. Mrs. MARY SMITH CAHOON. FOR STATE SENATE To the Democratic Voters of the Second Senatorial District: I hereby announce my candidacy for the state senate, subject to the Democratic primary to be held in June, 1936. Respectfully, WILLIAM B. RODMAN, Jr^_ Screen W ire, Screen Doors and Screen Windows MOORE’S HIGH GRADE PAINT A Paint for Every Purpose Plymouth Hardware Co. A. EDISON DAVENPORT, Owner NOTICE! We have several good second hand mules and many fresh shipped mules for sale. Will trade for hogs, cattle or anything you have for sale. Come To See Us. We Have the Terms and the Kind of Mules You Want Morris & Gurganus One Mile Out of Bethel, N. C. ON GREENVILLE HIGHWAY New Theatre “Plymouth’s Best Booster” Shows You Can’t Afford To Miss THURSDAY APRIL 30 Special Stage Attraction 9 P. M. Only APOLLO CONCERT ARTISTS MIRIAM HOPKINS — JOEL McCREA “SPLENDOR” MATINEE 10-25cNIGHT 15C-35C FRIDAY, MAY. 1 ALL SHOWS 10c AND 25c MALA — LOTUS LONG “LAST OF THE PAGANS” SATURDAY, MAY 2 Continuous Shows From 1 P. M. BUCK JONES “The IVORY-HANDLED GUN” Chapter 5 — Buster Crabbe in “Flash Gordon” Sunday, May 3 All Shows 10-25c 3 and 9 Clark Gabel, Loretta Young Jack Oakie “Call of the Wild” By JACK LONDON Mon.-Tues., May 4-5 All Shows 10-25c Frederic March, Merle Oberon Herbert Marshall “Dark Angel” WEDNESDAY, May 6 — JACK POT — All Shows 10-25c Edward Everett Horton - Irene Hervey “HIS NIGHT OUr