THE Roanoke Beacon Washington County News PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY In Plymouth, Washington County, North Carolina The Roanoke Beacon Is Wash : ington County’s only newspaper. It was established in 1889, consoli dated with the Washington County News in 1929 and with The Sun in 1937. Subscription Rates Payable in Advance) One year___$150 Six months_ .75 Advertising Rates Furnished Upon Request Entered as second-class matter; at the post office in Plymouth, N. C., under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879, and . 1 i Thursday. July 30, 1942. ALMANAC |U % “It is not illways Mny’’—LimgfvUi»v JUIY 30— First legislative assem bly in America at James town, Va., 1619. 31— Lafayette commissioned major general in Revolu tionary Army. 1777. AUGUST 1—Nelson destroys French ^ fleet, Aboukir Bay, 1798. k 2—Congress votes $200,000 to complete Washington 7) Monument, 1876. “3—Columbus sails from Palos, Spain. 1492. L*—Philadelphia presents League Island to U. S. for navy yard, 1868. ' 5—First transatlantic cable, Ireland to Newfound J v land, completed, 1858. — WNU Strviet Whatever the Cost, We Must Pay It The American people, says Don ald M. Xelson, want just one thing in this war—victory—and whatever it costs, they will pay without com plaint. Speaking at a reient patriotic rally before more than 100,000 persons in Soldiers Field, Chicago. Mr, Xelson lauded the -pirit of the American people for their determination to put winning the war ahead of every other consideration.'' Mr. Xelson warned that “this war has not been won ' and that “some very hard months are ahead of us.' “This is no time for easy optimism.” he said. He declared that “we know that our lighting men are going to win this war, but let us not forget that we at home could lose it for them if we failed to play our parts prop erly.” “We at home have a big job to do,” he said. This war makes a demand on every man, woman and child in the United States. If we meet that demand in full eve are going to win. If we fail, we can lose —and losing prove ourselves ! unworthy of our heroic soldiers. The WPB chairman declared that the Nation today “is really begin ning to work at full speed for the first time. ' and that as far as pro duction itself was concerned, "we are 'over the hump.' " He cautioned, however, that “as ; for inconveniences, discomforts and hardships that you and I will have to endure, we haven't even got to the foothills yet. Well really learn to take it And if 1 understand the temper of the American people today I don't think there will be one single com plaint. We know what we're up against. We want just one thing, victory. Whatever it costs, well pay and pay gladly.” Is This the Lull Before the Storm It may be just a lull before the storm, but the price picture for the last couple of months has been defi nitely serene, considered as a whole but with accent on those prices that most markedly affect cost of living. In the 10-weeks May 2—July 11 period wholesale prices for some 900 if“ms as covered by the Bureau of Labor Statictics actually went down, though by a mere two-tenths of one per cent. Food prices dropped 1.2 and textiles 0.4 per cent, and these are especially influential in cost-of living ratings. . . .The comprehen -ive cost-of-living index rose one per cent in April, went up only two tenths of a percentage point in May, and in June remained absolutely le | vel! . . . Nevertheless, the economic pulse-takers are somewhat uneasy, viewing with anxiety the persistently upward tendency of w'ages and the lack of assurance that farm prices will be effectively “ceilinged,’ since these are the two biggest elements in | determining the utimate cost of any thing to the consumer. The Fight Is On! By Ruth Taylor The world today has an opportuni ty seldom equalled in its history. There never was a time when preju dice. discrimination and hatred was more wide-spread. But—there nev er was a time when this hydraheaded monster was more clearly recognized for exactly what it is—a destructive force that feeds upon the weak, not as an animal, for self-preservation, but for the sheer lust of killing. Forced into the open by the war drums, it can be fought in the open and crushed into nothingness, if we face the dragon and fight it down in stead of hedging on the issues. I’p to now we have all too often compromised with evil. We have taken sides and condoned those cruel ties which did not affect our own par ticular interest. We need now to condemn cruelty as such—-whoever perpetuates it, or wherever it is in l existence—-whether it be in the con centration camps of Hitler, or on the Condensed Statement oi Condition of Branch Banking & T rust Company “THE SAFE EXECUTOR” PLYMOUTH, NORTH CAROLINA AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS JUNE 30, 1942 RESOURCES Cash and Due from Banks_§12,078,852.50 Obligations of the Tjnited States _ 16,406,742.71 Federal Intermediate Credit Bank De bentures _ 184,951.03 Federal Land Bank Bonds _ 279,416.25 North and South Carolina Bonds __1,222,467.91 Municipal and Other Marketable Bonds 1,759,798.33 31,932,228.83 Loans and Discounts _ 3,022,165.74 Accrued Interest and Other Assets_ 88,285.21 Banking Houses. Furniture and Fixtures, and Real Estate Tax value §298,975.00) _ 265,396.19 §35,308,075.97 $ 400,000.00 100,000.00 750,000.00 487,052.48 307,250.00 8,000.00 41,250.73 33,220,522.76 §35,308,075.97 SOUND BANKING AND TRUST SERVICE FOR EASTERN CAROLINA Upon the Strength of the Above Statement and the Backing of Our Directors, We Solicit Your Business, Promising Every Accommodation Consistent With Sound Banking. LIABILITIES Capital Stock—Common_ Capital Stock—Preferred_ _ Surplus _ Undivided Profits Reserves _ Dividend Payable June 1, 1942 _ Unearned disc, and other liabilities_ Deposits _ _ SPEAKING OF BONDS OUR insurance ] POLICY OP I LIBERTY ahoa FREEDOMS V, SHCBOVGAN PktS nroa mi chain gangs of Georgia, whether it be in the purges of Russia, or in the rape of Nanking, or in the massacre of Lidice. We must, however, be consistent Too many people seek--not fair play for all—but rule for themselves. We have seen that situation in India. With the enemy at their gates, In dian politicians sought advantages for their particular group, not equal ity for all. Look back a few years at the Axis record. First the Japanese complain ed that there was discrimination against them in Manchuria, so they seized it—and discriminated against every one else. Then the Italians claimed they were being oppressed in Ethiopia, so they started a fight— to enslave the Ethiopians. Finally Hitler claimed the Versailles treaty was unfair to Germany, so he start ed wars and imposed terms that made the Versailles treaty look like a Sunday School treat. We must make it so plain that no one can possibly not understand that whoever condones murder, massacre, cruelty, discrimination, slander, hat red toward any group, whether it be of race, nationality, color or religion, whoever seeks preferment for his own group at the expense of others, or without regard for the right of others, is playing the totalitarian game of divide and conquer. As Jonathan Daniels of the Office of Civilian Defense stated recently: “Intolerance is treason today.” Now the fight is out in the open, clearly labeled. Now is the time to wipe it out forever! - miles used to mean.'' Nothing. You simply got into your car and went, whether it was necessary or not. All that is changed now. But you will find Plymouth merchants are just as x earger to serve you—and just as able—as those in far-away places used to be. If you’ve been trading elsewhere, come in and see how pleasant and how economical trading at home can be. We need and appreciate your business. PLYMOUTH MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION TINE MARCHES ON AND SO DO PAY NOW AND SAVE Altention of Washington County taxpayers is called to the tact that the penalty on unpaid 1941 taxes increases every month. Beginning In AUGUST An Extra Penalty Will Be Added To All Tax Accounts Due Washington County We will be only loo glad lo serve you in any way possible, but be sure to see us before the first of August to save the increased penalty. J. E. Davenport TAX COLLECTOR. WASHINGTON COUNTY