Unity Is Stressed In Charge To Jury By Judge Frizelle Men Who Talk Slightingly Of Government Danger ous Citizens, He Says People are prone to find fault with and criticize the government in this county, and constructive crticism is good and should be continued, but any man who speaks slightingly or disparagingly of this government is a dangerous citizen, Judge J, Paul Frizelle, of Snow Hill, told the grand jury at the opening of the January term of Washington County Superior Court, which opened here Monday morning. The judge continued has charge saying that a powerful enemy desires to wipe cut democratic government and democratic institutions. Many peop’e in this country have been too indifferent and too apathetic toward the dangers that are facing the na tion, but now that we are at war, the citizens should strengthen the arm of government by aiding in every ef fort for national safety and security by obeying the law’s. This country was not established LOST: BLACK AND TAN HOUND deg, weighing about 50 pounds. Re ward of $5 given to the person who returns dog to Isaac Stokesberrv, Pike Road. jl 2t FOR COAL OR WOOD. SEE C. E. Ayers, City. 016 tf FOR SALE: USED OIL STOVE AND one used electric range. Will sell very reasonable. Also have fuel oil space heaters. C. E. Ayers, City. 0I6 tf Business OPPORTUNITY! FOR SALE: THE PINES.” I.OCAT ed 2 3-4 miles east of Plymouth. A well-established, reputable business. Will sell all equipment and stock cheap for quick cash sale. See Mrs. Mary Horton before Monday, January 12th. It FOUND: CHILDS EYEGLASSES. gold rimmed frame; found on rear deck of car about December 15. Own er can get them by paying for this ad. Roscoe Gaylord, Fourth Street, City. FOR SALE — THREE TWIN BEDS with springs and mattresses. $10 each set. P.ano $45. Call 218-2, Williamston Highway. Mrs. Okey Steele. • It FOR SALE: PEANUT - FATTENED turkeys. 15 to 20 pounds. 25c per pound, Westover Farm. C. M. Rob bins. J8 2t eq in ARRED ROCKS, NEW HAMP HIRE AND HANSON WHITE LEGHORNS Highest Quality. Fully Guar anteed. Prices Reasonable. Hatches Every Tuesday. Superior Haichery HERTFORD, N. C. WASTE PAPER • Starts on Page One) pon attached to the letter and leave it at the gate of the plant. This coupon will be turned over to the Boy Scouts and a truck will call for the paper when the next collection is made. Those who are not employed at the' plant are also urged to save the pa-1 per until they have from 50 to 100 pounds on hand, then advise the scouts or telephone James W. Nor man. of the Norman Furniture Com pany, who will have a truck call for the paper. Committees Named By Club President -i E. P. Still, president of the Coun try Club of Plymouth, Inc., this week announced the personnel of the com- | mittees that will serve the club dur ing the coming year, the first per son mentioned on each committee be- j ling the chairman, as follows: House: E. L. Walker and Carroll G. Crockett. i Club maintenance: M. J. Polk, A. 1L. Owens and H. E. Harrison. Finance: C. G. Crockett, E, L. Walker, Z. V. Norman, and E. F. Still. New members: J. R. Manning, M. G. Waters and Frank Margolise. Golf and'greens: Ellis Maples, N. C. Green, H. E. Beam, Ray H. Good mon and Abbott Morris. Entertainment: A. Lloyd Owens, Garland C. Woolard. M. G. Waters and J. R. Manning. Publicity: Jack Booker and Bill Manning. Officers of the club are: E. F. Still, president; Z. V. Norman, first vice president; H. M, Kieckhefer, second I vice president; L. J. Meunier, jr., |secretary; and E. A. Harrison, treas j urer. Directors, in addition to the i officers, are E. L. Walker, J. R. Man • ning and Ellis Maples, of Plymouth: I Frank Margolis, of Williamston; and M. G. Waters, of Washington. j by the people of this generation and the ideals and freedom that this country enjoys was not originated by us. but were handed down to this | generation by those who have gone I before, and it is the duty of the 'present generation to continue derno | cratic and free government and hand it down to those who follow, said the speaker. Many white men in the Philippines : have been brutally treated, but that is the way of tyranny; and it should j behoove us to stand together, making every effort to keep faith with the 1 young men who leave to offer all1 for their country. Those behind should assur those leaving that they will be provided with the weapons with which to meet and repel the enemy, said the judge. All should stand behind public of ficers; they should be given the sup port, encoui igement ana loyalty of the people ai.d the school, the church the home: and the government should have the full cooperation of every citizen concluded the speaker. CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this opportuity for j expressing oar appreciation to the j many fiends who contributed flow | ers and wh< spoke words of sym i pathy to us and performed any oth I er t.eed of kindness during the death I of the late . ohn B. Bateman. THE FAMILY. 3 TIMES AROUND THE WORLD DAILY ON SINCLAIR PENNSYLVANIA MOTOR OIL Three times around the world—more than 75,000 miles is the mileage flown daily by American Airlines’ giant fleet of Flagships. And every ship is lubricated with Sinclair Pennsylvania Motor Oil. When you use Sinclair Pennsylvania in your car, you’re giving your engine the same protection given costly airplane mo tors. So take a tip from American Airlines. Use Sinclair Pennsylvania Motor Oil for safer, quieter lubrication. John Swinson AGENT__PLYMOUTH, N. C. Harrisons Service Station Opposite Williford’s Tavern Cool Spring Grocery Joe Snell, Prop. Plymouth RFD Water St. Service Station C. O. "Shorty” Kelly Prop. P. S. Browning DardensNorth Carolina Juniper Lodge M. L. Nobles, Prop._Plymouth Colon R. Bowen Plymouth North Carolina County School Costs For 1939-1040 Term Contained in Report Total of $110,311.04 Spent For Eight Months Term; Amount Now Greater A ■ it ni of $110,311.04 was -pent on Public education in Washington County during the eight-month term of 1033-40, with the state providing $95,483.38 anti the county $14,827.46. according to information received from the office of H. H. McLean, superintendent of public instruction.! This money was used to pay for items under general control, includ ing sa'ary and travel of superintend ent. clerical and office expenses, in structional service, including salaries i of teachers and supplies: operation of plant, including wages of janitors, fuel, water, heat, maintenance of j plant, such as repairs to buildings, replacement of furnishings, lights,' plumbing; fixed charges, including rents and insurance; auxiliary agen cies. including wages of drivers and mechanics, gar, oil, grease, parts and other items for transportation; capi- ‘ tal outlay and debt service. During the year, the number of teachers was given at 96. It is be lieved the expense for the 1941-42 term will be much larger, because of the fact that there are now 105 teachers employed and about 200 more children are attending the schools. i The money allocated by the state represents money raised through the state sales tax of 3 per cent while j the county gets its money through! dog taxes, fines and a levy in the i general tax rate. The county budget for this year is about S14.000. about the same as for the 1939-40 term. Deserters in Time of War Forfeit Citizenship Rights Persons who desert the military service in time of war are deemed to have voluntarily relinquished and forfeited their rights of citizenship, as well as their rights to become citi zens, according to E. s. Blount, the chairman of the Washington County Selective Service Board. Deserters are forever barred from holding any office of trust or profit] in the United States or from exer-5 rising any of the rights of citizen ship, Mr. Blount said, adding that I he hoped all selectees on leave from their organizations will not let any thing whatever interfere with them reporting back for duty on the day required. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Washington County. Under and by virtue of a power of sale embraced in that certain deed I of trust executed by Nancy Coffey,! widow, to Edward L. Owens, trustee,! on the fifth day of November. 1931. and recorded in the Register of Deeds office of Washington County in book 91, on page 505. and default having been made in the payment in the note thereby secured, and the holder of said note having applied to the undersigned trustee to exercise his power of sa’e contained in that cer tain deed of trust: The undersigned trustee will offer for sale at public auction, for cash, at the courthouse door of Washing ton County. Plymouth, N. C., at 12 o’clock noon, on Saturday, January j 17th, 1942. several lots of land in the Town of Plymouth and described as i follows: FIRST TRACT: ’ ying and being in | Plymouth, N, C„ and bounded on the ’north by Water Street, on the south by N. S. Rihlroad, on the east by the lands of Ruberta Pettiford. on the west by the lands of Nancy Pettiford, it being the same lands conveyed to the said Josephus and Arthur Credle by deed of Ruberta Pettiford. regis tered in the premises on which the tered in the re ;■ ti cf' deeds office in book 70, page 278, and being the premises on which the said Josephus and Arthur Cradle formerly lived. This deed of trust is given to secure | part of purchase money on the above ! described first tract, which was sold and deeded to Nancy Coffey of even date with this deed cf trust. SECOND 1RACT: Beginning at Henry Ellis's back line on Fourth Street, and running westwardly along said line to M. A. Lee’s line, along said line to ( on's line, thence at right angles and parallel with the Fust to Pour'..! s eet, thence along said Fourth So.,: southwardly to place of begin) in . the above descrip tion being mortva No. 10, as shown on the map of "Ni : an Land,” same property deeded by George Smith and wife to Nancy C (fey, recorded in book-paj e — . For further reference see deed dated December 30th, 1920, from Annie Hall and hus band to Nancy Cell' registered in book 76, page 530. Reference is also made to deed from A. L. Owens, et al, to Annie Hall. The m be required :to deposit 20 p >• cent of his bid which is to be forfeited to the un I des igned upon :. ire to accept the I deed and pay tin’ purchase price. The above pr pony will be sold sub ject to prior liens and eneum | brances. This the 15th clay of Dec., 1941. EDWARD L. OWENS, Trustee. dl8 4t NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having quaiifi 1 as administratrix of the o'taa of Travis W. Swain, late of Washington County, North Caro lina, all person, having claims against the estate of Travis W. Swajn are notified to exhibit the same "to the undersigned at Roper, N. C., R. F. D., wit hin one year n t he publication of this notice, or this notice will be pleaded in bar -of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate pay mnt to the undersigned. LILLIAN SWAIN, d!8 6t Administratrix. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of Trust dated August 2nd, 1941, ex cuted by Mrs. Deldee W. Norman, [widow, to R. L. Coburn, Trustee, and of record in the Public Registry of Washington County, N. C„ in Book 128, at page 517 and to secure a cer tain note of even date therewith and TOBACCO 'Starts on Page One) are not now able to get it because of shipping obstacles. Many tobacco growers in the coun ty will start sowing plant beds this week. Others will do o as early as possible, as it has been the custom to start planting tobacco in the beds during the first two wot ks of January in this county. War conditions have cae.sed a short age of cotton materials but it is un derstood that there has been arrange ments made to supply the tobacco farmers with cloth to cover plant beds. Vehicle Owners Not Returning Cards in Truck - Bus Count Survey Being Made Gather Information for Emergen cy Transportation The Highway Traffic Advisory Committee to the War Department is appealing to the Department of Motor Vehicles of North Carolina to urge all truck and bus owners in Washington County to immediately fill out and mail in the question naire cards sent to them for the Na tional Defense truck and bus inven tory. This inventory is being made for the War Department by the Pub lic Roads Administration and the Works Projects Administration to be used in planning National Defense emergency transportation. A report made Friday by L. G. Wat ers of the Public Roads Administra tion. who is technical advisor for this work in North Carolina, revealed that only thirty-one per cent of the vehicle owners in North Carolina had sent in their reports. This shows North Carolina to be lagging far be hind most of the states in the Union in the compilation of this essential National Defense data for the War Department. Mr. Watters said that Wisconscin leads the nation with re turns from about ninety per cent of the owners and South Carolina leads the Southeastern states with about seventy per cent. Mr. Watters further states that a large number of the questionnaires received to date are incomplete and incorrectly filled out and will have to be returned to the owners for com pletion or corrections, and he urges that all owners follow instructions and carefully fill out their cards. Each card should be identified with the vehicle by the use of the motor number shown in space “A" of the questionnaiare. Another angle of the suvey is most important to vehicle and bus owners in North Carolina. Priority ratings to assure future productions and re placement of parts for motor vehicle owners make it absolutely necssary that complete information of each LEGAL NOTICES the stipulations in said Deed of Trust not having been complied with and at the request of the holder of said note, tire underisgned Trustee will on the loth day of January, 1941. at 12:00 o'clock noon, in front of the Court House Door in the town of Plymouth, N. C.. offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described real property lying and be ing in Washington County, North Carolina, to wit: All that certain tract of land con taining 81.02 acres, more or less, known as the Deldee W. Norman place in Lee’s Mill Township, Wash ington County, North Carlina. located on the Mill Pond Road one mile Southeast of the Town of Roper bounded on the Northwest by said County road: on the Northeast by the H. Lewiis lands: on the South by the Mrs. D. W. Norman swamp land; on the Southwest by George Bowen land, and being the same land de scribed in a deed of trust dated Sep tember 18, 1935 to W. O. McGibony, Trustee, recorded in book No. 114, at uage No. 29 of the Washington I County Public Registry, to which deed of trust reference is hereby made for a more complete description. Second tract: A certain tract of land containing 44 acres, more or less and bounded on the Northwest by the above tract of land, on the Northeast by the H. Lewis lands; on the South east by the run of Swinson Swamp, on the Southwest by eGorge Bowen land. This the 15th day of Deceber, 1941. R. L, COBURN, D18 4t Trustee NOTICE OF RESALE Pursuant to an order of the clerk of the Superior Court of Washing ton County this day entered in a cause entitled Myrtle Davenport et al vs. Elizabeth Sitterson et al, the undersigned commissioners of the court will offer for sale, to the high est bidder, for cash, at the court house door of Washington County, in the Town of Plymouth, at 12 o' clock noon, Monday, January 12, 1942. the property ordered to be sold in this cause and described in the petition filed herein, same being des ignated as follows: iimi ceaam uuiu lying m j_,ees Mill Township, and being the same land which was the home place of Luther Sitterson, being the same land conveyed to Luther Sitter, on by J. T. Sitterson by deed dated March 9. 1892, and recorded in the office of of the register of deeds of Washing ton County in book 33. page 61, which deed is referred to and made a part hereof for purpose of description. The bidding wiil begin with the bid of L. R. Davenport in the sum of $2,362.50, and will be subject to con flrmation by the court. The success ful bidder will be required to deposit five per cent of the amount of the bid a guarantee of good faith, penning confirmation of the sale, and to be forfeited upon confirmation and failme of the bidder to comply with tire bid. The land will be sold sub ject to the dower therein as allotted to Elizabeth Sitterson as allotted by the court in this cau'c. This the 27th day of December, 1941. CARL L. BAILEY and W. L. WHITLEY, jl 21 Commissioners. Farmers Are Urged Produce Food Next Year As War Need - Enough Food Must Be Pro duced to Feed Fighting Forces and U. S. Allies “What can 1 do?" is the question being asked now by North Carolina farmers in the early days of this war. Dean I. O. Schaub of State College, agricultural representative on the Ex ecutive Committee of the State De fense Council, answers this question in part. He says: ‘‘Agriculture's part in the war-time economy of the United States is to produce the No. 1 war material — food. We need to grow more food than we've ever grown be fore. We don't need more tobacco or cotton, and if necessary we should sacrifice acreage of those two crops to produce food, and feed from which food can be produced.'’ Dean Schaub said the goals estab lished under the Food-for-Freedom campaign, and accepted by farmers when they signed their Farm Plans for 1942, will insure enough food for home use. and for the fighting forces of the United States and her allies. “But under no circumstances can we afford to fall short of meeting these goals,” he declared. “The best policy now is to plan to exceed the goals." The State College leader said the two immediate and practical jobs for farm people are to see that farm ma chinery is in good repair, and to col lect scrap metal off the farm and sell it to junk yards. "Steel is scarce." Dean Schaub as serted, "and more scrap metal is ur gently needed for steel production. The manufacturers of farm machin ery must know at once how much steel will be needed to produce re pair parts for farm tractors, com bines, and other machines. The metal will be allocated to produce these parts. The problem right now is to determine what parts are required.” The United States has a great sup eriority in the matter of food, Dr. Schaub said, “and is it up to farm people to see that we remain superi ior," he asserted. , _ __^ _ truck and bus in the United States be available. It is not only the patriotic duty of owners to fill out and return these questionnaires promptly, but it is vital to the motor truck industry in curing priority ratings for replace -as m spaau 3.rainj am guuuuuajap ment of units and supplies. West's Junk Yard PLYMOUTH, N. C. We pay market prices for scrap iron and steel, copper, brass, aluminum and rubber. R. D. WEST, Mgr. Wilson St. Extended Box 247 PHONE 2183 Horses and Mules Become Necessary In Metal Shortage Old Dobbin To Replace Ma chinery on Farms Because Of Equipment Scarcity Metal is scarce. This means a pos sible shortage of new farm machin ery. F. M. Haig, professor of animal husbandry at N. C. State College, says workstock will take on added import ance as sources of farm power during the war emergency. He urges that horses and mules be well fed and cared for, and that every mare be bred in 1942. "We hear that agriculture in the United States lias become mechaniz ed.1’ Prof. Haig declared, "but the 1940 census showed that less than 25 per cent of the farms In the Nation own a tractor. The census found 1, 567,405 tractors on 1.409.685 farms. ‘ On the other hand, there were more than 10 million horses on three million farms in 1940. Nearly two million farmers reported ownership of 3,844,560 mules. This indicates that workstock are still the principal source of power on more than 75 per cent of our farms.” Professor Haig said the alarming part of the census report is that workstock breeding has been neg lected because of the general Impres sion that "the horse and mule are on their way out." He asserted that the horse is not doomed, and there is still a market for workstock. The war will stimulate this market, and farmers with good brood mares will serve National Defense by having their mares bred to registered stal lions or jacks in 1942.” The animal husbandman said the census indicated that there was a . shortage oi 541939 colts in the United States to barely maintain the present horse population An additional 327, 493 mule colts are needed to maintain the population of this type of work stock. "See your county farm agent and enlist his advice and assistance in giving your horses and mules better care, including the right kind of feed." Prof. Haig suggsted. Dairy farmers can reduce feed costs and at the same time release large quantities of skim milk, now import ant as a defense food, by substituting a good meal for skim milk in the calf's ration. MY FAMILY GETS THE BESJ TODAY Ib we have “PYROFAX” GAS SERVICE “All these years, I've been liv ing as if we were still back in the Covered-Wagon days! Slaving for hours over old fashioned stoves.. .serving ‘hit or-miss’ meals to the family! “Now with ‘Pyrofax’ gas, I enjoy every comfort and con venience of city gas service. No soot! No smells! No uneven temperatures to ruin my roasts and cakes! “And I’ve more time for my S^YtARS SUPtPIOR SERVICE self! Cooking’s easier ... there’s less food wasted and meals are consistently de licious! Further more, you can't beat ‘Pyrofax’ gas for dependability. Your future supply is guaranteed in writing!” DEPENDABLE! AUTOMATIC! l\vo cylinders are delivered to your home—one for use—one for reserve— to prevent your running out of gas. Automatic equipment, available at slight extra charge, turns on supply from reserve cylinder as soon as cyl inder in use becomes empty. "PYR0FAX" TRADEMARK GAS SERVICE COOKING • WATER HEATING • REFRIGERATION IN HOMES BEYOND THE GAS MAINS C. E. AYERS, Agent HERES YOUR CHOICE READING AT HEW LOW PRICES THIS NEWSPAPER, I Yr., And Any Mngnzine Listed • BOTH FOR PRICE SHOWN ALL MAGAZINES ARE FOR ONE YEAR □ American Fruit Grower....$1.75 □ American Girl _ 2.25 □ American Magazine. 2.95 □ American Poultry Journal 1.65 □ Breeder’s Gazette_1.65 □ Capper’s Farmer.. 1.75 □ Child Life._____ S.00 □ Christian Herald _____ 2.50 □ Click .________ 2.00 □ Collier’s Weekly _____ 2.50 □ Column Digest _______ 2.95 □ Fact Digest . .. 2.00 □ Farm Journal & Farmer’s Wife _____ 1.65 □ Flower Glower . . 2.50 □ Household Magazine . 1.75 □ Hunting and Fishing_2.00 □ Liberty (Weekly)_2.50 □ Look (Bi-Weekly)_ 2.50 □ Magazine Digest __ 3.45 □ Modem Romances_2.00 □ Modem Screen . 2.00 □ Nature (10 Iss. in 14 Mos.) 3.45 □ Official Detective Stories.™ 2.50 □ Open Road (Boys), (12 Iss. in 14 Mos.)_ 2.00 □ Outdoors (12 Iss., 14 Mos.) 2.00 □ Parents’ Magazine __2.50 □ Pathfinder (Weekly) . 2.00 □ Physical Culture _____ 2.95 □ Popular Mechanics . 2.95 □ Redbook Magazine _____ 2.95 □ Science & Discovery 2.00 □ Screen Guide __ 2.00 □ Screen!and__ 2.00 □ Silver Screen __ 2.00 □ Sports Afield .. 2.00 □ Successful Farming _ 1.75 □ True Confessions_2.00 □ True Story-2.25 □ World Digest . 3.45 □ You (Bi-Monthly) _____ 2.95 □ Your Life __8.45 Through special arrangements with the magazine publishers we offer America's finest farm and fiction magazines—in com bination with our newspaper — at prices that simply cannot be duplicated else where! Look over this long list of favorites and make YOUR selection today! THIS NEWSPAPER, 1 YEAR, AND FIVE FAMOUS MAGAZINES For both newspaper and magazines . . . . soso I GROUP A —SELECT 2 MAGAZINES LJ Fact Digest_1 Yr. □ Screenland_1 Yr. □ Click.. 1 Yr. □ Screen Guide_1 Yr. □ American Girl_8 Mo. □ Parents’ Magazine_6 Mo. □ Christian Herald_6 Mo. U Outdoors (12 Iss.)_14 Mo. □ Pathfinder (Weekly)_1 Yr. □ True Confessions!_1 yr, □ Modern Romances _Ll Yr. □ Modern Screen __1 Yr. □ Silver Screen _1 Yr! □ Sports Afield_._1 Yr. □ Open Road (Boys) _ (12 Issues)_14 Mo. LJ Science A: Discovery_1 Yr. □ Flower Grower_6 Mo. Is GROUP B — SELECT 2 MAGAZINES 10 Household Magazine 1 Yr. □ Pathfinder ...26 Issues 0 Hunting & Fishing_6 Mo. □ Successful Farming_1 Yr. n Amer. Fruit Grower— 1 Yr. Q Progressive Farmer—2 Yrs. LI Open Hoad (Hoys)-6 Mo, □ Nat’l. Livestock Prod—1 Yr, | GROUP C — SELECT 1 MAGAZINE n Comfort-Needlecraft □ Farm Journal □ Progressive Farmer □ Sou. Agriculturist 1 Yr. 1 Yr. 1 Yr. 1 Yr. LJ Mother’s Home Life.. .1 Yr. □ Poultry Tribune _1 Yr. □ Amer. Poultry Jrnl._1 Yr, n Breeder’s Gazette_1 Yr. nease Allow i to 6 Weeks for First Magazines to Arrive SEE US FOR ANY MAGAZINE NOT LISTED COUPON V FILL OUT MAIL TODAY Check magazines desired and enclose with coupon. Gentlemen: 1 enclose .. I am enclosing the offer desired with a year’s subscription to your paper. NAME____ STREET OR RJJJ___ POSTOFFICE___