Engagements Club Meetings Personals Weddings Entertainments Society and Personals OF PLYMOUTH and WASHINGTON COUNTY PHONE Anything for This Department To 295-6 -i-ivivjirniai A A. Returns From Hospital Mrs. Jack Horner returned Satur day from a Rocky Mount hospital, where she was a patient for several weeks. -$ To Louisburg Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Swain and Miss Chalotte took Miss Naomi Swain to Louisburg Sunday where she resum ed her work at Louisburg College. -$ Norfolk Visitor Mrs. Edwin McNair, of Norfolk, visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McNair last week. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bratten Mr. and Mrs. Reggie Stafford and Miss Leola Ausbon were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Bratten. -<S> Week-end in Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Swain. Mrs. J. T. McNair, Miss Charlotte McNair and Miss Naomi Swain spent last week-end in Norfolk. -■ ■ To Greensboro Sunday Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Jones and Miss Frances Jones took Misses Mary Charlotte Jones, Helen Harrison arid Cornelia Edmondson to Greensboro Sunday where they resumed their work at the Woman’s College. -$ To Raleigh Monday Carl L. Bailey, sr., made a business trip to Raleigh. Monday. JANUARY Clearance Values SHOES $2.45 value, now $1.98 $3.45 value, now $2.98 $3.98 value, now $3.00 HATS $1.98 value, now $1.45 $2.45 value, now $1.98 SWEATERS Values to $2.45 Boys'.$1.00 Men's.$1.90 ALL SHIRTS And Furnishings REDUCED Hh SUITS New Suits Arrive Daily $14.95 np GANDERSON'S QUALITY Shop Visit Mr. and Mrs. Davidson Mrs. Joe Smith, of Suffolk and Mrs. B. S. Sellers, of Norfolk, returned to their homes Monday after spending the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Davidson. Bill David son, Joe Smith and B. S. Sellers spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Davidson. -$ Entertains at Bnffet Supper Miss Mary Elizabeth Bray enter tained members of the Plymouth younger set at a buffet dinner on Wednesday evening in honor of her guest. Miss Ann Abell, of Smithfield. -$ Nags Head Visitors Mr. and Mrs. R. Roy Kessinger, of Nags Head, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Blount. New Orleans Visitor Mrs. Charles Etzweiler, of New Or leans, viisted Mrs. Ted Blount this week. Return to Pennsylvania Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Thomson left Sunday for their home in Tamaqua, Pa. -3> Week-end in Randleman Dr. and Mrs. S. V. Lewis spent the week-end in Randleman. Jamesvllle Visitors Mrs. Della Askew and Mrs. C. A. Askew, of Jamesvllle, visited Mrs. J. B. Allen on Sunday. -$ Holidays in New Jersey Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hartman spent the holidays in Marchantville, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hartman, sr. and daughter accompanied them home. -g> Visit Relatives in Woodards Mrs. C. L. Blount and Samy Oet singer visited relatives in Woodards last week. Attend Rose Bowl Game Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Davidson at tended the Duke-Oregon State foot ball game In Durham Thursday. <$■ Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Smiley Miss Marie Ellington, of Henderson, Jack Smiley, jr„ and Helen Smiley, of Warrenton, and Miss Ann Bradley, of Tarboro, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Smiley. ■ —<s> In Rocky Mount Hospital Mrs. Sarah F. Numey is a patient in a Rocky Mount hospital. To Suffolk Monday Mrs. Bernice Hammond and daugh ter and Mrs. J. J. Brinkley went to Suffolk Monday. College Students Return to School All of the college students have re turned to their respective colleges aft er spending the holidays with their families here. Accepts Position in Local Plant Mrs. H. S. Midgett has accepted a position in the clerical department of the American Fork and Hoe Com pany. -® V. D. C. To Meet Friday The Major Louis Charles Latham Chapter of the U. D. C. will meet Friday at 3 p. m„ in the home of Mrs. Lawrence Jones on Washington Street. Every member is emestly requested to be present by Mrs. Abe Adler, president. _ PLYMOUTH'S FIRST TEST Blackout FRIDAY Night JANUARY 9lh-7:00 To 7:30P.M. Pj|.||.| The fire siren will sound a one-minute Miyndl blast at 7 p. m., marking the beginning of the blackout period. A short blast will be sounded at 7:30 p. m., as an “All-Clear” signal. Roninromontc During the blackout period, nequiremenis all traffic inside the city lim its must come to a standstill, and everyone must take cover, leaving the sidewalks and streets en tirly clear*, except for air-raid wardns, fire and po lice officers. No lights may be used which can be seen from the streets. If lights are used in homes, the windows and doors must be entirely covered, so no reflection is visible outside. Mer chants are warned to turn Qut lights in their store windows before the blackout period. Consult Your Warden £, fiSTL’E pointed for every two blocks inside the city lim its, and every resident will be contacted by him to see that air-raid regulations are observed. See your warden and cooperate fully in making this test blackout a success. Your Cooperation in This Test May Mean the Saving of Lives Later! DO YOUR PART WILLINGLY, CHEER FULLY—AND REMAIN CALM! P. W. BROWN Chief Air-Raid Warden Plymouth, N. C. In Virginia Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Allen, of Wiliamston, visited Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Winborne in Como and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bailey in Newsome. Va„ on Sunday. -1 Returns From Hospital Dick Norman, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Norman, has returned home from a Rocky Mount hospital, where he spent several weeks. Returns From Philadelphia Bradford Papineau returned home Sunday from Philadelphia, where he spent the holidays. -<3> Return From Visit Mrs. Carl Bailey and daughter. Joyce, returned from Rocky Mount Sunday. They spent several days there with Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Bailey. -$ Sunday in Rocky Mount Mrs. E. T. Coley spent Sunday in Rocky Mount. -&— Returns From Smithfield Mrs. T. L. Bray returned Tuesday from Smithfield, where she visited her mother. -® Returns From Hospital Carl L. Bailey, jr., returned home from a Rocky Mount hospital on Thursday. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robbins Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Darden, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Basnight, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Darden, Mr. and Mrs. Zeno Lyon, Mrs. Mary C. Owens, Mrs. Myr tle Herring, Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Har ris, Miss Martha Homthal, Misses Mary and Olga Gardner were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Robbins for dinner on New Year’s night. Attend Rose Bowl Game E. L. Owens, Mrs. Katherine James, Miss Helen Bratten, Tom Freeman, Floyd Asby, C. E. Ayers, Phil Liver man, Miss Judy Brown, Ben Sumner, Corporal T. B. Brown, Charles Brown, E. Blatz, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Polk were among those who attended the Duke-Oregon State football game in Durham Thursday. Return From Philadelphia Mrs. L. J. Meunier, Jr., and daugh ter have returned from Philadelphia, where they visited relatives. -® Service Man Here James Meadows, of the U. S. Mili tary Service, spent the holidays at home. -S" 1 —■ Visit in Virginia Sunday Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Harper and son visited Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Barron In Franklin, Va„ Sunday. Visiting Dr. and Mrs. McGowan Mr. and Mrs. Eric Metzenthin have been visiting Dr. and Mrs. C. Mc Gowan for several days. Holidays Here With Sisiter Miss Viola Hord spent the holi days here with her sister, Mrs. J. F. Keyes. Visits in Sylvia Mrs. S. M. Rasmusson was the re cent guest of friends in Sylvia. She was accompanied by her son, Frank, who went to Chicago from there. -$> Creswell Service League Entertained in Plymouth Creswell — The Young People’s Service League of Christ Episcopal Church here was entertained by the Plymouth League Sunday afternoon at 6 o’clock in the commuity hall in Plymouth. Games and singing were enpoyed under trained supervision. Sandwiches, hot chocolate, hot cof fee, pickles and mints were served. At the conclusion of the social hour, the group attended church services which were followed by a Y. P. S. L. business meeting. Those attending were Mesdames B. W. Gaither, A. S. Holmes, Miss Lona Bell Weatherly. Misses Francis Peal, Mary Gaither, Betty Swain, Virginia Woodley, Mary Ellen Still man, Betty Jean Edwards and Wood, Charles, Fred and John Gaither. From the Choice ot the Wheat Crop Comes LIGHT WHITE FLOUR To Choice Cooks H. E. Harrison Wholesale Co. PLYMOUTH Plymouth Woman’s Club Holds January Meeting The January meeting of the Plym outh Woman's club met at 1 o’clock on Friday, January 2 in the com munity building. Mesdames S. A. Ward, sr„ R. B. Trotman, W. C. Jones and Mrs. Ellen C. Watson were hostesses at the luncheon preceding the business sess ion and program. Patriotic decora tions were used. Door prizes of $1 in trade each from Byrd’s and Abe Adler's were won by Mrs. T. L. Bray and Mrs. Harry Stell, respectively. $7 worth of defense stamps were sold to the club members, who voted to buy ad ditional bonds for the club. It was reported that W. S. Moore, vocational agriculture teacher of the local high school and his students had completed building shelves and cabinet doors in the club kitchen. Mrs. L. W. Zeigler reported that T. B. Seal sales had amounted to about $130. The club members voted to knit and sew for tire Red Cross on Tues day afternoons. Mrs. L. W. Zeigler was in charge of a patriotic defense program in song and recitation. Matt White Norman, Carolyn Spruill, Roger Byrd, Joyce Harrison and Gladys Rose Carr took part on the program. Mrs. Zeigler made an interesting talk giving help ful suggestions about things that the club could do for defense, and these suggestions were endorsed. Mrs. B. G. Campbell, president, told about a recent trip to the Coast Guard Sta tion in Elizabeth iCty. Mrs. George Dixon and Mrs. Mary Dixon Hostesses Roper.—Mrs. George Dixon and Mrs. Mary Dixon entertained the Women's Society of Christian Service of Roper Methodist church Monday evening, with 13 members present. The president, Mrs. L. E. Hassell, jr., presided. After discussion of business matters, Mrs. C. L. Walker presented the program from the new book, “For the Facing of This Hour,” with Mesdames F. D. Wilson, H. M. Williams, L. E. Hassell, sr., Jack Mc Allister and Miss Alma Knowles tak ing part. After the benediction by Mrs. A. R. Hooker, the hostess served delicious refreshments. The February meeting will be held with Mrs. L. E. Hassell, sr. -- Dr. and Mrs. Martin Guests At Surprise Farewell Party Creswell—Dr. and Mrs. G. A. Mar tin, on the eve of their departure to take over their new work in Curri tuck county were honored Monday evening at a surprise farewell party at the Pastor’s home in Creswell by the Creswell church members. After the guests assembled a de lightful social hour of games and music was enjoyed. The music was supervised by Mrs. R. T. Hopkins and Miss Theda Hopkins. It con sisted of special numbers and singing of old songs by all the guests. Miss Hopkins sang “Sweet Mystery of Life" and several other solos. Dr. and Mrs. Martin were the re cipients of many attractive and use ful gifts in addition to a considerable purse presented by his members in Creswell. Assorted sandwiches, pickles, nuts, pop com, fruit cake were served by ladies of the church. Guest of Daughter Here Mrs. Harding, of New Jersey, was the recent guest of her daughter, Mrs. Miller, at the Country Club. Wedding Announced Announcement has been made here of the wedding of Miss Clyde Ed wards, daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. R. G. Edwards, and Daniel L. Gore, of Rockingham, in Duke University chapel on December 26. Mrs. Lloyd Hcrton Hostess To College Students Here Mrs. Lloyd Horton honored a num ber of the college boys and girls who were at home for the Christmas holidays, at a buffet supper on Tues day evening, December 30. Mrs. R. W. Johnston and Mrs. J. W. Read assisted in serving. Those present were Misses Corn elia Edmondson. Becky Ward. Mere dith Johnston, Jane Read. Mary Elizabeth Bray, and Ann Abell, of Smithfield; Wilford Whitley, Billie Spruill, Worthy Dixon, Duncan Get singer and two young men from Hertford. -- Bridge Club Entertained At Dinner Tuesday Mrs. S. M. :Rasmusson entertained the Village Bridge Club and addition al guests at a four course dinner on Tuesday evening. Mrs. T. W. Earle scored high and Mrs. Walter Clark second high in the bridge game that followed. Mrs. Har ry Gray won the visitor’s prize, which was defense stamps. Guests of the club were Xvirs. Harry Gray, Mrs. Pat Hamilton, Mrs. M. J. Polk, Mrs. Roy Meunier, of New Jer sey, Mrs. Miller and her mother. Mrs. Harding, of New Jersey. The club members decided to give defense stamps for prizes in the fu ture. Entertain at Dance in Community Building Miss Katherine Midgett and Miss Ida Ruth Knowles entertained at a dance on Thursday evening here in the community building. In addition to the local young people there were visitors from several of the nearby towns present. Refreshments were served at mid night. Mrs. T. L. Bray presided at the punch bowl. -$ Roper Bridge Club Meets Wednesday Evening Roper—Mrs. Joe Oliver and Mrs. Raymond Tarkington entertained the Roper Bridge Club Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Tom Norman. Mrs. Tom Gaylord was high scorer, Mrs. Isa Johnston second. Mrs. Norman was low scorer and Mrs. Jul ian Knowles won the bingo prize. After fou." progressions of bridge fruit cake was served. -$ Mrs. H. S. Midgett Hostess At Bridge Mrs. H. S. Midgett was hostess to the Round Dozen Bridge Club at a bridge supper on Tuesday, December 30, at her home on Washington Street. Mrs. J. R. White, of Atlanta, Ga„ was a guest and was presented a prize. Mrs. E. A. Harper won the high score prize and Mrs. W. Frith Wins low the bingo prize. — , $) Auxiliary oi Christ Church Meets Monday in Creswell Creswell—Members of the Womans Auxiliary of Christ Church met at the home of Mrs. T. C. Holmes Mon day afternoon for their regular monthly business session. Mrs. B. W. Gaither, recently elect ed president, presided. Mesdames A. S. Holmes, H. M. Starr and E. S. Woodley acted in their respective ca pacities as vice president, secretary and treasurer for the new year. The following committee chairmen were named: Supply Work, Mrs. Ida Swain; Finance, Mrs. O. C. Edwards; United Thank Offering Custodian, Mrs. T. C. Holmes; Education Secre tary, Miss Lona Belle Weatherly; So cial Service, Mrs. C. A. Swain. -C New Jersey Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Roy Meunier, of New Jersey, spent a few days here re cently. Drag Bargains! Jergen's SOAP, 4 cakes.12c Woodbury's Soap, 4 cakes.19c Cashmere Bouquet SOAP, 3 cakes.25c Combination Hot Water Bottle and Fountain Syringe, $1.50 vaL.. $1.25 35c Woodbury Shaving Cream.. 24c 25c JERGEN’S LOTION AND 10c JER GEN’S POWDER FREE WITH 75c JER GEN’S ALL-PURPOSE CREAM $1.10 Value for.75c Full Pint of NUJ0L59c Have Not Heard About First Baby of 1942 Yet. Remember GIFTS We Promised to FIRST BABY BORN IN 19421 WOMBLE Drag Store Prescriptions Filled as the Doctor Orders Bill Davidson Is Promoted to Cadet Bill Davidson, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Davidson, of Plymouth, was promoted to a cadet just before Christmas. He went to Jacksonville, Fla., this week where he will receive advanced training in the U. S. Naval Reserves. Young Davidson took a course in aviation at E. C. T. C. when he was a student there. He made his solo flight just before his graduation last June. Mov/es Shown To Creswell Students Creswell—Principal A, T. Brooks of the Creswell School showed to the fifth grade Monday morning the technicolor motion picture entitled Tour of the U. S. A. by Bus.” It was particularly interesting to the children at this time as they are studying U. S. geography. North Carolina, Variety Vacation Land.” will be shown to all the school students this month. Both educa tional pictures were free of charge. An Appreciation At the close of our second year s business in Plymouth, we take this occa sion to extend our sincere thanks and ap preciation for the patronage extended us by the people throughout the section. We have tried and will continue to try to give value received in each transaction you have with us. We trust you will con tinue to favor us with your patronage m the future as you have in the past, and a for our part, we pledge ourselves to give the best service and the most furniture values that we can obtain anywhere. Again, we thank you, and ask you to come to see us whenever you are m Ae market for quality furniture and home furnishings. M. H. Mitchell Furniture Co. Corner Water and Jefferson Sts. Phone 320— ALLENS' "Where Customers Bring Their Friends” NICE SIZE Oranges, doz. 19c LARGE DELICIOUS Apples, 3 lb.. 19c NICE SIZE Grapefruit, 2 ■ 9c YELLOW Onions, 2 lb.. 11c 3 LBS. Canadian Rutabagas.. 10c GREEN Cabbage, 3 lb. 10c KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES, 2 for 13c LARGE CANS Armour's NILK.3 lg. cans 25c CRYSTAL WEDDING OATMEAL, pkg.. 10c ERESH BLACK-EYE PEAS, 2 No. 2 cans .25c EARLY BLOOM Lima BEANS, No. 2 can.10c CUT STRINGLESS BEANS, 2 No. 2 cans.25c LITTLE DARLING Southern DINNER, No. 2 can .. 10c LARGE 24-OZ. JAR PEAUT BUTTER.25c CAMPBELL’S TOMATO SOUP, can.10c IODIZED TABLE SALT, 4 Dkgs..15c -SOAP DEALS 2 P. & G. SOAP FOR lc With 1 Large DUZ for . 25c 1 SMALL IVORY SOAP FOR lc With 1 Large IVORY for . 11c 1 SMALL OXYDOL FOR lc With 1 Large OXYDOL for . 25c 1 WOODBURY SOAP FOR lc With 3 WOODBURY for 25c 1 LIFE BUOY SOAP FOR lc With 3 LIFE BUOY for 23c i-PRICE SALE 1 10c PKG. KLEK FOR 5c With 10c Pkg. KLEK for lOc—Both 15c 1 Lg. RINSO, 25c SIZE, FOR 15c With 1 Large RINSO for 25c LIQUID BLEACH— WASHO, 2 qts.. 25c PINT—Made by Kraft Miracle Whip 25c CREAMY Cheese, lb... 31c FAT BACK Meal, 2 lb... 25c STAND PURE Lard, 25 lb. $3.55 SMOKED Sausage, lb. TENDER BEEF Roast, lb... TENDER STEW Bee!, 21b... FRESH PORK Brains, lb. .

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