THE Roanoke Beacon Washington County News PUBLISHED EVERY THIFRSDAY In Plymouth. Washington County, North Carolina The Roanoke Beacon is Wash ington County's only newspaper. It was established in 1889, consoli dated with the Washington County News in 1929 and with The Sun in 1937. Subscription Rates (Payable in Advance) In Washington. Tyrrell, Beaufort and Martin Counties: One year._ $2.00 Six months_ $1.25 Single copies, 5 cents Outside of Washington. Tyrrell, Beaufort and Martin Counties: One year_ $2.50 Six months_$1.50 Special to men in the armed serv ices of the United States: One year_ $1.50 Minimum subscription: 6 months Advertising Rates Furnished Upon Request Entered as second-class matter at the post office in Plymouth, N. C., under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. and November 2, 1944 It’s Your Duty To Vote Next Tuesday As we've said before on several similar occasions, this is on'' new paper that has no inclination to tel! folks for whom they should vote. It’s your ballot and your decision. We hope you decide wisely and for the best interests of the county, state and nation. However, we do want to add our voice to the chorus of those who urge every qualified voter to go to the polls next Tuesday and express an honest choice. There's room for dis agreement about the parties and about the candidates for offices: and it is up to you to choose between them. But there are no two ways about your obligation to vote: It is a duty inherent upon every Ameri can, and you should not shrink it. This is especially true this year. Despite the dire prediction# of pessi mists. we do come again to a free election. And it is being held in the middle of a war being waged for the right to hold free elections, among other things. The one sure way for our democ racy to fall into evil hands is for our people to neglect to vote or to take the ballot lightly. The destiny of the nation itself is our personal des tiny. It is up to each of us to de cide and register our wishes for the future of our government. Your county, your state, and your nation needs your vote next Tuesday. Vote! Congratulations To War Fund Workers As we go to press, it is evident that Washington County has “dood” it again—gone "over the top" in a campaign related to the national war effort. This time it is for the Unit ed War Fund; and our satisfaction over its early success this year is heightened by the fact that we fell down on the same job a year ago, one of the very few occasions when we failed to measure up. Our sincerest congratulations to P. Bruce Bateman, county chairman, and his coterie of loyal workers throughout the county, ft is a splendid accomplishment and you have a right to be proud of it. -$ Mrs. Everett Urges Women To Vote Xorth Carolina women do not take the interest in affairs of government that they showed a decade ago, in the opinion of Mrs. B. B Everett, vice-chairman of the State Demo cratic Executive Committee. Pointing to the pride which w’omen in this state showed in their first op portunity to participate in the af fairs of state and national govern ments twenty-five years ago, Mrs. Everett declared that the prediction at that time was that women would bring about great changes and re forms. "Although possibly for a time we tried to live up to our new oppor tunities, in recent years we have suf tered a lapse in interest. Xot only have we failed to show’ the proper interest in public affairs, but we have neglected to use our right to vote, and we have failed to train our young women to realize their opportunities,” said Mrs. Everett. bhe explained that women this year are expected to cast more than sixty per cent of the vote and warn ed this goal will not be met unless each woman in the "smallest, most remote precincts of Xorth Carolina registers and votes." "In this year of decision it is every woman's duty to get out and help. We [must not leave this matter entirely to the registrars and the election of ficials." asserted Mrs. Everett in pointing to the opportunity women of Xorth Carolina have to play a part in the decisions of government. Mrs. Everett reminded democratic women of the state that registrars will be in designated places in their res pective precincts with books open for registration on October 15, 21, and 28. She urges all women of Xorth Carolina to keep these dates in mind, but in doing so not to for get election day—-November 7. -» At Durham Hospital Mrs. Ambrose L. Owens entered Duke Hospital at Durham Wednes day for medical treatment. Visit in Wiliiamston Mrs. George Peele. jr., and son vis ited Mr. and Mrs. George Peele, sr., in Wiliiamston Saturday and Sunday. /’NEURALGIA'* I Capudlne relieves Neuralgia and I I Headache fast because It's liquid. Also I I allays the resulting nerve tension. Use! I only as directed. 10c, 30c and 60c sizes. | Liquid CAPUDINE