Entertainment* Club M^tlnta Vnzwrm *nt» Weddle** Personal* Society and Personals OF PLYMOUTH and WASHINGTON COl'NTT PHONE Anythin* tot This Department To 295-6 iv riT'iT'iTixv margoi* Aii Visit Here Recently Capt. and Mrs. M. R. Martin are visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Doxey. Capt.. Marlin has recently returned from overseas. Visit Here from Washington Mrs. Clyde Gaboon and daughters, of Washington, were week-end guests of Mrs. Minnie Cahoon. Here from Robersonville M. F. Van Nortwick, of Roberson ville, spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bount. On Business Trip to New York Mrs. James Smith and Mrs. W. E. Waters left Monday on a business trip to New York. Returns from Williamsburg. Va. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jones, of Ar kansas. returned this week to the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Spruill after spending a few days in Wil liamsburg. Va., with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Lyon. Here from Williamston Mrs. G. P. Hall, of Williamston was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Hall a few clays this week. Returns to Philadelphia Mrs. John Roper Kessinger. re turned to her home in Philadelphia on Sunday. She was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Ted Blount. In Richmond Wednesday Mrs. E. G. Arps, Mrs. W. H. John son and Mrs. H. Marion Ramsey, spent Wednesday in Richmond. Visit Here from Portsmouth Miss Doris Bateman, of Ports mouth and Chester Smigeliski, of the U. S. Navy. Norfolk, were the week end guests of Mr. and Mi’s. Keith Arnold. In Washington Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Abe Adler went to Washington Sunday afternoon. Here from Durham Mrs. Ivan Brown and children, of Durham, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Davis. Home During Week-End Edward Westray. U. S. Army, was at home during the week-end. Recent Guest Here Mrs. Robert Petree, of Kentucky, was the recent guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edlow Harrison. Here from Washington Mrs. Allie Newberry Moore, oi Washington, was the recent guest of friends here. Visiting Here Marine Johnnie Nesbitt is visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ayers. In Washington Sunday Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Byrd, Rogers and Carolyn Byrd and Marine Bob Young went to Washington Sunday after noon. Week-End Guests Here Capt. and Mrs. Peon Gandersor were week-end guests of Mr. anc Mrs. J. S. Shugar and Mr. and Mrs Ben Ganderson. Returns To Norfolk Mrs. B. S. Seilers has returned tc Norfolk after spending last week here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A Davidson. _ Visiting Daughter Here Mrs. G. W. Harney is spending sometime with her daughter. Mrs. P. B. Bateman and Mr Bateman. Spends Week-End Here Miss Eunice Grey Holliday spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Chesson. Home for Week-End Wilford Whitley. Davidson College student, was at home for the week end. Receives Medical Discharge Lee Landing has received an hon orable medical discharge from the U. S. Army and is at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Land ing. Returns To Duty Joseph C. Snell, of the U. S. Navy, who has been at home on leave for 30 davs returned to Norfolk Satur day to be assigned to further duty. Visits Here from Rocky Mount J. W. Council of Rocky Mount visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Ottis Davis and Paul Peel here during the week-end. Visit Parents Here Mrs. J-oe M. Smith and Mrs. B. L. Sellers, of Norfolk, were guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Davidson this week. -- In Florida Last Week Mrs. Hugh F. Jordan and Miss Miriam Ausbon spent a few days last week in Florida. I Here for Week-End Miss Helene Duvall, of Elizabeth City was at home for the week-end. In Washington for Week-End R. T. Warren spent the week-end in Washington. Visit Mother Here Wac Roberta Spencer and Robert Spencer, U. S. Navy, are visiting their mother here. To Visit Husband Mrs. Louise S. Alien will leave next Monday, for Wisconsin to visit her husband, Newman Allen, who is sta tioned at an Army camp. Week-End Guests Here Miss Clover Johnson and Frances Turnage were week-end guests in the home of Dr. and Mrs. T. L. Bray. NOTICE We are now taking orders for tailor made suits for men and young men . . . featuring . . . PLEATS, ZIPPERS And any size width bottom and knee sizes preferred; as well as coat lengths— made to your measurement. SUITS WILL BE MADE BY M. Born & Co. and English-American SANDERSON'S DUALITY Shop Located Next To Penders Tail Pipes and Mufflers For All Makes of Cars Mew Arrivals Short and Long IBO Per Cent Wool—BOOT SOCKS BICYCLE TIRES AND TUBES BIKE REPAIR PARTS-FENDERS Premium Grade—100% Pennsylvania MOTOR OIL 2-Gal. Can.$1.85 By the Foot or in Sets HIGH-TENSION WIRE Single and Double Armored Gable Christmas Toys Early. They Will Be Scarce Later New Items Being Shown Every Day. Get Yours Western Auto Associate Store Miller Warren, Owner Plymouth, N. C. Mere From Norfolk F. Maurice Smith, of the U. S. Army Transport Service, of Norfolk, is .spending this week here with his family. Moves To Baltimore, Md. Allien Holton is moving to Balti more, Md . this week. She will work with the Glenn L. Martin Co, there. Undergoes Operation Carrie Lee Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Brown, of Jamesville, underwent a tonsil operation at the Plymouth Clinic, last Friday. In Aulander Saturday Mrs. Everett Morris attended the wedding of Miss Cleo Morris and Mr. Duff, of Franklin. Va.. in Aulander last Saturday. Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. Jim Griffin, of Dar dens. announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daugh ter. Doris, to Joseph Pipkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pipkins, of Eliz abeth City. The wedding will take place in December. Visitors Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bateman and daughter, Elizabeth, Mrs. E. S. Bul lock, of Rocky Mount, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Berry and two children, of Shi loh. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bowen Sunday. Visit in Pantego Mr. and Mrs. E M. Ricks and Eddie Marshall, jr„ spent the week-end at Pantego with their parents. Visit in Tarboro Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Edmondson and Mrs. C. K. Anderson spent Sunday afternoon in Tarboro. In Norfolk Sunday Bill Roebuck went to Norfolk on Sunday. _ Mary Elizabeth Bray Honors Clover Johnson Miss Mary Elizabeth Bray enter-! tained on Saturday afternoon at a coffee hour honoring Miss Clover j Johnson who left Sunday for Eliza- \ bethtown where she will make her i home Chrysanthemums and cormds were! used for decorations. Mrs, T. L. Bray poured coffee and j canapes, sandwiches, hors-d’ouvres, j nut bread and cookies were served i from the lace covered dining room' table. Guests included in addtion to the j honoree. Miss Frances Turnage, of j Ayden, Miss Marie Hunt, Mrs. Hugh j Jordan. Miss Carolyn Brinkley. Mrs. Harold Nelson, Mrs. Dallas Waters, Mrs. Tom Overman, Mrs. Bob Ir vine, Mrs. C. K. Anderson, Mrs. P. B. Bateman. Miss Katherine Midgett, j Miss Mary Duvall. Mrs. Eliza Daniel. Mrs. S. S. Rasmusson, Mrs. A. D. Hanes. Mrs. L. D Wagner. -- Visits Father Here Alton Mayo, U. S. Navy, visited his | father. W. J. Mayo, a few days re cently. _ Visits HU Mother Samuel Bray Bateman, of the U. S. Wavy, Waited his mother this week. In Raleigh Wednesday A. J. Byrd made a business trip to Raleigh Wednesday. _ Gives Mothers Way Children’s Colds Acts Promptly to Help Relieve Coughing Spasms, Congestion and Irritation In Upper Bronchial Tubes surfaces like a warming, com forting poultice Because its penetrating-stimulating action (as illustrated) brings such grand relief, most young mothers rub VapoRub on the throat, chest and back at bedtime. It starts to work at once and keeps on working for hours to bring relief. Invites restful sleep. Often by morning most of the misery of the cold is gone! ONLY VAPORUB Gives You this special double action. It is time tested, home-proved ... the best known home remedy for relieving miseries of ft J| A children’s colds. Try it! W VAPORUI ONEONE CENT . Manufacturer’s suggested ■for the price of Manufacturer’s Are Based on Items. s Circular Cosmetic All. Rex all P Retail Prices. NOVEMBER 2. 3. & 4 * SaCuA-dcu}. puretcrt aspirin WOMBLE/S Drag Store PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED AS YOCR DOCTOR ORDERS REG. 59c FULL PINT ANTISEPTIC SOLUTION •Soothes sore throat due to colds. Kills contacted germs almost in stantly, yet does not harm delicate body tissues. •Excellent safeguard against infec tion. Use Mi 31 Solution on dress ings for small cuts and wounds . . . and apply to minor skin irritations. ZUi*iU it! Save 5$t 2(c4>/ 1 hhh, >'S VITSMtH A P u.< L, lONES“A0l,l„,F SUPPLIES ' rkl I R'9 39c KlENZ0 BRUSHLESS 'SHAVING CREAM , BIG 6 OZ. JAR NO BRUSH ‘Goes to work no muss ,0 soften y°ur tough, stub born whiskers. 40c a ?exaXl PRODUCT I V/2 ox*. *r?e-xaX^ r Milk of Magnesia f TOOTH POWDER An effective tooth cleaner that cannot harm tooth enamel. Pleasant - tast ing, too. (OX OF SO /\tt'i'fe.\f VITAMIN A B D and G CAPSUUS •Not one ... not two ... not three, but FOUR IMPORTANT VI TAMINS in generous quantities. QUANTITIES ST8ICTIV UM TED AT THIS 10 ' PPICE a »»OOUCT 2 fa* *1-01 wmm ivcspite wartime conditions, ivcxaii again wrings you it aaie .savings. On special occasions some of these items are sold below regular list prices but neper at such reduced prices as now. ■■t Although quality is unchanged, the variety and quantities are limited. So shop early and avoid disappointment. For your tolerance and understanding if some favorite 1 c Sale Items are nor available, we say "Thank You!” . PERCOCOD Tablets )KS 2/$l01 MULTAMINS Tablets ffsiats 2/61. vitamin a & d tablets 2/si 21 XL. THIAMIN CHLORIDE »* 2/76. :::.r cream deodorant ■ 2/si.* *•9 50c LORIE ROUGE Smart shades 2/51« ■-«« MASCAL’S HAND LOTION 2/50c* SJ0* ANALGESIC BALM SSSS*^ 2/41® ;:;.,?5e CORN SOLVENT ^ricrroinPAiN2/26c SXT MEDICATED CORN PADS&2/26c a-M< HEADACHE TABLETS 2/26c l'/a Oit. DCV CAI UIMC Soothes minor burns and O //lil. Rexnll IttA'OHLVmt simple skin irritations t/TV£ ROLLING MASSAGE CREAM 2/51c* &:'• COLD CREAM — 2/2fc* «