Home-Club Notes R\ Mrs MARY F. DARDEN, Home Aeent Club Schedule Monday—Seupperncng C'.ub Tuesday a. m.—Cresweli 4-H Club Tuesday p. m—Cherry Club Wednesday—Mt. Tabor Club Thursday—Wenona Club Friday—Office work Saturday—Curb Market Leaders School Twenty-five attended the leaders school he:d at the Agriculture Build ing on Tuesday. Mr. Harris, Land scape Specialist from Raleigh, dis ctused pruning and growing plants. He demonstrated to those present how to prune shrubbery. Several men attended the meeting with their wives. Home visits will be made later and plans drawn for improve ments to be made in the yards. One visit w'as made to the home of Mrs. Edna Latham. New Members Two new members were added to the roll of Cool Spring Club when Mrs. Sam Lucas entertained the members Wednesday. They are Mrs. W. S. Groves and Mrs. W. O. Kelly. Reports were: chickens and eggs sold. $65.00: garden products, $10.00: Meat, $10.00: 500 strawberry plants, 250 cabbage plants, 16 pieces shrub bery set out. 21 rose cuttings, 41 qts. meat canned. 10 garments made, one room refinished with sheet rock, new floor, 3 slip covers. 2 rugs, and one chair reupholstered. Piney Grove Club Mrs. E. W. Patrick was liostess to the Piney Grove Club S' nee the Christmas Program was missed in December, gifts were exchanged at this meeting. Several garments were made by some of the club members for the Red Cross. Reports uTere: chickens sold, $37: eggs. $105.00: 20 quarts meat canned 12 sets curtains made, painted three pieces furniture, 7 pieces new furni ture. and 41 garments made. Lake Farm New officers were elected as fol- i lows: President. Mrs. Kelly Phelps: Vice-president. Mrs. Mitchell Spears: [Secretary Mrs. Matilda Spears. The’ I leaders selected are: Canning. Miss' (Ruby Bowen; Garden. Mrs. Matilda 'Spear; Yard. Mrs. Lewis; Poultry. Mrs. Lucy Davenport; Clothing. Mrs. Hester Bowen. Reports were: eggs sold $137.30, 20 quarts meat canned. 32 garments. made, two couch covers and 2 rugs — Canning Demonstration There will be a meat canning dem 1 onstration given in Plymouth Satur day. February 28, at 2 00 in the aft ernoon. Place to be held wdll be an- ; nounced later. A representative of : the Ball Jar Company will give the i demonstration. Victory Gardens Are you patriotic? If so. make plans for your Victory Garden. If AUTOMOBILE LOANS!! We will lend you money on your car or refi nance your balance due and make your payments smaller. Bring your car over and talk with us. INSTALLMENT LOANS SAVINGS INDUSTRIAL BANK ELIZABETH CITY. N. C. MEMBER F. D. I. C. A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE A wise man has to be told only one time that this is the last time a person can get a bargain in USED CARS. All oi these are good up-to-date reconditioned, clean— Used Cars Buy now for an investment if you would like to. These cars will be worth at least $100 more a few months from now because of the scarcity of cars. Remember in 1918, when some USED cars sold for double the price of a NEW car. The manufacturers have stopped making new cars for the public. TAKE YOUR CHOICE: 1941 Ford 2-Door Deluxe 1940 Ford Tudor Deluxe 1940 Ford Standard Tudor 1938 Ford Deluxe Tudor 1937 For 60-H.P. Tudor 1937 Chevrolet Deluxe 2-Door 1937 Ford i-Ton Pick-Up Truck 1940 Ford 11-Ton Truck 1936 Ford ii-Ton Truck Manning MOTOR COMPANY PLEASANT GROVE Miss Myrtle Tarkenton and Miss LUa Belle Davenport, of Columbia. '• ere vi itors in community Sun day. Mrs. W. B. Chesson and Mrs. W W. White were the guests of Mrs. T. Wynne and Mrs. Effie W. Gurkin Thursday night. Miss Rennie Ambrose, of Columbia. '• isited her par.: :' . re for two days last wefek. Arthur Spruill is spending some time with his aunt in Baltimore. Miss Ruth Ar.ge was the guest of Misses Annie and Mary Ambrose on Sunday. Miss Neliie Tarkenton. of Plym outh, and Miss Myrtle Tarkenton. of Columbia, were the dinner guests of Mrs. T. L. Wynne Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Phelps and Mrs. D. P. Pharr were in Plymouth Sunday. Mrs. Sarah Pritchard, of Columbit. was the week-end guest of Mrs. Clara Snell. Mrs. Mary Alexander is spending sometime in Norfolk with her sister. Mrs. J. C. Tarkenton and Mrs. W. B. Chesscn visited Mrs. G. C. Wood in Roper Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Rena Liverman. of Columbia, with Mrs. Clara Snell and Mrs. S. Z. Waters went to Plymouth Tuesday and called to see Mrs. G C. Wood at the parsonage. Will Spruill was the dinner guest of Mrs. A J. Barnes Sunday. Roper Society Meets Monday Evening Roper—Mrs. L. E. Hassell and Mrs. L. E. Hassell, jr.. entertained the Roper Woman's Society of Christian Service at its regular monthly meet ing on Monday evening, February 2, with a large percentage of the mem bers present. During the business session Mrs. L. E. Hassell, jr.. presi dent. presented the chart of efficien cy aims for 1942 to the society and asked each member to observe the national minute of silent prayer at 6 p. m. each day. Plans were made for observing the world day of pray er on February 20 at 3 p. m. at the Methodist Church . The public is invited. At this meeting it was de cided that the hostess buy defense stamps with the money she would put in refreshments for the society. The topic for discussion was “To worship rightly is to love each other” A hymn. “The Kingdom of God,” was sung by the society, after which Mrs. R. C. Chesson led in prayer, followed by prayer responses. Mrs. L. E. Hassell gave a talk on “Over coming Race Prejudice.” After the meeting the hostess serv ed delicious ice cream topped with tiny red hearts and cake. Tire next meeting will be with Mrs. A. B. Hocker in March. J. E. Parnell Taking Defense Course J. S. Parnell, who is taking a six weeks course in Aberdeen, Md., spent the week-end here with his family. Mr. Parnell holds a Master's De gree in chemistry from the Universi ty of Alabama and was until recently connected with the North Carolina Pulp Company. Mr. and Mrs. Parnell will move to Huntsville, Ala., when Mr. Parnell has completed the training course at Aberdeen. He has accepted a posi tion there with a company engaged in defense work. you haven’t a place for a garden, help your neighbor have one. We munit work to see that everyone is well fed this year. Mrs. Chesson Prize Winner at Poul try School The Home Agent and representa tives from Swain, Cherry and Pleas ant Grove Clubs attended the Dis trict Poultry School held in Edenton Monday, February 2. Mrs. Otis Chesson won second prize in the white egg class. The prize was fifty New Hampshire chicks given by Eugene Brown, Rich Square. The eggs were carefully graded, candled weighed. There were over a hundred who entered eggs in the exhibit. This proves that Mrs. Chesson has good eggs. WATTS _WILLIAMSTON Thur.-Fri. Jan. 29-30 MADELEINE CARROLL and STIRLING HAYDEN in “Bahama Passage" Thur.-Fri. Feb. 5-6 SHIRLEY TEMPLE in “KATHLEEN” With Herbert Mrashall and _La raine Day_ Sat., Feb. 7 1 to 11 P- M. The 3 MESQCITEERS in “West oi Cimarron” Sun.. Mon., Tues. Feb. 8-9-10 TARZAN’S Secret Treasure with Johnny WEISMULLER and Maureen O'SL'LLIVAN Wed . Feb. 11 Mat. 3:30 WEAVER BROTHERS and ELVIRY in “Tuxedo Junction” Thur.-Fri. Feb. 12-13 VERONICA LAKE and JOEL McCREA in “Sullivan’s Travels” Marco - Williamston Fri.-Sat. Feb. 6-7 ROBERT PRESTON and MARTHA O'DRISCOLL in “Pacific Blackout” Also BRENDA JOYCE and CORNEL WILDE In ‘Right To the Hern” MACKEYS Mrs. T E Ainsley made a shop ping trip to Plymouth Thursday. Mrs. Otis Chesson and Mrs. Edison Davenport attended a leader school conducted Thursday in Plymouth by John R. Hands. Home Beautification specialist from State Colloge. Mrs. Woodrow Collins went to Plymouth shopping Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Davenport and Johnnie Evertt drove to Port Landing for Mrs. Everett, who has been visiting her mother for the past week. Dr. and Mrs C. A. Davenport and Master Carlton Davenport, of Hert ford. called on Mrs. W S. Davenport Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Woodrow Collins left Satur day to visit her mother in Rouge Mont. N. C Mrs. T E. Ainsley went to Ports mouth Friday to attend a shower given in honor of Mrs. Williford Ain sley. Mr. and Mrs. Ainsley were married in Norfolk on January 17th. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Ainsley, of Mackeys, and the bride was Miss Ollie May Wind ley. formerly of Roper. CRESWEEE Mias Lera Smith spent the week end at her home in Vanceboro. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Tarkenton. for merly of Hickory. Va.. are now living here in the home of Mrs. W. C. Owens. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Moore and daughter spent the week-end In Boydton. Va. Miss Ruby Ledford, who is in training at Duke Hospital, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ledford. Misses js.ate uguvie, Christine Lawrence and Hazel Johnston spent Saturday in Elizabeth City. Cadet J. C. Gatlin, jr., of Oak Ridge, spent the W'eek-end with his mother, Mrs. Alice Gatlin. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wingate, of Pisgah Forest, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ledford. Mrs. A. S. Holmes attended the funeral of her brother-in-law in Maryland this week. Billy Wells Bateman, of Campbell College, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bate man. Misses Hilda Clontz and Elizabeth Rivers spent the week-end in New Bern. J. D. Woodley, of Newport News, Va„ visited relatives here Wednes day. Miss Marjorie Bateman returned Wednesday to resume her studies at W. C. U. N. C. after spending the inter-semester holidays with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bateman. Entertain Wednesday For Roper Bridge Club Roper.—Mrs. D. E. Poole and Mrs. Jasper Swain entertained the Roper Bridge Club last Wednesday night at the home of Mrs. Poole, score award, Mrs. Tom Norman sec? score away, Mrs. Tom Norman sec ond high, and Mrs. Dan Marrow low. Mrs. Jo Oliver won the bingo prize. Gurganus - Brickhouse Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Virginia Brick house, of Columbia, and Joseph G. Gurganus. of Plymouth, in Conway, S. C., on Friday, January 15. Mr. and Mrs. Gurganus will make their home in Plymouth where Mr. Gur ganus is coneeted with the North Carolina Pulp Company. Spring - Ambrose Creswell—Mr. and Mrs. Jordan T. Ambrose announce the marriage of their daughter. Maxine, to Robert C. Spring, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spring cn Saturday evening, January 31, at Lake Phelps. The Rev. T. F. Davenport performed the ceremony. Mrs. Norman Entertains Thursday Afternoon Club Mrs. C. J. Norman delightfully en tertained the Thursday Afternoon Literary Club on January 29 at her home on Main street. Officers for the ensuing year were nominated. It was decided hat the meetings in the ftuure would be opened with a short devotional pro gram. “The Storm,” by George Stewart, Was reviewed by Mrs. S. V. Lewis and Mrs. W. H. Peele read a con densed form of Mary O'Hara's “My Friend Flicka.” At the conclusion of the program Mrs. Norman invited her guests to the Plymouth Country Club where a delicious four - course dinner was served under the direction of Mrs. gMHW.Jl -- ■ — -T- -r_ ! akINNFKSYILLF, Mrs. William Quigley, of Philadel phia, returned home the past week after spending sometime with her brother and family. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Everett and Mrs. Saliie Dav enport. Miss Margie WTiite, student of the ' University of North Carolina, was j here this week-end as the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. ; White. Mr. and Mrs. P. H Bell, of Chowan ; River Bridge, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Holton on Friday aft ' emoon. Mrs. William Quigley, of Philadel phia. and Richard Lucas, of Plym outh, were the supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter White on Tuesday of last week. Mrs. J. C. Swain and mother. Mrs. Will Bell, of Plymouth, called to see 1 Mrs. Walter White Qn Thursday aft ernoon. Mrs. Saliie Davenport was the Sun day afternoon guest of C. V. White and family. Services will be held at Rehobot'n Methodist Church next Sunday. Feb ruary 8. by the pastor, Rev. R. N. Fitts, of Creswell. Mr. and Mrs. Laddie Swain and son and Wheeler Swain recently vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Swain at Weeksville. Mary Horton, who is proprietress of the club. A patriotic color motif was used. Mrs. A. Fapineau. Mrs. H A. Wil liford and Mrs. W. Frith Winslow were visitors. FREE! $550 WIZARD Heavy-Duty POIVPP PACK Given With This TRUET9I1E Operated RADIO With New “Wave-Fir.der" Focusing Aerial Limited Stock! Buy Now! EASY TERMS “Dual - Economizer" Saves tubes — gives Coctiy extra battery life. Walnut Veneers X Anti static Eliminates Interference Strengthens Keception I JOE CROWDER, OwnerPlymouth, N. C. j CHERRY Mrs. W. E. Spruill returned to home Saturday after spending weeks in Norfolk with her daugl Mrs. Roy Blount. Mrs. Blount been in the hospital there. Mr. and Mrs. William Spruill ran. Wayne, of Norfolk, visited t parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E Ph and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Spruill cently. Tom Woodley and Miss Alma G of Newport News were here to Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Burgess Sunc Miss Maragret Gibbs, of thg >Che school faculty, returned frotv^a i to Washington. D. C., Monday. Miss Myra Phelps, of Norfolk, here to see her parents, Mr. and Ii S. E. Phelps. Sunday. Miss Evelyn Belanga, of Cresw was the week-end guest of Miss Kt Spruill. Harry Barnes, jr„ of Norfolk, r here to see his father, H. P. Ban Sunday. Mrs. S. J. Woodley. Mildred Wo ley. Lucille Davenport, and Mrs. D Davenport visited Mrs. Russell Ch son at Roper Sunday afternoon. Rev. R. N. Pitts preached at 1 Hebron Church Sunday. This % his regular appointment there. V" Tl .If You Live in. PLYMOUTH It Is Your HOME And a town is no bet ter than the citizens make it. That goes for a home also. If you live at home, then trade at home. Your neighbors, the local merchants, have your welfare at heart. They strive to please in all transac tions. Citizens must work together to make a GOOD TOWN like the members of a house hold work together to make a GOOD HOME. Trade at home and help build a better town. * * f PLYMOUTH MERCHANTS association l re PROSPECTIVE BUILDERS! BECAUSE of eme-gency priorities on copper wire and ether materials essential to our country's defense effort, we are obliged to alter our practice with respect to extension of service to locations not on existing distribution lines. Priority rules covering use of materials make it important that anyone who contemplates building on a site which is even a short distance removed from existing distribution lines should discuss with us in advance of starting to build, the ouestion of availability of Electric Service. In other werds. it Is necessary that you FIRST find out whether we are allowed, under priority rulings, to make the required Electric Service extension. This change of po'icy is due not to any shortage of electric power in Virginia Electric and Power Company served territory, but to a shortage of materials necessary to de fense. It is our desire to co-operate fully with the Govern ment in the defense program and to that end we are ap pealing in this way to all prospective builders for their help in living up to the spirit as well as the letter of all emergency rulings governing use of materials. R VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY

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