THE Roanoke Beacon and Washington County News PUBLISHED EVERT THURSDAY in Plymouth, Washington County. North Carolina The Roanoke Beacon Is Wash ington County's only newspaper It was established in 1889, consoli 1ated with the Washington County News in 1929 and with The Sun in 1937. Subscription Rates Payable in Advance) One year-$1.50 Six months_ .75 Advertising Rates Furnished Upon Request Entered as second-class matteT at the post office in Plymouth. N. C., under the act of Congress if March 3, 1879. "North Carolina PPESS ASSOCIATION Y . ©S' January 8, 1942 “ 4 cracked bell can never sound Hell” JANUARY 8—Two governors inaugu rated in Louisiana 1377. 9—First South American *> postal congress meets at / Montevideo. 1911. 10— Allied governments state v terms of peace. 1917. 11— Francis Scott Key, author Star Spangled Banner, dies, 1843. 12— Pennsylvania R. R. Hud (son River tunnel excava tion completed, 1908. 13—Charleroi Colony of New Plymouth granted. 1629. 14—First wireless telephone message, New York to London. 1923. WNU SwvlM Rationing oi Tires Only the Beginning The tire - rationing program now getting underway marks the first real effect of the war on many persons. Before the war is over there will very likely be many other items we daily use which will be strictly rationed. Rationing of this sort is a new ex perience for most Americans, but it is a very necessary thing: and most of our people w 'il §*> alohg without a murmur in the definite knowledge that it makes for the preservation of rights we have long enjoyed, even if it means forfeiture of them for some time to come. The character of the members of the rationing board set up in this county is assurance that everyone will be given a square deal in the al lotments to be made. There are few tires available, and the board mem bers are governed by inflexible rules which make it necessary to deny many worthy requests. If hardship is caused—and it very likely will be—it will be well to re member that there are others who are laboring under the same difficulties. It behooves all of us to realize that whatever sacrifices we are called upon to endure, there are others who are sacrificing even more. In order to provide our army, navy and air force with the equipment needed to win this war, it is necessary that we do without some of the things we have been accustomed to having. That is the essence of the entire sit THE PRICELESS INGREDIENT.. of every product in the market place is the honor and integ rity of he who makes it and sell it. Buy from your home town merchant, who knows you, and whom you know. ★ ★ PLYMOUTH MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION uation, and the answer to \**y com plaint or grumble. There can be no flinching at this stage of the game. We will be called upon for far greater self-den ia! and sacrifice ere we are through with this undertaking. Remember the words of John Paul Jones, “WeVV have not yet begun to fight." Direct Your Attention To The Job At Hand In connection with our war effort, it is patently evident that entirely too many people are concerning themselves with matters about which they know absolutely nothing; and, as a consequence, the job at hand is being neglected. Matters of military and naval strategy and execution are better left to the men who have been trained for these tasks, while our everyday jobs should command our own individual attention. In such manner each person will be doing far more to win the war than he will be standing about displaying his ignor ance bv offering free advice on sub-j jects foreign to his nature and ex perience. Of course, everybody wants to help. And we firmly believe the best way to help is to go about our business in our normal manner, performing whatever tasks are assigned to us as quickly and as well as we know how. Those who are needed in the military 1 services will be called soon enough, and there will be other ways to serve for the rest of us. Our money and our time will be needed for various phases of the war effort, and we will be notified when it is neded. Until then, let us perform our usual work in the usual manner and leave mili tary and naval affairs to those who are a mite better qualified. ------- Farmers’ Outlook Is Bright The farmer faces the best economic outlook in many years, reports the United States Department of Agri culture in its latest roundup of the agricultural situation. The chief causes were given as the billions of dollars of purchasing pow er resulting from the expanding de fense program, high levels of prices and incomes and the earmarking of more than $1,000,000,000 of food products for Great Britain. The department’s economists fore cast “a continying good demand for farm products! increased government buying of food and government loans and other supports to prices” in the year ahead. The results of the agricultural sur vey follows; Cattlemen and hog producers were urged to increase marketings. Income of cotton producers may exceed $1,000,000,000 for the first time since 1929. Poultry production in 1942 may top all records with prices at good levels. The outlook for fruit and vegetable growers is the best in a decade or more. Fall harvests assure ample feed needed for the vast production of livestock and dairy products. Secretary of Agriculture, Claude R. Wickard was quoted as saying: that the “most urgent need’ is for in creased production of milk; that “we need to consume more dairy products in this country for improved health and strength,’ and that “the British will need enormous quantities of cheese, evaporated milk, and dry skim milk.” -Ik The Hole in Your Sock “Hidden around this country in private purses now is the astounding total of more than $6,000,000,000,” writes Paul Mallon. “Much of it is in mattresses, socks and private safes. The evidence is clear that a hoarding era . . . has reached suspicious pro portions since the first of this year.” Many of these hoarders believe that they are protecting themselves against either inflation or a govern ment fiscal policy which might force them to invest their money. But, as Paul F. Cadman, economist of the American Bankers Association points out they have little chance of success. “Hoarded currency is a practically useless method of protecting the hold ers of property against the arbitrary acts of government,” says Dr. Cad man. “Early attempts to hoard mon ey in continental Europe to avoid governmental levies during and after the first world war were met by blocking bank accounts and suspend ing transactions on the exchanges. Outstanding currency ceased to be le gal tender or to have any validity un less it was presented to a government agency and stamped ‘o indicate that a tax had been paid or imposed con ditions had been met. The holders LITTLE MApy AWIIP av HL-M-seuMK'eRrtopf All ser Poa THE DANCE, MARV2 V-~~ ELMfil?— I AN IDEA- 1 VCO.ME iM HAVE ^ TAB. dam:e costs. F'pjy CENTS - LET'S Gov PIPTY CENTS "j ^WOSTH OF DEFE>JSEf STAMPS Jh ^Vou 'RE R||?MT WE WON'T 3E ,HAVING DANCE'" IF we DON'T , WHIP ooP ^ENEMIESJ , •Ms Witcd PgATUgE SV<4t>iCAT6 >». Question of qo the week : r Individual Opinions of People You Know About Current Matters of General Public Interest Which of Life's Little Everyday Annoyances Bother You Most? Frank E. Nobles, insurance man: ‘ Don't know anything that particu larly bothers me. These little items that annoy one should never prove too serious. Usually I try to take both the large and small annoyances in stride and make the most of ev ery situation. I think that the small things that bother people are some time magnified into large ones. This is not a good condition." T. A. Wilkins, colored school teach er of Roper: "Getting up on cold mornings. There is none of the small things that cause me so much discomfort as having to leave a good warm bed in the morning and then to have to go out into the cold to my duties. X can stand many of the other such trivial annoyances more than this kind.” R. D. West, local barber: “Yes, sir, I like my warm bed on cold mornings. If there is anything that annoys me it is having to get up on cold mornings. I don't mind many other trivial annoyances as much as I dread this one. It is really pleasant to be able to sleep mornings when it isn’t necessary to crawl out of bed.” Mrs. Carl Roberson, housewife: *'I don't know. There are so many an noyances that a housewife has ev eryday that it is hard to single out one that is more offensive than another. So I try to take life's hap penings as they come and do the best I can." W. J. Ilighsmitli, sanitary inspect or: “As a public health worker, what bothers me most, is since I am trying to go forward as hard as possible, why is it so hard to keep from go ing backward?’’ of currency found themselves in ex actly the same position as the owners of bank deposits.” The hoarding of currency is about 100 per cent futile—and, on top of that, hidden currency is always in danger of being burned, stolen, or otherwise lost to the owner. Put your money i nthe bank or invest it. You will sink or swim with the rest. Customers Calmed The stampede to grocery stores in many sections—mostly metropolitan ones—right after war's outbreak has slowed down considerably. The cause of such customer rushes, and the hoarding ideas they have in mind, usually is consumer concern regard ing availability of goods and fear of rising prices. Government offic ials were quick to give assurances as to plentiful supplies of food, while food retailers gave similarly reassur ing word about the price picture. John Hartford, the A & P president, covered the ground thoroughly in a public pledge on behalf of his com pany to “cooperate unhesitatingly in every effort of authorized govern ment agencies to prevent unwarrant ed rises in food prices.” Other points in his pledge were: continued help to farmers in the orderly marketing of their products; constant efforts to re duce the spread between prices paid farmers and those charged custom ers; and maintenance of inventories at the lowest point consistent with good service (because “hoarding, whether by wholesalers, retailers or consumers will cause higher prices.”) What Is the Pattern? By Ruth Taylor There is a pattern to life. Some times it seems vague and indistinct. Sometimes we cannot see it at all. But it is there—clear and sharp if we can attain the proper perspective. Sometimes we have to get up in the air in order to look down upon our selves. Not “down” in a derogatory sense, but from “above” in order to get the full view of where we are heading. When we look down from a plane, we see the whole countryside neatly spread out before us. The small ug linesses disappear. What we see is beautiful in form, geometric in out line, a shading of colors, each dis tinct, yet creating a harmonious whole. We see the brown ribbons I of the roads, threading through the countryside, converging and diverg ing with relentless logic. There is a sense of oneness, of completeness. There are no state lines or man-made barriers of prejudice visible from the air. So it is in the present crisis. We I need to lift ourselves above the stress of hatreds, the fever of conflicting beliefs, the horror of the pestilence that is war. We need to look down upon all this turmoil. We need to see it for what it is—a blazing, searing cruci ble in which we are being forged itno a united nation of loyal citizens who have at heart the survival of our nation, the good of all, regardless of class, race, creed or color. We need to rise high enough so that the Rambling ...About By THE RAMBLER In 1942— Uncle Sam has set out to do a tremendous job in the winning of this war. What this nation must do to stem the Axis tide is to accomp lish a large and hard task that has been mapped out. The goal this year: To build more than 40.000 airplanes and increase the production rate well beyond 50,000 per year. To produce 25,000 tanks and gear production for the greatest tank ar mada the world has ever known. To launch approximately 150 fight ing ships and speed construction on hundreds more. To add about 600 merchant vessels to the "bridge of ships.” To increase our highly-trained, ful ly-equipped army to more than 2. 500.000 men. To train 70.000 warplane pilots. To enroll more than 1,000,000 civ ilian volunteers for emergency duty. To enlarge the army of workers in arms factories by 3.000,000. To increase more than double the output of vital machine tools. To produce arms of all kinds at least five times faster than in Iy41. To mobilize 80,000 industrial plants available for war production. To produce an ample supply of food for the United States and all its allies. To contine and increase aid of all kinds to all enemies of the Axis na tions. So What— Geting out this publication is no picnic. If we print jokes, people say we are silly. If we don't, they say we are too serious. If we stick close to the job all day, We ought to be out hunting up news. If we do get out and try to hustle We ought to be on the job in the office. If we don't print all contributions, We don't appreciate genius; If we do the paper is filled with junk. If we make a change in a fellow’s write-up, We are too critical; If we don’t we are asleep. dividing lines will fade out and the pattern of democracy become plain. When we come down to earth, we must keep this vision with us. For, while we have national unity forged in the heat of emergency, we must take steps to protct and preserve that unity throughout the dark war-torn days that lie ahead—so that when the hour of crisis has passed it will be a living force binding together all the peoples of our nation. If we clip from other newspapers We are too lazy to write it ourselves Now, like as not someone will say We swiped this from another paper We did! Resolutions— I resolve to be a careful driver . . . to help in every campaign for the reduction of fatal accidents in this community ... to be especially care ful when driving around or near a school house or school district ... to keep my car in mechanically perfect condition to prevent accidents. I resolve to be a careful pedestrian . . as my part in helping to reduce the accident toll ... to refrain from jaywalking ... to remember that I can stop more easily and quickly than a car ... to look both ways before crossing a street . . . and not to take unnecessary chances in an effort to save a few seconds. I resolve to support worthwhile charities ... to aid in the Red Cross drives ... to support any local drive for funds including the Christmas Joy Fund next Christmas . . . and to take an active interest by my individ ual efforts to see that charities wor thy of my support accomplish the program most necessary for my com munity. I resolve to take an interest in civ ic affairs ... to follow closely the actions and doings of this community • ■ • to support civic institutions and activities ... to make myself heard on matters of community interest . . . to help city officials in the perform ance of their duties as specified. I resolve to boost my own town . . . in order to spread the fame of its resources so that my own town will be known and highly respected over a wider area ... to support the clubs and other organizations that are op erating to make my town a better place in which to live ... to do my part as a citizen in the perfection of good government ... to function as a good citizen to my community's ad vantage. I resolve to do my duty to my God, to my church and to my community . . . aiding in all defense efforts with my labor, my money and my all . . to do whatever little bit I can to help defeat the Axis nations that are ene mies of this country Suppose— Suppose there wasn't any county paper: Who would publish the volumes of school news which are important to people of this community but drab and uninteresting to others? Who would advance and discuss school problems only of interest, to the peo ple of Washington County? Who would publish the weekly church notices and numberless arti cles about the churches only of local interest? Who would publish accounts of clubs, societies and other such or ganizations which are so necessary to maintain interest and good will? Who would advertise the products the advertisers have to sell? Others have tried to get away without adver tising but found that it was the best way out. Yes—you could advertise in the larger papers but it would cost you from five to 10 times as much. Who would publish the countless legal orders of the county and town The rates in the Beacon save the people of Washington County hun dreds of dollars annually which means economy and good government to you. Who would provide the readers with better and more local news? Where else coluld you get the full picture of community life, the joys, the sorrows, the activities, the prog ress. politics, pleasures and social and religious life? Who is going to be loyal to the best media in Washington County? HEALTH Only four out of every 100 low-in come farm people are in first-rate physical condition, the U. S. Depart ment of Ariculture found after a health survey of FSA families in 17 states. 'Men Needed7 The Virginia Electric and Power Company has a limited number of openings for Street Car and Bus Operators in Norfolk and Portsmouth, Virginia. Applicants must be between 23 and 35 years old; preferably married; between 5 feet 6 inches and 6 feet 1 inch tall; able to pass physical and mental examinations. High school educa tion or its equivalent preferred. Application must be made in person between 10:00 and 11:00 A. M. at the office of R. H. Good mon, Manager, VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY, Williamston, North Car olina. Inspect This Marvelous New Bakery ... See How BAMBY BREAD Is Made. You’ll Enjoy It! Yes—every oue of the many friends of the Royal Baking Co., is Invited to attend the great housewarming festivities in Raleigh January 14 and 15, when the new home of Bamby Bread will be formally opened. Make your plans now to be here. Guides will be on hand to take you on an escorted tour of this marvelous, modern new baking plant. You’ll see for yourself how carefully Bamby Bread is baked—why it’s so good, so tasty, so popular. rhere’ll be music, prizes and souvenirs-—everything to make this the greatest housewarming ever held in Raleigh! Remember— make your plans now to be in Raleigh on Wednesday or Thursday, January 14 and 15th to attend this Interesting event The lime Is 6:31) to 10 P. M. Be sure to be ou hand. Make Plans Now To Be In Raleigh Wednesday and Thursday Jan. 14-15 6:30 to 10 P. M. •^Colored People—Friday, Jau. 16 6:30 to 10 P. M. BAKING COMPANY Raleigh, North Carolina