Illlll MIH.HI Personals - Society News Harry Gurkin, of Charlotte, is at I home for the holidays with his par ent s< Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Gurkin ; Mr. and Mrs W H (Jack) Peele i were in Rocky Mount Sunday. Mrs. D. M. McKnight and little daughter, of Durham, are visiting her mother, Mrs. S F. Nurney. Mrs. Bonnie Coburn and son, and Miss Cherry Mae Ainsiey, of Nor folk, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Coburn. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ayers and . children spent the week-end in Norfolk with relatives. Mesdames B. G. Campbell. T. L. Bray and H. S. Midgette were in Colerain during the week-end at- j tending a district woman's club con- I ference. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bowen and i Mrs. H. J. Paul, of Washington, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Still man last week. Miss Mary Whiteside, of Murfees boro as a recent guest of Miss Nevie Pickett. Mrs. C. T. Robbins and Mrs. T. C. Burgess were in Rocky Mount last week. Shep Brinkley has returned to Murfeesboro and Miss Marion Brink ley has returned to Plymouth, where each manages a theatre. Miss Frances Stillman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Stillman, has returned from Guilford College on account of ill health and will con tinue her studies by correspondence. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Newberry announce the birth of a son. Mrs. Newberry was formerly Miss Ottelee Allen. R. P. Hammond, of Dsytona Beach Fla., arrived last week to join his wife here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J- Brinkley. Miss Edna Glover, a member of the school faculty, who has been convalescing from a recent illness at her home in Durham, is reported to be in Florida for her health. LITTLE MISS CHESSON CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Little Miss Marion Chesson enter tained a number of friends at her home in the Pleasant Grove section celebrating her fourth birthday. Many interesting games were play ed. A dessert course was served. MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER FOR MRS. DAVENPORT Mrs Lonnie Davenport was hon ored a a miscellaneous shower Thurs day by Mrs. D. H. Furlaugh, Miss Callie Davenport and Miss Elizabeth Holmes at the home of Rev. and Mrs T F, Davenport near Creswell. Ihe honoree was formerly Miss Mary K Davenport Christmas decorations and favors were used. Prizes won by contest ants were presented to the recent bride, along with the other gifts. A dessert course was served, seventy five participating in the event. CRESWELL SENIOR CLASS ENTERTAINED TUESDAY The senior class of the Creswell school entertained at a party Tues day night at the home of Jewel Dav enport, class president. Games were played. Sandwiches, hot chocolate md cake were served. MOUNT TABOR LADIES AID SOCIETY MEETS The Mount Tabor Aid Society met ruesday with Mrs. Sarah E. Holmes. Prayer was led by Mrs. W. L. Jerni gam Fourteen members and four visitors were present. The January meeting will be held with Mrs. Z. H. Phelps. Hot coffee and cakes were served. New officers are Mrs. W. L .Jerni gan, president; Mrs. Alton Furlaugh. vice president; Mrs. S. E. Holmes, secretary; Mrs. Z. H. Phelps, assist ant secretary. ASKEW - JENNETTE Timothy Marvin Askew, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Askew, of Plym outh, was married to Miss Peggy Anne Jennette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Jennette, of Pantego, at his home in Plymouth Saturday night by Magistrate Waller H. Par amore. The couple will live in the Long Acre section. - AIRS. H. E. HARRISON HOSTESS SATURDAY Mrs. H. E. Harrison was a charm ing hostess Saturday at two tables of bridge honoring Miss Mildred Bateman. Many lovely gifts were received by the honoree. Refresh ments were served. Miss Flonnie Davis was given a powder jar as score leader, while Mrs. G. W. Har rison was awarded a cigarette hold er and ash tray as honor prizes. Present were Mesdames Alton I Lilies' G W Hardison, W. C Ches |son, H. M. Ramsey, Misses Blanche iMosely and Flonnie Davis. - AIKS AIYRTLE PEAL HOSTESS THURSDAY Mis Myrtle Peal was hostess at a miscellaneous shower Thursday evening honoring her niece, Miss Mildred Tetterton. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Tetterson, who mar riage to Clair Wilson is to take place Sunday, January 10, at the Chris tian church. Thirty were present. Many use ful gifts were opened and displayed by the honoree. The hostess, assist ed by Misses Annie Myrtle Peal and Flonnie Davis, served a fruit gela tine dessert with whipped cream and cake. -- TWIN BRIDGE CLUB IN MEETING WEDNESDAY The Twin Bridge Club was enter tained Wednesday evening by Mrs. George W. Hardison. Guests arrived at 7 for dinner and were served a salad plate and dessert. Bridge was played at two tables. A double deck of cards in black ebony box as first prize and a set of ash trays as float ing award went to Mrs. C. T. Rob bins. Mrs. L. R. Swain as low scor er received a white bulb bowl. Mrs. Bill Dixon was a special guest. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY WITH PARTY SATURDAY Harry McLean celebrated his ninth birthday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. McLean Satur day afternoon with 50 little boys and girls attending. Games, contests, and other recreation was enjoyed in doors. Ice cream and cake was served in the dining room. Christ mas decorations w'ere used. Santa Claus candy was used as favors. AIISS ALEXINA BATEMAN CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Miss Alexina Bateman entertained 20 friends at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bateman, on Long Acre Friday on her six teenth birthday, assisted by her sis ter, Miss Ella Frances Bateman, and her mother. Contests and dancing j were enjoyed. Pineapple whipped cake, fruit and candy were served. -® MISS MARIE SWAIN IS HOSTESS AT CRESWELL Little Miss Marie Swain enter tained a number of friends at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swain, in Creswell. in cele bration of her sixth anniversary. Games were played. Many useful gifts were received. Ice cream, cake. NOTICE OF LAND SALE Under and by virtue of the pow ers contained in and in execution of the duties imposed upon my by a judgment of the Superior Court of Washington County, North Carolina, entered in an action therein pend ing, entitled “The Town of Creswell vs. Claude Brinn, et al,” I will on Wednesday, the 30th day of Decem ber, 1936. at 12 o’clock noon, at the courthouse door of Washington County in the town of Plymouth, N. C., oiler for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following de scribed lands and premises, to wit: Two lots on Main Street in the Town of Creswell, for a more com plete description see book 34, page 547, Registry of Washington Coun ty. The above property is sold sub ject to all taxes that have accrued since the year of 1932. - This 30th day of November, 1936. W. M. DARDEN, d4 4t Commissioner. NOTICE OF LAND SALE Under and by virtue of the pow ers contained in and in execution of the duties imposed upon me by a [certain judgment of the superior court of Washington County, North Carolina, entered in an action there in pending, entitled "The Town of Creswell vs. Mrs. M. P. Gallop et al,” I will on Wednesday, the 30th day of December, 1036. at 12 o’clock noon, and as long thereafter as the sale may require, at the courthouse door of Washington County in the town of Plymouth, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described lands and premises, to wit: One lot in the town of Creswell, known as the W. P. McCabe lot, for a more complete description see book —, page —, registry of Wash ington County. The above property will be sold subject to all taxes that have ac crued aince the year of 1932. This the 30th day of November, 1936. W. M. DARDEN, d4 4t Commissioner. NOTICE OF LAND SALE Under and by virtue of the pow ers contained in and in execution of i the duties imposed upon me by a certain judgment of the superior court of" Washington County, North Carolina, entered in an action there in pending entitled “The Town of Creswell vs. W. H. Hornablue, et al,” I will on Wednesday the 30th day of December, 1936, at 12 o’clock toon and as long thereafter as the sale may require, at the courthouse door of Washington County in the town of Plymouth, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described lands and premises, to wit: One lot on Main Street in the town of Creswell, for more complete descriptionseebool<^3jDagi^5lil3^ registry of Washington County. The above land will be sold sub ject to all taxes that have accrued since the year of 1932. This the 30th day of November, 1936. d4 4t W. M. DARDEN, Commissioner. WILLIFORD’S * * YELLOW FRONT MARKET ^ AGAIN TO THE FRONT WITH CHRISTMAS PRICES - SAVE WITH SAFETY SUGAR, 2-pound package • • • 10c MEAT. II). 12 l-2c PINK Salmon, can . 10c BAG Flour, 12 lb.. 39c BULK JELLY, lb.10c PURE 1 lb. Jar 15c Preserves, 1-2 lb. jar . 10c Extra Fancy COCOANUT. lb.19c Friday and Saturday Only— Irish Potatoes, 10 lb. for . ? LARGE BOTTLE VANILLA.10c LARGE FANCY APPLES, 1-2 peck.25c California Crapes, lb. . 10c Candy, lb.10c Any Flavor Jello, pkg. ... 5c CORNED Hams, lb.. 24 l-2e i FANCY FLORIDA ORANGES 1-2 PECK 25c BEST EVER SLICE Can Pineapple ... 15c Raisins, pkg. . 5e NECK Bones, 2 lb... 17c Milk, 3 for .. 10c COOKED Chitterlings, lb,.23c SMOKED lb. Jowls with Tongue, 15 l-2c Just What You Have Been Wanting Choc. Covered Cherries, also Chocolate, 1 lb. box., 2jc SALT for packing Meat—50 lb. bag . 55c 100 lb... $1.00 PERCOLATOR SETS g SUGAR AND CREAM *j CHROMIUM and CHINA | Beverage Sets oi All Kinds SILVERWARE Sets, Odd Pieces and Novelties ■ f ELECTRIC ^ Grills, Toasters, Waffle ^ Irons, Mixers, Flat Irons, Etc., All Guaranteed I >' ! >* 8 PC';' Ri* idf ' Oi* ! : W* ' L d.« ! H* SCO# * Oi* » Zji * >ii i C| f. t—3 Eot £> j: Z!| f:0| foil 1 >1 % w| > HH* g! i Hr! # t-t 1r! # C/21 45 PEN and PENCIL SETS Waterman’s $1.95 up I 1 CLOCKS 1 ■ For Mantel Desk, Auto | I Compact and Alarm $1 up li! i __ LEATHER GOODS Week-end bags. Men’s j | traveling cases, brief cases, i I billfolds, card cases, mani- ; 1 cure sets—All reasonably priced. Showing a large selection of the NEWEST ITEMS I such as could only be brought to you by your JEWELER. :• I We can say truthfully that our stock of appropriate j and lasting XMAS GIFTS is the most complete in this * section. PRICES are from small remembrance gifts at j a half dollar to the finest gifts obtainable. We cordially ! invite you to call in and see the proof. Right here at home you can obtain your gifts of fin est quality and at better prices than city or mail-order houses. We appreciae your business, which has enabled us to i bring you such an up-to-date showing of quality goods— ! honestly priced. Every article guaranteed as represented. i DON G. DAVIS | JEWELER Open Nights ’Til Xmas PLYMOUTH, N. C. a LIGHTERS - CASES 1 i RONSON- EVANS I All guaranteed $1 up i PEARLS i'i Are very stylish. Three and if single strand. Also crystal •fj ■l beads. w _ ! BIRTHSTONE li RiNGS — SOLID GOLD $ , from.$2.50 a GOTHIC JAR-PROOF WATCHES Guaranteed and insured against breaking. Also Elgin, Waltham. Hamilton. All standard makes. Priced right. A PERFECT GIFT DIAMONDS ENGAGEMENT RINGS WEDDING RINGS DINNER RINGS Priced From $8.95 Up i i i f i I i Free Coupon Good for $5.00 on a purchase of $25.00 or over; $2.00 on $10.00 or over; $1.00 on $5.00 or over. Good only through Saturday, December 19. Good on cash purchases only.