inHri T. own L opics !:::::::asHs3 A number of persons are spend ing the week at the cottage of Dr. E. W. Furgurson at Albemarle Sound. Included are Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Carpenter, of Raleigh, Mr. and Mrs. John Mills, of Wake For est, Mr. and Mrs. Conner Mitten, of Wilmington, Del., and Dr. and Mrs. Coy C. Carpenter, of Winston Salem. Dr. Carpenter is dean of the Bowman Gray School of Medi cine of Wake Forest College, Win ston-Salem. Two Plymouth girls, Misses Beu lah Cratch and Sue Lassiter, left Sunday for Greensboro where they are attending the 16th annual Tar Heel Girls’ State being held at the Woman’s College, University of North Carolina, June 12 through June 17. The entire program is a non-partisan, non-political attempt to teach and inculcate in young citizens a love of God and country and give them the proper under standing of the American way of life. The girls’ attendance is being sponsored by the Auxiliary of James E. Jethro Post of the Amer ican Legion. Lt. and Mrs. James Polk Spruill are spending a week here with Lieutenant Spruill's parents, Mr. and M s. M. L. Nobles, before going to New York City to visit Mrs. Spruill’s relatives. Since his gradu ntinn from tho IT S Militnrv Arnrl emy at West Point last year, Lieu tenant Spriull has been stationed at Fort Benning, Ga., and Fort Ri ley, Kansas. He is now with the 86lh Regiment of the Tenth Infan try Division and is on his way to Germany. The Tenth Division is re lieving the First Division in Ger many, and Spruill’s outfit is sched uled to sail within the next month. Mrs. Spruill will accompany her husband, and they expect to be lo cated in the Schweinfurt-Bramberg section of Germany. J. T. Terry, jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Terry, of Plymouth, is now employed with National Air lines, Norfolk, Va., Mr. Terry re ported this week. Young Terry was recently discharged from the U. S. Navy and spent a few days here with his parents before assuming his duties at Norfolk. He served four years in the Navy and most of that time he was stationed aboad the Battleship Wisconsin. Mrs. Frances M. Darden, home agent, will attend the annual Farm and Home Week at State College, Raleigh, next week. County Agent W. H. Pruden will attend Thurs day only and expects to be accom panied by several farmers for the day. Six persons from Plymouth plan to attend the national Junior Chamber of Commerce convention to be held next week at Atlanta, Ga. Carl L. Bailey, jr., D. Marvin Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Ward and Mr. and Mrs. James T. Boyce plan to leave Sunday for Charlotte where they will join a Jaycee motorcade leaving Monday for Atlanta. They expect to arrive in Atlanta late Monday. Some 8,000 Jaycees from all over the United States are expected to attend the event which continues through next Thursday. Those from here are going in two parties. They do not expect to return to Plymouth before Sunday, June 26. -