Hugh Fagan Jordan Gels His Wings al School in Georgia -@ Dardens Youth Now Re turns to West Point for Graduation in 1943 -# Spence Field. Ga.—Hugh Fagan Jordan. 23. of Dardens, received his silver wings and the rating of ' Pilot" at graduation exercises held at this advanced flying school last Friday. He now returns to the United States Military Academy at West Point, where he will be graduated early in 1943. Cadet Jordan, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Jordan, of Dardens, was graduated from the Plymouth High School in 1936. He has been active in wrestling, skeet and cross-country while at the flying school. Addressing the largest class yet to graduate from the Advanced Flying School at Spence Field, Major Gen eral Ralph Royce, commanding the Army Air Forces Southeast Training Center, said: "Don't understimate the enemy. The Jap is tough, and the German is tough with more brains." ' From now on you are members of a team,” the General told the graduates. “You will be operating in flights, squadrons or groups, not individually. Get to know the other members of the team, the men who fly and the service men, and you will make the team a better one.’’ Introducing the General, Colonel Y. H. Taylor. Post Commanding Of ficer. told briefly how General Royce ■was awarded the D. S. C. for leading the bombing raid last spring on Jap-held bases in the Philippines. The graduates received their diplo mas from the General and their sil ver wings from the Colonel, and con gratulations from both. Capt. Claude Ennis, Asst. Post Chaplain, pronounced the invocation and bene diction. -- Home for the Holidays Misses Mary Elizabeth Bray and Mary Lillian Campbell have arrived at their homes here to spend the Christmas holidays. They were in school at Salem College, Winston Salem. WEST SALVAGE CO. We Buy Wrecked Cars BRASS—Red, Yellow. Heavy, and Mixed; Whole Batteries. COPPER—Light and Heavy. ALUMINUM—Cast and sheet. Iron - Steel - Rubber Get Our Prices! Delivered Plymouth. N. C. Box 247 Our Yards Highway 64 R. D. West, Mgr. Same Business Principles Since 1937 Wants FOUND; LADIES' WRIST WATCH. Owner can get same by paying for this ad. Apply to Miss Annie James, Telephone 360-1. It FOR SALE: STANDARD WINDOW shades, dark green, white, ivory, dark brown, dark ecru. See our dis play. Davenport Hardware Co. Jy9 ti WANTED TO RENT—TWO-WHEEL auto trailer for trip to New York. H. G. Hams, Gen. Delivery, Plym outh. It THOMPSON TENDER TURKEYS, raised on wire. Inquire of R. H, Keeler, Roper, N. C. d!7 2t FOR SALE—T. W. WOOD & SONS garden seeds. Davenport Hard ware C o. Je25 tf VACANCY EXISTS IN PLYMOUTH Office of Hyde-Tyrrell-Washing ton Health Department, Junior Sten ographer Clerk, minimum salary $65 a month, possibly more. Applicant must pass Merit Examination. Apply before January 1, Merit System Council Box 2328. Durham, North Carolina. d!7 2t FOR SALE—WALL PAPER. DAVEN port Hardwarde Co. Je25 tf LAST CHANCE FOR ARMY CART wheels. No more available after January 1st. Blount's Hardware & Seed Store, City. dl7 2t FOR SALE—100 ONE GALLON CO ca-Cola jugs. Davenport Hard ware Co. Je25 tf FOR SALE CHEAP—1'2 TON CHEV rolet truck with four practically new 32x6 tires. See Clarence Whed bee. Phone 321-J, Williamston, N. C. It FOR SALE: BENJAMIN MOORE paints and varnishes; inside, out side, floors. Davenport Hardware Co. o22 tf FOR SALE: 3 MULES, HORSE, 2 log wagons,'farm cart, double walk ing cultivator. Benthall peanut pick er, mule-drawn hay baler, 3 sheep; 1941 ChevTolet sedan, good tires. Mrs. Lloyd Horton, City. n5 tf FOR SALE: WINDOW GLASS, ALL sizes, single and double strength. Davenport Hardware Co. o22 tf Vestry Elected for Coming Year at Episcopal Church Reports Also Made for Past Year at Congregational Meeting Monday In a congregational meeting held last Monday night, members of Grace Episcopal church elected the follow ing men to serve on the vestry for the year 1943: T. W Earle. D. J. Brink ley. R. A. Duvall. P. Bruce Bateman. C E. Ayers, Zeno Lyon. H. A. Wil liford. Dr. Alban Papineau, Lloyd Gil bert and Robert S. Martin. J. H. Leggett. Arthur Vail. R. A. Williford. W. Blount Rodman. Sidney A. Ward and Jack Owens were elected honor ary vestrymen. Reports from the church school, the churchyard fund, the Young People’s Service League, the woman's auxiliary, and the vestry indicated that all parish organizations had functioned efficiently during the past year and that plans for the forth coming year of activities had been made. A report of the financial con dition of the parish given by D. J. Brinkley, treasurer, showed that all obligations had been paid promptly and that a small balance was on hand with which to begin work for the year 1943. Mr. Brinkley stressed in his report the need for increased giv ing during the coming year to com pensate for the payments formerly made by men who are now serving in the armed forces. Plans were made for the organi zation of another branch of the wo man's auxiliary, which is to be known as St. Mary’s Guild. Announcement was made of the publication of a pictorial portfolio by the vestry which demonstrates in a vivid manner th elife and activities of Grace Church and the church at large. Orders for copies of this port folio may be given to Miss Rebecca Ward and a nominal charge will be made. Special Music At Meihodisi Church Rev. O. L. HARDWICK. Pastor The Methodist choir will sing two Christmas anthems Sunday morning, the first being “Arise. Shine,” by Maker, and the other being “O Come To My Heart, Lord Jesus,” by Am brose. Miss Kathryn Midgett is to smg as a solo, “The Birthday of a King.” by Neidlinger. A brief Christmas message will b delivered by the pastor. For the evening worship, at 7:30, the junior choir will sing at least two Christmas anthems, and have a Christmas manger. Tire Sunday school program will be given Wednesday evening, at which time Santa Claus will be present to give gifts to the children. EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Having this day qualified as exe cutrix of the estate of Roxie Estelle Reese, deceased, late of Washington County, North Carolina, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against the estate of said de ceased to present them to the under signed for payment on or before the 18th day of November, 1943, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons in debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the un dersigned. This 18th day of September, 1942. MABEL ELEANOR GRIFFIN, n26 6t Executrix. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having this day qualified as ex ecutor of the estate of H. A. Blount, deceased, late of Washington County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons holding claims against estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned executor on or be fore the 7th day of December, 1943, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All per sons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 7th day of December, 1942. CLARENCE L. BLOUNT, di7 6t Executor. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by L. V. Fagan and wife. Terrace A. Fagan, to Z. V. Nor man, Trustee, on the 24th day of May, 1938, and recorded in Washing ton County Book 126, Page 21, and default having been made in the pay ment of the note thereby secured and the holder of said not having made application to the trustee for the foreclosure of said deed of trust, the undrsigned trustee will, therefore, ex pose at public sale to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse Door of Washington County, at 12 o'clock noon, on Saturday, January 9, 1943, the following described land: Lying and being situate in Plym outh Township, Washington Coun ty, State of North Carolina, to wit: Beginning at a point on a corner of Madison and Fourth Street, in the Town of Plymouth, North Carolina, and running along the east side of Madison Street in a southwardly di rection for a distance of forty feed to A. L. Owen's line, thence at right angles in an eastwardly direction along said A. L. Owen’s line 50 feet, more or less to the line of Ribert H. Taylor, thence in a northwardly di rection along the line of said Robert Taylor for a distance of 40 feet to Fourth Street, thence in a westward ly direction along the south side of Fourth Street to the place of begin ning. being a lot fronting on Madi son Street at a distance of 40 feet and fronting on Fourth Street at a distance of 50 feet, more or less, and being a part of Lot No. 2 as shown upon the plot of the Town of Plym outh, North Carolina. The highest bidder at said sale will be required to deposit ten per cent of his bid of Five Hundred IJollars or less and five per cent of his bid if more than Five Hun Dollars, which deposit will be forfeited in the event of noncompliance therewith. This the 9th day of December, 1942. Z V. NORMAN. dl7 4t Trustee. 9-Year-Old Shot by Playmate Saturday At last reports, the condition of Hugh Nash, 9-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Nash, of the Little Richwood village near here, who was shot by a playmate last Saturday night, was reported to be favorable; and, barring complications, he is ex pected to recover. The young boy was shot by Billie Davenport, aged 6. son of ^Ir. and Mrs. Raymond Davenport, who also lives at Little Richwood. The bullet from a .22 calibre Winchester auto matic rifle entered the little Nash boy's chest, just above the heart, and went through his body. He was brought here for first-aid treatment following the shooting and later car ried to a Washington hospital. Draft Board Wants New Addresses of 29 Colored Registrants Will Be Placed on Delin quent List Unless No tified Soon -» The office of the county draft board is anxious to secure the present ad dresses of 29 colored registrants as soon as possible to avoid being forced to list the men as delinquents. Mail sent to them at addresses on file with the draft board has been returned, and relatives or friends of the men are requested to send in the correct addresses or notify the men that they are liable to get into serious trou ble unless they inform the board of then- present addresses. The names of the 29 men, with their last-known addresses at the of fice of the board, are as follows: Joseph Williams, 420 Liberty St., Berkley, Va. Jesse Vernon Sears. USS Corp. Ritva Camp Clewiston, Fla. Johnnie Lee Norman. Mackeys. Leonard Lewis Leary, RFD 1, box 900, Suffolk, Va. Lora Tatem. Jackson. N. C. Phillip Abraham Davis, 241 Mc Donought Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Jack Johnston Moore. Route 1, Box 95, Milford. Del. Charlie Mack Hagens. Roper. bohn Henry Blount, Creswell. Mack White. 17 Little Court. Plym outh. James Arthur Brown, 417 Adams Street, Plymouth. Roy Wilkins, RPD 1, Plymouth. Gus Speller, 1205 Lansing Avenue. Portsmouth, Va. John Smith, 1045 Dallas Street. Baltimore. Md. William Henry Brown. West Main Street, Plymouth. Jeff Turner Scarborough, Route 1. box 388. Plymouth. Aloumd James Williamson. 117 Elizabeth Street, Durham, N. C. Milton Norman, jr., 701 E. Main St., White City, Plymouth. Junius James, Plymouth. Irah Barnes, care Plymouth Box & Panel Co., Plymouth. James Chapel, care Oscar Mlzelle, Plymouth. Richard EdRowson. Route 2, care C. W. Pritchett, Columbia, N. G. Dallas Milton Blount, Corapeake, N. C. Calvin Wilmot Hall, 744 St. Paul. Norfolk. Va. Elmon Leroy Armistead, 516 Wilson Street, Plymouth. Jesse McClought, 754 23rd Street, Newport News, Va. Luther Augustus Grimes, Box 151. Roper. Garfield Blount, 319 Lewis Street, Norfolk, Va. No Tire Certificates Issued in Past Week -.--3 The Washington County War Price and Rationing Board did not issue any tire purchase certificates at its regular meeting last Thursday. There were several applications on hand, but they were returned to the appli cants to be made out in conformity with the new mileage rationing regu lations. Under the new plan, it is necessary that tires be inspected at authorized tire- inspection stations at stated in tervals, depending on the type of gasoline book issued for the car. No application can be made for recap ping or new tire unless its need is certified by an authorized inspector. -® Young Girl Drives School' Bus Here Miss Louise Nobles, a junior in the Plymouth High School, is the only girl school bus driver in Washing ton County; and, so far as can be learned is the second in the history of the county schools. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Nobles, who lives on the Hoke road about 9 miles from Plymouth, and she makes a round trip daily over a 12-mile route. According to H. H. McLean, county superintendent of public instruction, Miss Nobles is one of the most ef ficient drivers in the local school bus system. Her bus carried from 50 to 65 children twice daily, with the average being nearer the higher fig ure. Checking back through the history of the school transportation system in the county, it was learned that Miss Lucy Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Davis, was the first of her sex to become a school bus driver here. She drove a bus to and from the Westover section back in the early 1930’s, it was said. Dr. A. Papineau Is Speaker ai Recenl P. T. A. Meet Here Cites Advancement Made by Medical Science in Past Fifty Years The Plymouth Parent-Teacher As sociation had a splendid attendance at its regular meeting in the high school here Wednesday evening of last week. An encouraging sign to officials of the organization was the presence of several fathers at the | meeting. Dr. A. Papineau. principal speaker [ of the evening, gave some interest ing facts about the advancement that medical science has made in the past 50 years in the diagnosis and treatment of disease. He stressed the importance of early diagnosis and prevention of disease by inoculation. "Vitamins in concentrated form do not take the place of an adequate diet.” the physician stated. ‘'Milk, fruits, whole p'ains, vegetables and meat will supply these in the best form, but in cases of marked vita min deficiency, concentrated vita mins are a necessary treatment.” he concluded. Mrs. W. V. Hays, the president, stated that the P. T. A. member ship envelopes, which were distri buted by the grade mothers, should be returned to the teachers with either donations or membership dues. The money thus raised will be used to augument the paint fund. Grade mothers for several rooms reported money raised for this project. A prize of $1 will be given to the room having the best attendance at the January meeting of the associa tion. Principal R. B. Trotman reported that several rooms had been painted in the primary school building. Bet ter lighting has been effected by the use of light colors, and enthusiasm is higher among the children in the rooms painted, he said. Christmas Services For Episcopalians The midnight service on Christmas Eve will be the main service of Chirstmas week for Grace Episcopal church, according to an announce ment by the Rev. William B. Daniels, jr„ minister in charge. This serv ice will begin at 11:30 p. m. Christ mas Eve, Thursday, December 24. A second service for Christmas Day has been scheduled and will be a twi light service held at 5:30 in the aft ernoon. This is to be a. brief medi tative service of Evening Prayer and carols. The annual Sunday school Christ mas Festival will be held Wednesday, December 23, at 6 o'clock in the aft ernoon. A special program of music and stories has been arranged for this service. The junior choir will sing at this time. A complete outline of the Christ- | mas week sendees is given as follows: Sunday school festival, Wednesday, 6 p. m. Midnight service, Christmas Eve, 11:30 p. m. Twilight service, Christmas Day, 5:30 p. m. Services for the fourth Sunday in Advent, December 20, and for the first Sunday after Chrismas Day, De cember 27, will be as usual, with church school at 10 a. m„ morning prayer at 11 a. m., and evening prayer at 8 p ,m. All County School Will Begin Holidays Friday All schools in the county, both white and colored, will close after the session tomorrow for the Christmas holidays, resuftiing work on Monday, January 4, County Superintendent H. H. McLean said yesterday. This gives a full two-week holiday to stu dents and teachers. Many of the teachers were planning to leave for their homes this week-end. Local Scouters Attend Banquet in Greenville -<§> Several local scouting officials at tended the annual banquet of the Eastern Carolina Council in Green ville last Friday evening, at w'hich Herbert Stucky, regional scout ex ecutive, of Atlanta, Ga., was the principal speaker. Those attending from here were T. W. Earle, chair man of the Albemarle district; Fred Humbert, local scoutmaster; the Rev. William B. Daniels, jr., cubmaster; and Dr. A. Papineau, council chair man of senior scouting and skipper of the local Sea Scouts. -$ Services Announced lor Roper Epicsopal Church -® A service of Morning Prayer and Sermon will be held at St. Luke’s Episcopal church, Roper, on Christ mas Day at 11 a. m., according to a statement by the Rev. William B. i Daniels, jr., minister in charge. Mr. Daniels will also hold services at Roper on the fourth Sunday in Advent, December 20. This service will begin at 11:15 a. m. -- Two Thousand Air Raid Protection Bookes Given In cooperation with the State In dustrial Commission, the OCD has distributed more than 2,000 books of instruction on air raid protection to industrial plants throughout the state. This follows up two plant protection schools conducted last summer by the state OCD in cooper I ation with the State College Exten I sion Service. May Volunteer for Navy, Coast Guard The local draft was advised yester day that it is still possible for men between the ages of 18 and 38 to volunteer for service in the Navy. Coast Guard or Marine Corps, pro vided application is made through the selective service board. Those wishing to volunteer must apply to their local board, who will issue pa pers which are to be taken to the nearest Navy, Coast Guard or Ma rine recruiting station, as the case may be, where final examination will be made. Such volunteers must pay their own expenses to and from the re cruiting station, and in the event they are rejected by the branch of service to which they apply, they are classed as 1-A by the local board and are subject to induction in the Army. It was stated that it is no longer necessary for boys of 18 and 19 to have their parents’ permission to volunteer for service in any branch of the armed forces. An average home burns enough fuel oil in a year to drive a destroyer 50 miles. A Message From Santa to Tell You Where To Find WATCHES My 25-year connection with the jew elry business makes it possible for me to offer you a large selection of stan dard make wrist and pocket watches at a time when they are so very scarce. BUY THEM NOW — VERY SOON THERE WILL NOT BE ANY MORE! I '■'V.'N* •H.'M EXPANSION BRACELETS, TOO And Crosses, Lockets, Stretch-Type Watch Bracelets, Fountain Pens, Dresser Sets, Compacts, and just too many other beautiful gifts to mention. JUST COME IN AND SEE! RINGS Diamond Sets, Wedding Rings, Dinner Rings, Birthstones, and Men's Ruby Rings. You’ll be surprised at the very reasonable prices in this time of high prices. It's because we know how, when and where to buy . . . 1 I We Are in the JEWELRY Business! MEN'S GIFTS I The kind they want > at prices to suit your > needs. Come in and > let us offer sugges < tions. | Army & Navy r Jewelry lor both ladies and men F DON G. DAVIS JEWELER PLYMOUTH, N. C. Open Nights Till Christmas MATCH YOUR FINE BUSINESS with Finely Printed Advertising No Job Too Big— None Too Small TAGS POSTERS RECEIPTS BOOKLETS ENVELOPES STATEMENTS LETTERHEADS BUSINESS CARDS ANNOUNCEMENTS PACKET HEADS CATALOGUES INVITATIONS BROADSIDES PROGRAMS LEAFLETS FOLDERS FORMS ANY Commercial Printing that you may require, from a calling card to a catalogue, can be made right in our plant. Illustrated for you, too! You will find our printing (with our modern high-speed equipment) to be high in quality—the service of our expert craftsmen prompt and satisfac tory—and our prices reasonable. ROANOKE BEACON

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