The Roanoke Beacon * * * * * * * and Washington County News ******* MAKE EVERY PAY DAY BOND DAY MU TUI MT-tOU. MVHHtt HJM VOLUME LIII—NUMBER 51 Plymouth, Washington County, North Carolina, Thursday, December 17, 1942 ESTABLISHED 1889 Town opics Mr. and Mrs. J. Prank Jordan, of Dardens, and Miss Evelyn Arps, of Plymouth, spent the week-end in Rocky Mount with Hugh Frank Jor dan, wlio graduated from advanced flying school at Spence Field, Ga„ last Friday, with the rating of "Pi lot.” He was returning to the United States Military Academy at West Point, N. Y., where he will graduate early next year. James Wood Norman, jr., of Rich mond, son of Mr! and Mrs. J. W. Norman here, received a commission as lieutenant fj.g.) in the U. S. Naval Reserve last week and has entered upon an indoctrination course at Princeton University preparatory to beginning active service with the Navy. Mr. Norman is a chemical en gineer. His wife and daughter will continue to live in Richmond for the present. The Washington County Pub lic Library will be closed Decem ber 24, 25 and 26, it was an nounced today by Mrs. Jackson, the librarian. Books dated to be returned December 26 may be re turned Monday, the 28th, with out penalty, Mrs. Jackson said, as it was not known at the time they were issued that the library would be closed on the 26th. Pfc. Nathan Walter Spruill, jr., of the Quartermaster Corps, stationed at Fort Cam Houston, San Antonio, Texas, spent a few days recently with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Spruill, near Roper. A degree team from the Skewarkee Masonic Lodge at Williamston visit ed Perseverance Lodge here Tues day night and conferred the third degree on a candidate. There were about 15 visitors in the party. Light refreshments were served by the local Masons. P. W. Brown, said today that he had been advised there would be no test blackout for the Plymouth section between now and January 2nd. If a blackout is ordered before then, it will be the real thing, he said. After January 1, a test many be called at any time without warning. Tire 1042 town tax books have been turned over to Chief of Police P. W. Brown, and he is busily engaged in getting out the notices this week— possibly as a sort of Christmas “present” for local people. Taxes are payable at par during December and January, after which the penal ties start accumulating. County Game Warden J. T. Terry said today that the open season on deer would end Janu ary 1, with the last day of hunt ing these animals permitted on New Year's Day. He stated that some county people have the mistaken idea that the season has been extended until January 10, but this is not the case. The following students at Mars Hill College from Washington Coun ty have returned to spend the holi days at home from December 18 to January 5: John Edward Davis, of Roper; John Rea, of Wenona; and Duncan Getsinger, of Plymouth. Abraham Morgan, colored em ployee of the North Carolina Pulp Company, suffered a broken left leg last night, when he slipped on a plank at the plant and was thrown into a hopper. He was given medi cal attention by Dr. T. L. Bray. -<s> Theatre Seats Cut; Rank Hoodlumism -$ Shep Brinkley, owner of the Plym outh Theatre, home from the Army on a few days’ furlough, discovered this week that some unknown per sons had cut the upholstery of 11 theatre seats here within the past two weeks. Mr. Brinkley expressed himself in very vigorous language concerning the perpetrators of the outrage, stating that it was work similar to that of German and Jap sympa thizers, since destruction of any ma terial today—either government or private—is assistance for the Axis in their attempts to see that this nation may be caught without materials The theatre owner said he would be very grateful to anyone for in formation leading to apprehension of the vandals. Some of the damaged seats are about midway of the house, and Mr. Brinkley doubts that it was done by children. Change Rationing Board Office Hours; Kerosene Allotments Are Mailed Out All kerosene allotments for cooking and lighting purposes have now been mailed out by the local rationing board, except where the applications included requests for fuel for tractors and brooders, it was stated at the of fice of the rationing board this morning. Those who did not ap ply for fuel for tractors and brooders are requested to notify the board, in writing preferably, if they have not received their coupons for cooking and lighting oil. Where tractors and brooders were included, there will be a de lay of a few days until instruc tions are received by the board. Mrs. J. K. Reid, secretary to the board, said this morning that due to the overwhelming amount of clerical work, the of fice of the board would be open to the public only from 10 to 12 a. m. and from 1 to 3 p. m. daily, beginning next Monday. The remainder of the time will be used in keeping up with the oth er office work. Mrs. Reid said that for the special convenience of those employed in local in dustrial plants, she would have the office open from 5 to 5:30 p. m. daily, but that only those who are unable to get there at the regular office hours would be served during this special half-hour period. Receive 1943 Quotas Of Farm Machinery Beacon To Print Early Next Week Next week’s issue of The Ro anoke Beacon will be published Tuesday night and distributed over the county Wednesday, so as to give advertisers an oppor tunity to get their Christmas messages before the readers In time for last-minute shopping, and also in order that the entire force may be given a few days off during the holidays. News and advertising copy must be in the office by Satur day in order to assure publica tion in next week’s issue. Cor respondents are particiularly asked to get their news in as early as possible. Peanut Prices Over 8 Cents This Week as Market Strengthens [ -- Eelieved Large Majority of Farmers Have Already Sold Crops -- The peanut market has gained considerable strength in the past week, and the price for farmer’s stock today was quoted at about 8 1-4 cents. For most of the marketing season the price remained fairly sta tic around 7 cents, but the demand has increased during the past few days, boosting the price. It is believ ed that most of the farmers of this section have already disposed of their crops, estimates ranging up as high as 80 to 85 per cent. J. E. Davenport, who is operating the warehouse here for the storage of peanuts to be diverted to the oil crushing program, said early this week that only about 3,000 or 4,000 bags had been received for this pur pose. The oil peanuts are bringing around 3 1-4 to 3V2 cents, depending on oil content and type. Many farm ers are holding peanuts raised in ex cess of their allotted acreage for edible purposes in the hope of higher prices. The local peanut plant is operating regularly now, after undergoing dif ficulties in getting the machinery and equipment in shape. -$ Services Sunday at Zion Chapel Christian Church Regular services will be held Sun day at Zions Chapel Christian church, near Roper, next Sunday, December 20, by the Rev. D. W. Arnold, of Washington, who will con tinue to hold services there on the third Sunday of each month throughout the next year. Services will be held Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school will be held at 10 a. m., under the direction of J. C. Knowles, superintendent. The public is cordially invited to all of these services. Nrs. E. H. Liverman Wins $25 Bond ai Final Drawing in Stamp-Selling Drive The final drawing in the mer chants association campaign to boost sales of War Savings stamps was held in front of the community building here Tues day afternoon. Mrs. E. H. Overman won the first prize, a $25 War Rond; R. G. Hardison won second prize, $5 in War Stamps; and Mrs. Sallie M. Gardner won the third prize, $1 in stamps. Music for the oc casion was furnished by the Plymouth High School Band. Beginning in October, a group of 25 merchants cooperated to give away $31 in bond and stamp prizes each Tuesday for eight weeks. That the campaign was a success is shown by the steady increase in stamp sales at the local post office each week while the campaign was in progress. Participating merchants express their appreciation to purchasers for the success of the drive. It is also announced that War Savings Stamps will continue to be sold by the same merchants, although no prizes are to be of fered for future purchases. Pa trons may continue to buy their stamps from their favorite mer chants, who arc glad to cooperate as a patriotic endeavor. ! Applicalions'Should Be Filed by Those Needing Equipment -« Amount Available Is Very Low in Most Instances; List of Items -<8> The Washington County Farm Ma chinery Rationing Board this week received the county’s quotas of farm machinery available for the year 1943. The list is being made public so that farmers who need any of the specified equipment may make their applications in the near future. Mem bers of the committee are C. W. Bowen, chairman, John H. Allen and Roy C. Chesson. Following is the list of equipment which may be allotted to county farmers during the coming year: 4 (Cole) or one-row type planters: 1 grain drill; 3 one-horse turning plows; 1 two-horse turning plows; 1 tractor-drawn moldboard type plow; 2 spike-tooth or section harrows; 1 spring-tooth harrow; 1 disc harrow; 4 two-in-one dultivatois; 2 walking two-horse cultivators; 4 farm wag ons; and 2 tractors. No tractor equipment has been allotted for Washington County. It was stated that the equipment listed above will be allotted to those persons whose farming operations are considered to make the greatest contribution to the war effort. Ap plications for purchase certificates may be secured at the office of the County Agent W. V. Hays. The com mittee meets as the occasion de mands, and applications will be con sidered at these meetings. It was stated that there is a cer tain amount of farm equipment, in cluding planting, seeding and fer tilizing machinery, in the hands of dealers which may be bought now where it is found without a certifi cate. i Christmas Seal Sale Little Nearer Quota -® The Red Cross Christmas seal cam paign is nearing its goal in Wash ington County, with the amount collected to date standing at about $120 against a quota of $175, accord ing to Mrs, A. J. Byrd, chairman of the Woman's Club committee which is sponsoring the drive this year. Last Year $161 worth of seals were sold in the county. Mrs. Byrd said that no reports had yet been received of sales in the various schools of the county out side of Plymouth. The booth for the sale of seals again will be open Fri day afternoon in the post office here. Everyone is urged to buy seales and help in the fight against tuberculosis. A percentage of the receipts will be retained for work against tuberculosis in this county, it is said. -- Schools Closed To Help Ration Board Plymouth school children secured an unexpected holiday Tuesday, when classes at the local elementary and high schools were suspended in order for the teachers to assist the rationing board in issuing allotments of fuel oil for heating purposes. Tire entire teaching staff, including Prin cipal R. B. Trotman, reported at the rationing board here that morning and assisted in working out the amount of allotments from informa tion contained in the application blanks. Permission for the teachers to as sist in the work was granted by State Superintendent Clyde Erwin at the request of state OPA officials. All the quotas were competed and noti ces mailed to consumers to call for their coupons by Wednesday noon, and pupils reported back to their classrooms Wednesday morning af ter the unscheduled holiday. School Bus Routes May Be Changed as Result ODT Order -® Study Being Made by Rep resentatives of School Commission -® Pursuant to instructions from the Office .of .Defense -Transportation, the state school commission has or dered all school bus routes in the state resurveyed and routed to con form to the new regulations. A study of bus routes in this county is now being made by representatives of the commission, and it is quite possible that some extensive changes will be made about the time the schools re open after the Christmas holidays. Under the regulations handed down by the ODT, children who live within a two-mile radius of the schools are not supposed to be pro vided transportation. Tills compares with a radius of l'i miles formerly provided by state law. The ODT regulations will also require children living within 1 '/2 miles of a route to walk that far to catch the bus un less it comes closer on its regular run; in other words, a bus cannot be operated out of its regular way un less the children to be served live more than a mile and a half from the nearest point of the route. Other changes to be required are fewer stops. No stops can be made closer than on-eighth of a mile, with a quarter of a mile between them recommended. The necessity for saving gasoline and rubber fs cited by the ODT as reasons for the new regulations, which will very likely work hard ships on some children. It was ex plained by the state school commis sion representatives that every effort is being made to give the best serv ice possible and still comply with the new regulations. It is hoped to have the new routings completed by the time school opens after the holidays. -® Two County Young Men Commissioned In Army Air Corps -$ William E. Hays and Doug las W. Davenport Grad uated Last Week Two Washington County boys were among the several thousand gradu ating and receiving their comissions as second lieutenants in the Army Air Corps from advanced flying schools in the South and Southwest last week-end. Lieutenant William E. Hays, son of County Agent and Mrs. W. V. Hays, of Plymouth, received his wings and commission at Napier Field, Ala bama. A graduate of the Plymouth High School, he also attended State College and was employed at the plant of the North Carolina Pulp Company here at the time he was accepted for flight training last Jan uary. Lieutenant Hays and two classmates were here for a few hours Monday on their way to the station assignments. Young Hays was as signed to the Army Ferrying Com mand and left here to report for duty at Wilmington, Del. Lieutenant Douglas W. Davenport, 23, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Daven port of Cherry, received his wings and commission at the Columbus, Miss., Army Flying School. Lieuten ant Davenport attended George Washington University, Columbia University, and the Air Corps School of Photography at Lowry Field before entering pilot training last January 26. His father, A. W. Davenport, is principal of the school at Cherry and is also a member of the Washington County draft board. It could not be learned here where he had been as signed for duty. Former Resident Died Last Friday -e John William Skiles, 62 years of age, died last Friday morning in an Elizabeth City hospital as the result of an attack of appendicitis follow ing a period of ill health that con tinued during the past two years. Mr. Skiles was a native of Washington County, but had been living in Eden ton since 1927. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Zion Chapel church in this county and interment was made in the Bateman family ceme tery adjoining the country club pro perty in Plymouth. Mr. Skiles is survived by Iris widow. Mrs. Cottie Myrtle Skiles; and two sons, John Speight Skiles, who is in the United States Army and station ed at Phoenix, Ariz.; and Dr. Swain Skiles, of Edenton. War Stamp Sales Grow At School in Creswell Creswell.—A total of $591.55 worth of War Bonds and Stamps has been sold at the Creswell High 8chool since Monday of last week, when $398 worth was sold in that one day. It Is Too Late To Mail Early, But Post Office Asks Mailing Soon as Possible It is too late to mail early, but overworked employees at the Plymouth post office hope patrons here will at least mai' as early as they can from no until Christmas. In common with other post offices. Postmas ter John W. Darden is experienc ing a shortage of help, which may materially affect the dis patch and delivery of mail here until after the holidays. Mr. Darden said that he be lieved postal patrons were really mailing earlier than usual this year. Parcel post in particular has been very heavy for more than a week, and he said that if the rate of increase holds up for the next few days, the office will a' it be blocked by the vol .e. Both incoming and outgo ng mails have been much hea vier so far this December than they were in the same period last year. The postmaster especially urg es local people to mail their Christmas greeting cards as early as possible, even for local delivery. Stamp receipts are running about 15 per cent ahrad of last year, which indicates a record crop of greetings is in prospect. Last year the local office sold 40,000 1'4-cent stamps, used largely for greeting cards, while so far this season more than 20,000 already have been sold. Allotments of Fuel Oil Being Issued by Board Many Applications Not Properly Made Out, Causing Delay Persons With Central Heat ing Systems Also Will Have To Wait -eft - After working day and night for the past few days, the office of the local rationing board this morning began the distribution of fuel-oil ra tioning allotments. Mrs. J. K. Reid, secretary to the board, stated that all those who had properly complet ed their applications for oil for space heaters had been notified when to call for their coupons. No allot ments have yet been completed for those who own central heating plants, but work is going forward on these applications as rapidly as pos sible, and it is expected they will be ready to go out within a few more days. Allotments are not being mailed out directly, but notices are being sent to consumers to call at the office of the board for them. Mrs. Reid explained that this was done in order that the method of using the cou pons could be explained. Each sheet of coupons contains a certain number of units which are good during specified periods, and the method of using them, while not unduly complicated, can best be ex plained in person. Many applications have been held up because all of the information called for has not been provided. About half of the applicants for fuel oil to be used in heating commercial or industrial establishments failed to furnish the certification of the amount of oil consumed last year, and the secretary to the board stat ed that it was absolutely impossible to issue allotments until that infor mation wras furnished. Don L. Leach, of Greenville, depu ty administrator of the State OPA, came to Plymouth to instruct the clerical force of the local board in the proper manner of working out the allotments. He checked the work that had been done and set up the basis on which allotments were figur ed. It is quite possible that a great many consumers will not receive al lotments for amounts to which they consider themselves entitled, but Mrs. Reid said that all applications were treated alike, based on the informa tion furnished. This information in cluded the amount of space to be heated, type of heater, the amount of fuel oil used last year, etc. So far, no provision has been made for appealing from the allotments issued. -® Begins Work Here As Sanitary Officer -$ William B. Gaylord, of Jamesville and Williamston, this week entered upon his duties as sanitary officer with the district health department here, succeeding W. J. Highsmith, jr., who recently entered a Naval officer's candidate school in New York City and is now in training there. Mr. Gaylord has had a number of years’ experience in public health work and was for several years with the Bertie County Health Depart ment at Windsor. A native of Jamesville. he is well known in this section. As "Hack" Gaylord he is best remembered as an outfielder with semi-pro and professional base ball teams of this section. He play ed several seasons in the old Albe marle and Coastal Plain leagues. - Only One Case Before Recorder Last Tuesday •. <$ " ... There was only one case in re corder’s court here this week. Perlie Lee Phelps, colored, of Plymout, en tering a plea of guilty to operation of an automobile without proper equipment and being fined $5 and costs by Recorder Edward L. Owens Tuesday. Only 6 Days Left For Buying Gills Christmas shoppers now have only Friday, Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs day left in which to complete their gift selections, but they will find Plymouth merchants just as eager and well equipped to serve them now as they were when the shopping season began. While stocks may not be as complete as they were a couple of weeks ago, new goods have been arriving, and there arc still plenty of gift suggestions to be found in the stores here. For last-minute gifts, give the local merchants first chance. Not only will you get as much for your money as anywhere else, but you will find them truly giateful for the chance to serve you. Registration County 18-Year-OlSs' Going Forward Very Slow -■■<*; Only 8 Registered Here Up To Today; No Report From Other Towns The registration of 18-year-old youths for possible military sendee has started off to a slow start in this county this week, the office of the local board stating yesterday that only six subjects had signed up at that time. No reports had been re ceived as to the registration in Creswell and Roper up to today. Young men who were born in the months of July and August, 1924, have until tomorrow to register. Beginning Friday, youths who were born in September and October, 1924, will have a week to register; and then, beginning December 26. those born in the months of November and December, 1924, will have until January 1 to get their names on the books. The registration is being handled in Plymouth at the office of the draft board; in Roper at the dry cleaning plant of Mrs. Eva Harrell; and in Creswell at the store of H. W. Prit chett. Those subject are requested to register at their nearest point. -up Bond Sales Continue at Rapid Pace This Month -$ Washington County War Bond sales continue to hold their pace, and in dications this morning are that the county qutoa for the month will be surpassed easily. Up to shortly be fore noon, the local bank had sold $12,550 worth of bonds, while sales at the post office totaled an even $5,000 for the month. This makes a total of $17,550 so far to be applied against the December quota of $21, 000 and does not take into account sales at other towns in the county. 45 Colored Men To Report Monday for Trip'To Fort Bragg Original Call Was for 50, But Number Reduced by Last-Minute Changes Forty-five colored men have been summoned to report to the office of the Washington County Selective Service Board here next Monday, De cember 21 They will be sent to Fort Bragg for their final physical and mental examinations to determine their fitness for induction into the United States Army. Tire original call was for 50 men, but. due to some last-minute changes, the number available has been reduced to 45. Plymouth and Roper furnish prac tically all of the men called up next week, Plymouth having 19 and Roper 18 of those on the list. Five others will come from Creswell. with Mack eys to furnish three. Following are the names of those ordered to report Monday: From Plymouth: Rosie Benjamin Fagan, Johnny Small, General Rob ert Downing. Wilbert Tredwell, Elmo Camp. Herbert Allen, Alexander Blount. Robert Holley, Henry Milton Simmons. Elmo Spruill, Robert Ches son, Herman Spruill, James Denes Blount, Wilbert Channell, Jesse Jul ius Lucas, James Kermit Brown, Henry March Combs, Alustus Louis Holley, and William Ivory Ruffin. From Roper: William Norman, Roy Hampton King, Haywood Norman, Nathaniel Dixon. Lorenzo Walton Hall, Albert Will Arnold, James Thomas Norman. Lete Gilliam. R"1 ert Chesson, Isaac Grimes Wrighton, Herman Webb Norman, William Her.. -ne, Christopher ColumbU" ' -*n. Sam Pierce, William Me*-—„-y Webb and Elmer Lee Norman. j From Creswell: Iredelle Roberts, Willie Bouton. James Hardy Kenne dy, Leroy Ervin Halsey, ar.d Earl James Jones. From Mackeys: Lorenzo Midgett, Ross Jones and Willis Henry Paxton. -$ Brief Deferments Granted To Three Three temporary postponements of induction were granted by tJ , - Wash ington Cov.nty 3*nice Board at its regular meting here Tuesday night, and then the board proceeded to the classification of the 18 and 19 year old registrants, practically all of whom were placed in class 1-A. It is probable that most young men of this age will be called up to go to Fort Bragg within the next few months. The three temporary postpone ments of induction, all to colored registrants, granted Tuesday night were as follows: Gurvis Lee Bryant, of Roper, 2-A until January: George Nathaniel James, of Plym j outh, 2-A until January; Robert E. Lee Webb, of Plymouth, j 2-A until January. -$ j County Votes for Cotton Quotas by Big Majority Rallying behind the planned agri cultural program. Washington Coun ty farmers turned out in greater numbers than expected last Saturday ! to cast an overwhelming vote in fa vor of cotton quotas for another sea son. The vote in the county was 207 for quotas and only" 8 votes against. County Agent W. V. Hays estimated that around 500 fanners were eligi ble to vote in the referendum, and while less than half participated it was more than expected. -9 Sugar Stamp No. 10 Now Valid Until January 31st -® Sugar Stamp No. 10 in all War ! Ration Books No. 1 became valid Tuesday of this week. December 15, i and w'ill be good for three pounds of ! sugar during the six-week period lending midnight January' 31. 1943. 1 Although the amount of sugar each stamp is good for and the time dur ing which it may be used has varied several times since the book was is sued. the basic ration of one-half pound per person per w’eek has re mained the same. Be Sure Take Old Registration Card When Applying ior New Auto License Auto licenses for the year 1943 are now on sale at the various licening stations throughout the state, and the little tabs which are being issued this year in lieu of new license plates may be at tached to the old tags at any time. The nearest license bu reaus for Washington County motorists arc located in Edenton. Williarnston and Washington. There is one important re quirement this year which has not been necessary in former years. In addition to the card mailed out by the Motor Vehicles Department at Raleigh, it is necessary that the old registra tion card be presented when ap plying for the new license tabs. License cannot be issued unless the 1942 registration card is pre sented. A great many county motorists have made trips in vain to the license bureaus be cause' they did not have their old registration cards with them. In the event registration cards have been lost, the information contained on them, inclding the old license number, must be se cured from Kaleigh. and under no circumstance can tabs for 1943 be issued without this in foramtion. The tabs must be displayed on all cars by January

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