Personals - Society News Bernard Joyner, of Newport News and Miss Myra Moore, of Plymouth, were dinner guests of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davenport, in Robersonville Friday. Anna Ruth McNair, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McNair had her tonsils and adenoids removed in a Washington hospital Monday. The little girl is resting well now. Miss Lucille Brinkley has return ed from an extended visit in More head City. C. L. Gurkin, employed as sales man and electrician by the Southern Hardware Co., has returned from Washington, where he had his ton sils removed. Mrs. J. E. Swain, wife of a local barber, has returned from a Wash ington hospital, where she under went a major operation. She is re covering rapidly and hopes to be out within a few days. Miss Nita Ayers, of Raleigh, spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. C. T Robbins. Miss Reba Bishop, of Scotland Neck, is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. L. Jones, at the Carter apartments. L. T. Read, sr., and L. T. Read, jr., of New York City, left Tuesday after a week's visit with Mrs. E. W. Joyner and Charles Read here. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Ward and fam ily spent Sunday in Edenton. NEW THEATRE PLYMOUTH'S COMMUNITY ASSET Thurs.-Fri. Sept. 3-4 All Shows 10-25c "CHINA CLIPPER” PAT O’BRIEN ROSS ALEXANDER Perfect 36 A MIGHTY SUM Of CHINA CLIPPER 0^. PAT O BRIEN HKiMfMWMU ' T' Saturday, Sept. 5th Shows Continuous From 1 P. M. Matinee 10-15c ’Til 5:30 P. M. — Night 10-25c ‘ LAWLESS RANGE” — JOHN WAYNE Hot Spells Chapter 10 “Phantom Rider” - Buck Jones Sunday September 6 Shows at 3-9 P. M. All Shows 10-25c “SINS OF MAN” JEAN HERSHOLT DON AMECHE “Thanks, Mr. Cupid” j JEAN HERSHOLT ttar of "The Country Doctor, n a sensational performance! ms Off Mon n\\\\\\\\\\\VS^ Mon. Sept. 7 One Day Only All Shows 10-25c “BULLETS OR BALLOTS” Edward G. Robinson Joan Blondell “Three on a Limb” Metro’s Latest News Flashes LITTLE CAESAR NEW CRIME CZAR Edw G. ROBINSON BULLETS «BALLOTS JOAN BLONDELL • Barton Mar. Lane Humphrey Bogart • Frank V( Hugh Tuesday, September 8th All Shows 10-25c “GHOSTS GO WEST”—ROBERT DONAT - JEAN PARKER Selected Shorts and Comedy Wednesday, September 9 Adults Only “HIGH SCHOOL GIRL”—with HELEN MAE KELLAR, MAHLON HAMILTON - CECILIA PARKER Campbell’s Store With the Red Front SCHOOL DAYS Are HERE AGAIN We have Lucky Star School Supplies, 'and this company offers 2901 prizes. Save Lucky Star Covers from tablets, notebook fillers, etc. LEMONS, doz. 29c LETTUCE 10c TOMATOES, lb. 5c PEACHES, doz. 25c GRAPES, lb. 8 l-3c 5c Cake IVORY Soap Extra Cake for lc OCCO-NEE-CHEE Flour, 12-lb. bag 52c Save Trade Marks Pkg. CHIPSO 10c; Extra pkg. for 1c Pkg. OXYDOL 10c; Extra pkg for lc Qt. Jar SALAD DRESSING . 25c 1-2 lb. cake CHOCOLATE.10c 1-2 lb. can COCOA.10c Pound Box Salty CRACKERS 10c F. C. X. FEED AND SEED LINE The F. C. X. Company is owned by farmers and operated at low cost. LAYING MASH, BRAN, MIDDLING, DAIRY FEED, GROWING MASH, CLOVER, RAPE, RYE, OATS, VETCH, TURNIPS, KALE O. H. Lyon, P. W. Brown, Bill Clagon, Cecil Beasley attended a baseball game at Ayden Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Norman Harney were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bateman. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Snyder and daughter, Mary Snyder, of Detroit, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hawkins. Mr. Snyder, Mr. Haw. kins, Miss Snyder, and Miss Fran ces Stillman spent Friday at At lantic Beach. Mrs. J. H. Singleton, of Washing ton, a former resident, is visiting Mrs. W. T. Stillman. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon May and children, of Greensboro, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Ev. erett. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Stephenson and Miss Eliza Simpson, of Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stephenson, of Suffolk, were here last week-end visiting Mr .and Mrs. H. L. Barn hill. Martha and Roy Manning spent last week in Bethel with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ambrose and son, of Wilmington, Delaware, have returned to their home after visiting Mrs. Sarah Nurney and other relatives for a week. Mrs. L. R. Swain is in Manteo visiting her son Mr. Lawrence Swain and Mrs. Swain. Mrs. R. G. L. Edwards and daughter, Clyde, of Durham, were here last week visiting Miss Helen Coburn, Mrs. C. J. Norman and other friends. Miss Ernestine Kemp, of Norfolk, is here visiting Miss Hazel Coburn. Joe W. Norman and Dick Norman were in Suffolk last week-end and were accompanied on the return trip by Mrs. Norman and Miss Vir ginia, who had been spending some time in Smithfield and Suffolk. Mrs. Jack B. Campbell and chil dren, of Savannah, Ga., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Camp bell. Mrs. W. F. Ausbon with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Livers and son, of Hampton, Va., are on a trip through the Valley of Virginia, Washington, D. C., and New York where they will visit Mr. Liver’s sister, Miss Anna Livers. From there they will visit Mrs. Frank Baker, formerly Miss Selma Wolfe, of Plymouth, at Leona, N. J., and then visit Mr. Liver’s father in Ashland, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Carstarphen, of Durham, were here last week visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Anderson, of Williamston, were here last week end visiting friends. Haywood Gardner, of Goldsboro, was here visiting friends this week. CHERRY R. W. Phelps has returned after spending a few days with his daugh ter, Mrs. J. R. Liverman, of New Bern. Woodrow Barnes, of Norfolk, is spending some time here with rela tives and friends. Roy Overton, of Norfolk, spent the week-end in Cherry. Mrs. J. A. Adams and family, of Baltimore, are visiting her mother, Mrs. S. A. Overton. Miss Mildred Davenport, of Bal timore, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Davenport. Miss Doris Snell is spending some time in Norfolk. Miss Merlene Phelps, of Norfolk, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Phelps. W. A. Gibbs has returned to his work in Fortress Monroe, Va., after spending a week with his family. Mrs. J. G. Barnes and Mrs. Em ma Overton spent a few days with their father, Mr. Henry Phelps. E. O. Arnold and family spent Sat urday with his father, Jim Arnold. A Tip to the New Home Economics Teachers IN WASHINGTON COUNTY SCHOOLS USE— Light White Flour AVOID FAILURES in DEMONSTRATIONS H. E. HARRISON WHOLESALE CO. (Costs No More Than Ordinary Flour) SERIES PARTIES FOR MISS CARRIE SMITH EAST WEEK Social activities reached a peak for the summer season here last week when a series of parties was given honoring Miss Carrie Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith sr., who was at home for a week from Tallahassee, Fla., where she is secretary to the president of Flor ida State College. Tuesday morning Mrs. W. D. Peal entertained at her home near here. Guests arrived at 10 o’clock and bridge played until noon. Covers were laid and luncheons served. Mrs. J. W. Starr received a kitchen set for high score and the honoree was presented linen handkerchiefs. Thursday at noon Mrs. R. W. Johnston, sister of Miss Smith, was hostess at a four-course bridge luncheon, with cards played at three tables. A serving tray went to Mrs. H. A. Williford, top scorer, while Mrs. Edison Davenport received a powder puff for low score. Mrs. W. D, Peel was given a silhouette as floating award and the honoree giv en dainty handkerchiefs. Miss Ma vis Thigpen, of Scotland Neck, was remembered with a guest towel. Friday evening Mesdames S. A. Ward and Mary Smith Cahoon en tertained at a dinner and theatre party at the former’s home. A de licious dinner was served in the dining room amid a setting of love ly flowers and burning tapers. Pres ent were Mrs. Alice Spruill, Roper, and her guest, Miss Annie Cahoon, of Philadelphia, Mrs. Stella Hyman, of Scotland Neck. Also entertaining at bridge on successive afternoons were Mes dames J. R. Campbell, Zeb Vance Norman, A. L. Owens, H. A. Wil liford, Zeno Lyon. Each hostess presented the honoree with an ap propriate and useful gift. -& DUNCAN - HOOKER The marriage of James Darius Duncan, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Duncan, sr., of Raleigh, to Miss Mar garet Josephine Hooker, daughter of the late H. C. and Mrs. Sadie Hooker, of lymouth, took place at the suburban home near here of Rev. R. H. Lucas with the minister performing the ceremony last Sat urday afternoon. After a trip to Wrightsvilie Beach and Raleigh the couple will reside here, where Mr. Duncan is employed as a surveyor. BRIDGE CLYB MEETS The Round Dozen Bridge Club met Tuesday evening at the subur ban home of Mrs. J. B. Edmundson, wheer three tables of bridge were played amid a choice setting of sum mer flowers and shaded lights. A beverage was served during progres sions and ice cream and cake at conclusion. A luncheon set was given Mrs. Zeno Lyon as high scorer. Mrs. Katie Caton, of Hampton, received handkerchiefs and Mrs. H. M. Ram sey a piece of pottery as guest prize. -9 BEACH PARTY • Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Hopkins gave a beach party at Lake Phelps, near Craswell Sunday in honor of their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Smith, of Robersonville. Fishing, swimming and boating were enjoyed Lunch was served on the beach. Special guests were Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Davenport, jr., and daughter, Betty Joan, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Har ris and son, Alton, jr., Russell Bate man and Miss Hazel Cofield, of Co lumbia; E. J. Spruill, Plymouth. CRESWELL , . .«■ —. Miss Esther Davenport is visiting relatives in Rocky Mount. John Jordan and Mr. Brant and son have returned to New York and Bill Jordan to New Bern after spending some time here with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Jordan. Mrs. N. J. Rhodes, of Edenton, FOR SALE: ONE WOOD RANGE, green and ivory enamel; also 600 plastering laths. Apply to Post Of fice Box 91, Roper, N. C._tf was here last week-end visiting Mrs. Vida Davenport. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Smith and son, of Robersonville, were week end guests of her sister, Mrs R. T. Hopkins. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Starr have re turned from Washington, where Mr. Starr has been receiving treatment at a hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Adler, of Plym outh, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Starr Sunday. Mrs. J. H. Reynolds and Billy Hatfield have returned after spend ing some time at Rocky Mount with their sister, Mrs. T. W. Tarkenton. Mr. and Mrs. J D. Swindell and children, Carolyn and Cullen, and Miss Ruth Sexton, of Edenton, spent several days here with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Davenport. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Tucker and Mrs. H. T. Jackson have returned home from New York, where Mrs. Jackson purchased fall merchandise. PLEASANT GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chesson and children, of Williamston, spent Sun day with Mrs. Chesson’s mother, Mrs. L. D. Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Davenport and son, Hodges, of Columbia, were guests of Mrs. Ida Hodges at the home of Mrs Dennis Chesson Sun day. Miss Claudie Craddock was called home from Long Branch, N. J.. Mon day for the funeral of Mr T. C. Craddock. Mrs. Nona Holloman returned to Norfolk Monday after spend ng sev eral days here visiting relatives. Mr. Jim Snell, of Belhaveri. spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. J. W. Chesson. Captain and Mrs. N. M. Spruill, of Elizabeth City, were the guests of Mrs. Elizabeth Spruill Sunday. Miss Thelma Askew left Saturday for her home in Baltimore. Mr. C. H. Craddock was taken to the Columbia hospital Sunday for an appendicitis operation. Miss Nellie Tarkenton is home from E. C. T. C., after attending summer school there. Miss Virginia Tarkenton left on Monday with her guests, Misses Aline Markland, Frances Herbert, Bill Downing, and Robert Brick house to spend some time in Nor folk. Miss Jewel Frances Chesson was the guest of Miss Elizabeth Camp bell in Plymouth for the week-end. The revival closed at Pleasant Grove Wednesday night, with 12 ad ditions to the church. Rev. W. J. Watson was the speaker. ROPER Miss Juanita Hurley has returned to Halifax, accompanied by Miss Rosebud Gaylord. Mrs. Jack McAllister is in a Rocky Mount hospital, where she under went an operation this week. Mr. Kenneth Chesson has returned after spending some time in Ports mouth, Va. Miss Agnes Hooker had her ton sils removed in Columbia this week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mizelle have returned after spending the sum mer at Myrtle Beach, S. C., and Sev ern. Mr. Asa Johnston is spending a few days in Portsmouth, Va. Mrs. Ida Halsey is visiting friends in Rocky Mount. Mrs. John McAllister, Mrs. Jim Leary, Mrs. A. R. Hooker, Mrs. F. D. Wilson, Mrs. Mary Dixon, and Mrs. J. L. McAllister visited Mrs. Jack McAllister in a Rocky Mount hos pital Monday. Mrs. C L. Walker and son, Wirt, are visiting friends in Roxboro. Miss Carrie Jane Herman has re turned after spending a few days with Mrs. Wesley Marrow Mr. Eugene Basnight and Miss Doris Knowles, Mr. Earl Bowen and Misses Evelyn Basnight and Myrtle Yadkin Farmers Show Interest in Tobacco —--9> A group of Yadkin County tobac co growers visited the Oxford branch experiment station the oth er day to study tobacco diseases, to bacco barn construction, proper fer tilization, and good curing methods. Exactly 1,117 county women reg istered for the annual short course for farm women held at State Col lege during Farm and Home Week, recently, and aproximately 500 men registered for farm program. Many other hundreds drove in for one day for some special program. -f> J J. Shelton, of Yanceyville, Caswell County, turned under a crop of lespedeza last fall before planting his wheat and says it caus ed him to get more stack poles and binder twine and to increase the size of his wheat bins. Hopkins were in Williamston Tues day. It’s the “Net Result” That Counts— If you’re fishing for future security, cast your line right now with the un derstanding that the only way to make a haul is by regular, consistent saving, of as much as you can put aside from your earnings each week. Branch Banking & Trust Company SOUND BANKING AND TRUST SERVICE FOR EASTERN CAROLINA “The” Tobacco Market WILLIAMSTON On Opening Day Sold205,000 Pounds An Average of $23.50 61 Per Cent Gain in Poundage for the Past Two Seasons Sell Your 1936 Tobacco Crop With These Warehouses: The New Farmers Warehouse H. L. BARNHILL and W. R. INGRAM, Props. BEN SAUNDERS, Auctioneer Roanoke - Dixie Warehouse CLAUDE GRIFFIN & JIILE JAMES. Props. Carlyle Langley, Asst. Sales Mgr. Grover Harney, Auctioneer Planters (Brick) W arehouse George Foxworth & Holt Evans, Proprietors Charlie Phaup. Asst. Sales Mgr. Charles Highfield, Auctioneer Every Company, Both Domestic and Foreign, Using Bright Leai Tobacco Has a Representative on the Williamston Market

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