Goings, Comings and Doings Around Here With Mary Lily Blake Phone the News to 300 Mrs. R. H. Robb was able to be out Friday after being confined at home in Onslow Terrace with a sprained back. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Cass left Friday morning for Fitzgerald, Ga , on account of the serious illness of Mr. Cass' mother. Miss Mary Jerdo, social worker from Harlem, New York, is spend ing several weeks here with friends. Mrs. Preston Motes and young son, Preston, Jr., and Mrs. J. P. Mercer returned recently to their home in Elizabeth City after spend ing several days with relatives here. Miss Rose Robling, USO director of women's division, was a busi ness visitor in New Bern Thursday. Mrs. Lillian Imen of Charlotte was the guest of Mrs. H. M. Loy Monday night. Miss Leah Franck of near Rich lands was a business visitor in town Friday. Miss Mary Jerdo, Tommy Keat ing and Rev. Ernest Haughton spent Friday in Morehead City. Dr. J. P. Corbett of Swansboro was a visitor in town Friday. Miss Lillian Foscue of Maysville and Wilbur Foscue of Baltimore visited Mrs. E. L. Cox Thursdiy night. Mrs. Annie Duffy and Miss Annie T. Duffy of Catherine Lake were visitors in town Friday. Frank Tomberlin spent the week-end at his home in Matthews. Miss Muriel Ketchum shopped :n Raleigh Saturday. Corp. and Mrs. Royce Baldwin of Camp Lee. Va., «pent the week end in Jacksonville. Miss Marjorie Trayes left today to spend this week in New York City. Mrs. Tom Simmons, Mrs. Leila Mae Hargett, Patty Ellis and A. J. Ellis went to New Bern Saturday, Dr. J. O. Baxter The Eye Only GLASSES FITTED New Bern Full Line of BUILDING MATERIALS Just Beyond ACL Railroad Station • BOARD - ROOFING PLUMBING SUPPLIES Anything You Need For Construction PRICES RIGHT • BUILDERS SUPPLIES CO. PHONE 241 Jacksonville R, A. Mills of Belgrade was here Saturday. Mrs. I. L. Falkner of .Charlotte is spending several days here with her nephew, Billy Arthur. Miss Nancy Blake is confined at home with illness. Rev. L. C. Pinnix was sick at home during the week-end. Miss Jewel Hill spent the week end at her home at Carolina Beach. Father William S. O'Byrne spent Friday at Cherry Point. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown uf Wilmington spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Stev ens. Mrs. Brown is Dr. Stevens' sister, and Mr. Brown is a nephew of George Walton of near Jackson ville. Maurice Margolis left Sunday for a business trip to Jacksonville, Fla. Mrs. R. P. Murphy and children. Peter and Susie, left Sunday for Williamsburg, Va., to spend seveial days with her husband. Lieut. Mur phy. Marriage Licenses Are Issued Here 0 The sale of marriage licenses hit a new low last week according to Register of Deeds Jim Murrill. Tne following licenses were issued: Rawmond J. Scaguoli, Camp Davis, to Phyllis Kirmaman, Logansport, Ind.; J. VV. Bowling, New River, to Myrtle Stewart. Cleveland. Ohio: John D. Yahner. New River, to El eanor Helmerick. Cleveland. Ohio; L. VV. Foster. New River, to Kath ryn M. Shepard. Boonton. N. J.: and George E. Kert, Camp Davis, to Rita P. Staunton, Philadelphia. Pa., white. Colored: George Wash ington Jones. Verona, to Nora Alice Pollock, Verona, and W. E. Cavi ness. Jacksonville, to Minnie Mc Clammy. Jacksonville. VISITS IN FARMVILLE. § Mr. and Mrs. George Windham entertained Miss Teeny Sabiston at dinned at their home in Farmville Saturday night Miss Sabiston will wed Lieut. Robert Windham, son of the host and hostess, here tomor row afternoon. COLES ENTERTAIN. # Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Cole en tertained Misses Teeny Sabiston and Lula Hurst Cole at an oyster roast at Sneads Ferry last week. EPISCOPAL SERVICES At the Methodist Church Each Sunday Afternoon, 5 P. M. Rev. W. R. Noe, Minister RADIO SERVICE PHONE 269 AMAN FURNITURE CO. Jacksonville Coca-Cola belongs EAT AND ENJOY Herbert's Cream Bread PIES AND CAKES Ask Your Grocer For Herbert's Products NONE BETTER Herbert's Bakery S. CASWELL ST. KINSTON Herbert's On the Label Means Quality on the Table Philathea Class Honors Bride-Elect 0The Philathea class of the Bap tist church honored Miss Teeny Sabiston, whose marriage to Lieut. Robert Windham will take jlace at the Baptist church Wednesday afernoon. at a miscellaneous show er at the home of Mrs. Guy Lock amy Thursday night. On the arrival of the guests, Mrs. L. C. Pinnix directed a flower con test.. Miss Sabiston. being the win ner, was presented a shower of lovely and attractive gifts. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. T. .VI. Henderson. Mrs. Errett Gardner and Mrs. W. T Jessup, served cake, coffee and salted nuts. An ar rangement of white chrysanthe mums was used throughout the house. The class presented Miss Sabis ton with a beautiful bride's book in which the guests signed their names, after which Mrs. Pinnix led the group in singing. The guest list included Miss Sab iston, Mesdames W. E. Sabiston, Z. E. Murrell. A. G. Walton. Sr., A. H. Hatsell, A. W. Langley, Manl?y Morton. W. A. S. Aman, Nobe Surn mersill, R. M. Caldwell, Rufus Gad dy. B. J. Holleman. W. B. Hurst. W. B Quincy. Kirby Thompson. R. A. Lockamy, J. A. Case. L. I. Lud lum. Pinnix. Jessup. Henderson and Gardner, Misses Sallie Langley and Ruth Barham. Flamingo Girl Scouts Hold Meet 0The Flamingo girl scouts of troop number 1 met Friday after noon at the home of Erline Griffin. Several games were played in cluding Camp Fire Motion, • -er which a business session followed. The hostess served oranges, ap ples and nuts. Scouts present were Evelyn Phil lips. Mary Elizabeth King, Pearl Walton, Nancy Capps, Jean Brown, Iris Jean Deaver, Evelyn Bailey. Jean Page Taylor and Audrey Greer. Peggy Sharar. a member of the Flamingo scouts, recently moved to Charlotte. U. D. C. Holds Meet With Mrs. Loy 0The United Daughters of the Confederacy held, its November meeting at the home of Mrs. H. M. Loy Thursday afternoon with the following members present: Mrs. R. C. Warlick. Mrs. E. L. Cox, Mrs. J. J. Cole, Mrs. Anne M. Price and Mrs. Gordon Mattocks After the ritual and salute to the flags, the minutes were read by the secretary and a short business ses sion followed. Mrs. Cole gave an interesting paper on the Universi ties of South Carolina and Tennes see. At 5 o'clock. Miss Teeny Sabis ton, bride-elect, Mrs. W. E. Sabis ton. Mrs. L. R. Turner and Mrs. A. V. Cowell arrived for the social hour. Miss Sabiston was presented with several miscellaneous gifts from the Daughters, she having been a member of the C. of C. After several games of bingo, Mrs. Sabiston. Miss Sabiston, Mrs. Cowell and Mrs. Price were award ed prizes. The hostess served ice cream, cake and bridal candy. ANNOUNCE BIRTH. 0 Captain and Mrs. W. J. Ryan announce the birth of a daughter, Patricia, at Philadelphia on No vember 10, 1942. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Onslow County, made in the Special Pro ceedings entitled "W. R. Harrison and wife. Ruby Harrison, vs. Alice Chenot, widow. Bobby Chenot and Sonny Chenot", the undersigned commissioners will, on the 5th day of December, 1942, at 12 o'clock, at the courthouse door in Jackson ville, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land lying and be ing in White Oak Township, On slow County, North Carolina, and described as follows: Being Lots 4, 5, Q, 7, 8 and 9 as shown on a plat of the Tallman sub division dated April, 1941, recorded in plat book 1 at page 144, Onslow County Registry. This the 4th day of November, 1942. E. W. SUMMERSILL, JOHN D. WARLICK, N10,17,24D1 Commissioners. Mrs. A. N. Venters Honored At Party #Miss Douglas Hand entertained informally at tea at her home in the Boylan Apartments in Raleigh recently for Mrs. Albert Nicholson Venters, who before her marriage on November 5 was Miss Sallie Brooks. A color scheme of yellow and white was carried out, and autumn flowers were used. The hostess presented Mrs. Ven ters a corsage of talismna roses. The guests were received at th> door by Mrs. W. D. Croom and Miss Anamerle Arant and assisting the hostess in serving and receov ing were Misses Elizabeth Haye - Eleanor Mason. Frances Thompson and Elizabeth Seawell. Russian tea. cheese biscuits, sandwiches, nut bars, nuts and mints were served. Approximately 40 guests were received. Both Miss Hand and Mrs. Ven Miss Sabiston Honored At Dance 0Miss Muriel Ketchum and Miss Mary Dean Thompson entertained at a formal dance Monday night in the Community House, honoring Miss Teeny Sabiston, whose mar riage to Lieut. Robert Windham. U. S. Army, will take place at the Baptist church here Wednesday afternoon. A color scheme of green and white was carried out in the deco rations. Ivy and white chrysan themums. interspersed with white bridal candles, were used on the mantel. Small white wedding bells hung from the white and green pa per draperies. Miss Sabiston wore a taffeta eve ning dress of black and red. The hostesses presented her with a corsage of red roses. Cookies, nuts, mints and punch ters were employed here for a num ber of years, and have friends :n this community. were served from a lace covered table wreathed with ivy. Dancing, with music by the club nickleodian was enjoyed from 9 till 1. Among the 50 guests who were invited were Mrs. W. E. Sabiston, mother of the bride, Mrs. W. L. Ketchum. Mrs. Beatrice Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Ferguson and Col. and Mrs. W. P. T. Hill Bowling-Stewart Rites Performed 0 Miss Myrtle Stewart of Cleve land, Ohio, and Pvt. J. W. Bowling of New River were married in the Methodist parsonage on Thursday night with Rev. A. D. Leon Gray officiating. Witnesses were Cpl. and Mrs. A. A. Green. BACK AT HOME. 0 R. L. Williams, Jr.. is back here as a teller at the First Citizens Bank and Trust Company. He has fjeon with the First Citizens unit at Morehead City for several months. Thanksgiving Dance For Service Men 0 There will be formal Thanks giivng dance for service men at the USO building Thursday night, be ginning at 8:30 o'clock. The Ma rine orchestra will play. • Invitations have been sent .to lo cal girls having hostess cards. In charge of the dance are: Mrs. H. L. Proffit, general chairman; Miss Laura Beatty, refreshments. Mis Mable Kennedy, invitations; Miss Lissie Walton, refreshments; Mrs. J. C. Thompson, decorations, and Miss Jewel Hill, publicity. The dance is expected to be one of the top social events of the Thanksgiving season. HELD UNDER BOND. f W. S. Hamilton is under bond charged with assaulting Jack Adams with a deadly weapon. Adams was shot in the arm in a fight near Piney Green Saturday. % Read News and Views Want Ads. ^ 'V c)feflttks3Hfmg The American Holiday Dedicated To American Rights And To Our Pledge To Protect Them Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness . . . resounding words that for all time for all Americans will aptly sum up our code of liv ing. This, Johnny Doughboy knows, is worth fighting for . . this, Mother Brown staunchly says, is worth saving and scrimping for War Bonds . . this, little Jimmy Jones pipingly shouts, is America! Each of us has as his birth right, regardless of color, creed or race, an established set of Rights ... by law, handed down to him from his forefathers as far back as the first Thanksgiving. Let us set aside Thanksgiving, 1942, to celebrate this birthright and resolve to preserve it! Thanksgiving Day . . traditional observance of llie greatest of feast days since the time of our Pilgrim Fathers. An occasion for national rejoicing throughout American households. Up to now, through days of opulent plenty, we have taken this day of heavily laden festive boards for granted . . the ritual of browned and crackling turkey, bright, tart, shining cran berry sauce and rich, crusty, delicious pumpkin pie; Not this year ... we are awakened from our lethargy ... we are mindful of the proud, humble thanksgiving in our hearts . . for the food that is set before lis, for the multitude of blessings still showered upon free America. We will sit down to a table with one of our sons, husbands or daughters in uni form ... or a young stranger from a nearby camp, who is much like our own Ned. And just before we eat, we will once again make a pledge to fight, work, give, sacrifice ... do everything in every way to keep alive forever. . . Thanksgiving and our American Rights! This Space Donated By The Following Jacksonville Firms: J. H. Aman & Sons Margolis J. B. Petteway & Son Leder Bros. SabistonGrocery Rose's 5c, 10c, 25c Store Fleishman's Rainbow Cleaners and Laundry First-Citizens Bank and Trust Co.