The Roanoke Beacon * * * * ★ * *and Washington County News ★★★★★★★ VOLUME LIII—NUMBER 31. Plymouth, Washington County, North Carolina, Thursday, July 30, 1942._ EVERYBODY EVERY PAYDAY SAVINS IN WAR BONDS ESTABLISHED 1889 Town opics Van B. Martin suffered a painful cut on his left hand Sunday night when thrown from his brother's speedboat shortly after they had rescued the Navy aircraft pilot who bailed out of his ship and landed in a swamp near here. Van was sitting on the bow of the boat, when it was swerved suddenly to avoid a log, and he pitched out into the waters of Warren Neck Creek. In falling he cut a deep gash across the palm of his hand. Tobacco farmers are encouraged by reports of high prices prevailing at opening of the Georgia markets last Tuesday. The average was re ported as around 30 cents a pound on early sales, nearly 8 cents high er than a year ago. Markets in this section will open August 25th. Although the drought was ef fectively broken by the rains here last Friday and Sunday, many farmers said that they came too late to be of much help to the corn crop. Reports on tobacco prospects are spotty; some say they have fair crops, cithers re port they are not so good. Farmer Tom Freeman, of the Roper section, said this week that the re cent rains had been of immense worth to the tobacco crop. He said he had more tobacco in his fields now than he hid when he started harvesting the crop several weeks ago. Mrs. Mary Horton said yesterday that the buffet supper served on the terrace at the country club last Sun day evening was a success in every way. She plans to continue serving them each Sunday between the hours of 6 and 9 p. m. throughout the summer months. A large num ber attended the initial supper last Sunday. The county board of education will hold its regular meeting next Mon day morning in the courthouse here. It is presumed that the opening date for Washington County schools will be decided upon at that time. An increase in the penalty on delinquent 1941 taxes becomes effective August 1, botli county and town tax collectors warn. The penalty goes up each month, and advertisement and sale ol' property for non-payment of taxes is also in the immediate offing. Miss Mary Louise Lilley, of Plym outh has been employed as assistant clerk in the office of the Washington County Rationing Board. Both Miss Lilley and W. A. Roebuck, the clerk, are Civil Service Commision employ ees. She entered upon her work with the local board last Saturday. James L. Rhea, jr., assistant di rector in charge of the Blackland Experiment Station at Wenona, was a business visitor in Plymouth Tues day, Mr. Rhea says the 4-gallon-a week gas ration is likely to make him an infrequent visitor here in the future. -- 140 Allend Daily Bible School Here -@ Approximately 140 children and young people have participated in the Union Daily Vacation Bible School held here this week, sponsored by the Episcopal, Methodist, Baptist and Christian churches, of Plymouth. The teaching and administratrive person nel, recruited from all the local churches, has led in a program of worship, study, handicraft, music and recreation which provided for the maximum of pupil participation and training. Daily opening exercises for the school have been held at the Christian church, followed by classes for the various groups at the Hamp ton school. Commencement exercises for the school will be held next Sunday eve ning, August 2, at 8 o'clock. All the local churches are cooperating in this service, which is to be held at the Christian church. Certificates for perfect attendance will be awarded at this time. Those in charge of the school have expressed themselves as being well pleased with the degree of succss attained and the hearty response on th part of the children and parents of Plymouth. Mass Meeting Here Thursday Night Next Week A mass meting will be held at the courthouse here Thursday night of next week to launch this country’s part in the nation wide scrap metal round-up sche duled to be continued throughout the fall, it was announced today by VV. V. Hays and H. H. Mc Lean, co-chairmen of the county salvage comittee. Salvage com mittee members, workers and al citizens are urged to attend. The desperate need for all kinds of scrap metal is to be brought forcefully to the atten tion of every man, woman and child in the nation. Some arms plants have already been forced to curtail operations due to the shortage of scrap, and every ef fort will be made to impress the seriousness of the situation on the public. Arrangements for the local meeting here, and possibly others throughout the county, have not been completed, but the text of a telegram received this morn ing by the county chairmen from James B. Vogler, executive se cretary of the drive in North Carolina, is as follows: “Washington has requested ev ery county, city and town in North Carolina to hold mass meetings of salvage committee members, workers and citizens at county courthouses or schools in the state on Thursday night, August 6, at 8 o’clock. North Carolina is called upon for 392, 000,000 pounds scrap metals in next six months. Your coun try needs your help. Put every thing you have behind this meet ting. Governor Broughton will speak at 8:30 on a hook-up be tween Charlotte and Raleigh and possibly other stations. Be sure to have radios in courthouses or wherever meeting is held. Ad vise the chairmen of all towns in the county to hold these meet ings. Write us your willingness to hold these meetings so that we can have this for the mass meeting in the State Capitol.” Explains Regulations Covering Emergency, Special Gas Rations County Bond Sales 'Way Below Quota Washington County is falling down badly on its War Bond quo ta this month, according to a compilation of local sales up to today. Total sales at the post office and bank here were only $15,025 up to today, while the quota for the month is S37.800. No reports were available on sales in Roper and Creswell. Last month §21,375 worth of bonds were sold in the county, against a quota of only §14,500. It is not expected that sales this montli will run much over $20, 000. Up to Wednesday, the local bank had sold $9,250 worth of bonds, while the post office here reported sales of $5,275 up to this morning. In addition, the post office has sold about §5,000 worth of savings stamps, which are not credited against the county quota. Sales in Roper and Creswell last month were about §4.500. County Court Loses Solicitor To Army, But Work Goes On 14 Cases Called and 10 De fendants Convicted at Session Tuesday -$ Tuesday was a busy day for Judge W. Ronald Gaylord in recorder’s court, with 14 cases called and no prosecuting attorney on hand, the latter due to the fact that Sidney A. Ward, who has been serving as soli citor since W. Blount Rodman went to the Army over a month ago, was himself called into the service. Mr. Ward left Tuesday morning, only a few minutes before the court con vened, and thus the county tribunal has given up two of its officers to the army in less than two months. However, Recorder Gaylord didn’t do so bad. Out of the 14 cases on the docket, two were nol prossed, one was continued until Friday, another was remanded to the Creswell mayor’s court, and convictions were secured in the other 10, with the defendants being fined or sent to the roads in each instance. The proceedings were as follows: James Watkins, colored, of Plym outh; reckless and careless driving; $5 and costs. Harry Walker, colored, of Plym outh; drunk and disorderly; $5 fine and costs or 30 days on roads; pray er for judgment continued until Au gust 18. Henry Moore, colored, of Creswell; larceny; nol pros with leave. Vernest Lucas, colored, of Mac keys; simple assault; $5 and costs. Mary Lee Lucas, colored, of Mac keys; assault with deadly weapon; $10 and costs and $10 to be paid to Mary Webb, prosecuting witness. Mamie Combs, colored, of Plym outh; assault; $5 and costs. See COUNTY COURT, Page Six County School Trucks To Start Term This Year Without Spare Tire Apiece The rubber shortage will di rectly affect operation of the Washington County school busses this year, according to H. H. Mc Lean, county superintendent, who said that the busses would en ter upon the transportation job this coming term without spares. The trucks have been put in the best possible condition, Including tires, but a puncture or blow-out this term will be a serious inci dent, and the pick-up repair truck is likely to be in for a busy fall and winter. Mr. McLean said that 20 school busses uill be operated this year. There are are two other busses which will be held in reserve in ease of breakdowns. Then the board has four or five extra tires, which will be kept repaired and readily available, and if any of the busses have tire trouble while on the school routes, the repair trucks will be rushed out to make the change and necessary repairs. The school superintendent this week received a bulletin from the OPA office, signed by Leon Hen derson, which rules that super visors or teachers who are re quired to travel from school to school in order to perform their work will be eligible to apply for retreads, recaps, or obsolete tires if proven necessary to their oc cupations. .School busses are also eligible to apply for tires, but any allotment must come out of the county monthly quota*. Chairman of Board Tells Difference in Two Classifications Apply to Board for ‘Special’ Allotments; To Stations For ‘Emergency’ Gas -<$> W. L. Whitley, chairman of the Washington County Rationing Board, this week calls attention of the pub lic to a few facts regarding applica tions for and issuance of special and emergency allotments of gasoline. Incidentally, the “special” and “emergency” allotments are two different classes and the difference in applying for them is also empha sized by the board chairman. Application for special gasoline al lotments must be made directly to the board, and such allowances will be made only for the following six specific reasons: 1. To procure necesary medical at tention. Mr. Whitley says that a special allotment of gasoline will be granted upon presentation to the board of a certificate from a physi cian stating that it is necessary for a patient to be brought to him for treatment. z. 10 return a motor venicie to a place of residence. The chairman interprets this to mean that a spe cial allotment will be granted when a person moves his place of residence from one section to another. 3. For demonstration of a motor vehicle by a dealer or for a dealer to repossess a motor vehicle. 4. For scientific expeditions. No allotments are expected to be issued for this purpose in this county. 5. To transport voters to polls at elections. Mr. Whitley said that it would be the policy of the Washing ton County board to deny all such requests, at least until such time as sufficient gasoline is made available to permit people in general to carry on their necessary occupations. He stated that the board did not con sider it fair to grant supplementary allotments for hauling voters while other people were unable to secure sufficient gasoline to perform their necessary occupational duties. 6. For experimental tests. This Se^GAS~BATIONSrPage~Six -® Official 'of Nazarene Church Will Conduct Revival Series Here Will Be Held in Tent on Jefferson Street; First Service Tonight -$ The Rev. Raymond Brown, of Ben nettsville, S. C„ district superintend ent of the Church of the Nazarene in North Carolina, arrived here this week to open a revival meeting to night in a tent located in the 400 block of Jefferson Street. The serv ices will continue each night through Sunday, August 16, according to Mr. Browning. The visiting minister is a native of Pulaski, Tenn. He was converted 42 years ago and began holding re vivals while still in high school. He is a graduate of the Webb School at Bell Buckle, Tenn., and was a stu dent at Trinity College in Durham for three years. Mr. Browning, who has held more than 160 revivals in North Carolina alone, is widely known as a camp meeting evangelist, radio preacher, and composer of gospel songs. He is now district superintendent of the Church of the Nazarene in North Carolina, but still takes time to hold revivals. Within the past year he has conducted revivals in Washing ton, D. C., Miami, Fla., Long Beach, Calif.. Nashville. Tenn., and Phila delphia, Pa. He says his program is designed to “make bad people good, and good people better.” He believes that the nation’s greatest need at this time is a fervent revival of old-time gospel salvation that will build again the family altar, revitalize worship in the churches, give to beUevers the con scious knowledge of salvation, and make people happy and joyful in Christian living. Seeking Sites Near Here for Relocation Wenona Test Farm Scott Says Action Is Made Necessary by Constant Forest Fires -$ The Blackland Test Farm near Wenona in Washington County, an agricultural research station, “must be relocated as soon as practical be cause of devasting fires that have destroyed the usefulness of thousands of acres of peat-muck soils,” Agri culture Commissioner W. Kerr Scott said this week. An eight-man committee, headed by Commissioner Scott, will make a tour of prospective sites “in the vi cinity of Plymouth” August 11 and 12 and will report their recommen dations for relocation, of the farm to the State Board of Agriculture. The Blackland Test Farm, estab lished in 1912, consists of 363 acres owned by the State and 1,115 acres leased for feed and livestock re search projects in cooperation with the N. C. Experiment Station and U. S. Department of Agriculture. F. E. Miller, director of the tests farms division of the State Depart ment of Agriculture, emphasized that “plans are being made to relocate the farm and farm offices, but long! time agricultural projects will be continued on the usable acreage of the present farm.” He praised the contributions to farm research al ready made at the station, adding that “past and present projects have been most satisfactory.” The fires on the Wenona farm and vicinity have been burning con tinuously since October 1941, with the result that many miles of fences have been destroyed and soil, for a depth of 18 inches, has been rendered useless in many areas. “The purpose of relocating the farm is to get away from the pres ent fire hazards and to secure min eral soils, in addition to peat soils, that will be more representative of the section,” Miller explained. “The U. S. Department of Agriculture and other cooperating agencies also recognized and recommended the re location of the farm.” He explained that “peat and muck soils are principally humus, there fore they burn readily and control measures are almost useless.” The test farm relocation commit tee will be composed to Lionel Weil of Goldsboro, W. Ivan Bissette of Grifton, W. G. Hargett of Rich lands, members of the Board of Ag riculture; Dr. L. D. Beaver, director of the N. C. Experiment Station; W. D. Lee, State College Soils specialist; J. L. Rea, Jr„ assistant director in charge of the Wenona farm; Com missioner Scott and Miller. Band Instructor Returns To Plymouth This Week -<$> L. W. Zeigler, director of the Plym outh High School Band for the past several years, returned this week from Ansted, W. Va., where he has been serving as full-time band in structor for the high school there during the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Zeigler will go to Altoona, Pa., next week to visit Mr. Zeigler's parents and other relatives and friends. Mr. Zeigler said while here that he didn’t know at this time where he would teach next winter. In addition to considering the post here, he has received offers from the Ansted school and school officials at several other places. Resume Allotting Sugar for Canning Applications for extra allot ments of sugar for home can ning will be received by the local rationing board from those who have not received such allot ments—if there are any—it was announced this morning by W. A. Roebuck, clerk to the board. The board discontinued receiv ing such applications a few weeks ago on account of the gas ration ing rush, but today will resume where it left off. The board clerk asks appli cants to bring records of amount of fruits canned last season, and said that 8 pounds per person would be the maximum amount issued. Incidentally. Mr. Roebuck Is sued the plaintive appeal, “Please don’t everybody rush down at once to apply for sugar.” Navy Flier Parachutes To Swamp Near Here During Storm Sunday Plane Is Completely Wrecked in Woods Several Miles Away R. S. and Van Martin Rescue Pilot from Warren Neck Creek 8 Hours Later -$ Plymouth had more excitement than it has had for a long time last Sunday afternoon, when a formation of four Navy airplanes ran into a heavy thunderstorm almost directly overhead about 3 o'clock, forcing the pilot of one of them to take to his parachute, while his ship crashed in the woods on the farm of W. H. Gurkin, about two miles south of town and about a mile west of high way 32. Several workmen at the plant of the North Carolina Pulp Company saw the parachuting pilot, Ensign Robert L. Wist, of Norfolk, descend into the swamp between Warren Neck Creek and Roanoke River some three or four miles west of here. He was rescued by Robert S. and Van B. Martin at 10:30 Sunday night, after he had wandered about in the swamp and spent about 5V2 hours in the water of Warren Neck Creek trying to make his way downstream to the river. The pilotless ship went into a glide that brought it over part of the town before it finally nosed down into the woods about five or six miles from where the pilot “bail ed out.” Although the ship must have been seen by several hundred people during its long glide, it was not located until about 7 o'clock that evening. Ensign Wist and three other Navy fliers, all stationed at Norfolk, had been to Florida to bring back four new single-motored North American Scout trainers. Their gas supply was running rather low when they came into the storm area over Plymouth around 3 o’clock Sunday afternoon, and the flight leader elected to fly straight through rather than go around the cloud. Flying in close formation at 10,000 feet, Ensign Wist said his ship lost 6,000 feet of alti tude in less than a minute, although he was doing his best to climb. He evidently dropped right into the middle of the wind, rain and electric storm, and said that his plane be came absolutely unmanageable. He then set his controls for level flight, cut the ignition and jumped. The entire formation was broken up. one of the ships landing at Elizabeth City and the other two continuing on to Norfolk, where they landed at differ ent times. The noise of the diving and zoom ing motors could be heard by nearly everyone in a five-mile radius of Plymouth, as the airplanes tried to fight their way through the thunder cloud. So far as can be learned only two of the ships were ever seen, though, the one that crashed here and the one that landed at Elizabeth City. They came through the low overcast in the midst of a heavy rain stormy, and when seen were only a few hundred feet high. The pilotless plane which crashed evidently level ed off after the pilot bailed out and came right over the local golf course in a level glide, bearing around slight- , ly to the right until it crashed with- ! in 200 yards of the house where J. E.: See PLANE CRASH, Page Six i Small Alligator Is Caught Near Here Tom Gardner caught a live alliga tor, about 15 inches long, in one of j the small branches along Roanoke Rive near the handle factory Tues- , day afternoon. Two young boys,; Billy Swain and Wayne Browning, i while fishing in the stream, saw four of the small ’gators and report ed it Mi'. Gardner, who managed to catch one of them in a small dip net. Mr. Gardner and the boys said that there were marks along the shore which indicated either a large alligator or turtle had been basking there in the sun; and they plan to try to capture the other three small ’gators which the boys saw. This is the first alligator ever reported caught along the Roanoke, so far as, could be learned here. 1 GOES TO MARION u_ D. E. Poole, for the past seven j years principal of the Roper High School, has accepted a post as superintendent of the senior high school at Marion and will leave August 14 to enter upon his new work. Roper Principal for 7 Years Named To Position at Marion D. E. Poole Will Become Superintendent of Senior High School There D. E. Poole, principal of the Roper High School for the past seven years, has accepted a position in Marion, McDowell County, and will not re turn to Roper this year, it was learn ed this week. Mr. Poole will become superintendent of the 25-teacher senior high school in Marion, and he said Monday that he planned to move about the 14th of next month to be ready to take up his work when the school opens in Marion on September 3rd. Tire school at Roper has made a great deal of progress in the past seven years under the direction of Mr. Poole, and it is with regret that the community sees him leave, al though the people there are glad to see him get the promotion which his new work brings. Marion has from 8,000 to 10,000 population, and has its own city school system. Mr. Poole was selected from a field of 43 applicants for the position, it is un derstood. The Roper community will also; miss Mrs. Poole and their 15-year old son, D. E. Poole, jr. Mrs. Poole formerly taught for several years in the Roper schools and was very! active in social and religious activi- ' ties there, while all members of the ! family have made many friends dur- i ing their seven-year residence who i are sincerely sorry to see them go. Both Mr. and Mrs. Poole originally came from the western part of the state, and Marion is located about half way between then- former re spective homes. No successor has yet been named by the Roper school board to succeed Mr. Poole as prin cipal of the schools there. Number of Selectees Who Left for Army Tuesday Down to 34 Navy Enlistments, Defer ments, Transfers Reduce Original Quota of 50 One enlistment in the Navy, one deferment and three requests for transfer of induction to other boards reduced the number of white men leaving Washington County for the Army Tuesday morning from 39 to 34; and when time for departure of the bus arrived one of this number was missing. However, about an hour after the bus left, the missing selectee came in, explaining that he had been delayed in arriving here from Norfolk, where he had been working, and he was sent on to Port Bragg on the regular passenger bus. The original July quota from this county was 50 men, and several more than that number were examined and qualified to leave. However, a total of eight men enlisted in the Navy, seven others were given de ferment for one cause or another, two men appealed from the board’s classification which automatically gave them a. temporary deferment, and three requests for transfers were granted. This is still the largest number of white men to leave in a single call: and, while most of them plan to return for the 14-day fur lough after they are examined, it is expected that a majority of them will pass the physical and mental tests and be inducted into the serv ice. Since the list was published last week, Henry Bennett Ambrose, of Plymouth, enlisted in the Navy; Cyril Corona Ange, also of Plym outh, was given a temporary defer ment until November 1 to permit him to harvest his crops; and three transfer requests were granted, as follows: Albert Terrell Brooks, of Creswell, induction transferred to Raleigh; Joe Allen Stone, of Plym outh, transferred to Richwood, W. Va.: and Don Hogan Rountree, of Plymouth, transferred to St. Louis, Mo. . Two calls, totaling 105 men, were received by the Washington County board this month, divided as follows: 55 colored men on July 10 and 50 white men July 28th. Only 28 were accepted out of the 53 colored men who report"'' »r the \0th; while the numoei of \ iiite men accepted from the call Tuesday will probably not be known for several days yet. Next month, the county is called to furnish even larger quotas, 55 white men being included in a quota for August 13, and 65 colored called for on August 25th. There is some doubt that sufficient men are avail able to fill the two calls next month, although the local board is making every effort to do so. It is fairly evi dent that steadily increasing num bers of married men will be called up for service during the coming fall and winter months. Most of the men who went off this week were from the third registration. See DRAFT LIST, Page Six -a Jake R. Spear Final Riles Held Sunday Creswell.—Funeral services for Jake R. Spear, 70, who died at his home near here Friday night after a long illness, were conducted at the home Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock by the Rev. L. B. Bennett, pastor of the Christian church. Mr. Spear, a native of Washing ton County, was a prominent farm er of this section and was active in community affairs. He was a mem ber of Philippi Chritian church. Besides his widow, Mrs. Bess Phelps Spear, he is survived by the follow ing: seven daughters, Mrs. J. M. Fur lough, Mrs. Aubrey Walker, Mrs. Al fred Armstrong and Mrs. Cyril Walk er, all of Columbia; Mrs. H. R. Chi ton, of Norfolk; Mrs. J. L. Lawson, of Ocean View, and Miss Ivy Spear, of Creswell; nine sons: Rich, Clyde, and Alton Spear, of Portsmouth, Va.; Alan James, with the Army in Ruck er, Ala.; Dewey, Wilton, William, Paul and Raymond, of Creswell; one sister, Mrs. J. W. Spruill, of Cres well; and three brothers, Ike Spear and B. F. Spear, of Creswell; and Bailey Spear, of Elizabeth City. Ration Board Catches Up With Work After Considering Extra Gas Requests The Washington County Rationing Board has nearly caught up with its work after being ecompletely “snow ed under” by applications of various kinds in connnection with the perm anent gasoline rationing program, which was instituted Wednesday of last week, July 22. All applications received up to Monday night had been considered and acted upon by the board; and. though there are a number of applications on hand re ceived during the current week, it is expected that they will be worked DUt and disposed of at the regular meeting tonight. A resume made yesterday by W. A. Roebuck, clerk to the board, shows that the following number of vari ous types of rationing books have been issued: Basic A books, for pas senger cars, 1,085; Supplementary B books, 172; supplementary C books, 81; basic D books for motorcycles. 5; E books for non-highway use, 48; R books for non-highway use, 148; S-l books for trucks, ambulances, etc., 126; and S-2 books, same as S-l ex cept for larger quantities of gaso line, 96. Those who made applications prior to Monday night and who have not called for their books are advised by the clerk that they are ready. Each applicant must present his registra tion card when he calls for the ration books if they were secured for a ^ motor vehicle used on the highways.