PLEASANT GROVE Mr. and Mrs. William Phelps and daughter Jeanne were in Edenton Friday. Aviation Cadet Cyril Edley Hutch ins, of Greenville, Miss., spent the week-end here with his daughter Re becca Hutchins. Mrs. C. F. Wilson spent last week in Norfolk where she visited Mrs. Minnie Pearl Wilson, who has been critically ill in a hospital there. At this writing Mrs. Wilson is reported to be slowly improving. Charles Snell went to Snow Hill Sunday for the day. Many friends of Jack Gurkin are glad to see him out again after be ing confined to his home for some time with a severe case of mumps. Mrs. Frances C. Hutchins spent Saturday in Norfolk shopping. Mrs. Joseph D. Moore formerly of this community after visiting in Lil Mrs. C. S. Brewer Honored At Shower Monday Mrs. C. S. Brewer, recent bride, was honored on Monday evening at a miscellaneous shower given for her by Mrs Carlyle Doughtie and Mrs. Lewis Price at the home of the lat ter. Contests were enjoyed with Mrs. Henry Gurganus. Mrs. Hugh Allen and Mrs. Selby Price winning prizes. Sandwiches, cakes and iced drinks were served. About 25 guests were present. Mrs. Brewer left Wednesday to join her husband in Texas. lington, Greensboro, and Florida, is now spending some time at Wrights ville Beach. Mrs. Margaret Ange. of James ville. is spending some time here with her parents, Mr .and Mrs. L. D. Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Knowles were in Washington Saturday shopping. JUST ARRIVED! 2 Solid Car Loads of Plaster Board EXPECTING NEXT WEEK 2 Cars Loads oi Asphalt Roofing Large stock of Doors and Windows, Mouldings and Trim, Hardware, Paints and Nails. Our trucks go to Plymouth and Roper every SATURDAY Get your Orders in Early and We Will Do Our Best To rill Them Williamston SUPPLY COMPANY Phone No. 109 There's Magic In Nurre Minors Hang a genuine Nurre Mirror on the wall and — presto — the room seems larger, brighter and definitely more charming. Yes, there is magic in Nurre Mirrors—gay, light hearted magic that will lift your spirits in these troubled times. First, buy your share of war bonds; then ask your dealer to show you the lovely Nurre Mirrors he has on display. Among them you will find just the right mirror— a “living Picture”—for your home, seem ingly created just for you by the Nurre mir ror craftsmen. Living R R E ^ictures M. H. Mitchell Furniture Co. F. H. MODLIN, Mgr. PLYMOUTH, N. C. MACKEYS Miss Annie Bell Blount and Miss Elsie Davenport spent Friday in Plymouth. Mrs. Bunt Long spent the week-end in Williamston. Mrs. Elmer Davenport and daugh ter, Peggy Davenport, spent the week-end in Portsmouth. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Sessoms and small daughter, Mary Linda Ses soms, of Windsor spent Tuesday night with Mr. and Mrs. Edison Davenport. Mr. and Mrs. Reynold Davenport and son. Reynold slade, spent Mon day night with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Davenport. Miss Estelle Everett left Saturday for Norfolk where she is planning to work this summer. Onward Griffin is in a Rocky Mount hospital for a tonsil operation. Mrs. Mittie Hassell spent Thurs day in Hertford . Mrs. William Livermon, of Colum bia is visiting her mother. Mrs. Nan Everett. Mrs. Johnnie Everett left Tuesday for Alabama to visit her husband. Pfc. Johnnie Everett. Miss Hester Ricks has accepted a position in Norfolk. Mrs. Nan Everett recently receiv ed a letter from her son. Nathan, pharmacist mate, first class. He writes that he is somewhere in the South Sea Islands and likes it fine with plenty of work, good bed and good food. Mr. Everett gives an amusing account of his initiation in crossing the equator. ROPER Mrs. Jasper Swain and son accom panied Mrs. Ralph Swain to New Bern last Wednesday to spend some time. Miss Sabra Woodley, of Creswell, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Woodley. Worth D. Joyner, of Norfolk, spent the week-end here. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Peele and children, of near Roper, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Oliver Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Jones, Billy Oliver and Nathan Phelps spent the week-end in Newport News, Va., with Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Jones. Mrs. Phelps and baby returned home with them after spending last week there. Mrs. Thomas Chesson and baby returned to Wilmington, Del., after spending the past two weeks here with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Leary. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lamb and chil dren, of Norfolk, spent the week-end with Mrs. Lamb’s mother, Mrs. Joe Phelps, near Roper. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Marriner, of near Roper, were dinner guests of Mrs. Cecil Furlough Sunday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mar row a son, on Tuesday, June 1. CRESWELL Mrs. J. M. Phelps left Sunday to visit her son. Robert Sheets, at Wake Forest College before returning to Philadelphia. She has been the guest of J. L. Phelps and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Starr. Miss Theda Hopkins, who recently graduated from Meredith College at Raleigh, has arrived to spend the summer months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs C. L. Hopkms. Mrs. B. W. Gaither is attending summer school at East Carolina Teachers College in Greenville. Miss Marjorie Comer Bateman, student at Woman's College of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, arrived Monday to spend the summer holidays. Chief Petty Officer J. H. Reynolds, of the U. S. Navy, stationed at Nor man, Okla., is visiting his wife and son at the home of O. D. Hatfield here. -® Miss Marian Brinkley Entertains Club Thursday Miss Marian Brinkley entertained the Augustin Daly Club on Thurs THE OLD JUDGE SAYS... "Your tires are In good shape, Judge., .ought to last you at least another 5,000 miles.” "I’ve been very careful of them, Jim, since I learned how much the government needs rubber. Only drive when I have to...keep her under 35 an hour and have the tires switched around every 1,000 miles.” “Me, too, Judge. Pretty tough spot we were put in gettin’ our supply of rubber cut off just when we needed it most. But, we’ll be gettin’ plenty of synthetic rubber real soon. Say, is it true, Judge, that the beverage' distilling industry has a part in producing it?” "Yes, a very important part, Jim. That industry’s facilities for producing grain al cohol make it possible to include 200,000 tons of rubber from grain in the government’s 870,000-ton synthetic rubber program. Pretty important contribution to our war effort, isn’t it Jim?” ‘‘It certainly is, Judge. Wonder how many people really realize it?” Conference of Alcoholic Beeerag* IruluslriM» Inc■ Homeand ciubNews By Mrs. Mary F. Darden Club Schedule Monday—Scuppernong Club meets with Mrs. D. H. Furlough at 3 p.m. Tuesday—Cherry Club meets with Mrs. Tom White at 3 p.m. Wednesday—office. Thursday—Wenona club meets with Mrs. Carl Heynen at 3 p.m. Friday Conferences. Saturday—Curb market in base ment of court house. Alba Club Mrs. Tom Darden was hostess to the members of the Alba Club last week. Two new members were added to the roll—Mrs. Hugh Allen and Mrs. Jack Williams. Reports from various members were: eggs sold $183.75. 52 pts peas canned. 24 dresses made and 4 other garments, 139 baby chicks bought. Tire next meeting is to be with Mrs. Joseph Newberry and Olive Daven port as joint hostesses. Swain Club Mrs. Herbert Sawyer entertained the Swain club last week. Reports were: eggs sold $132.30, chickens $12, 166 pts. peas canned, vegetables sold $3. 19 garments made, bought $150 in bonds. Mrs. B. F. Skyles reported 24 vegetab’es in their garden and Mrs. Jane Vale 23. Busy Bee Club The Busy Bee Club is growing larger each meeting. Twenty-five were present for the canning meeting held Monday. Reports were: 21 pints caned. 25 garments made, 123 baby chicks, $8.75 of vegetables sold from garden. House Furnishing Alba Club— painted porch furni ture, inlaid loleum on floor, and one floor refinished. Cool Spring Club—Two closets made, a dressing table. 3 large rugs. 4 chairs painted, one swing and a chair covered. Cross Road Club—Wood work in one room painted, kitchen painted and six chairs, one new bed room suit. Piney Grove Club—Breakfast room suit, radio, rug, studio couch, four chairs and 8 pieces of furniture painted. Beech Grove Club—Partition torn out of hall to enlarge living room, one end table. day with 12 present. Mrs. Don Over man was a visitor. Books were exchanged, after which a dessert course was served . Lovely summer flowers were used for decorations. -- UDC To Hold Last Meet For Summer on Friday The last meeting of the summer of the Charles Louts Latham Chap ter of the UDC will be held with Mrs. S. A. Ward on Friday after noon at 3:30. Mrs. Abe Adler, president, urges every member to be present. The Great Physician __ By PRESTON E. CAYTON _ Pastor, Saints Delight Christian Church When Jesus and his disciples land ed at Capernaum, they found a crowd of people waiting for them. A man came forward from the throng and fell at his feet. He was a chief in the synagogue; his name was Jairus. He said. "Master, come to my house my child is dying." He had faith in Jesus, that He could raise her to life. On his way to Jairus house a great throng of people followed Him. In the throng was a poor woman who: for years had been very sick. The j dictors had tried to help her but failed. She had spent all tier money, and she was very poor. It seems; that the doctors of her day turned ! her down when she had spent all her | money. Some years ago. a man was at death's door, knowing that his time on earth was short. He sent for his doctor and his banker, when they came in. he told one to sit on one jside of the bed. the other on the other side of the bed, for he wished to die like his Lord. This woman came behind Jesus and touched His garment. At that instant she was well again. Jesus feeling tire touch, turning and said, "Who touched me?" Peter said. "Master, the crowd throngs Thee. How can You ask. 'who touched me?’ " Jesus said, “some one has touched Me: for I feel virtue gone out of my body." Tire woman came 3KINNEKSVILLE Mrs. George Spearman, of Green ville. was here last week, the guest of her mother Mrs. Henrietta Swain. Rev. N. M. McDonald, of Cres well, was the dinner guest of J. B. White and Misses Alice and Eva White on Thursday. Mrs. Stark Holton and Mrs. Tom White were the guest of Mrs. Hen ritta Swain and Mrs. George Spear man on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Sallie Davenport spent Sun day with Misses Alice and Eva White. D. P. Pharr was here last week spending a few days at home. Thomas White who entered the U. S. Army on April 23 is now sta tioned at an army training school at Miami Beach, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Everett and son Vernon, jr„ and Mrs. J. B. White and Joe Jesse were the Sunday af ternoon guest of Miss Alice and Eva White. -V Mary Osborne Brown Observes 8th Anniversary Mary Osborne Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brown, of Plym outh, celebrated her eighth birthday on Wednesday afternoon June 2nd. Pictures of the honoree and her guests were taken, prior to the cut ting of the birthday cake, which was served with ice cream. The gifts were next displayed, after which the hostess took the nineteen boys and girls to the picture show. Those present were: Ellen Goode Winslow. Myrtle Gray and Betty Jackson. Ann Mayo, Rogers Byrd, Betty Beam, Jimmy Mizelle, Jimmy Doughtie, Becky Ainsley, Peggy Dar den. Jane Crofton. Jane Keel. Geor gia Mae and John Trump. Betty Burnham. Beulah Atkins Cratch, Bobby Satterthwaite, Jack Frank and Jack Daniels. KEEP ADDING New Furniture Items To Your Home! You can completely refurnish your home by buying a few new pieces of furniture every now and then. We still have a fairly complete stock and invite you to visit us whenever you are in the market. Many articles now available cannot be re placed, so don’t put off buying too long. NOW FEATURING LINOLEUM FLOOR COVERINGS Both Rugs and Yard Lengths NEW PATTERNS — REASONABLE PRICES NORMAN FURNITURE COMPANY James W. Norman Plymouth, N. C. to Jesus fearing and trembling, but Jesus sent her away flilled with joy. The doctors of this world had failed her. but the great physician had made her well again. Poor, with nothing of this world's goods, but a man called Jesus set her free again. Soon Jesus came to Jairus house. He raised the child to life. Ji ’US is the great Physician. No matter how poor, or how rich. Jesus is ready in the time of need. Just wdien we need Him most. Jesus is near. He's a friend in need. Most people are our friends when the sailing is smooth. But Jesus is a friend to man always. Greater love hath no man. than this, that a man lay down his life for his friend. Jesus did just that. Don't forget to go some where to church Sunday. The church needs you. and you need the church. God has given you six days, why not give Him one? It belong to Him. Ladies' Aid Society Holds Quilt Raffle at Mt. Olive -$ The Ladies' Aid Society of Mount Olive Free Will Baptist church re cently concluded a very successful quilt raffle. The quilt was made by members of the society and a number of chances sold. Mrs. Myrtle Waters being the winner at the drawing held at the home of Mrs Nannie Ange. Funds raised will be used for the benefit of the church. Members of the society express their thanks t all who assisted in the raffle. DR. C. W. BAILEY Rocky Mount. N. C. Announces the removal of his office from over Rose Drug Store to the new Professional Building 147 North Main Street Practice Limited to Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat. Office Hours: 9 to 5 Telephone 1171 Summer Needs BATHING Trunks Boys 39c Mens 59c New Millinery Ladies Cocoanut STRAW HATS $1.19 MISSES SHIRTS Sizes 7 to 14 69c White Shoe Polish Tube or Bottle 10c Sweetheart SOAP 4 large Cakes Childrens Sun Suits 45c Moth Balls and Moth Flakes 10c pkg FLY SPRAY 10c ■ 25c - 39c FLY SWATTERS 5c & 10c Childrens’ PAJAMAS Sizes 4 to 12 79c LITTLE BOYS’ SUITS Sizes 3 to 6 39c - 99c Neil's Sporl Shirts White, Tan, Blue $1 While POLO Shirts MENS’ 59c - 69c BOYS’ 69c WINSLOW'S W W 5c T0 $L00 STore It's Getting Hot But, Then, Our Grocery Values Are Always Hot! Kellogg's CORN Flakes Pkg.6c Kellogg's PEP pkg... 10c $1 Size 100 Puretest OCTAGON Laundry SOAP, lg. ... 5c OCTAGON Soap POWDER, lg. 5c OCTAGON Toilet SOAP, bar ... 5c IVORY Med. SOAP, bar... 7c PLEE-ZING (1 Red Pt) MILK, tall cn 11c Can Fruit Cktail 21c Can CAMPBELL'S (2 blue pts) Tom. Juice . 10c Jar ARMOUR S Peanut P'nui Butler. 15c BROOKFIELD BUTTER, lb 51c 8 Red Points Light White FLOUR 5 lb. Bag 35c 10 lb. Bag 66c 25 lb. Bag $1.59 Sugar, lh.7c SONNY BOY Rice 12 oz. pg 10c GULF Spray, sm... 10c FAT BACK 14 red pts. > Meal, lb.21c

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