The Roanoke Beacon ★and Washington County News ★ ****** Plymouth, Washington County, North Carolina. Thursday, April 9, 1942_ EaTABLISHED_lS89 a^FOR VICTORY Buy UNITED STATES DEFENSE BONDS • STAMPS VOLUME LIII—NUMBER 15 Town opics C. E. Ayers saw Jimmy Brown, of Jamesville, third baseman for the St. Louis Cardinals get a triple and a single in the exhibition baseball game in Durham Tuesday afternoon, when the Cardinals beat the Detroit Tigers 6 to 0. He said Brown was a fine ballplayer. The Branch Banking & Trust Company will he closed next Monday. April 13, in observance of “Halifax Day,” a state holiday which falls on Sunday, April 12. Those who will need change Mon day are asked to get it Saturday, as the time lock on the safe will be set for Tuesday morning when the bank closes Saturday. Principals of high schools in Wash ington County have been invited to attend a meeting Monday at Pullen Hall. State College. Raleigh where Navy officials will explain the plan for the Navy's vast officer procure ment program. Washington county commis sioners and the Town of Ply mouth Town Council will meet Monday for their monthly meet ings. Regular scheduled meetings on the first Monday were post poned a week to observe Easter Monday as a holiday. The board of Education will meet later. Easter Sunday was one of the most beautiful days for the fashion parade that has been enjoyed in many years. Easter in 1940 saw a snow falling and Easter last year was a cool day. The paraders enjoyed themselves here as elsewhere with men and women both donning their new spring finery. It is reported here that the VVe laska Fish and Produce Com pany's canning plant at Mackeys is now canning herring and shad fish in addition to roe. The com pany also is anxious to can to matoes during the season. It al ready has contracts for almost 200 .acres .of .tomatoes .to .be grown. - Miss Ruth Patten, of Columbia, has succeeded Mrs. George A. Peele as junior clerk-typist in the Farm Se curity Administration office here. Mrs. Peele was employed at the FSA office here for a number of years. She resigned several days ago but her successor has just arrived. II. E. Beam, cashier of the Branch Banking and Trust Com pany here, has been named chair man of the Washington County committee to stage a campaign for the s .’e of v ..*> savings stamps and bonds. He tvas un able to go to Greensboro Tuesday when a state-wide meeting was held. With a 11 percent increase in the white population of Washington coun ty during the last 10 years, there were reported to be 6,857 white persons in tlie county in 1940, and a 5 percent increase in number of colored per sons over the same period the total to 5.466 for that race. Brinson Cox, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cox, has gone to Roxbury, Mass., to visit his brother, Bryan Cox who is serving in the Navy and is assigned to the Atlantic fleet. An other brother, is also in the Navy. 15 Cases On Civil Calendar For Court Beginning Monday - Judge J. P. Frazelle to Pre side Over One-Week Civil Term There are 15 cases on the civil cal endar for the April term of Washing ton County Superior Court which convenes here Monday for a one-week term with Judge J. Paul Frazelle, of Snow Hill, scheduled to preside. Included on the motion calendar are the following cases: John Towe et al vs. W. B. Watts: S. D. Davis vs, W. H. Clark et al: H. E. Spruill, W. D. Davis, T. W. Tarkenton.and W. A. Knowles, all vs. W. H. Clark et al; W. M. Darden, administrator vs. Wil lie J. Sutton et al. Uncontested divorce cases will be tried at the will of the court. Monday, J. J. Johnson vs. Foreman Blades Lumber Company; M. T. Ell iott et al vs. John Halsey. Tuesday, Annie and Mae Spruill vs. W. J- Bell; J. J. Johnson vs. Taswell Wlieelock; L. Shugar vs. Caleb Gibbs. Wednesday, In re: will of Charlie de Shields; N. H. Harrison vs. Ger trude A. Darden et al; N. H. Harri son vs. Neva G. Darden et al; Indus trial Bank. Inc., vs. W. T. Freeman; Industrial Bank vs. Joe Nowarah. Thursday: Farmville - Woodward Lumber Company vs. H. W. Bowen; W. D. Phelps vs. Herbert Brewer; Herbert Spencer vs. Fennison C. Meades; Ben A. Davenport vs. Jessie E. Davenport; Maggie Swain vs. Clau dia Beasley et al. Merchants Association To Elect Officers Monday An important meeting of the Plym outh Merchants Association will be held Monday night at 8 o’clock, and a large attendance is urged by James W. Norman, president of the organi zation. Among the items of business to be transacted is the election of officers. Mi-. Norman is now president and H. II. Allen is secretary of the organi zation. j FOR COURT CLERK Wilbur M. Darden, who has been clerk of the superior court since C. V. W. Ausbon's resigna tion became effective March 1, announced his candidacy to suc ceed himself this week. SEEKS REELECTION -—-1 Sheriff J. K. Reid announced yesterday that lie would he a can didate for reelection, subject to the Democratic primary on Sat urday, May 30. He has been sheriff since 1923. Last Registrants Soon To Get Questionnaires On Their Occupations FOR SHERIFF Edw. S. (Ted) Blount, chair man of the local selective service board, and local hardware dealer, announced Tuesday that he was a candidate for sheriff, subject to the primary May 30th. 34 Men Leave Next Week for Induction Into Armed Forces Increased Number Calls Ex pected as Army Grows Steadily Larger Thirty-four white men of Wash ington County are preparing to leave next Tuesday for Fort Bragg, near Fayetteville, where they will be in ducted into service in the United States Army under the provisions of the Selective Service Act. The call came for 35 white men, but through enlistments in the Navy, and for other seasons, there have been several changes in the names of those who leave next week. The county quota for next Tuesday is 35, but only 34 are being sent, which means that an additional man will likely be sent to camp with the next quota from this county. The men called to go next week have already received their physical examination here. Calls for increas ingly large numbers of men are ex pected in the next few months, as Army officials are planning to add 2,000,000 men to the armed forces during the current year. 1 The revised list of those who will leave next Tuesday is as follows: From Plymouth: John Albert Wur ster, James Seaton Marriner, Hilton Harris, James Shelton Ange, Delmer Winstead Wallace, Herbert Ford Wa ters, Albert Duran Williams, Thomas Braswell Jeffries, Max Aubrey Dar den, John Alton Tetterton, Raymond Boyd Smith, John Edward Willough by, Hubert Leslie Britton, and Wil liam Worthing Dixon. From Roper: Charlie Eli Mizell, John Shelton Chambers, Hilton Com stock, Roscoe Jackson Browning, L. A. Phelps, Johnny Alfred Everette, William Herman Swain, Joseph Wil liam Patrick, John Wilbur Sawyer, Willie Junior Patrick, and Harry Lee Boomer. From Creswell: Joseph Clyde Dav enport, Ervin Washington Ambrose, Alley Preston Phelps, and Grady Jones. From Westover: Edison Woodrow Spruill. From Mackeys: Erie Wilbur Spruill and Harold Lee Swain. From Plymouth, now living in Nor folk: William Harold Ebron. From Plymouth, now living in Jamesvllle: Charles Edward Hassell. Will Be Mailed Out Soon as Received by County Draft Board Must Be Filled Out and Re turned Within 10 Days After Received Occupational questionnaires have been delayed in being mailed to the local Selective Service Board, but they are expected to arrive within the next two or three weeks, according to Clerk S. A. Ward, who said that the blanks must be filled out and return ed within 10 days after they are re ceived by the registrant. The occupational registration is be ing conducted jointly by the Selective Service System and the United States Employment Service. Every man be tween 20 and 44 years of age who re gistered for Selective Service on Feb ruary 16 will receive an ‘‘occupation al questionnaire” from the local se lective service board. Each question naire is in two identical parts—one for the selective service system and one for the United States Employ ment Service. Employment offices will examine the occupational questionnaires which it receives to determine which men are already qualified or can be quick ly trained for work in essential war industries. These men will then be asked to come to the local United States Employment office for a fact find interview. Workers possessing skills important to war production, but who are not working in war in dustry or in essential civilian activi ties, but who are willing to be train ed and transferred to such work, will be given an opportunity to do so. Mr. Ward stated that the United States Employment Service will work with the Selective Service System and provide the service with current in formation on the need for workers for war production so that these needs may be taken into account in classifying registrants for deferment or induction into military service. In any individual case, the United States Employment Service will be in a posi tion to provide the Selective Service System with factual information as to whether or not the individaul pos sess a skill urgently needed by the war industries. The Selective Service Sys tem will be guided by this informa tion on war production labor needs in making its decision as to the way in which each individual can best con tribute to the war effort. These questionnaires will be mailed to registrants as soon as they are re TseiTREGISTRANTS Page 4) Election Board Meets Saturday The Washington County Board of Elections, composed of Walter W\ White, W. J. Marrow, Sr., and J. Richard Carr, will meet Satur day to name precinct registrars and judges of elections for the primary that is to be held on May 30 and the general election in November. Mr. White said that so far as he had learned Republicans would not have candidates filing for nomination to county offices in the primary. He was of the opinion that they would certify only one candidate for each of fice. It is pointed out by Mr. White that the period for candidates fil ing for county offices expires April 18, Saturday of next week. Registration books, he said, will open with a few days fer tha re gistration of new vetsn. Forest Fires Raged; Over Large Area of County in Week-End Christian Hope Church and Much Valuable Timber Destroyed A forest fire, reported to have orig inated near Dymond City, in Martin County, Friday afternoon, burned over woodland in Griffins and James ville township into Washington Coun ty Sunday, damaging thousands of acres of land, destroying a church and threatening the homes of a num ber of persons living in an area along Long Ridge Road and highway No. 32. A large crew of men, including em ployees of the forestry division of the North Carolina Pulp Company, was engaged in fighting the fire. Martin County Forest Warden Marvin Leg gett used 50 men in his county and Washington County Warden S. F. Darden had a large number on duty in this county. Christian Hope enurch was ournea to the ground, causing a loss esti mated at about $2,000. Sunday about 2 o’clock. It is reported that a piano and one chair were the only articles saved from the burning building. Those who attended the church are reported to have used some precau tions to protect the church and then returned to their homes to protect them. J. W. Jackson, well-known local citizen, said that he helped build the burned church structure about 45 years ago. He said that when the building was erected an old church building over 100 years old was torn down. It is reported that a bam on the premises of Jim Ellis was set afire by the forest fire, but enough help was summoned to put it out before much damage was done. A building on the farm of H. T. Gurganus was also said to have been fired, but the blaze was extinguished. Twelve years ago Mr. Gurganus lost his home and farm buildings as the result of a for est fire. Members of the Plymouth Fire De partment helped keep the blaze away from the homes of S. F. Darden, Mrs. Hooker and others on Highway 32 Sunday. It is reported that the fire has done immense damage to barns, log camps and ,. iH.or buildings on the property of various people. No loss of life or injury to anyone has been reported. Committees Named To Administer Farm Program in County -$ Local Groups Elected at Township Meetings This Week A committee composed of W. D. Phelps, of Creswell, chairman; R. L. Stillman, of Roper, vice chairman and C. W. Bowen, of Plymouth, mem ber, was chosen to administer the soil conservation program of the Agricul tural Adjustment Administration in Washington County for a year, at a meeting held last night in the agri culture building. R. C. Jackson, of Plymouth, and Roy C. Chesson were elected alternate committeemen, in the order given, if there should be a vacancy created on the county committee. County Agent W. V. Hays was named secretary and Mrs. Fiances B. Brown treasurer. The esteem in which these men are held by their farmer friends is re flected in their re-election to admin ister this program year after year. There have been some changes in the offices they hold, but the three men continue to serve. Last year, Mr. Stillman was chairman while this year he is vice chairman. Community committeemen for Ply mouth township, which were elected last night prior to the county con vention, follow: Plymouth: H. (J. simpson, cnair man; P. H. Darden, vice chairman: H. J. Sawyer, member; J. E. Nooney and Harry McNair, alternates; H. G. Simpson, delegate to county conven tion, and P. H. Darden, alternate. Long Acre: Raleigh C. Jackson, chairman; Preston Nobles, vice chair man; W. S. Bowen, member, E. L. Respass and L. T. Weede, alternates. R. C. Jackson, delegate to county con vention and C. W. Bowen, alternate. At a meeting held Tuesday night the following community committee men were elected In Lees Mill town ship: Roper: R. W. Lewis, chairman: Herbert R. Chesson, vice chairman; J. E. Phelps, member; Wendell C. Spruill and Morton Marriner, alter nates; R. R. Stillman, delegate to county convention and Roy C. Ches son, alternate. Pleasant Grove: Willie C. Spruill, chairman; Clinton L. Everett, vice chairman: Sam L. Davenport, mem ber. Dennis Chesson and Henderson Davenport, alternates; Willie C. Spruill, delegate to county conven tion; and John W. Swain, alternate. Monday night a meeting was held in Scuppernon Township, with the following committeemen elected: Mount Pleasant: H. L. Davenport, chairman; W. A. Spruill, vice chair man; P. B. Belanga, member; John '’"Tsee C'OMM!TTEB8 Page 4) Political Interest Increases With Five Candidates for Offices in County Announcing This Week I---1 FIRST CANDIDATE t - -» Edward L. Owens, Plymouth attorney, last week became the first candidate for any county office when he announced he would seek the Democratic nom ination as representative to the next session ot' the General As sembly. Building and Loan Directors End Sale 17th Series of Stock Do Not Want To Accumu late More Money Than Can Be Loaned Out The officers and directors of the Plymouth Building and Loan Associ ation, in their monthly meeting here last night, decided to close the sale of their 17 th series of stock which opened April 1st. No more stock will be sold except to persons who are in terested in obtaining a loan for build ing immediately. Officials stated that they were closing sale of stock in the present series, as they do not want to ac cumulate too much money without being able to lend it as the interest ■paid by the association becomes a burden when the money is idle. Letters were read from the State Insurance Commission and the Fed eral Savings Loan and Insurance Cor poration praising the standing of the association, as shown by audits made by representatives of the two super ' visory organizations recently. Since the organization has grown so large, it has become necessary to increase the bond of the secretary from $5,000 to $10,000, and the presi dent and vice president will also be required to have bonds of $2,500 each. The organization now has about $54,000 in loans outstanding and the assets of the association are growing each month. Change Schedule of Sweeping Streets Streets in the residential section of Plymouth will be swept on Wednes day and Saturday mornings in the future in order that they may pre sent an attractive appearance dur ing week-ends, according to Chief of Police P. W. Brown, who urges citi zens not to place trash or garbage on the streets after Saturday morn lings, as it will not be removed and it makes an unsightly scene on Sun day. Mr. Brown said the trash trucks would continue to call at residences for trash and garbage on Tuesdays and Fridays every week, and it is hoped householders will have such waste material ready when the trucks call. Complete cooperation of citizens with this schedule is urged by the officer. i FOR COUNTY JUDGE | W. Ronald Gavlord this week announced his candidacy to suc ceed himself as judge of the re corder's court. At the same time he announced he would not claim deferment from the draft by vir tue of this office, if nominated and elected. Expect 300 Firemen At Quarterly Meet Here Next Tuesday Is First Session To Be Held Here in 10 Years; Brock well To Speak ($> More than 300 members of the Eas tern Carolina Fireman’s Association are expected to attend the quarterly meeting here next Tuesday, April 14, either in the Owens building on Washington street across from the Plymouth theatre o" the Plymouth High School gymnasium. Sherwood Brockwell, state fire mar shall, will be the principal speaker for the occasion, with probably an in troductory or welcome speech from I either a town official or member of the local fire department. Fire Chief Miller Warren said to day that about 500 pounds of fish would be cooked to serve the firemen, who usually have a banquet at their meetings which start at 7 o'clock in the evening. Rock muddle and perch will be the featured dishes for the visiting firemen. This will be the first meeting that firemen of this section have held here since 1932, when the firemen enjoy ed themselves fully, as evidenced by the loud applause that greeted Fire Chief Warren's invitation to the fire men to come here at a quarterly gathering held in Farmville about three months ago. Various firemen’s committees have been preparing for the event for sev eral weeks and all of the plans have been worked out for an enjoyable meeting here next Tuesday, when Fire Chief George Gardiner, of Greenville, president of the associa tion, will preside. Seed Peanuts Obtainable Through County Agent Virginia bunch seed peanuts can be secured from the Williamston Storage Warehouse and from the New Carolina Warehouse at William ston at $6.48 per 100-lb. bag for cash, according to Mrs. Tom B. Brown, chief clerk in the office of County Agent W. V. Hays. Peanut growers who need seed stock for oil can get Wilmington type peanuts here at the peanut ware house at about 6‘2 cents per pound. Persons wanting to obtain peanuts should first go to the office of the county agent for a certificate. -@>.. U. S. Marines, supervised by Ma rine Corps engineers, helped build the Sino-American highway near Tient sin, China. Expect 1,050 Men in County Between 45 and 65 to Register Monday, April 27 Basin? his calculations on esti mates prepared for the entire na tion by selective service officials. Clerk S. A. Ward, of the local draft board said today that there would be about 1,050 men be tween the ages of 45 and 64, in clusive, to list tl ir names in Washington County in the fourth registration, to be held on Mon day. April 27. When this age group is regis tered, selective service officials will have a list of all the men in the nation between the ages of 20 and 65 years. Those who reg ister April 27 are expected to be classified for possible noncom batant service to the nation. It is planned to use some of them in home guard units, while oth ers may be placed in industry and agriculture to help the war effort at home. It is expected that the fourth registration will bring the total number of men in the nation registered for possible service to 45,000.000. Mr. Ward said that prelimi nary estimates of the number of men to register February 16 were considerably over the number ac tually registered. It was expect ed that about 960 would be af fected, while only 700 actually were registered. It is possible that the estimate of 1,050 for the fourth registration is also too large. Reid and Blount in Race tor Sheriff Is Only Contest So Far Politics Likely To Supplant War as Topic for Next Few Months Politics finally came out into the open here this week and bids fair to supersede interest in the war for the next two months. Several per sons have publicly announced their candidacies for offices subject to the Democratic primary Saturday, May 30. but so far only one contest has developed, that being for the office of sheriff, for which Sheriff J. K. Reid and Edw. S. 'Ted) Blount are announced candidates. A brief resume of the candidacies announced this week, in the order in which they were received by this newspaper, follows: Blount for Sheriff Edw. S. 'Ted) Blount announced Tuesday that he W'ould be a candi date for the office of sheriff. Mr. Blount, a native of this county, has been in politics on one occasion be I fore. He served one term as treasur er a few years ago. He did not of fer for reelection, as he pledged him self not to ask for a second term when he was first elected. During the first World War, Mr. Blount was a second lieutenant in the Regular Army, and he was later captain of Company I, North Carolina National Guard, when that unit was located in Plymouth. He has served as chair man of the Washington County Se lective Service Board since it was or ganized over a year ago, and he is also a director of the local building and loan association. Gaylord for Recorder Judge W. Ronald Gaylord. In announc ing his candidacy to succeed himself as judge of the recorder’s court, stat ed that he had informed the local draft board that he was relinquish ing all claim to deferment from mil itary service by reason of the office. Judges of all courts of record are exempted from military service un der the selective service law. but Mr. Gaylord said he was not claiming de ferment for this reason; and if he is called to service will apply for leave of absence from his court duties, as provided by a law passed by the last legislature. He has served as judge of the recorder's court for the past eight months, after serving one term as solicitor of the court and two terms as assistant solicitor. At the present time he is chairman of the county Democratic Executive Committee. Rodman for Solicitor W. Blount Rodman, solicitor of the recorder’s court since last August, yesterday announced his candidacy to return to the office. This office was made elective at the last session of the General Assembly. Mr. Rod man has been associated with Zeb Vance Norman in the practice of law here for a number of^ears. Darden for Clerk of Court W. M. Darden, who was county rep resentative at the 1941 session of the General Assembly, and who was re cently named cleric of the superior court, announced yesterday that he would be a candidate to succeed him self for this office. Mr. Darden is a lawyer, and his legal training espec ially fits him for the office he holds. Reid for Sheriff Another Wednesday entry into the primary field was Sheriff J. K. Reid, who announced that he would be a candidate to succeed himself in the office he now holds. Sheriff Reid is a native of the county and a veteran of the last World War. He has held the office of sheriff for the past 19 years having been appointed in 1923 to fill the unexpired term of his fath er, the late Sheriff J. E. Reid, who served in that capacity for 14 yeras prior to his death. This Is the only county office for which a contest has developed so far. Owens for Representative In addition to the announcements made this week, Edwerd L. Owens last week announced his candidacy for the office of representative to the 1943 session of the General Assembly. Postal Receipts of Quarter Increase Total receipts for the Plymouth post office for the quarter ending March 31 amounted to $91,888.82, according to Postmaster John W. Darden, who said that business at the office was increasing continually, and the report reflects a large increase over the same period for 1941. Stamp sales and like receipts were $4,534.33 and War Saving Stamps and bonds sales amounted to $30, 138.39. making a total of $34,672.72 for the quarter. During the same period last year, stamp sales and like receipts were $4,347.75 and sales of war saving stamps and bonds $3,055.75; making a total of $7,403.06. Money-order receipts for the first quarter amounted to $57,216.10,