THE ONSLOW COUNTY iVl ■ mm 0 The New, and Ylewi Lud( b JMews and Views ehs,.. W JW '•"■'p. Classified Advertising, The Only Keeper In the World That Gives a Whoop About Onslou, County "% > OL. \ II, NO. 50 JACKSONVILLE, N. C.. FRFI)AV~ |\M VI{\TT together with several outbuilding* on the Shaw farm near Richland; recently. Fire fighters who volunteered tc help, were unable to check th< blaze which started in the wood! near the Shaw farm. Considerabh damage was done to the surround ing woodland tracts. By RALPH L. IIOWLAND # Raleigh — (API — Governor R. Gregg Cherry told the North Caro lina Legislature Thursday in his inaugural address that "the present tax structure should remain as it is," and called for a state-wide referendum on the sale of liquor. • The Iron Major" of Gastonia, who gained distinction in the first world war and came home to pro minency in legal and legislative circles, was the second governor of North Carolina to take the oath during wartime. The other was Zehulon B. Vance, in 1862. Cherry, returning to the hard hitting ♦*ctics of his speakership days in a V7, also asked the assem bly to: . Make a study of current policies, with the view of framing a declara tion of North Carolina policy in respect to all federal matters, for eign and domestic. Keep appropriations in the com ing biennium within the availab ility of estimated revenues. Make provision for payment of the general fund indebtedness of approximately $52,000,000 out of an anticipated surplus of $70,000, 000 and place the balance in a postwar reserve fund. Make provision for a constitu tional amendment granting equal rights to women, including jury service. Continue the war bonus to state employes. Pay beginning teachers with A grade certificates at least $125 a month, with increments for exper ience. Raise the compulsory school at tendance age from 14 to 16. Enact legislation particularly beneficial to war veterans. Study the best way to adequately develop the wild life, inland game and fish preserves of North Caro lina. Enact machinery for fiscal con trol of the public school funds, since the recent constitutional amendment made no provision for a comptroller. j Create a departing t of state police and public safety, embrac ing the present department of state police and public safety, the high way patrol, bureau of investiga tion. drivers' license bureau, safety division, fingerprint bureau of state prison, and possibly other agencies. And. while awaiting a liquor re ferendum. provide for controlling liquor shipments through the state in violation of the law. Surrounded by the Supreme Court, constitutional and other high state officers. Cherry referred to the days of Vance. "The question then." he said, "was not one of surplus, but one of scarcity. The question then was not when will the global war end but when will civil strife cease." He said he was "reminded that the end of the war is nowhere in sight. I know that with at least 300,000 of our sons and daughters enrolled in the heroic effort to drive back and defeat the foes of democracy, the progress of this war claims the first attention of tnc hearts of our people throughout the state. Any program of progress for the peacetime perid . . . due to the demands of this unfinished war, must be held in abeyance. It be comes my first duty, therefore, to dedicate, without reservation, our energies, our fortunes and our lives to a continued effort toward win ning this war." Recalling Vance's appeals to the U. S. Senate for a restoration of self-government to North Carolina, Cherry said the people must now keep in mind the relation between the state and federal government, both in the time of war and in time of peace. "We ought to cooperate with the federal republic in all of its endea vors founded upon true functions." he said. "On the other hand, the federal republic owes us the duty of recognizing the functions and the duties not expressly assigned 1o the republic. We cannot, for ex ample. acquiesce in a policy, the consequence of which is to impair the revenue of the state or to de termine the character of its social institutions. The people of North Carolina have far more power in these fields, better understanding and decidedly a clearer duty than the republic, so far as our people are concerned. "I recommend that each house of the General Assembly appoint committees on federal relations to consider all matters in which fed eral policy in North Carolina may be involved and further to make studies of current policies, with the view of framing a declaration of North Carolina policy in respect to all federal matters, foreign and domestic. This declaration of policy, of course, should be directed to that period of peace which we hope will not be delayed too long. In the meantime, it should be our duty to frame a state policy, clearly defin ing and intending to preserve North Carolina's functions and respon sibilities. of course setting out our faithful adherence to the federal union and to the federal policy witthin the limits of the powers granted and contemplated in the Constitution." Cherry then reviewed the growth of the state's fiscal policy and said that now. with the possible excep tion of Delaware. North Carolina is the only state in the Union which provides nine months and (Continued on page five) 4 i