The Roanoke Beacon * + * * * * 4 and Washington County News ★★★★★★★ VOLUME LIII NUMBER 45 Plymouth, Washington County, North Carolina, Thursday, November 5, 1942 tbr Victory,.. Buy UNITED STATES DEFENSE BONDS ★ STAMPS ESTABLISHED 1889 Town opics J. Roy Manning, president of the Washington County Farm Bureau, is appealing to sportsmen to bring in at least one more deer and a big bunch of squirrels for the Armistice Day good-fellowship dinner here. “We wish to have plenty, so that the dinner will be the biggest success of any similar event ever held in Wash ington County," Mr. Manning said. A flue fire at the home of Emma Jenkins, colored. 4th and Monroe streets, called out the fire depart ment Wednesday morning. A few shingles were scorched, but the dam age was slight, firemen reported. Quite a number of local sports men went to the Mattamuskeet Lake section Monday for the opening of the waterfowl shoot ing season, but the weather was “too good’’ and, so far as learned, not a goose was bagged. One party got a few ducks, while two other men called off the goose hunt and collected 15 squirrels on the way home. Mrs. W. S. fBill) Davenport and little daughter, Betty Blount, left Monday for San Francisco, Calif., where they will join Mr. Davenport, who is attending the Navy Radio Material School at Treasure Island. Mrs. Davenport and little daughter will reach San Francisco sometime Friday. Emmett S. Harrison, of Hunting ton, W. Va., was in Plymouth last week, the guest of his uncle, G. H. Harrison, of Washington Street. It has been 12 years since he was last in his old home town, and he said he enjoyed greeting his old friends and seeing once familiar places again. He returned home Monday. Commander B. G. Campbell, of the local American Legion post, has summoned Legionnaires to assemble in front of the Legion Hall Sunday morning at 10:30 so they may march in a body to Grace Episcopal church, where they have been invited to attend a special Armistice Day service at 11 o'clock. P. M. Arps and Lloyd Owens went geese and duck hunting last Sunday and Monday and are said to have had fairly good success in their ef forts to introduce wild game into their home larders. Marvin Spruill and Bailey Felts, of the New Land community near Rop er, were visitors in Plymouth last Thursday. They report deer plenti ful on that range and at least ten killed by various hunters recently. On: of thiza is Lipt on ice for the Farmers Good Fellowship dinner on Armistice Day, they said. James Bell, a brother of Mrs. Z. V. Norman, had the role of a Holly wood producer in the movie, “Holi day Inn,” which was at the Plym outh Theatre last Thursday and Fri day. The picture featured Bing Cros by in song and Fred Astaire in danc ing. ' Recall Summons to 8 Colored Selectees Orders were sent out Wednesday cancelling the summons of 8 of the 60 colored selectees ordered to re port to the local draft board Friday morning, November 6, to go to Fort Bragg for examination and possible induction into the army. They were deferred for cause, it was stated, but will be summoned later. The eight are: Willie Lee, Charlie Bell, jr„ Willie Bert Lloyd and Ben Frank Rhodes, of Plymouth; James Clark, Ralph Cox and Charlie Lewis Davenport, of Roper; and William Myers, of Cres well. The other 52 are still expected to leave as scheduled tomorrow morn ing. -- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ward Lose Two-Mopth-Old Son Allen Rudolph Ward, two-month old son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ward, died last Sunday morning at 2:30 o'clock at the home of his par ents on Brinkley Avenue after an illness of about three weeks. Funer al services were conducted Sunday afternoon by the Rev. O. L. Hard wick, pastor of the Methodist church. Burial was in tire Everett cemetery at Robersonville. The boy was bom on August 26 in Martin County. He is survived by his father and mother and a twin sister. Shirley Virginia Ward. His father came here from Norfolk, Va., and his mother was Virginia Everett Ward, of Martin County. 610,019 Pounds Scrap Metal Collected By Schools ot County During October The Washington County scrap metal army of school children and their friends gathered 610, 019 pounds during October. Most of it has been weighed and dis posed of to agencies which trans port it to centers designated by the government, some going to Norfolk, Va., and some to Rocky Mount. A small portion of the weigh was estimated by Scrap Metal Chairman H. H. McLean and several assistants. This gives Washington County a per capita average of 48.75 pounds, for second rank in the First Congressional District race; Perquimans County being in the lead with 703,880 pounds and a per capita average of 71.02. A $100 war bonds is to be given to the county in each congressional district having the largest per capita average. Students of the Plymouth High School collected 244,207 pounds, for an average per pupil of 364.4 pounds. So far as learned, no school in the state has equalled that record. Mrs. Harry Gur kin’s eleventh grade was leader in the grades, bringing in 73,536 pounds. Harry McLean, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. McLean, had the largest individual collection, 38,581 pounds. In the primary school, Bruce Bateman, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Bateman, brought in 1,090 pounds. Richard West, who has been directing the outgoing shipment of scrap metal, said nearly all of it has gone out. New Low In Political Interest Reflected by County Vote Tuesday War Bond Sales Again Top Quola War Bond sales in Plymouth alone during October reached a total of $29,450, H. E. Beam. Washington County Chairman for War Bond sales, reports. This is almost twice the entire coun ty’s Quota of $16,500 for the month. No report has yet been received of October sales at Rop er and Creswell, Mr. Beam stated. October sales of war stamps at the local post office amounted to $8,083.35, Postmaster John W. Darden reports. Final Riles Tuesday For Mrs. Jack Hill —, Smallest Vote Recorded at General Election Here In Many Years - Voting reached a new low level in Washington County at the general election Tuesday, when only about 480 votes were cast at the five pre cincts. This is less than a fourth of the more than 2,000 cast in the 1940 general election, only a little over one-third of the vote in the Democratic primary last spring and less than one-sixth of the total reg istered voters in the county. Chief interest was centered in the proposed constitutional amendments affecting the state board of educa tion, 457 votes bejng cast on that proposition, 314 against and 143 for. In the state as a whole, the amend ment carried by a substantial ma jority, as did the one relating to so licitorial districts, which also re ceived an adverse vote in the county. Jack Homer, Democratic nominee for coroner, led the entire ticket, receiv ing 444 votes, the largest cast for any individual. Lack of Republican opposition was one of the reasons for decreased in terest in the election. There were only two Republican candidates, Sam J. Morris, nominee for U. S. Senator, leading that party with 48 votes. His opponent, Josiah W. Bailey, received 429. J. C. Meekins, jr., I jpublican candidate for Congress, received 44 votes, while Herbert Bonner. Demo cratic nominee, received 420. All the Democratic candidates for state and congressional offices were elect ed. but Republicans made some gains for legislative posts, principally in the western part of the state. Nationally, the Democrats barely retained control of the House of Rep resentatives and lost a number of state governorships. The Republi cans also made substantial gains in the Senate, although control of that body was not threatened. In the county the amendment re lating to solicitorial districts received 146 favorable votes and 150 against. Candidates on the state and county ballots who had no opposition re ceived from a low of 310 votes to a high of 444. The complete tabula tion, by townships, appears elsewhere in this paper. -% Selective Service Officials To Study Farm Problems Members of the Washington Coun ty Selective Service Board have been asked to attend a district meeting of selective service officials to dis cuss farm problems affecting the drafting of men needed on the farms, with especial reference to harvesting, dairying, livestock and poultry. The request came from state selective service headquarters in Raltigh. The meeting probably will be held in Washington November 12, it is said. -® Several From Creswell At Funeral in New Bern -« Creswell.—Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith. Mrs. J B. Snell, Mrs. L. T. Snell and Louise Snell, of Creswell, recently attended the funeral of Rev. John R. Smith. 78. minister of several Christian churches in New Bern. The services were held at Broad Street Christian Church, and interment was made at Cedar Lawn Cemetery. The Rev. Mr, Smith had a host of friends in Creswell, as he has held services at various Christian churches in the section. The Rev, Mi'. Smith is survived by his brother, Charles Smith, of Creswell, and five grandchildren, of New Bern. Mileage Raiioning Program Combines Tires and Gasoline All Car Owners Must Fill Out New Blanks, Listing Tire Serial Numbers The mileage-rationing program, to become effective throughout the na tion November 22, will combine tire and gasoline rationing, and rubber will be made available to all gasoline ration holders on the basis of the gas ration issued, according to an OPA statement issued this week. The new plan will make it possible for even A-card holders to be eligible for tire recapping, it is understood, provided all the regulations are complied with. Blanks are being distributed to all filling stations by the local ration ing board this week, and they are to be filled out and mailed to the ration ing board as soon as possible. It is explained that the rationing board office will not be able to help car owners fill out these blanks, but they must be filled in completely by the applicants themselves. Other features of the new program are as follows: A 35-mile-per-hour speed limit must be observed. Tires in excess of five per passen ger vehicle must be sold to the desig nated governmental agency by deliv ery to the Railway Express Agency. On and after November 22 it will be illegal to use gasoline rations unless excess tires have been turned in. All tires must be inspected periodi cally, the first inspection to be made during the month of December. Re inspection thereafter for "A” ration holders will be required every four months; and for “B,” “C” and com mercial ration holders, every two months or 5,000 miles, whichever oc curs first. All “A,” “B” and “C” ration hold ers must submit a new application for basic gasoline ration, which will show the serial numbers of tires re tained. These application blanks were put into the hands of garages and filling stations this week and may be secured there by car owners. Commercial vehicles must have Certificates of War Necessity from ODT. Farmers can get help in filling out these blanks from the county farm transportation committee. “A,” “B," “C and “D’ coupons must bear the license number of ve hicle for which issued. Bulk and in ventory coupons must bear name of dealer, and fleet coupons the name of the fleet. Non-highway ration applications are to be submitted in duplication, in order that a copy may be submit ted to the revenue department. Applicants for supplemental rations who work in plants employing 100 or more will submit applications to the transportation committees estab lished in those plants. Cars converted to trucks will re quire Certificates of War Necessity, but they will not be required for trailers. By November 15, all commercial vehicles must have had tires inspect ed, make new applications for gas ration (Form R-506, Revised), and present ODT Certificates of War Ne cessity to board, and this must be done in person and not by mail. -« Employers Urged to Train Men To Take Replacement Jobs General Hershey Says Oc cupational Deferments Are Temporary Occupational deferments are tem porary and granted only to allow em ployers to train replacements, ac cording to Maj. Gen. Lewis B. Hers hey, director of Selective Service, who has warned employers to inves tigate the Selective Service classifi cation of all men on their pay rolls who are between the ages of 20 and 45 and to maintain orderly programs for replacement of those who are physically qualified to enter the arm ed force. He insists that an employ er should appraise and analyze his manpower just as he would inventory his stock pile. •■The army has to train a bomber pilot within eight months to ope rate a very technical machine with an instrument board that challenges the skill of an expert.” he said. “Why should an industry assume that it can take two or three years to train men for tasks not nearly as com plicated?” General Hershey warns that em ployers should not expect any tem porary' deferment to be effective for more than six months. He urges that deferment be not asked for any man who can be replaced by train ing another person not likely to be eligible soon for service in the armed forces: that it is a duty owed the nation to have replacements ready. “There is many a man over 45, or a man physically unfit for the army, or a woman, who can do that job the 20-to-22-year-old boy who took a 12 week course in a leam-quick school is doing now,” he said. Legion and Farm Bureau Plan Big Armistice Day Observance Here Wednesday of Next Week E. S. Blount Elected To Fill Out Term 01C. E. Ayers on Town Council Here E. S. Blount was elected a member of the Town Council at its monthly session last Monday night. He will fill out the un expired term of C. E. Ayers, who has moved his residence beyond the town limits, having bought a place near the Country Club. Only a short session was held and the time was occupied mostly with discussion of delinquent taxes due the town and steps to be taken to enforce collections. Bills were approved and other routine matters disposed of. Mayor B. G. Campbell presided and all councilmen were present: J. W. Norman. A. J. Riddle, J. R. Manning:, G. R. Leggett and E. E. Harrell. None was late, so none will be required to forfeit his fee for attending:, it was stated, that being: the penalty for tardiness according: to a reso lution adopted by the Council at its October meeting:. Mackeys Resident Is Winner of $25 War Bond Here Tuesday Two Plymouth Men] Get $6 in Stamps at Merchants Drawing Campaign To Boost Sale of War Stamps To Continue For Six More Weeks -r-$ With the High School band play ing stirring marches, calling atten tion to the second drawing in the eighth-week campaign of the Plym outh Merchants Association to pro mote the sale of war bonds and stamps in Washington county, an interested assembly was gathered in front of the American Legion hall at 3 o’clock Tuesday afternoon when little Beverly Farmer drew from a box the winning names of purchas ers of war stamps last week from the 25 participating mercahnts of Plym outh. The winners: Matilda P. Whitfield, of Mackeys, $25 war bond. Harvey Wright, of Plymouth, $5 in war stamps. L. W. Zeigler, of Plymouth, $1 war stamp. Mr. Zeigler, who directed the band, was the only prize winner present at the drawing. E. E. Harrell, president of the Merchants Association, and W. F. Winslow, supervised the drawing, the latter addressing the assembly brief ly, stating he was glad to see the at tendance increasing, that the band would attend again next Tuesday at 3 o’clock for the third drawing and the merchants hope the demand for war stamps will be larger this week in Plymouth than ever before. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Farmer then drew the winning names. A cheer went up when Mr. Zeigler’s name was called. The sum of $250 has been contri buted by the 25 participating Plym outh merchants to buy the prizes for the eight drawings. There will be six more and every purchaser of war stamps from any of these merchants during the next six weeks has a chance to win a war bond or war stamp. The participating merchants are: Plymouth Furniture Company, L. S. Thompson. Norman Furniture Company, Western Auto Associate Store, Campbell’s Store, Dave’s Cut Rate Store, E. H. Liverman, Win slow's 5s to $1 Store, Manning Mo tor Company. M. H. Mitchell Furni ture Company. The Roanoke Beacon. L. N. Womble, Yellow Front Market, Ganderson’s Quality Shop, C. E. Ayers. Southern Hardware Company. C. O. (Shorty) Kelly. Economy Cleaners. O. R. Leggett’s Son, Keel’s Service Station. S. Scherr's Depart ment Store. Don G. Davis, Jeweler, Central Garage. Allen's Store, and House Chevrolet Co. Mrs. Viola Smithson Put on ABC Board -® The Washington County Commis sioners met in monthly session last Monday, with all members, E. G. Arps, chairman, J. C. Knowles and E. F. Swain, present. Reports of W. V. Hays, county farm agent, and Mrs. Man- F. Darden, home demon stration agent, were approved, bills against the county were checked and ordered paid, and other routine mat ters attended to. The county commissioners also met in joint session with the board of education and the county health board to appoint a member of the ABC board in place of Clyde Smith son. whose term had expired. Mr. Smithson's wife. Mrs Viola Smith son. of Creswell, was the unanimous choice of the three boards. So far as can be learned here, Mrs. Smithson is the first woman in the state to be named member of an ABC board. Proper Time To Seek Deferments For the information of em ployers and registrants in the county, some of whom have been misinformed and others not in formed at all as to the proper time to request deferment of draft registrants, it is stated at the office of the local selective service board that after issuance of an order for induction it is too late to ask for deferment. The proper time is immediate ly after the registrant has had his physical examination, 10 days being allowed for appeal or ap plication for deferment after the registrant receive s his 1-A clas sification, it is stated. Rationing Board Is Able to Grant More Tires and Tubes -$ Added Allotment Permits Disbursement To Eli gible Petitioners Having received recently a big in crease in Washington County’s al lotment of recaps and a small in crease of tires and t ibes, the local Rationing Board has been able to grant the applications of eligible pe titioners more readily than for some time heretofore. Th; increased al lotment permitted the Board 76 pas See. TIRES AND TUBES, Page Six Parade, Speaking And Free Dinner Will Be Features Stores To Be Closed From 10 to 1 for Exercises Here November 11 American Legionnaires of the James E. Jethro Post and Washing ton County farmers, members and to be members of the Farm Bureau, will unite in observance of Armistice Day next Wednesday, November 11, with an elaborate program, featuring the Legionnaires’ parade and memorial exercises, addresses by State Sena tor Tom Pearsall and others, and a big free dinner of Washington Coun ty game and farm products. Veter ans of World War I and tillers of the soil engaged in helping to feed the soldiers of the present war by join ing forces—in memory of an armis tice of the past while praying for another to follow victory soon—will make the observance unique, and no effort will be spared to make the occasion a tremendous success. In recognition of the holiday, the bank, post office, courthouse offices, town offices, and ABC store will be closed all day, while local stores and business establishments will be closed from 10 a. m. until 1 p. m. for the occasion. Post Commander B u. campDeu asks all Legionnaires and all men in the armed services of the nation who are in Plymouth on Armistice Day to assemble at the high school building at 10:15 a. m. Wednesday. Headed by the high school band, they will parade to the Legion Hall, where a brief memorial program will be held when the whistle blows at 11 o’clock. The roll of the dead will be called. Then the Legionnaires will march to the courthouse for the joint Armstice Day exercises with Washington Coun ty farmers and others assembled in the courtroom. Post Commander Campbell will preside. Congressman Herbert C. Bonner has promised to attend and speak if he is not pre vented by important pending legisla tion in the Congress. State Senator Tom Pearsall, of Battleboro, will be here to make the principal address. He is widely known for his ability as an orator, and it is expected a large crowd will be on hand, to hear him. The high school band will provide music for the program, which is ex pected to last about one hour. Farm Bureau Dinner Immediately following, between 12:30 and 1 o’clock, the Farm Bu reau dinner will be served. Tables will be placed on the Hampton lot, back of the Texaco garage, and pre sided over by wives, mothers, sisters and daughters of Washington County farmers. In the event of rain, ar rangements will be made to have the dinner served in the courthouse. “All the farmers and business men See, ARMISTICE DAY. Page Six County Vote, by Precincts Following is an unofficial tabulation of the vote cast in Washington County, by precincts, in the general election last Tuesday. The figures are not official, as the County Board of Elections had not completed its can vass when they wrere obtained this morning. However, it is believed that they are substantially correct: o be For United States Senator: Josiah W. Bailey _ For Chief Justice Supreme Court: Walter P. Stacy 'd) _ For Associate Justice Supreme Court: Michael Schenck _ Frank M. Armstrong, 14th Dist 'd >_ 1 Julius A. Rosseau, 17th Dist. _ J. Will Pless. jr.. 18th Dist. id) _ Zeb V. Nettles. 19th Dist. _ Felix E. Alley. 20th Dist -- For Clerk Superior Court: IW. M. Darden _ For Judge Recorders Court: W. Ronald Gaylord _ H Vtr. Pritchett, District No. 3 id)_ For Coroner: Jack Homer id' _ Constitutional Amendments: i Board Education. For Changes Board Education. Against Changes_ Solicitorial Districts For Changes_ i Solicitorial Districts, Against Changes — 3 o S >. £ 207 5 198 197 200 196 194 196 195 194 193 193 198 3 210 202 209 206 211 212 210 211 211 208 o 3 88 25 199 86 197 87 87 87 88 87 87 88 88 87 87 88 91 24 86 111 95 54 K s. 3 U2 20 102 6 10 19 98 19 100 19 100 19 98 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 98 98 98 99 98 98 98 98 19 100 6 11 80 76 81 78 78 86 69 88 89 86 232 93 20 103 20 101 20 105 20 104 20 106 22 108 20 109 20 103 20 103 20 106 20 105 7 99 8 17 6 18 5 17 o a a £ 12 2 12 12 12 14 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 2 37 81 31 58 o h 429 48 202 89 19 98 12 420 12 414 12 415 416 413 417 414 410 414 412 410 409 410 420 44 207 84 21 101 14 427 14 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 427 412 429 422 429 442 442 436 437 434 14 444 143 314 146 150