WHEN YOU ARE SHOPPING FOR YOUR Easter Outfit DON'T FORGET TO STOP AT BYRDS Clothing Store WHERE YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD ADDITIONAL SOCIAL NEWS ACE OF CLUBS MEETS WITH MRS. SMITH Mrs. James Smith was hostess to the Ace of Clubs bridge club Tues day night. Mrs. John Williams and Mrs. Joe M. Smith were visitors. St. Patrick's colors were accentuat ed in the refreshments. Mrs. John Williams was presented a necktie as the guest prize, a silk slip was given to Mrs. H. A. Liver man as high scorer prize for the club, a double deck of cards to Mrs. W. C. Jones at second high score prize and a set of plaques to Mrs. W. E. Waters as the bingo award. CRESWELL BAPTIST WOMEN IN MEETING Creswell —The Woman's Mission ary Society of the Creswell Baptist church met at the church Tuesday evening for their March business meeting. In the absence of Mrs. A. C. Har ris. president. Mrs. O. Q Lassiter con ducted the devotionals and presided at the business session. The program chairman for the j month. Mrs. Clarence Allen, present led the program, the topic of which was "Steadfast in the Homeland.' Those taking part were Mesdames O. Q. Lassiter. J. M. Phelps, A. L. i Holmes. Clyde Smithson. Clarence Allen and Miss Mary Ellen Stillman. THIS WEEK'S Bakery Feature CAKE Chocolate and Cocoanut 2 Pounds EACH HASSELL Bros. BAKERY ' k_/ Easter Suits — With All the Accessories »w> !'«tiiai»'iiaw.'t| Milady can find anything that f she needs in our new ladies’ c store. Our Easter merchandise is here. Dresses, coats, mannish suits, undies, hose, shoes, and H everything new. Every item t purchased because of its smart- | ness, style, beauty and durabil- \ ity. You must look over this 7 merchandise before buying. /V SAM ADLER ‘The COMPLETE LADIES’ STORE5 AID SOCIETY MEETS AT PLEASANT GROVE Pleasant Grove. - The Pleasant Grove Aid Society met at the home of Mrs. T L. Wynne with Mrs. EfTie W. Gurkin .1- .nt hostess. Thursday afternoon The rooms were attractive with blooming potted plants. Mrs. J C Tarkington presided, Rev. Gardn : ,ed the devotional fol lowed by prayer. Mrs. Howard Dav enport presided at the piano for the singing. Mr- J C. Swain gave a financial repot" SI.90 in dues was paid. Seven ■ sits from the different sick committees was reported. Mrs. J. C. Swain gat an interesting reading WEEK OF PRAYER SERVICE FRIDAY Creswell.—The Woman's Mission ary Society of the Creswell Baptist church sponsored a Week of Prayer program at the church Friday eve ning. -Mrs. A. L. Holmes, program chair man. was aided by the following in presenting the program Mesdames G. A. Martin, J. M. Phelps, Clarence Allen, O Q. Lassiter. W W. Bate man. and Misses Marjorie Bateman and Evelyn Swain. on ‘'The Dogwood Tree."in this read ing was stated that the sacred cross was made from the dowgood tree. During the social hour Bingo was played, Mrs. Ella Waters won the prize. Fifteen members were present. The hostess served congealed fruit salad topped with whipped cream and fruit cake. The next meeting will be with Mrs. W. B. Chesson. Thursday Afternoon Literary Club in Meeting Here With Mrs. W. R. Hampton Mrs. \Y R Hampton was hostess to the Thursday Afternoon Literary Club March 7 at which time Mrs. S. V. Lewis reviewed "Dr. Bradley Re members" and Mrs. W. H. Peele "The Horse and Buggy Doctor" by A. E. Hertzler. During the business session which was presided over by Mrs. Robert Campbell, a committee reported that several books over due at the library had been collected. The club sub scription to the "Ladies Home Jour nal" for the lobrary. Kodak pictures of the club members and officers were STYONS-ANGE Mr. and Mrs S. H. Ange this week announced the marriage of their daughter. Ann. to Church Styons, the ceremony having been performed in Norfolk. Va.. last Saturday, March 9. The couple was unattended, and Mrs. Styons was attired in a navy blue traveling suit with violet accessories. Mrs. Styons is a graduate of the Plymouth High School and has been employed recently in National Youth Administration work. Mr. Styons is a popular young em ployee at the local plant of the Amer ican Fork & Hoe Company. They wil make their home in Plymouth. MRS. GEO. CURRY HOSTESS AT BRIDGE Mrs. George Curry was hostess to the Village Bridge club and four guests. Mesdames E. L. Owens. Wal ter Clark. S. Boutwell and D. J. Brinkley Thursday evening. Mrs. S. M. Rasmuson won the high score award for club members and Mrs. Walter Clark was high scorer for guests. Sandwiches cookies and coffee were served. METHODIST AID SOCIETY MEETING Creswell.—The Ladies' Aid Society of the Mount Hermon Methodist church met at the home of Mrs. Aileen Woodley Thursday afternoon for their regular monthly business and social session. Mrs. Odell Barnes president, pre sided at the business session. The Rev. Sulon G. Ferree conducted the devotionals and gave a talk on "Thinking of Prayer.” At the conclusion of the program, the hostess served delicious refresh ments. taken for the district club scrapbook. Tlie program committee announced that out of town musicians would have charge of the program for the meeting on March 28. The hostess served an attractive salad course with coffee, assisted by Mrs. C. E. Ayers. Mrs. C. L. Blount and Mrs. Z. V. Norman. CRESWELL BAPTIST SOCIETY MEETING Creswell.—Members of the Mission ary Society of the Creswell Baptist church met at the home of Mrs. J. M. Phelps Tuesday afternoon for study and discussion of the book. "Give Ye Them To Eat." Mesdames G. A. Martin. Clyde Smithson. A. L. Holmes, W. W. Bate man and A. H. Tucker were leaders for the five chapters of the bootc. Following the study hour, the host ess served sandwiches, pickles, hot coffee and cookies. C. E. SOCIETY AT CRESWELL MEETS Creswell.—The members of the Christian Endeavor of Mount Her mon church were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Dav enport Thursday evening. After discussion of the lesson for the week, the topic of which was "Ways of Using the Bible,” the young people enjoyed a delightful hour of games. The hostess served delicious re freshments. MRS. H. E. HARRISON ENTERTAINS CLUB Mrs. H. E. Harrison entertained her bridge club and Mrs. W. C. Ches son. Mrs. C. C. Hardison and Mrs. Roy L. Swain on Saturday evening. A green and white color scheme was used in the salad course that was served with coffee. Mrs. C. C. Hardison was presented a guest towel as the visitor's prize and a set of madeira napkins was given to Mrs. J. S. Brown as club high scorer. ---j ENTERTAINS U. D. C. MEETING FRIDAY Mrs. J. W. Norman and Mrs. W. P. Winslow were hostesses to the local U. D. C. Chapter at the home of Mrs. Today’s Fashion ' t By VERA WINSTON NO MATTER what the season, black is always high fashion. Here is a grand frock for general wear come spring. It is silk crepe with detachable collar and cuffs of white mousseline de soie, which has a tiny painted black pin dot. The snug bodice buttons to the waist and ter minates in two pointed ends below the belt, which is of black leather. The skirt is molded at the hipline, and flares gracefully from there. It has eight gores. Norman Friday afternoon. Mrs. J. K. Reid who is a native of Alabama gave an interesting talk about Montgomery, Alabama. The chapter decided to collect their U. D. C. material and place it on the U. D. C. shelf in the Library for dis tribution. During the social hour ice cream pies, salted nuts, mints and coffee were served. Mrs. Dixon of Roper a visitor, accompanying her daughter. Mrs Lawrence Jones. NOW FEATURING— New Shipment Good Variety ROSE BUSHES 25c each Expected in a Few Days FERNS AND SNAKE PLANTS 10c each Also Dahlia and Gladiola Bulbs Large Assortment EASTER Toys and Candy Winslow's 5c TO $1.00 STORE AUGUSTIN DALLY CLUB HAS MEETING ^ Ten members of the Augustin Daly Club met with Mrs. D. J. Brinkley on Thursday at the home of Mrs. P. W. Brinkley. Several contests were enjoyed and new books were selected for the club year. Mrs. James E. Blount who has been confined to her home on ac count of illness during the past few months, was present. Strawberry short-cake and coffee were served. MISSION SOCIETY TO MEET MONDAY The Young Women's Missionary Circle of the local Methodist church will hold its monthly meeting at 8 p. m„ next Monday, March 18, at the CROSS ROADS HOME CLUB IN MEETING The Cross Roads Home Demons tration Club held its monthly meet ing Wednesday of last week at the home of Mrs. J. W. Marrow, with nine members and three visitors pre sent. Mrs. D. B Chesson, president of the club, was in charge of the meeting, with the regular reports be ing made by tire secretary, Mrs. Ir ving Watson. Following the usual opening pro gram. Mrs. Darden gave a demon stration on kitchen arrangement and gave out leaflets showing several sug gested arrangements. The hostess served delicious re freshments. home of Mrs. Bill Joyner, with Mrs. Walter Clark as joint hostess. All members are urged to attend. Lead EASTER Parade WITH CLOTHES YOU WILL BE PROUD TO WEAR—YET PRICES ARE THE LOWEST Out Easter Dresses Are in Silk— Swell-Looking Easier Dresses.... $1.98 - $2.98 EXTRA SPECIAL—Ladies' S2.98 Value Sport Jackets.$1.98 THE Smartest HATS $1.00 PURSES To Match Hats and fj Dresses at— t 69c - $1.00 1 LADIES'SHOES | In the wanted styles and colors :p| Blue, Luggage, Patent, White, and Tan-and-White 1 $1.98 FOR MEN SHIRTS, TIES, SWEATERS, SOCKS AND TROUSERS Just Arrived — Newest Styles and Colors in Men’s Dress Oxfords... $1.98 ■ $2.98 -CHILDREN Coats and Hats to Match for Tots From 2 to 6. INFANT’S COATS, $1.00. BOYS’ WASH SUITS, from 25c to $1.98. Wanted Styles in CHILDREN’S SHOES 97c FREE BALLOONS SCHERR'S DEPARTMENT STORE “LOOK WHAT A FEW EXTRA HOLLARS Bin FOR VS T” “made us really PROUD OF OUR CAR COMPARE OLDS WITH LOWEST PRICED CARS. FOR OJVLVA FEW DOLLARS MORE /A' COST, OLDS GIVES VOC A WHALE OF A LOT MORE /JV EVERYTHING / ' ■ ■ v'->Xg “BOUGHT US ALL THIS extra value EXTRA SIZE / Inside and oat I Longer—197*4 inches from bumper to bumper. EXTRA STTEE / From coast to coast, they call it, “the best looking car on the road I" EXTRA JPOPVER ? Big 95 Horse power Econo-Master Engine in the Sixty. EXTRA COMFORT Z Theonlylow priced car with modem coil springs all around. EXTRA QUALITY Z Feature after feature usually found only in high-priced carsl EXTRA PRESTIGE Z Engineered to fine-car standards—built in the fine-car way. ptM ECONOMY THAT COMPARES WITH THE BEST OLDSMOBILE - “best looking car on the roar I”-— a 60” DE LUXE 2-DIt. SEDAN THIS STANDARD EQUIPMENT ★ Olds prices begin at f807 for Coupes, S853 for Sedans, delivered at Lansing, Michigan. Prices include Bumpers, Spare Wheel, Tire, Tube, Dual Trumpet Horns, Instrument Panel Hood-Lock, Automatic Choke, Vacuum Booster Pump, Fisher No Draft Ventilation, Safety Glass, Chrome Window Reveals, Chrome Interior Hard ware, 3 Windshield Wipers, 3 Sun Visors, 3 Front Seat Arm Rests. Transportation based on rail rates, state and local taxes (if any), optional equipment and accesso ries—extra. Prices subject to change without notice. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Help promote safety—dim your lights when passing! HOUSE CHEVROLET COMPANY, INC.-PLYMOUTH, N. C.