THE Roanoke Beacon and Washington County News PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY In Plymouth. Washington County. North Carolina The Roanoke Beacon Is Wash ington County’s only newspaper. It was established in 1889, consoli dated with the Washington County News in 1929 and with The Sun in 1937. Subscription Rates Payable in Advance) One year_$1.50 Six months_ .75 Advertising Rates furnished Upon Request Entered as second-class matter at the post office in Plymouth, N. C., under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. September 3, 1942 ALMANAC ' ARE VOU " JATIJFlEP" '>r y£s "He kmenoueh who is cortfenl JSBPTEMBER 3—Treaty of Versailles end v ing American Revolu tionary war, 1783. i4—'World's first electricpow " er station opened in New , York. 1882. ■ 5—First Continental Con* / gress meets, 1774. 6— President McKinley shot, 1901. 7— Corbett defeats Sullivan for the heavyweight ^ championship, 1892. 8— Senator Huey P. Long assassinated, 1935. 9— Six women convicted oi witchcraft, Salem, Mass., L 1692. Education Not Really Measure of Fighting Men IUiterac> is deplorable. It is a bar to progress, contributes to illegal acts, to deeds of violence and cruel ty; illiterate citizens are in the low est grade of citizenship. Functional illiteracy means less than a fourth-grade education and inability to read a newspaper. Fourth-graders who can read a news paper doubtless added to their edu cation outside school classes, but those who could not or did not do so are functionally illiterate. These have been rejected by the army as unfit to be soldier- It conscientious objec tors would claim functional illiteracy and show proof of it, w-hich often might not be difficult, they could more easily avoid service in the arm ed forces In the middle ages virtually all the soldiers who fought in the wars would have been barred from military serv ice had the illiteracy measure of to day been applied Yet they made good soldiers. The priests and schol ars were educated, more or less, but except for the leaders only a few of these ever bcame soldiers. The fight ing men were illiterate, by educa tional measure, and many of them proud of it. The standard of living was different then, however, and most of the illiterate had plenty of common sense, which the illiterate of today is supposed to lack. If unlit to be soldiers in this age why is it that the illiterate are fit to be citizen- - To be a good citizen is as important as to be a good soldier. In some states an illiterate may not vote, but otherwise he is a citizen. Efforts are being made throughout the land to combat illiteracy, but for the most pari without cooperation of the illiterate Many of them do not want to be educated. The army would seem an admir able place for the illiterate. There they would get the rudiments of an education at least. They would learn discipline neatness, obedience, com radeship, be spurred by competition to acts of bravery, for many of them do not lack courage. If placed in divisions having only illiterate men, except for the officers commanding them, they might prove as good fight ing men as the divisions of men hav ing some education. Rivalry might bring out in many the common sense that has lain dormant and make them the best fighters. It does not seem fair to take the men who are qualified by education al standards to be good citizens to do the fighting and leave behind, be cause illiterate, the men who do not possess the qualifications of good citi zens; who may even become a men ace after the duration. The Ameri can educational standard is not ad vanced, the number of illiterate is not lessened, by refusing to accept as soldiers even the functional illiterate -® President Plans To Prevent Inflation Labor and agriculture will have joint official recognition on Labor Day. when the President proposes to send to Congress a message outlin ing a new program in which these two interests will have a part to pre vent inflation. So that all may know, on the evening of Labor Day the President will make one of his radio fireside chats, an address to the Na tion on the same subject. This program soon to be revealed in detail will be somewhat flexible, the president told a recent press con ference, and does not suggest the stabilization of wages and farm pric es to the extent that they be frozen at certain levels. Freezing to some extent is indicated, but apparently room is to be left for a few thaws. The president is expected to in sist that no group shall profit from the war effort, but that the people in all walks of life must be prepared and willing to make sacrifices, and some sacrifices are necessary, equit able to all. Labor may continue to resist wage ceilings and agriculture oppose fixed maximum prices, or legislation under another name that amounts to that, but it is far from their best inter ests to do so. Inflation is trying to raise its evil head. Being a wily and insidious devil it does not move along straight paths but chooses crooked ways and jungle mazes so its victims may become confused, lost, destroyed. Few sacrifices that labor or agriculture might be called on to make now w-ould compare with the desolation that would grip them should inflation gain a foothold. They have a part in preventing it. -® Mother Necessity Continues To Produce Since necessity is the mother of in vention—so it is said so it has often been proved—the present stricture on some commodities imposed by the war or possibly imposed by profiteer ing may lead to the discovery of sub stitutes that are equally good and sometimes better. Take camphor, for instance. It has always been obtained from the camphor tree which flourishes at its best in Formosa, long under Japa nese control. Having a monoply, they boosted the price to a high level which was paid. Now because of the war the supply has been cut off. Scientists looking for a substiutte I have discovered that from a by-pro duct of pinene, the essence of tur pentine, may be made a camphor that has all the qualities of the ori ginal article. One concern already is turning out large quantities of it each month. The Japanese will no longer have a monoply on camphor nor will Formosa again be the sole source of supply. And it is a much needed article in industry. Synthetic rubber is being produced by several processes differing widely. Possibly the best process has not yet been discovered. Those in use have not been entirely satisfactory, for one reason or another; one that is entirely satisfactory is needed. This need may forecast the inven tion. A substitute for gasoline power may also be obtainable. That would be far-reaching. This is a scientific age. In other years scientists have been compara tively few and only occasionally has some great scientific discovery been made. Each of these has been sig nificant in effect. In recent years scientists have increased in number and many of them are giving their best efforts to the discovery of na ture’s hidden secrets. Day after day some progress is made and since ne cessity now drives many much-need ed results are certain to be obtain ed. -« Giving Loyal Service To Country and Church When the women of a club, a church or a community, working to gether, determine to do anything, they usually accomplish it. The means to the end may not always be the most direct, but what they set out to do they do. They may have to enlist the aid of the men, but this does not phase them and the men do not often fail to respond to the call. In some communities ladies aid so cieties are said to be endeavoring to aid the government in obtaining me tals, which are needed in the con Here’s Mine, Where’s Yours? paymaster j —From Huntington [(fV. Va.) Advertiser. structton ol war supplies and at the same time raise funds for church aid by enlisting the boys and girls to gather the scrap metal about t'he homes or scattered in vacant lots. The scrap will be sold to the govern ment and the money received used for work of the church. The women are serving in two ways: they are aiding the govern ment and aiding their church. Both ask loyal service and the women are giving it. Come To Plymouth Where Life Is Serene Talking about the weather—it is mentioned occasionally, you know, haven’t the last ten days been de lightful in Plymouth. ’Tis a pity it cannot be shared with those sections from which pitiful complaints of the heat have come. Most of these moanings have been heard outside North Carolina, of course. The suf ferers who are murmuring should come to Plymouth, where sea breezes blow, winding across Albemarle Sound and up the Roanoke River. There was a time when the mos quitoes liked Plymouth, it is said, but they come no more. Or if a few stray in occasionally their stay is short, for they get no welcome. Once they drove citizens away from Plym outh, but they have since been driven away. Now the people can sit on their lawns or porches in the after noons and eevnings without disagree able mosquito company. Plymouth has many charming fea tures besides the weather. It has age .which gives it dignity. In the year 1799 the United States Con gress made it a port of entry, in 1808 it was also made a port of delivery; l^eligious News and Views By Rev. W. B. Daniels, Jr. The Christian Has Wings— From the pen of a London min ister who has spent month after month of life in a bomb shelter, comes a very penetrating and clear explana tion of “what we are fighting for” in the book "The Christian Has Wings.” The min ister-author, W. E. Sangster, seeks to go oeiow tne sur face of meaning in the current war time “catchwords” and to point out the true Christian significance of such terms as “security,” “democra cy." "justice,” “freedom" and “peace’ Mr. Sangster's analysis of the val ues which the United Nations claim as their- war aims is a very searching and challenging one. An example of the author’s keenness may be gath ered from his discussion of “free dom" . . . "You do not give me free dom if you guard me from the Ges tapo, or if you safeguard the press from propaganda and grant me lib erty to speak my mind. All these are only the conditions of freedom, in 1807 it was incorporated. It has been the scene of historic battles, some of its buildings yet showing scars. Many of its sons have become distinguished citizens in the world outside. Plymouth also has a future with potential riches to be developed. Let the doubter come and see. If he stays long enough to absorb the at mosphere he will not willingly go away. We Have Just Received a Shipment of the Nationally Advertised Nurre Mirrors GENUINE PLATE GLASS Approved by Good Housekeeping Institute We urge you to come in and see these beautiful new mirrors, in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. With them there is no distorted reflection, and they have genuine copper-sealed backs. Nationally advertised and guaranteed to give absolute satisfac tion, the prices are nevertheless very rea sonable. See them while our stock is com plete. M. H. Mitchell Furniture Co. F. H. MODLIN, Mgr. PLYMOUTH, N. C. ROPER Mi' and Mrs. Potter Dixon, of Eliz abeth City spent Sunday with his mother. Mrs. George Dixon. Mrs. Milton Oliver, of near Roper, is spending the week in Norfolk with her son, Willie Oliver, and her daughter. Mrs. Dwight Miller. Mrs. C. J. Ainsley spent the week end with Mrs. John Asby near Plym outh. Mrs. Henry Hardison returned home Sunday after spending last week with her mother, Mrs. Mattie White. Mrs. Claude Murray, of Efland, visited Mrs. Leon Brey last Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. E. D Carstarphen, of Durham, spent the week-end in Roper with Mr. Carstarphen's sis ters, Miss A. C. Carstarphen and Mrs. Fannie Cordon. Mr. and Mrs. William O'Connell, of Baltimore, spent the week-end with Mrs. O'Connell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Peacock. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Burgess were Sunday dinner guests of Miss A. C. Carstarphen. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sexton and Wil bert Sexton spent Sunday in Suffolk with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sexton. The Revs. Fred Steele. Jesse Mc Cloud and Ace Dobbs, of Norfolk, will be here Saturday and Sunday and will also hold services at the Pen tecostal Holiness church here. Miss Ella Harrington returned to Norfolk last Wednesday after spend ing soiree time with Mrs. C. E. Mizell. Mis. C. L. Walker is spending a few days in Norfolk this week. Mrs. Sallie Chesson returned home last week after spending some time in Norfolk with relatives. Miss Zephyr Marie Tarkington, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Tar kington, has entered a hospital in Durham for a three-year nurse’s training course. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jernigan. of immensely important as conditions but not the thing itself. Freedom it self is spiritual; it is a state of the soul. The bravest soldier cannot win it, nor the most astute of statesmen shape it into law. It is a gift of Jesus Christ." “Life is not a matter of fact mere ly, but a matter of degree . . . are you living, or passing the time?" So says the author in another place as he analyzes the claim that democra cies are fighting for "a way of life.” “Not any life is worm dying for,” continues Mr. Sangster, "surely, only a rich, full, rounded life is worth a man risking all he has.” “The Christian Has Wings" is well worth reading. It is a keen, question raising treatment of the Christian’s attitude in the world today. The book was published in 1941 by the Abingdon-Cokesbury Press. New York. There is a copy on the shelves of the Washington County Library. Thought for the Day— “This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”—Psalm 128.24. Episcopal Church Services Outlined ——$ Rev. VVM. B. DANIELS, ,!r„ Rector Special intercessions for the Church and its work in foreign and domestic mission fields will be said at the 11 o'clock service on Sunday morning, September 6. at Grace Epis copal church. At. the evening service, which will Portsmouth. Va., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W M. Bateman. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams, of Wilmington, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. H. M Williams. be held at 8 o'clock, the Office of In struction will be used and will be fol lowed by a sermon on "The Order of Confirmation."' This sermon will be the second in a series on “The Sacra ments of the Church.” which are to be delivered by the Rev. William B Daniels, jrat successive Sunday night services. Other services for September 6, the Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity, will include Church School at 10 a. m and junior choir rehearsal at 2 u clock in the afternoon. The Young People's Service League will meet immediately after the eve ning service. Tire senior choir will hold its prac tice Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock in the church. FIVE STAR We Still Have on Hand a Few PYROFAX MAGIC CHEF GAS STOVES AND RANGES We will be glad to explain how you can get one of these ranges, but we urge you to hurry, as we have only a limited number on hand. C. E. Ayers Owens Building Washington Street NOTICE! Delinquent 1941 Taxes OF WASHINGTON COUNTY WILL BE Advertised for Sale Next Week AND SOLD ON THE FIRST MONDAY IN OCTOBER Embarrassment and Advertising Costs Can Be Avoided by Those Who Pay Their Past-Due Tax Accounts Immediately PLEASE PAY YOUR TAXES WOW! J. E. Davenport Tax Collector—Washington County

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