Farm Flaw* at Local' School Achieves 95 Per Lent Objectives —*— Department in Local School I Regarded a* Vmong Best In Whole District -y Achievement of about 95 per cent of the objectives set up at the begin ning of the term was the record of the Young Tar Heel Farmers chap ter of the Plymouth High School, making the vocational agriculture de partment in the local school one of the best in the district. The boys took first place at the Williamston Fair last fall for hav ing the best agricultural exhibit of any school competing. Next the class members remodeled an old WPA building into a modern school workshop. They sold candy, chickens, poison for a rat-control campaign, built self-feeders for hogs and kitchen cabinets at a dollar profit on each, conducted a class project in raising baby chicks, and with the cooperation of the county and use of S40 received for the fair exhibit the workshop w'as equipped wtih Si50 worth of tools. Some of the outstanding projects conducted by the students this year includes that of Clyde Waters, who is presenting a com variety demon stration. also Mahlon Moore, each using several varieties of corn and different amounts of fertilizer and soda: Jimmy Hays has a litter of pure-bred Hampshire pigs: and sev eral other students are raising baby chicks and field crops, with several registered pigs having been bought for the students. Jimmy Hays won the district pub lic-speaking contest here and then received honorable mention at a con test held in Tarboro. Clyde Waters was chosen as an alternate for the State livestock judging team. W. D. Starr, instructor, is well pleased with the progress made by the class, members of which will also make a 2.000-mile trip to interesting places this summer. The ways and means for taking this trip were worked out before the closing of the school. Sunday Program At Baptist Church Rev. P. B. NICKENS, Pastor At the morning service the pastor will preach on "The Mother of Je sus.” and we are extending a very i Watts! M VVILLIAMSTON 1C .11 Thur.-Fri. May 5-6 B i SHIRLEY TEMPLE in » If "REBECCA OF f§ IS SUNNYBROOK ,/ |1 Sat., May 7 1 to 11 P. M. if ■ "The LAST STAND” * ® with BOB BAKER » Sun.. May 8 3 and 9 P. M. “NURSE FROM BROOKLYN” with SALLY FILERS and PAUL KELLY Mon.-Tues. May 9-10 Mark Twain's Beloved Story “THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER” IN TECHNICOLOR Wed.. May 11 Mat. 3:30 EDW. G. ROBINSON in “A SLIGHT CASE OF MURDER” with JANE BRYAN and ALLEN JENKINS Marco WILLIAMSTON DOUBLE FEATURE Fri.-Sat., May 6-7 KERMIT MAYNARD in “SONG of the TRAIL” —Also— “TARZAN ESCAPES” with Johnny WEISMULLER and Maureen O'SULLIVAN [ LOCAL FARM CLASS HAS SUCCESSFUL YEAR j The agriculture class at the Plymouth High School lias just closed a very successful term, with 95 per cent of its objectives for the year at tained. The top view shows some of the boys busy in their new work shop; middle, one of their project activities: and bottom, members of the class, the complete roster of which follows: W. D. Starr, teacher, Jack Lefever. Clyde Waters, Robert Bowen. James Hardison, Luther Armstrong. Ellis Newberry, Gilbert Nobles. Jimmy Hays. James Waters, Harry Garrick, Marvin Bowen. Lewis Styon, Freeman Allen. Ross Ches son, Elmo Mayo. Joe Weede, Duncan Getsinger. Joe Gray Browning, John Rea. Luther Bowen, Leon Dunbar, Mahlon Moore, and Edward Joyners, iPhotos by Carl L. Bailey, Jr.) special invitation to all the mothers in our church to be present with us at that time. The evening service will be at 8 o’clock, and at this serv ice five men will be ordained as dea cons of the church. This will be an impressive service, and we are hoping that all who can will be with us at that time. The B. Y. P. U. will present a spec ial program Sunday night at 6:30, and all the children in the Junior B. Y. P. U. and their mothers are urged to be present. At the Sunday school hour the T. E. L. class will present a special pro gram for Mother's Day, and if you are a member of our Sunday school. Dr would like to be one. we give you an invitation to be with us Sunday. Young people, parents, and all oth ers, let’s make this Mother's Day the greatest Mother's Day we’ve ever had. Do as your mother would like for you to do—Attend church and Sun day school Sunday. Church Calendar 1. Sunday school at 10 o’clock. 2. Preaching services at 11 o'clock and 8 o’clock. 3. B. Y. P. U. at 6:30. 4. Prayer service Wednesday night at 8 o’clock. Everyone is cordially invited to all these services. Mother’s Day at Christian Church Rev. N. A. TAYLOR. Pastor Sunday is Mother's Day and spec ial emphasis will be placed here at the Plymouth Christian church. Those who come to Church Sunday will be greeted with a rose, red or white. The oldest and youngest moth ers will be recognized and all moth ers will be asked to sit in a body. The services will be as follows: 9:45 a. m.. Bible School. 11 a. m., morning worship, “Moth er’s God." 6:30 p. m.. Sunbeams service. 7:45 p. m., evening service. "What Jesus Can Mean To You.” Due to other meetings, we have not had evening service since the re vival. May we depend upon you to make this service large in attend ance? The Sunbeams plan a weiner roast next Tuesday afternoon, leaving the church at 4 o’clock. All Sunbeams are asked to go. A Political Statement I am a candidate for nomination as one of the two Senators to be nominated by the Democratic Party to represent the Second Senatorial District in the 1939 Legislature. It has been a custon^in this district for a substantial period of time to accord a Senator two terms. I am deeply appreciative of the splendid vote which was given me in the primary two years ago. I hope that the Democrats of this District feel that the confidence imposed in me at that time was justified, and I trust that I can count upon the active support of each Democrat in the Primary to be held on June 4th. W. B. RODMAN, Jr. Many Club Women Visit Williamsburg, By Mrs. FRANCES M. DARDEN As a climax to Better Homes Week last Friday a group of Wash ington County Club women joined similar groups from Bertie and Northampton County for a tour to Williamsburg, Va. Leaving Plymouth at 6 o'clock Fri day morning the club women re turned Friday midnight. The trip proved to be very educational and enjoyable, with all of the interesting places there being visited. The club women were especially interested in the different periods of furniture shown, house furnishings and the gardens. The following women representing the clubs named, went on the tour from Washington County: Mrs. F. D. Wilson, Mrs. Lewis Hassell and Mrs. Hattie Bell, Roper; Mrs. D. B. Ches son, Cross Road: Mrs. A1 Latham. Mrs. Willie Sitterson, Mrs. Gilmer Ayers. Chapel Hill; Mrs. Tom Darden and Mrs. Roy Swain, Alba: Mrs. Bry an Harris, Mrs. J. L. Rea, and Mrs. Holland Allen, of Wenona. -® Yacht To Put in Here Next Week —$— Anchored at the wharf here next week is expected a yacht that is fully equipped to take care of pleasure parties which enjoy the fun of boat ing in a modern vessel manned by a crew of competent seamen to assure the comfort and safety of passengers. In command of the yacht, which is now undergoing repairs in Norfolk, will be Kramer Fulcher, son of Cap tain J. S. Fulcher, pilot of the North Carolina Pulp Company tugboat and barge, said to be the largest in in land waters today. The yacht which will be here next week is jointly owned by Captain Fulcher and J. C. Stokes, both of whose families live here in the resi dence of the American Fork & Hoe Company on Third Street formerly occupied by C. L. Groves. The yacht is 110 feet in length with 14-foot beam, capable of a speed of 22 miles an hour. The two 225 horsepower motors are now being deiselized. SKINNERSVILLE Halsey - Hartley Mr. and Mrs. John Halsey have an nounced the marriage of their son, Wesley Halsey, to Miss Iva Beatrice Hartley, daughter of Mr. L. M. Hart ley, of Pulaski, Va. The wedding took place at Swan Quarter cfi Easter Sunday. April 17, at 8 o’clock. Mr. and Mrs. Joe White and son, Joseph Jesse, Misses Eva and Alice White and Miss Estelle Sawyer at tend tl*e third quarterly conference held at Mount Hermon Church at Cherry last Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sawyer and daughter, Little Miss Mary Wood, at tended th ebaptisinz of Sts. Delight church held at Collins Beach, near Mackeys, last Sunday afternoon. Mrs Alger Ben Snell, of Roper, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Everett. Miss Margie White was the guest of Miss Mary Davenport in Mackeys Monday. Mrs. M. J. Alexander and son, of Pleasant Grove, spent Sundaiy with Mr. and Mrs. Walter White. Judge and Mrs. Everett Thompson, of Elizabeth City, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Holton last Saturday. Irish Potato Crop in County Is Less Than |500 Acres This Year 75 Per Cent of Total Acreage Planted Under Contract To Outside Groups -—<3* A slight decrease in the irish po tato crop in Washington County for this season was predicted this week by County Agent W. V. Hays, who believes the crop will show a drop from the 500 acres planted last year. Most of the commercial acreage in this county is centered in Scupper nong Township, with some out on the Long Acre road near Plymouth. Practically 75 per cent of the acre age planted to white potatoes is un der contract to some fertilizer firm or other promoter. H. G. Walker, at Creswell. for a time was one of the largest contractors in the section. He is not farming extensively this sea son. It is believed that on account of favorable weather the crop will be harvested about two weeks ahead of time this year, with shipping starting about May 25. There has been a reduction of 25 per cent in the crop for this season all over the country, it is believed, and prices are hoped to be a little better. Small potatoes marketed last year that did not grade No. 1 potatoes by Federal standards failed to return growers any profit. Of the 77.000 cars marketed in 1937 in this state about 66.000 graded U. S. No. 1. The remainder failed to grade this high primarily because of wire-worm damage, mechanical injuries, late blight and a scattering of other de fects, Methodist Auxiliaries To Meet in Cresuell Representatives of 10 auxiliaries in Martin. Bertie. Washington and Tyr rell Counties will attend an all-day meeting at the Creswell Methodist Church Friday. May 13. at 10 a. m., with Mrs. Lennie P. Jackson, of Cres well. presiding. Present will be Mrs. E. J. Brick house. Columbia, zone secretary; Mrs. J. L. Delaney. Hertford, district sec retary; Mrs. H. J. Faison, of Faison, vice president of the women’s mis sionary conference, and other visi tors, County Has 3 Employees In Compensation Office -«. Washington County had three em ployees of the N. C. Unemployment Compensation Commission, either in the central office or in the field of fices, and had 11 applications on file for jobs for jobs for residents in the office on May 1, when the commis sion began to reduce its personnel. This curtailment in employment is being made to comply with budget requirements of the Washington of fice of the Social Security Board. The peak of employment was in April, when there was a total of 634 em ployees, including 175 temporary workers. -® Hollywood Commentator Writes of Priscilla Lyon -® Below is an excerpt from the col umn of Grace Wilcox, Hollywood re porter, which appeared last week in a screen and radio weekly about Priscilla Lyon, native of Plymouth: "Some of these children have initi ative all right. Take Priscilla Lyon, the 8-year-old girl who plays the role of Amy in "Those We Love." She got her first radio job by tackling C. B. DeMille at the CBS Radio Theater. Grabbing him by the coat-tails, she said she wanted to become an actress and DeMille, looking down at her, told her to see him after rehearsal. Later he gave her several children’s parts to read, and she has been on the air practically ever since.” PINEY GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Prank Tarkington, sr. Mrs. Frank Tarkington, jr., and son, Gerald, Mrs. Warren Spruill and Mr. and Mrs. John Spruill were visitors in Jackson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hardison and son, Jule, Miss Louise Sitterson, Mr. Sterling Sitterson, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gurganus and sons. Marvin and Phillip Ray, of Plymouth, were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Barber Sunday. Mrs. Verna Boyce, of Edenton, spent Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Tarkington. Miss Thelma Stillman is visiting her uncle. Dallas Chesson, in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hopkins and children and Mrs. Asa Barber and sons. Billy and Mahlon, spent Sun day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Griffin, in Mackeys. H. W. Dunbar is improving after a recent illness. -® Dusting Demonstrations Held In Johnston County in April -« Cotton seed dusting demonstra tions held in Johnston County by as sistant agent R. M. Holder during the month of April resulted in many cot ton growers adopting this method of protecting their seed from plant di sease. -® Less Damage From Insects and Blue Mold Reported On the whole, less damage from both insects and blue mold in tobac co plant beds of eastern Carolina, as compared with last year, has been re ported by county agents this season. Calcium Arsenate Destroys Beetles An application of calcium arsenate should be made as soon as potato beetles become numerous. This poi son may be used either as a dust or spray, but the plants should be thoroughly covered for best results. For dusting, the material should be used without dilution. A small hand duster has given excellent results. When used as a spray use ten tea spoonsful of calcium arsenate to three gallons of water for small gardens and two pounds of the poison to 50 gallons of water for large amounts. Examination Announced For Civil Service Position -$ The United States Civil Service Commission has announced an open competitive examination for the fol lowing position: Farm manager, $2,900 a year: as sistant farm manager i dairying i, $2,300 a year. Bureau of Prisons, De partment of Justice. Full information may be obtained from the Secretary of the United States Civil Service Board of Exam iners, at the local post office, or from the U. S. Civil Service Commis sion, Washington, D. C. Candidates’ Cards FOR TREASURER To the voters of Washington Coun ty: I wish to announce that I will be a candidate for the office of coun ty treasurer to succeed myself, one more term only, in the Democratic primary on June 4 and will appre ciate your help and support, and if elected will fill the duties of the of fice as heretofore. I am again thanking you for your past help and support, hoping you will do so again. Your old friend, STEWART D. DAVIS. FOR REPRESENTATIVE To the voters of Washington County: At the request of many of my friends. I have decided to announce my candidacy for the office of Re presentative from Washington Coun ty to the 1938 General Assembly. I will sincerely apprecite your vote and support in the Democratic primary June 4. BEN A. SUMNER. FOR REPRESENTATIVE To the voters of Washington County: I am a candidate for Representa tive in the next General Assembly of North Carolina, subject to the Dem ocratic primary to be held in June. I have been a Democrat all my life. Have been a servant of the people and know what it means to serve the public: Having served as an employee in the Post Office Department in the capacity of Railway Postal Clerk un til retired. I pledge you it will be my purpose to devote my entife time in the study of the issues that confront our people now, and use all my en ergy and efforts to carry forward a program which will be a benefit to the public at large. I shall appreciate your support in the June primary and assure you if I am your choice, I can and will serve you to the best of my ability. mr25 A. R. DUPREE, Sr. FOR TREASURER I am a candidate for the office of Treasurer of Washington County, subject to the Democratic primary on June 4. I have been a Democrat all my life and am a World War Veter an, serving here and overseas. I will appreciate your support and will do my best to please and satisfy the public. LINWOOD HASSELL. FOR COMMISSIONER I wish to take this opportunity to announce myself as a candidate for the office of Commissioner of Wash ington County, subject to the Demo cratic primary June 4. If nominated and elected I promise to fulfill the duties of the office to the best of my ability and to keep the interest of the taxpayers before me in making de cisions. J. C. KNOWLES. Roper, N. C. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I take this method of bringing to the attention of the voters in Wash ington County that I will be a can didate for the office of Commissioner of Washington County, subject to the Democratic primary in June. If elected I pledge to the people my best efforts in their behalf and assure them that I will consider the interests of the people at all times. I believe in an economical admin istration of county affairs and will work toward this end. J. H. GAYLORD, SR. FOR REPRESENTATIVE To the Voters of Washington County: I wish to announce that I will be a candidate for the office of represen tative from Washington County to the next General Assembly of North Carolina, subject to the Democratic primary on June 4. I will assure you, if nominated and elected, that my efforts will be in behalf of the ma jority of the people. Each and ev ery vote will be appreciated. W. T. FREEMAN. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT To My Friends in Washington Coun ty: I hereby announce my candi dacy for the office of Clerk Superior Court, subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held in June. If favored with reelection, I can promise no more than my past serv ices have shown. I have at all times honestly tried to treat all persons, re gardless of party, race or color, as I would have them treat me. I am a Democrat, but as a public officer, I consider myself the servant of all. It is a conceded fact that the clerk’s office is an office of experi ence, more so than that of any other officer in the State, and that his duties and responsibilities are greater than that of all other county offices combined. If my services to you in the past, and my experience of today is of any value to you and meets with your ap proval, I respectfully solicit your sup port in the coming primary and elec tion. Please accept my sincere gratitude for the friendship and support you have given me in the past, regardless of what your decision may be now. C. V. W. AUSBON. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I have decided to offer myself as a candidate for County Commission er, subject to the action of the voters in the Democratic primary. I have always loyally supported and affiliat ed with that party, but have never before sought public office beyond that of a justice of the peace. I am intensely interested in the welfare of all the people of the county, includ ing farmers, laborers, business men, Candidate’s Card the operators of our industries and all others. I have not promised any person to do or not to do any par ticular thing if elected, but hope to go into office without any ties or ob ligations, making all official decisions for the best interest of all of the peo ple as the facts appear to me at the time. I am not the candidate of any particular group, but am a plain Democrat running on my own. and willing for the best judgment of the Democrats of the county as expressed at the polls to determine my fate. I will appreciate your support, and if I am nominated and elected I will serve you to the best of my ability. T. R. (DICK) CHESSON. FOR CLERK OF COURT I take this method of announcing my candidacy for the Democratic nomination as clerk of the Washing ton County Superior Court. I will appreciate the support of the people and if nominated and elected I pledge to attend to the duties of the office. E. LUDFORD McNAIR. FOR CORONER I hereby announce my candidacy for renomination as coroner of Wash ington County, subject to the Dem ocratic primary held in June. If re nominated and elected I promise to serve to the best of my ability. W. HARRY PEELE. (Jack) FOR BOARD OF EDUCATION I hereby announce myself as a candidate for nomination as a mem ber of the Washington County Board of Education, subject to the Demo cratic primary in June. If nominat ed and appointed, I promise to fill the office to the best of my ability. I will appreciate your vote as a help to a young Democrat. WALTER H. PARAMORE. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS To the Voters of Washington County: I hereby announce myself as a can didate, subject to the Democratic pri mary in June, for the office of Reg ister of Deeds of Washington Coun ty to succeed myself. I will appre ciate the support of the voters for this office and pledge myself to ren der as good service in the future as I have in the past. Mrs. MARY S. CAHOON. FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby take this method of an nouncing myself as a candidate for the office of commissioner of Wash ington County, subject to the Demo cratic primary, June 4, If nominat ed and elected, I promise to fulfill the duties of the office to the best of my ability and experience as I have done the past two years. I will appreciate the vote of the people. E. F. (ED) SWAIN. FOR CORONER I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination as coroner of Wash ington County, subject to the Demo, cratic primary in June. I will appre ciate the support of my friends, and if nominated and elected I promise to do my best to fulfill the duties of this office, WILLIAM S. NURNEY. FOR REPRESENTATIVE I take this opportunity to inform the people that I am a candidate for the House of Representatives in the next General Assembly, subject to the action of the Democratic primary of June 4th. If nominated and elected. I will endeavor to fill the office with honor and credit to my people. It is not possible for me to contact each individual in the short period before the primary, but you may be assured that I will appreciate your active support in my behalf. Sincerely, WILBUR M. "PET” DARDEN. MATCH YOUR FINE BUSINESS with Finely Printed Advertising No Job Too Big— None Too Small TAGS POSTERS RECEIPTS BOOKLETS ENVELOPES STATEMENTS LETTERHEADS BUSINESS CARDS ANNOUNCEMENTS PACKET HEADS CATALOGUES INVITATIONS BROADSIDES PROGRAMS LEAFLETS FOLDERS FORMS ANY Commercial Printing that you may require, from a calling card to a catalogue, can be made right in our plant. Illustrated for you, too! You will find our printing (with our modern high-speed equipment) to be high in quality—the service of our expert craftsmen prompt and satisfac tory-»and our prices reasonable. ROANOKE BEACON