The Roanoke Beacon ****** * and Washington County News * * * * *** MAKE EVERT PAT DAT BOND DAY M1HNMDU rum VOLUME LII—NUMBER 52 Plymouth, Washington County, North Carolina, For Thursday, December 24, 1942 ESTABLISHED 1889 Town opics The annual Christmas party for children of the Methodist Sunday school will be held at the church Wednesday night at 7:30 p. m. It is announced that there will be gifts for all children in the Sunday school, and it is hoped that Santa Claus will be present in person. It was announced this week that Lansing Carroll Peacock, son of Mr. and Mi's. Richard C. Peacock, of Ro per, had graduated recently from the officer candidates’ school at Camp Lee. Va., and received his commis sion as second lieutenant in the Ar my Quartermaster Corps. Attention is again called by the local rationing board to the hours the office is open to the public, as follows: From 10 to 12 a. m. and from 1 to 3 p. m. For the benefit of workmen in local plants only, the office is also open from 5 to 5:30 p. m. While employees are on duty all day, the office is open to the public only during the hours stated above. When gasoline sales were halted to owners of A. B and C books last Friday at noon, the local rationing board office was kept busy explain ing to stranded motorists that it had no authority to issue “emergency” allotments. A great many people were inconvenienced by the order, but it was ail straightened out Monday, when sales were resumed, although B and C coupons are now good for only 3 gallons each, the same as A cou pons, insead of 4 gallons, as former ly. Frederick R. Smith, first-class elec trician’s mate, of the United States Navy, and Mrs. Smith spent last week-end here with his brother, Maurice Smith, and family. Mr. Smith, now serving on a battleship, has been in the service for about three years. James E. Mizelle, who suffered a slight skull fracture last Wednesday when he rode his bicycle into the car door of Chief of Police P. W. Brown, was taken to a Washigton hospital Sunday and is reported to be getting along very well today. The police chief had just stopped his car and opened the door to get out, when Mr. Mizelle. riding with his head down, on account of the rain, ran into it. Registration of 18-year-olds for selective service showed a de cided pick-up at the office of the local board here during the past week. Up to Tu- day, 17 young rich had ret'steied- Tins i-r-s not take into account any who may have registered in Creswell and Roper. More than thirty regular and tem porary employees of Rose’s 5 and 10 cent store here were guests at a tur key supper given by the company at the Plymouth Country Club Friday night of last week. L. H. Lowe, man ager of the local store, was in charge of arrangements. A special Christ mas bonus was also given employees by the company this week. Charles B. Craddock, machinist’s mate, second class, with the Coast Guard, is now stationed at Ports mouth, Va„ according to word re ceived here this week. He writes that he is getting along fine and likes the service he is in. He is the son of Mrs. Tillie Craddock, of Creswell. County Way Ahead Of War Bond Quota, For Month and Year Local Sales Total $31,225 in December, Against Goal Of $21,000 -<*> Washington County is already well over its December quota of War Bond sales, reports today show. The local bank has sold $17,725 worth of the bonds so far this month, and the post office sold $13,500 worth, for a total of $31,225 against a quota of $21,000 for December. This does not take into account the amount of bonds sold at the post offices at Ro per and Creswell, reports on which will not be received until the end of the month, according to H. E. Beam, county chairman of bond sales. Mr. Beam recently worked up the total amount of bonds sold in Plym outh during the first year of the war. From December 7, 1941, to Decem ber 7, 1942, the total was $330,350, which is considerably above the quo tas assigned to the county as a whole. The $330,350 total does not include sales at Roper and Creswell. During the first year, the bank here issued 930 bonds for a total of $204, 850, maturity value. The post office sold considerably more bonds, al though the average value was not as much; the figures being 2,030 bonds for a total of $125,500. Monthly quotas of bonds have been assigned only since April. The first quota, for May, was $9,500. This was easily more than doubled. The Jul> quota was the largest, $37,603, and was the only one assigned which was not topped. However, bond sales the following month, August, more than made up for the one month in which the county fell down on its quota Altogether, the quotas for the eight months since April have totaled $160,500, while the actual sales have topped these figures by some $50, 000 to $60,000 or about 30 per cent. Business Houses Extend Greetings As an expression of their ap preciation for the friendship and patronage accorded them in the past, Plymouth Merchants and other business men pause at this Christmas time to extend their sincere greetings to all the peo ple of this section through the columns of this paper today. A new hope and a greater un derstanding are created at Christmas time, and to enhance the value of these, the business forces of the town express, in a most sincere way, their wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all. Read the little messages, with out which Christmas would be little more than just another day in the year, and know that these firms are interested in your happiness at all times, and es pecially at this glad season. Ice and Snow Come Ahead of Winter in Section This Year Blizzard Sunday Made OPA Piker at This Freezing Business -« According to the World Almanac, winter did not officially begin until 6:40 a. m., Tuesday, December 22, but as far as Washington County folks are concerned, they hope that the worst of it was over before it was even supposed to start. Sunday af ternoon, sleet and snow started fall ing and by nightfall a regular bliz zard was underway. The following morning, practically everything Le on Henderson had missed was frozen up tight. The thermometer descend ed to an estimated 10 degrees, which is plenty cold in this section, and some people even reported lower temperatures. Garage men and filling station operators were busy all day Monday thawing out and starting cars. Fro zen and burst water pipes were re ported all over town, and there was a big demand for plumbers. Traffic j moved a*- a snail's pec.". doe to the sheets of ice on the highways. Most of the ice remained Monday and Monday night, but higher tempera tures Tuesday—the first day of win ter, officially—melted practically all the ice and by nightfall Tuesday there was little trace of snow left. Tire extreme cold was aggravated to a large measure by a shortage of several types of fuel. Oil of course, is being rationed, and few consumers have any surplus to burn. Wood has been difficult to secure; and, while there has been an ample suplpy of coal so far, there is a shortage of coal-burning heaters. The snowfall Sunday was the second of the season, following about a 3-inch fall Wednesday of last week. Anyway, winter came in this year with a full-scale overture, and most folks are hoping that the main event will be on a much higher plane—so far as the thermometer is con cerned. -<$> War Stamp Sales Here on Decrease War stamp sales at the local post office have shown a decrease since the merchants association campaign ended last week, Postmaster John W. Darden said this week. Although no figures are available, the postmaster said it was very noticeable that sales had fallen off. Another angle which the postmas ter commented on was the unusually heavy redemption of war stamps for cash during the past few days. In fact, last week the amount of stamps turned back into the post of fice was actually in excess of the amount sold, he said. A great many people are running short of Christ mas cash, it is believed, which may account for the increased amount of stamps being turned in, and the post master said he believed sales would probably return to normal after the holidays. Nearly $1,000 worth of stamps have been "cashed in” this week. Sales have been running from $8,000 to $12,000 per month, in ad *r* wrn v Few Farmers Able To Qualify for New Draft Classification --s Local Board Asks Reduc tion From 16 To 10 War Units for Deferment -® The 'ocal draft board is receiving many statements from county farm ers subject to the selective service act concerning their farming acti vities. These statements will be considered at meetings of the board to be held after the first of January in considering the reclassification of all registrants who list farming as their occupation. Information received by the board here indicates that comparatively few farmers in this county can qualify for the 2-C and 3-C classification re cently set up by the national selec tive service director. Under present regulations, a farmer should be en gaged in agricultural activities to talling 16 war units in order to be eligible for the “C” classification. Small farmers will find it particularly hard to qualify under present regu lations .and the local board has ap plied to the state director for author ity to place men in this class whose farming work is equal to 10 war units. So far no answer has been re ceived to the local request. A war unit is defined by selective service officials to be the care of the following number of animals or acres by an individual farmer: Beef cattle, farm herds, 12; feedlot, 20; range, (See FARMERS, Page 4) No Applications for Fuel Oil Considered If Not Filed by 26th Saturday Night Is Deadline For Po*stmark on Fuel Oil Requests Announcing that most of the ap plications for fuel oil for heating purposes had been acted on by the rationing board office here. Mrs. J. K. Reid, secretary to the board, said Monday that positively no applica tions postmarked after Saturday, De cember 26. would be considered by the board. In other words, if any person wishes to apply for a fuel-oil allotment from the local board, he 1 must bring or mail the application to the board by Saturday of this week. After that, it wil be too late—and possibly too bad. Mrs. Reid also asks all those filling out application blanks for anything rationed by the board to be very care ful to furnish all the information re quired. as it is impossible to act on requests unless the application is properly executed. This has been one of the worst problems faced by ! the rationing authorities, since many applicants neglect to study the blanks carefully, which cause delay and frequently rejection of the request. This applies to oil, kerosene, tires, bicycles, sugar and coffee and all other items now on the rationed list. The secretary to the board also said that no provision or instruc 'See FUEL OIL, Page 4> ^ w k.1 vj w « v.; vs ^ x*s vn vj w ^ OUR CHRISTMAS WISH \ FOR ALL OUR READERS ; I May everybody this Christmas get back the faith and trust i of a little child. The faith tha moves mountains and fills stock- ^ ings! i May all those who have grown up regain the illusions they may have lost, and face the world with renewed trust and good i fellowship. ' j That is the Christmas' wish we make for you and the nope we cherish for ourselves. i THE ROANOKE BEACON; Permit Hunting of Quail on Holidays - County Game Protector J. T. Ter ry has been advised by Hinton James, game and fish commissioner, that the Board of Conservation and De velopment has decided to permit the shooting of quail on Friday, Decem ber 25, and Friday, January 31, these dates ordinarily Toeing lay days in this and a number of adjoining coun ties. It was stated that this action was taken for the benefit of sports men who are confined to their of fices most of the year and who desire to hunt on these holidays. Opening of Christmas and New Year’s day for quail hunters provides three straight days for shooting this week and next, Thursday Friday and Saturday of each week. During the remainder of the open season, quail may be hunted only on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 36 Colored Selectees Go to Camp Monday Thirty-six colored men reported to the Washington County Selective Service Board Monday morning and finally left for Port Bragg about 11 o’clock, two hours late* as a result of the weather. Icy roads delayed ar rival of the special bus on which the men were to leave. No report had been received up to the time the Beacon went to press Tuesday as to the number accepted or rejected by the examining authorities at Port Bragg. Originally 50 men were suposed to leave for camp Monday. However, last-minute changes, including trans fers to other sections, reduced the number until only 36 were on hand The local board is now preparing to send another contingent of 50 colored selectees to camp on Friday, January 8. Workers of Section to Get From 1 to 4 Days Holiday for Christmas Beacon Office To Be Closed 4 Days The office of The Roanoke Beacon will be closed after Tues day night until next Monday morning, in order to give mem bers of the “force” their annual Christmas vacation. This is one of the few holiday occasions ob served by this newspaper during the year, hence the reason for being closed several days. The office will be closed Wednesday Thursday. Friday and Saturday of this week. Everybody will be back on the job and ready for “business as usual" next Monday morning; and, in the meantime, every member of the crew hopes every reader of the Beacon has the best, happiest and merriest Christmas ever. Volume of Mail at Post Office Here at New Record Level -<§>-• Added Space in Office Has Reduced Congestion, Darden Says The Plymouth post office is now right in the midst of its banner Christmas mailing season. Postmas ter John W. Darden said Monday. The volume of mail is greater than it has ever been before, both incom ing and outgoing, and employees hope that the peak was reached Monday, although there is always a consider able last-minute rush which con tinues right up to Christmas Day. me postmaster saia tnat stamp sales Monday were expected to total around $500, a new rocerd. More than 10,000 l'/2-cent stamps the kind usually used on ■■ ,cards, were sold, with other den Animations in proportion. Although the office here has handled a record-breaking volume of parcel post and mail, Mr. Darden said the congestion had not been nearly as bad as in former years, due to enlargement of the building about a month ago. The larger quar ters made it possible to handle the Increased mail with much greater efficiency than heretofore, he said. The posf office will continue to provide a large measure of service throughout the Christmas holidays, it was said, although it means that em ployees will have but little time off for themselves. There will be no rural or city carrier deliveries Christ mas Day. but all special delivery and Christmas packages will be delivered. The mail will be dispatched as usual Friday, and it will also be put up for patrons with lock boxes, but there will be no window service, it was said. Tire office will return to its regular schedule Saturday morning, and the windows will be open as usual until 1 p. m., the regular time for Saturday closing. -® Fire Monday Afternoon Destroys Residence Here -® The one-story frame dwelling oc cupied by Willie McNair, colored, was almost completely destroyed by fire Tuesday afternoon. Very few of the family’s belongings were saved, and the house is almost a total loss. Bob Taylor, also colored, was owner of the house, located near the Metho dist church here. The fire is believed to have started from a defective flue. No estimate of the damage was avail able Tuesday afternoon. -§ No Session of Recorder's Court Held This Week "People in Washington County have been either mighty good or mighty careful during the past week." said Acting Superior Court Clerk W. B. Cox this week, in reporting that there was no session of recorder's court Tuesday. There was not a sin gle case on the docket, and the ses sion was called off. a?t|rcByi wts-wca essspcji'. • u »- -v4 ••'.•■'A* ” -V ” /V* ■ vv" ■ • ‘ • ^ • CHRISTMAS PEACE IN A WORLD AT WAR A Message By The Rev. II. St. George Tucker. D. D. Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” Those words express the Divine purpose of the event which we celebrate on Christinas day. Nearly twenty centuries after this purpose was proclaimed, war of the most dreadful kind Is being waged in practically ev ery section of the earth. Shall we say then, that the task of bringing peace on earth was too great even for God?. That question might be answered by saying that the peace conferred through Christ is an inward state of mind which enables one to remain calm and undisturbed amid the external tempests and conflicts that bring distress and agony to the outer man. Christ recognized the importance of being able to face calmly the dangers »nd the turmoil of earthly experience because of the assurance that “under neath are the everlasting arms.” We cannot, however, assume that when our Lord said, "Blessed arc the peacemakers,” He had in mind only the C ■■>■& »■» ^ *■*>aa inner peace of His individual followers. -He bade us pray for the coming of God's Kingdom on earth. Peace in the soul of the individual is to be transmitted to the outer en vironment. The mission of Christ who was born on Christmas was not to provide an escape from earth’s turmoil and tragedy. He came to transform the kingdoms of this world; kingdoms Where sin and selfishness lead to conflict and agony, into the Kingdom of God. He came to bring that peace which is the fruit of righteousness. The Christmas promise was not simply peace. Peace in a world of sin would indeed have been a task beyond the power, and contrary to the wisdom of God. The assurance contained in the song of the heavenly Host is ‘‘On earth peace, good will,” or a better translation perhaps, “Peacf to men of good will.” Christmas means the coming into our human life of One who purposes to fulfill the conditions upon which alone a righteous and beneficial peace is pos sible. No true peace is possible for those who are slaves of sin. Christ is the Prince of Peace because first of all He is our Savior, or Redeemer. He does not force His gifts upon us. His method of saving is beautifully described in the Book of the Revelation: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him. and he with me.” To those who respond to His offer and open the door of their hearts of Him, He gives power to become sons of God. Peace on earth is possible only where earth's children have been born again as God's children. The significance of Christmas in wartime is therefore an invitation to listen amidst the world’s clamors for the Savior's knock upon the doors of our hearts with the as surance that if we open them to Him, He will qualify us to receive the citation: "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.” Stores and Business Houses Here Close Friday & Saturday Industrial Plants Also To Provide Time Off for Employees -$ Employees of the various industrial plants, stores, offices and business es tablishments in and around Plymouth will have rest and recreation periods ranging from one to three or four days during the Christmas season, a check-up here the first of the week indicated. AH the stores and business houses, with the possible exception of drug stores and filling stations, will be closed Friday and Saturday, which, with the regular Sunday holiday, will give them three days. The bank and ABC stores in the county will like wise be closed Friday and Saturday. Offices at the courthouse will ob serve the same holiday granted state employees, which although not yet definite, is expected to include. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The office of the draft board will be closed only one day. Christmas, reopening Saturday morning. It is not known exactly what holiday will be observed by the rationing board, but it is expected to be closed Friday and Saturday. The peanut storage warehouse operated here will be closed until Monday January 4th. The Plymouth Box and Panel Com pany will close down Thursday after noon for the remainder of the week, according to E. F. Still, president. Miss Ethel Arps, manager of the local plant of the American Fork & Hoe Company, said that unit would close at 5:30 Wendesday for the remain rlpr nf t.hp WPPk The plant of the North Carolina Pulp Company will shut down for the periodic overhaul of machinery and equipment at 4 p. m. Thursday, and the shutdown will continue un til s^Uir^y of the follov ring week. 2, although it was Explained that all the personnel of the plant would be engaged in repair work, beginning Saturday morning of this week. Only the minimum skeleton crew will be kept on duty Christmas Day. Although repair work will be gin Saturday morning, production will not be resumed until the follow ing Saturday, January 2. Each em ployee of the plant will be given a Christmas present consisting of a safety calendar, box of Whitman’s candy and a fruit cake. These will be distributed as each employee works his last shift before the shutdown. -« Urge All Savers of Pennies To Return Them to Circulation Shortage of 1-Cent Pieces Reported by Banks in This Section The much-maligned but often ne cessary penny is now coming into its own, as the result of a shortage which has developed in recent weeks. The bank here was short of the cop per changemakers early this week, and was “rationing” them out to merchants only 50 to 100 at a time. H. E. Beam, cashier, said he was un able to obtain pennies from the Fe deral reserve banks, as they were not being made at this time, although it was said a newly designed penny would be put into production at the mints within 30 to 60 days. Sales and war taxes have made the penny a necessary part of almost ev ery transaction in retail establish ments, and the shortage may reach serious proportions unless those available are kept in circulation. Many persons have ‘'hoards" of the coppers, as they are favorites for piggy banks and other savings con tainers. Too, a great many find their way into slot machines of the chewing gum and weighing varie ties. Banks in some of the near-by towns have been running advertise ments asking people who have been saving pennies to turn them back in to circulation. Mr. Beam said he would appreciate it if those who have pennies in this section would bring them to the bank and exchange them for currency of larger denomination. ! There are said to be plenty of the pennies, but a great many of them have been taken out of circulation for one reason or another, hence the sudden shortage. It is understood that the new pen ny will be made of different material, possibly steel with a thin coating of copper. It is noticeable that recent ly minted nickles have a “ring” which was not present in the old nickels, and it now seems likely the penny, too, will undergo a change as a result of the copper chortage caused by the war.