Slate Has Too Many Boiler Explosions, Commissioner Says Labor Commissioner, For rest Shuford Urges In spection Be Made Deaths and serious injury, not to mention damage to personal proper ty. from boiler explosions are far too numerous in North Carolina and the total must be reduced." Forrest H. Shuford. State Commissioner of La bor, stated today. Mr. Shuford made known that two persons had been killed and five others seriously injured as a result of boiler explosions which have occured within the past sixty days. Total property damage from these accidents amount ed to more than ten thousand dol lars. In 1935 the General Assembly en acted a Boiler Inspection Law whish makes it a misdemeanor to operate a steam boiler at a pressure in excess of fifteen pounds, without an operat ing certificate. Operating certificates are issued by the Department of La bor to owners of boilers which are found in safe condition, following rigid inspection by State-Commssion ed Boiler Inspectors. Only inspectors for insurance companies which ope rate in this State, and State-employed inspectors are commissioned inspec tors, and these men are not issued a commission until they prove their competency by means of a rigid ex amination and by experience in this particular field. Had boilers which have exploded been inspected, and properly repaired in accordance with the State Law, they probably would not have exploded. Because of the fact that the State Department of Labor has only one boiler inspector at the present time it is impossible to ferret out every boiler in the state as some of them are located in isolated sections. In spections are therefore dependent upon incidental location ol the boil ers, by the Inspector, or upon notifi cation by the boiler owner of the lo cation of their boiler. It frequently happens that th first knowledge that the Department has of the location of a boiler is a newspaper report cover ing an account of an explosion. “We cannot positively guarantee that an inspection will prevent an ex plosion,” Mr. Shuford stated, “but we do know that the chances of an ac cident happening are greatly minim ized by an inspection. It is interest ing to note that not a single boiler in spected by an authorized boiler in spector has exploded since the es tablishment of the Bureau of Boiler Inspection by the General Assembly of 1935. “It is my earnest hope that every boiler owner wil cooperate with the State Department of Labor by noti fying the Department of the location of any uninspected boilers. If those owning and operating such boilers realize the tremendous danger which they present to life and property, however, I am sure that their cooper ation will be forthcoming and that they will realize that the inspection fee of from seven to ten dollars pro vided for by the law will be repaid many times over by thep rotection af forded.” -- Whiiewash Advised To Brighten Up and Help Looks of Farm --^ Several Formulas Given by Miss Pauline Smith, Dis trict Home Agent -® It’s :v-rticts, and that means that Clean CTp! Rake Up! campaigns are in progress. Miss Anne Pauline Smith, district home agent of the State College Extension Service, says that whitewashing pays as big divi dends in improving the appearance of a farmstead as any sttriT;.? cleaning1 practice. She recommends the following whitewash for exteriors, such as out buildings and fences, and says it is waterproof: Slack 62 pounds (one bushel) of quicklime with 12 gallons of hot water. Pour into this a mix ture of two pounds of common table salt and one pound of sulphate of zinc, dissolved in two gallons of hot water. Finally add two gallons of skimmed milk and mix thoroughly. Another formula which is suitable for either exterior or interior use fol lows: Slake one-half bushel of quick or lump lime with boiling water, keep ing it covered during the process. Strain it and add a pack of salt dis solved in warm water, three pounds of ground rice put in boiling water and boiled to a thin paste, one-half pound of powdered Spanish whiting, and a pound of clear glue dissolved in warm water. Mix these well together and let the mixture stand for several days. Keep the whitewash thus prepared in a kettle or portable furnace and when used put on as hot as possible with painter’s whitewash brush. Miss Smith advises that one ounce of alum added for each gallon of Whitewash increases its adhesive quality: that a pint of molasses added for each five gallons of whitewash causes it to penetrate the wood or plaster; and that a pound of cheap bar soap dissolved in a gallon of boil ing water, and added to five gallons of thick whitewash will impart a gloss like that of oil paint. —-—<S>“ PLAINTS TREES Walter R. Gibbs of Lake Landing, Hyde County, has recently set 6,000 cypress seedlings, 2,000 slash pines and 1,000 black locust seedlings. His locust have survived 95 percent, his slash pine 85 percent and his cypress 80 percent. Two years ago, Mr. Gibbs planted three acres of pines that ghow a 95 percent survival. SCENE OF BOILER EXPLOSION The above picture shows the scene of a recent boiler explosion at a saw mill in Columbus County. One person was killed and seven others barely managed to escape. The State Commissioner of Labor, Forrest L. Shuford. urges that frequent inspections be made of all boilers in or der to prevent repetition of such scenes as this. Says Packers Will Pay Premiums for Parasite-Free Hogs -® Swine Raised Under Sani tary Conditions Bring Better Return -9 Bv H. W. TAYLOR Swine Specialist, State College In response to requests from many of our county agents that provision be made to secure higher prices for hogs raised under sanitary conditions w! are forwarding this letter with enclosures to all county agents. For your information Kinghan and Company. Richmond, Va., have of fered to pay a premium of 25 cents per 100 pounds for hogs grown in ac cordance with an effective swine san itation plan, the carcasses of such hogs to show freedom from internal parasites, when slaughtered. The agreement covers a period of 12 months and during that time, the of fer is restricted to growers who can sell as many as 20 hogs at one time. This is necessary because hogs sold under this plan will have to be NORTH BRITISH & MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY LTD., LON DON & EDINBOROUGH Condition December 31, 1938, as Shown by Statement Filed Amount of Capital paid in cash statutory deposit, $400,000.00. Amount Ledger Assets, Dec. 31st previous year, $15,565,279.51; total, $15. 565,279.51. Income—From Policyholders, $6,245,036.44; Miscellaneous, $663,245 56- To tal. $6,908,282.00. Disbursements—To Policyhodlc-rs, $2,831,220.85; Miscellaneous, $4,504 818 24 Total, $7,336,039.09. Fire Premiums—Written or renewed during year, $7,522,981.50, In Force. $13,262,659.23. All Other Premiums—Written or renewed during year, $3,575,622.15, In Force, $3,501,211.65. ASSETS Value of Bonds and Stocks_ $13,104 072 18 Cash in Company's Oifice_ 14,259.82 Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks not on interest_ 918471.24 Agents’ balances, representinfi business written subsequent to October 1. 1938 _ 1.122,652.74 Agents' balances.representing business written prior to October ‘ 1. 1938 - 73,665.93 Deduct Ceded Reinsurance Balances Payable_ —196,043.09 Bills receivable, taken for fire risks_ 22,348.79 Interest and Rents due and accrued_ 97,358.75 All other Assets, as detailed in statement_ 288,982.63 , Total-$15,445,468.99 Less Assets not admitted_ 97,977.70 Total admitted Assets_$15,347,491.29 LIABILITIES Net amount of unpaid losses and claims___$ 765,933.00 Unearned premiums_ 6.752,309.97 Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, fees, etc., due or ac crued - 18,906.15 Estimated amount payable for Federal, State county and muni cipal taxes due or accrued_ 307,315.01 Contingent commissions, or other charges due or accrued_ 60,942.44 All other liabilities, as detailed in statement_ 184,149.43 Total amount of all liabilities except Capital_$ 8,089,556.00 Capital actually paid up in cash_$ 400,000.00 Surplus over all liabilities_ 6,857,935.29 Surplus as regards Policyholders_ 7,257,935.29 Total Liabilities_$15,347,491.29 Business in North Carolina During 1938 Fire Risks written; Premiums received, $64,359. All Olher Risks written; Premiums received. $16,177. Losses incurred—Fire $26,372; Paid, $23,902. Losses incurred—All other $4,930: Paid, $4,977. U. S. Manager, Cecil F. Shallcross; Secretary, R. P. Stoekham. U. S. Home Office, 150 William St. New York City. Attorney for service: Dan C. Boney, Insurance Commissioner, Releigh, N. C. Manager for North Carolina, New York Office. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, (Seal) INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, Raleigh, February 20th 1939 T, Dan C. Boney, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the North British and Mercantile Insurance Company Ltd. of London and Edinborough filed with this Department, showing the condition of said Company, on the 31st day of December, 1938. Witness my hand and official seal, the day and year above written. DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner. STATEMENT NATIONAL RESERVE INSURANCE COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL Condition December 31, 1938. as Shown by Statement Filed Amount of Capital paid in cash; $500,000.00 Amount Ledger Assets, Dec. 31 previous year, $2,691,120.89; total, $2,691, 120.69. Income—From Policyholders, $1,318,085.43Miscellaneous, $260,034.11; to tal $1 578,119.54. Disbursements—To Policyholders, $549,092.67: Miscellaneuos, $829,871.53; total, $1,378,964.20. Fire Premiums—Written or renewed during year,$1,579,785.45 In Force, $2, 379,517.05. All Other Premiums—Written or renewed during year, $541,827.63 In Force, $612,424.20. ASSETS Value of Real Estate_$ 376,341.30 Mortgage Loans on Rea! Estate_ 2,800.00 Value of Bonds and Stocks-- 1,997,640.35 Cash in Company's Office- 34,214.61 Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks not on interest - 252,468.23 Agents’ balances, representing business written subsequent to October 1. 1938 _ 190,018.29 Agent’s balances, repersenting business written prior to Octo ber 1, 1938 48,038.14 Deduct Ceded Deinsuranee Balances Payable - -—22,146.33 Interest and Rents due and accrued -- 16,323.96 All other Assets, as detailed in statement- - 65,576.96 Total __$2,961,275.51 Less Assets not admitted_ 293,864.05 Total admitted Assets - --$2,667,411.46 LIABILITIES Net amount of unpaid losses and claims - $ onS’iio’oo Unearned premiums - - -- Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, fees.ete., due or accured 6,250.00 Estimated amount payable for Federal. State, county and muni cipal taxes due or accrued-- - ’222’22 Contingent commissions, or other charges due or accrued - - 5,000.00 All other liabilities, a ; detailed in statement - 214,207.22 Total amount of all liabilities except Capital- $1,661,235.17 Capital actually paid up in cash-- -$->00,000.00 Surplus over all liabilities- 506,17b.29 Surplus as regards Policyholders __ 1,006,176.29 Total Liabilities _ -_ $2,667,411.46 Business in North Carolina During 1938 Fire Risks written $196,931; Premiums received. $2,392. Ml other Risks written $43,653; Premiums received $93. Losses incurred—Fire $857; Paid $898. Losses incurred—All other $1; Paid $1. President, C. J. Schrup; Secretary, S. F. Weiser. Home Office 2007 A Insurance Exchange. _ . . . „ _ Attorney for service: Dan C. Boney, Insurance Commissioner, Raleigh, N. C. Manager for North Carolina, Home Office. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA (aeaD INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, tbeal Raleigh, June 9th 1939. I Dan C. Boney. Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the National Reserve Insurance Company of Chicago, 111., filled with this Department showing the condition of said Company, on the 31st day oi December, 1938 Witness my hand and official seal, the day and year above written. DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner. [slaughtered separately, and this will mean extra work for the packer. A grower who has 3 or 4 sows can take advantage of this offer, it should excite the interest of smaller growers; and a genera’ adoption of an effec tive swine sanitation practice should eventually result in a higher price to all of our growers. All of us to gether can do a real piece of work in an aducational way. with demonstra tions in swine sanitation. We suggest that you as county agent lead this movement, enlisting the cooperation of the teachers of agriculture and the Farm Security Administration superivsiors. We believe it would be a good idea for the white county agents to call together his teachers of agriculture, his Farm Security super visor and his negro county agent, for a discussion of swine sanitation. Ask each worker to conduct at least one swine sanitation demonstration. En courage the small growers to follow the plan because it will pay them good returns in the form of healthy pigs that will require less feed per 100 pounds of gain. No application for parasite inspec tion is to be accepted by Kingan and Co. unless it is approved by the coun ty agent. In cases where the primary responsibility for the conduct of the demonstration is assumed by a tea cher of agriculture, a Farm Security Supervisor or the Negro County Agent, that individual should sign the application in the place provided. Where the county agent supervises a demonstration his signature is suf ficient. Please send one copy of the application to Kingan and Company, and one copy to this office. In order to meet the requirements for approval a grower must: 1. Scrub the sows thoroughly with soap and water, a few days before I Judges of Superior Courts To Wear Silk Robes in the Future — Conference of Judges Pro poses To Add Dignity To State Courts Holding their first annual confer ence near Asheville a short while ago. North Carolina Superior Court judges sought to slightly overhaul the State Bench and add a certain amount of dignity to the proceed farrowing time, to remove dirt and i worm eggs. 2. Before farrowing time, place the [sows on land that has been cultivat ed since hogs ranged on it. and keep them there until the pigs are weaned 3. Tf farrowing houses are used, they must be clean. 4. Keep other hogs away from this pasture and keep the pigs away from dirty hog lots. 5. Keep the pigs on clean land un til they are at least 4 months old or have attained an average weight of 100 pounds. I believe this premium will be quite an inducement to our growers to adopt sanitation practices. I also believe we should emphasize the fact that the sanitation plan will bring about additional returns in more pigs weaned per litter, and larger gains per 100 pounds of feed con sumed. This increased return alone is worth more than the cost of sani tation. and when the 25 cents per 100 pounds is added it seems to be the shnillrl affrorfh/D STATEMENT NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL INSURANCE WIS. COMPANY, MILWAUKEE, Condition December 31. 1938. as Shown bv Statement Filed Amount of Capital paid in cash $2,000,000.00. Amount Ledger Assets, Dec 31st previous year. $16,645,105.28; Total, $16 645.105.28. Income—From Policyholders,$4,289,030.62; Miscellaneous, $690,069.47 Total $4,979,100.09. Disbursements.!—To Policyholders. $1,465,605.20; Miscellaneous, $3,263 - 887.29; Total, $4,729,492.49. Fire Premiums—Written or renewed during year, $4,760 375 29 In $10,713,012.10. ' ’ Force, All OtheT Premiums—Written or renewed during year $2,402,079.25. $773,173.57, In Force. ASSETS Value of Real Estate_$ 1,304,111.61 Mortgage Loans on Real Estate_ _ 1 088 725 00 Value of Bonds and Stocks _ _ 12 958 680 36 Cash in Company’s Office _ ’ 5,245.64 Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks not on interest __ 417 749 32 Agents’ balances, representinfi business written subsequent to October 1, 1938. - -- 814,235.97 Agents’ balances,representing business written prior to October 1, 1938 - 27,276.41 Deduct Ceded Reinsurance Balances Payable _ _ —47.325.40 Bills receivable, taken for fire risks_ 5^734.43 Bills, receivable, taken for other risks_ L585T4 Interest and Rents due and accrued_ 144.34L82 All other Assets, as detailed in statement__ 320,576'91 Total- -$17,040,937.21 Less Assets not admitted _ 1,656.653.29 Total admitted Assets $15,384,283 92 LIABILITIES Net amount of unpaid losses and claims_$ 275.485.74 Unearned premiums_ 5,355,079.05 Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, fees, etc., due or ac crued - 9,140.53 Estimated amount payable for Federal, State county and muni cipal taxes due of accrued_ 330,000.00 Contingent commissions, or other charges due or accrued_ 97.259.88 All other liabilities, as detailed in statement_ 1.855,251.83 Total amount of all liabilities except Capital __..$ 7,922,217,03 Capital actually paid up in cash_$2,000,000.00 Surplus over all liabilities_ 5,462,066.89 Surplus as regards Policyholders 7,462,066.89 Total Liabilities _$15,384,283.92 Business in North Carolina During 1938 Fire Risks written $786,439: Premiums received, $6,392. All Other Risks written $448,533; Premiums received, $651. Losses incurred—Fire $975; Paid $1,921. Losses incurred—All other$43: Paid $41. President, Wm. D. Need; Secretary, Lubin M. Stuart. Home Office Cor. East Wisconsin Ave. & N. Jackson St. Attorney for service: Dan C. Boney, Insurance Commissioner, Releigh. N. C. Manager for North Carolina, Home Office. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, (Seal) INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, Raleigh, Feb. 14th 1939. I, Dan C. Boney, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Northwestern National Insurance Company of Milwaukee, Wis., filed with this Depart ment, showing the condition of said Company, on the 31st, day of Decem ber, 1938. Witness my hand and official seal, the day and year above written. DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner. STATEMENT NORTH STAR INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY Condition December 31, 1938, as Shown by Statement Filed. Amount of Capital paid in cash $600,000.00. Amount Ledger Assets, Dec. 31st previous year, $4,445,098 56: Total, $4, 445.098.56. Income—From Policyholders, $2,249,184.91; Miscellaneous, $396,558.35: To tal, $2,645,743.26. Disbursements—To Policyholders, $1,026,645.14; Miscellaneous. $1 238,615.87: Total, $2,265,261.01. Fire Premiums- -Written or renewed during year, $2,843,671.74 In Force, $3, 116,998.80. All Other Premiums—Written or renewed during year, $568,909.80 In Force, $631,645.94. ASSETS Value of Real Estate- $ Mortgage Loans on Real Estate Value of Bonds ami Stocks Cash in Company’s Office- - Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks not on interest Agent's balances, representing business written subsequent to October 1, 1938 - - Agents’ balances, representing business written prior to October 1, 1938 - Deduct Cedd Reinsurance Balances payable Interests and Rents due and accrued . - All other assets, as detailed in statement - 8,000.00 38,500.00 4,240,112.24 595.82 243.837.05 282.943.20 19.348 84 — 15.437.40 19.119.69 7.681.06 Total - Less Assets not admitted $4 844.700.50 131.825.96 Total admitted Assets__ LIABILITIES $4,172,874 54 Net amount of unpaid losses and claims .. $ Unearned premiums ----- Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, fees, etc., due or accrued Estimated amount payable for Federal. State, county and muni Contingent commissions, or other charges due or accrued cipal taxes due or accrued - - All other liabilities, as detailed in statement 296,691.37 2.068.587.23 6.319.50 15.000. 00 15.000. 00 37.650.90 Total amount of all liabilities except Capital $2 439.249.00 Capital actually paid up in cash- - $ 600,000.00 Surplus over all liabilities- - 1,673,625.54 Surplus as regards Policyholders 2,273.625.54 $4,712,874 54 Total Liabilities Business in North Carolina During 1938 Fire Risks written S2.234,762; Premiums received, $24,167 All other Risks written $550,966;Premiums received, $39,709 Losses incurred Fire $9,949; Paid $9,839. Losses incurred All other $20,868; Paid $20,859. President E H Boles; Secretary A R. Wm. Wang; Treasurer. C. E. Wilson. Home Office. 90 John St.. New York City. Attorney fdr service: Dan C. Boney, Insurance Commissioner. Raleigh. N. c Manager for North Carolina, Home Office. jVLandgei to. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA (opnl, INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. Raleigh, June 12th 1939. I Dan C Boney, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the Qu„ '«„ „ .and correct abstract of the statement of the North Star In suranceCompany of New York City, filed with this Department showing the condition of said Company, on the 31st day of December 1938 Witness mv hand and official seal, the day and year above written. wlln ’ DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner. MORE BEEF E H Crabtree, of Bahama, Route 1 has purchased 100 acres of his father's farm and is starting a small herd of quality beef cattle. The per manent pasture on the farm will be increased. Carl Woodard of Spring : Hope, Route 1, has also selected beef cattle for a 4-H club projct. ings carried on at the bar of justice, and to promote an impartial and equal justice. The objects of the conference, as pointed out by the conference secre tary are: To make of the courts a place of exact and impartial and equal justice: To ask a greater re spect for law and for the courts, and by uniform rules and procedure to encourage greater dignity in the ad ministration of justice; To encour age the enactment of legislation in futherance of justice and tending to simplify and modernize the law. That the dignity of the courts might be enhanced, the conference unanimously expressed itself in fa vor of the use of robes by the judges and mapped out plans of courtroom proi .‘dure. The conference would have the county commissioners com ply with Consolated Statutes 7538 and immediately purchase a stan dard of colors, preferably in silk, con sisting of a United States Color and a State of North Carolina color, each with gold fringe tassels and poles up on which is mounted a brass eagle, and that upon receipt of the same the sheriff of the county shall cause jthe colors to be displayed upon the I bench during each session of the Su I perior court, the United States color j to be placed on the right of the ‘bench and the North Carolina flag I to be placed on the left of the bench. The rules of procedure follow: The sheriffs require all persons in the court room to arise at each con vening and each recess of a session of the court. The sheriff shall keep the space within the bar open at all times for officers of the court, attorneys and litigants, and shall provide for the use of jurors not in the box and wit nesses in the case being tried front seats in the court room, the jurors and witnesses to be seated separate ly. That the sheriff and the clerk and a competent deputy of each shall be in attendance at all times while court is in session. That in so far as it is practicable to do so each witness shall be sworn individually as he is called to the witness stand, and the clerk shall stand during the administration of the oath, and he shall administer it in a clear audible, intelligent and impressive manner. That the clerk and the jury shall stand when taking the verdict of the jury. Upon motion of Judge Wiliiam Hy slop Summer Burgwyn, the confer ence passed a resolution prohibiting bystanders in the courtroom from serving as talis jurors, to the end that the use of so-called professional jur ors will be decreased and. if possible abolished. In Force, during year, $4,388,745.11, In ... STATEMENT national union insurance company pittsburg pa Condition December 31. 1938. as Shown bv Statement Filed*^' Amount of Capital paid in cash, $1,100,000.00. Amount^Ledger Assets, Dec.31 previous year, $19,826,873.15: Total. $19. Income—FYum ^Policyholders. $7,141,658.61; Miscellaneous, $727,985.97: To Disbursements—To Policyholders. $3,306,022.76; Miscellaneous, $4,227,563.09; Fire P^miums—Written or renewed during year, $6,990,803.10 3>11 ,O42D.D04.o^ . All Other Premiums—Written or renewed Force, $4,004,454.97 „ , , ASSETS Value of Real Estate ______ _ « , Mortgage Loans on Real Estate_ _ Cash in Company's office_ Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks not on interest 917!614.60 Deposited in Trust, Companies and Banks on interest __ 219 464 04 Agents’ balances, representinfi business written subsequent to October 1,1938__ _____ _ 11738268H Agents balances.representing business written prior to October 1, laoo - _ 03 O 1 O AO Deduct Ceded Reinsurance Balances Payable __ _ _125 170 55 Bills receivable, taken for fire risks 1600991 Bills receivable, taken for other risks _ _' _ qqt9H Interest and Rents due and accrued _I" 11668638 All other Assets, as detailed in statement_98 910 38 Less Assets not admitted-!!_I_$23 873’24984 Total admitted Assets_ _ __ _ jig 406 368 42 „ . , x LIABILITIES ’ Net amount of unpaid losses and claims _ _ * 040 079 64 Unearned premiums __' * " 7 096 417 99 Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, fees, etc., due or ac Estimated amount payable for Federal, State county and muni cipal taxes due or accrued_ 327 000 00 Contingent commissions, or other charges due or accrued_ 25 000 00 All other liabilities, as detailed in statement __ 1,288,502 80 , , Total amount of all liabilities except Capital_ $ 9,715,793.49 Capital actually paid up in cash__ $1 100 000 00 Surplus over all liabilities_ 5!59o]574'93 Surplus as regards Policyholders_ 6,690 574 93 Total Liabilities-$16,406,268 42 Business in North Carolina During 1938 Fire Risks written $8,140,320: Premiums received $74 960 All Other Risks written. $2,121,050: Premiums received $52 051 Losses incurred—Fire, $11,716; Paid. $15,599 Losses incurred -All other. $46,518: Paid. $49,107. President, J W. Thomas; Secretary, F. J. Breen: Treasurer A W McEl downey. Home Office, 139 University Place, Pittsburg. Pa. Attorney for service: Dan C. Boney, Insurance Commissioner, Releigh N C Manager for North Carolina, Home Office. B STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ISeal) INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, r ,, e* d t „ Raleigh, June 9th 1939. I, Dan C. Boney. Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburg. Pa., filed with this Department show ing the condition of said Company, on the 31st day of December. 1938. Witness my hand and official seal, the day and year above written DAN C BONEY. Insurance Commissioner. STATEMENT NORTHWESTERN EIRE & MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY MINNEA POLIS. MINN. Condition December 31, 1938, as Shown bv Statement Filed Amount of Capital paid in cash $1,000,000.00. Amount Ledger Assets, Dec. 31st pre-'ious year, $2,997,996.37’ Total $2 997,996.37. ' Income—From Policyholders, $669,572.99; Miscellaneous, $163 338 64’ to tal, $832,911.63. Disbursements—To Policyholders, $295,135.56; Miscellaneous, $475 529 77 Total. $770,665.33. ' Fire Premiums—Written or renewed during year. $2,202,025.07 In Force, $3, 948,622.83. All Other Premiums—Written or renewed during year. $1,561 815 44 In Force, $1,261,106.25. ASSETS Value of Real Estate _ Mortgage Loans on Real Estate_ _"I Value of Bonds and Stocks_ Casli in Company's Office _ _"""III Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks not on interest Agent’s balances, representing business written subsequent October 1. 1938 _ $ 2 to Agent's balances, representing business written prior to October 1, 1938 __ Deduct Ceded Reinsurance Balances Payable Bills receivable, taken for fire risks _ Bills receivable, taken for other risks _ Interest and Rents due and accrued All other Assets, as detailed in statement _ 295.424.49 136,938.57 .202,312.72 9.933.59 244.200.12 129.105.76 7.342.95 —1,491.51 9.465.44 18.075.13 24.193.62 60.082.34 r a t T?ta' --$3,135,583.22 Less Assets not admitted _ 164,420.14 Total admitted Assets _ _ LIABILITIES $2,987,163.08 Net amount of unpaid losses and claims _ _ < Unearned premiums __"III”.I Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, accounts.fees, etc., due or accrued Estimated amount payable for Federal, State, county and muni cipal taxes due or accrued _ _ Contingent commission.’., or other charges due or accrued Reinsurance and return premiums due other companies All other liabilities, as detailed in statement .. 80.121.15 587,678.60 . 200.00 15,450.00 6,250.00 269,632.50 350.00 Total amount of all liabilities except Capital_ $ 959 682 25 Capital actually paid up in cash __ _ _$1,000 000 00 Surplus over all liabilities _ 1,011.480.83 Surplus as regards policyholders _ 2,011 480 83 Total Liabilities - $2,971 163 08 Business in North Carolina During 1938 Fire Risks written $1,003,087; Premiums received, $8,125 All Other Risks written $795,669: Premiums received, $1989 Losses incurred Fire $1,828. Paid $1811 Losses incurred—All other $834. Paid $645. President, John H. Griffin; Secretary, Oscar J. Eastman; Treasurer C W Hall. Home Office 125 S Fifth SI Minneapolis, Minn Attorney for service: Dan C. Boney, Insurance Commissioner. Raleigh, N. C. Manager for North Carolina, Home Office. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1 Seal) INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. Raleigh, June 12th 1939. 1. Dan C. Boney. Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct absetract of the statement of the Northwestern Fire & Marine Insurance Company of Minneapolis, Minn . filed with this department, showing the condition of said Company, on the 31st day of December. 1938 Witness my hand and official seal, the day and year above written. DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner.

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