SOCIETY THEY TELL US Edward Smith of Jacksonville is a patient at the Onslow County Hospital. Miss Margaret Sewell has re turned from Washington. D. C. where she has been visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Barrett YVygant and daughter have returned to their home in Marlboro. V V after visiting Mrs. F. W. Marine all iasl week. V. M. Harris of Holly Ridge < a patient at the Onslow County Hos pital. Miss Carolyn Gillikm of Midway Park has been admit led to the Onslow County Hospital for treat ment. Thomas Williams of Richlands. Route 1. is a patient at the Onslow County Hospital. E. J. Bowman of Morehead City was a business visitor in Jackson ville last week. L. E. Rudi.sill has returned from Beaufort where he spent several days last week. Father W. S. O'Byrne left Sun day for Oklahoma City. Okla.. where he will remain all this week. Mr. and Mrs. \. E. Day were visitors in Raleigh last week and attended the Governor's reception in the Mansion Thursday night. W H. Bod-enhamer was in Raleiuh on business last week. Rep. John White of Edenton was a visitor in Jacksonville and Holly Ridge Friday. Corp. H. C. Johnson was con fined at home last week wi'.h ill ness. Mrs. CI. C. Moore of Midway Park has been admitted to the Onslow County Hospital for treat ment. Mrs. Ralph Home. Mrs. Loin llorne. Mi-s ka;nicen iionic ami Mrs. \nnie Founla;,i of -Richland were visitors in Jacksomille last week end. Mr. and Mrs. N. Troll of no ir Richlands were visitors in Jack sonville Saturday. Mrs \. S Hi char ; n o! Km-Ion is visi! Mr md Mrs. W. V. Rieharo s 'ii In ro i'i Jacksonville. Gucn VY'vnn. Helen Brown and I .aura F-anso-. Rich ird> 01 return ed to W.C U.N.C. in Greensbai > after •pending the recent holidays here wit!i thoir parenls. Mrs. Man, Davis >f Jacksonville is .1 pa! icnl a' ! lio Ons! >w C'oiintv Hospital. Mrs 1 ■ i i).n of \Iapii1 11 i! 1 i ■ a pal it'll! a I Hie Onslow Countv Hospital Mr and Mrs. D.acv Justice of Tar f..indium 'at- here Salurday t*n ronto homo after a trip to Florida. Sheriil' 15 Frank Morton and Deputy Silent • .lair -s Likens a - tended I he io.m jural of Govev nor R. ('• ">• - ; ('herrv in Raleiu'ii last Thursday. John D. \V ck a il! at'end lie Stalt' Bar Council in Raleigh. Thursday. Jimmy S-i:i . - m of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sting-ley, has been hrouJit hull* • fmni i he Sidbu-y Hospital in Wi! nin-Oun whoiv he had been confined with pneu monia. Rev. Wade C Smith and daugh ter. Flizabrih. are spending this week in Greensboro. Choose, like eggs. has a rich amount of pro: 'in which will be come tough ,ind stringy if i! re ceives fast cooking. Jk FLOWER SHOP! MRS MABEL KNA UFF , PROP. FUNERAL DESIGNS CUT FLOWERS-POTTEDPtANTS SHRUBBERV Phone 276 j STORE 507 NEW BRIDGE ST. JACKSONVILIE.NC. I GREENHOUSE WESTON HIGHWAY 54'' STATE THEATRE i WEDNI SDA V—J AN. 10 Villi*' Cwy line and Donald Cook in "Murder in the Blue Room" Also a Colored Cartoon. Comedy and a Musical Short THURSDAY and FRIDAY JAN". 11-12 Cary Gran! and IVisu'illu Lane in 'Arsenic and Old Lace' Also the Latest News and A Cartoon SATURDAY—JAN. 13 Doroiliy Lamoiir and Diek Powell "Riding High" in technicolor Ako a Short and a Colored Cartoon W5TWI3CF WH" minrl TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY IAN. !)-l I) John (larridine and J. Carroll Nasli in "Waterfront" Also Chapter No. 12 of "BATMAN" V C'omcdv and a Colored Cartoon THURSDAY and FRIDAY JAN. 11-1J Ann Savage and Tom Neal in "The Unwritten Code" Also the Latest News and A Comedy SATURDAY—JAN. 13 Kiishi-II llayilcn and Bob W ills 'Wyoming Hurricane' Also Chapter No. 7 of "ZORRO'S BLACK WHIP" A Comedy and a Cartoon I- A|TKND AFTERNOON kflOWS AND AVOID NIGHT CROWDS! Freeman-Carter Vows Spoken $ M ss Fi Mav Cart Mur.iee. Indiana. became i ho bride ss.'.i. S• ! 1 11o Freeman of Parker, Indian i and Camp Lejpune i'i a lovel.v ceremony at the .Jack -onvilie IYe-h\ :erian Church on S.iiiir i.o .«: «; p.m. wiili the Rev. Carl R. Ci(ift'icialiujj. s. Freeman relumed to the I S ; •- !.;■■! .1 III V ..I ' • i' llllliv The coup'.' a ill make iheir home in Midway Park. Audrey Hatseli Assigned New Posl • M Nu y ■ M • .;i:*i M \ II II/: - !i af Jacksonville lias completed th • Ked Cross relive she has been at tending in Washington, D. C and has In en a d a- -•all' a d in iho Naval Hospital in Springfield Ma---a; ini •'; - She will i ake up her new duties at once. Linda Joyce Hawk Wins War Bond A i . Hawk 2-vo lr-old daughter or Mr. and Mrs. 1 F. Ilawk of Midway Park, rolled up a total of !0.0.*i() votes and came out hi lup in tiie r'eeni content spon m)! ( II). I he WVuiiaa's club oi' \! i 1 u ay Park in comjnnctian with the Sivi h War I mm drive. The $2."v'ii) !ismcl a as awarded to her parents last night at the Wo man'- Club meeting. Fiuht hair, s .eiv entered in the eontest and runner un to I.inda was liiile Shirk \ Anne Clark, daughter • WO .in ! M- - 15 \. Cla> k Aith a total el ~>.02o vole-. Mrs, P. M, Dennis Entertains Bridge Club (ft ! < 400 Wvul e Chi!) was 'ntcrlained a! the hemp of Mrs. P M. Dennis on Wednesday eve Tit re e J allies <>:' bridue Wi'r;> in play. „wii h iii-iii honor score1 bcin;4 won !;.v Mrs. Tom Bnivvr. ami .-oc ond by Mrs. W. C. Edison Th« floating prize was won b\ Mrs. Joseph Thompson. Gue.-ls fur the evening were: Mi— A\ a Hawson and Mi-s Annie Gray Bur.ciy. At the conclusion of the pi ay. a delicious luncheon was -erv u! by t iie hostess. T!ie next meeting of I he club wii! be with Mrs. Richard Paschal 1 ii Wednesday. January 10. Hiss Schumacher Named Choir Director f$Miss Margaret Schumacher. r»s .v;:ciat • director of the I SO. has been named choir director of the I - of Prague. Catholic church, lice in Jacksonville. Miss Schumacher has been gen erous wit ii her time and talent and has entertained at many business and social functions recently. dt'saMattet of GOOD TASTE TO om WUtlU. Dial's the discovery everyone makes «lien he liines regularly at Scott s Cafe Jacksonville, N. C. DR. MIKE./. PALMER OPTOMIiTKIST Ivvaniincil — -• (Classes l illfil IIOUKS 10:00 A.M. I* 5:00 I'.M. Salnrilays Only I /> Stairs—/Veil's anil l ien s Hnililiiig Next Itt Hub Terminal Woman's Auxiliary Holds Meeting 0 The first ular meeting this year ol" tin- Woman's Auxiliary of the Onslov County tin pital was held last 'I r.ursday at the nurses' hoir.j. Mrs. .1. I'. (lender m. president, presided over tiie business meet in .nut Mi . W. Y. Richardson was in charge oi the pn gram and led in 1!" • devotionals Kid lowing tin1 report of ihe ! n-a-nirer. a decision wfs readied to use I lie proceeds for the organ ization. in so far as po-sible. in J urnish t ire hospital with some much needed nursery equipment Following the business meeting, refreshments were served by the following members of the cortimil •re Mrs. n.i\ id S.ib;ston. Mrs. T. \i .-.'on ( k. Mr«. C'olem;in By uini. Mr Ike Johnson, and Mrs. H. J. llolleman. Patsy Langley Celebrates Birthday ®l.:"!e Pitsv l.anglev, daughter • Mr an I Mr-. \. YV l.angley. of 1 •(•'". o• i\ lie. ivlehrated her ninth birt:,day Friday afternoon, with a ■i♦ fill partv at her home. Mrs l..i:u:!i'v. assisted by Mrs I P.rrk'es . -nipiovivcd the games and : o prizes were cai ied off b\ Mile Pally Cole and Harry Hill. T!v house was attractively de corated in pink and white and a lovely birthday cake, aglow with nine randies, made a ! .-vely centc piece. ('.nests who helped Patsy cele brate included: Pauline Hockley. Mar:.ire! Thompsnn. Heitv McFat ter. Jo-Ann Heal. F.thel Lee Vopp. \nni ^ Hurt Walton. Anne Kerry YVairen Pally Cole. Harry Hill. Hobby Simpson and lames Robert (arden. Youlh Fellowship Entertained at Hubert 41 M — Sara Louise Russell enti>! - i ;> -u-tl i he Vout h Fellowship of Oak (Live Methodist Church ai her home last Monday night. Main gam-os wr-e played by the croup and Neil Provost won the hin*:o pi ize. ne!'re>hments were served and consisted of 'Mi i! salad. nut e lokies and cocoa. Those attending were: Neil and (Is-' :m ! Pro\ us!, Carolyn MeCau iBoth Mid-ell. Tlvelma Grate Strain. C J. McCausley. Karl Mid • ' \'e a Lee i; veil. Francis Mi i t. II. ! Davis. Mr. and Mrs <' i - R:i- -1■ 11 and Henrii tla Laura Beaity Announces Schedule \i - Laura Beaity announces the .uHe'* im' schedule for this Monday: Palo Alto and Silvcr d'lie clubs' combined meeting at 7 o in.. While O ik School. Tues day: p.m.. Southwest. Club. Mrs. Walter Hardin, hostess. Wed nesday l-MO p.m.. Belgrade club. Mrs. Percy Huffman, hostess. TIiM'v Office all (lay. Friday: Agent"* Trainine; School in Kinston. 7 30 p.:n Haw Branch club. Mrs. W. O. Taylor, hostess. Saturday: Office and Market Angry WAVES !n Washington 0 Washington. A1'> -Tiier^ are a couple of hundred angry WAVES in Washington, bu! don't tiiink for a minute that ihey are saying any thing about it openly. They are the girls who live ia barracks within a stone'* throw of the Navy building. At first, according to barrack rules, no man was allowed any further in the building than the reception room just inside the front doer. The rest of the sprawling quavers were strictly a woman's domain. The girls got the sorority hi.,:se habit. They ran up and down 1 he halls in their scanties. visited in negligee and enjoyed a privacy that made even barracks life a pleasure. Then the worst happened. A na vy brass hat came to town and was unable to find quarters for himself and familv. A bright idea occurred to him. He ha:l the walls knocked out of several rooms in he WAVE barracks and put him self together an apartment for himself and family. The rush to buy dressing robes wa.s something. Now all is decoi*um in the barracks, but there's a lot of underbrealh mumbling as the WAVES peer around corners to see if the coast is clear before dashing for the showers or the room of some maiey for a snack before lights out. £ The greatest Paris flood on rec ord occurred in 1910. when the Seine rose 31 ft. 4 in. above nor mal. Knit Sweaters to Buy More Bonds Sweaters are dear to (lie school girl's heart, lieeause she likes tin m warm, colorful, and smartly styled, she i< knitting her own to have these qualities on a minimum budget. Fashionable extended shoulders and < ardi.'van neckline win top honors for i::is gray sweater gail> striped with hands of yellow, red anrl green. There's a matching stocking cap for campus; and sports wear. Invest the precious money saved by knifing your own sweaters in extra War Bonds. : s. I ifisnr) Pcpur/iiifitl Some Tricks for The Teen-Age Group © I'cen-auers have to he on their hies this year. If Ihey don't want to :ei thai juvenile delinquent stamp, ihey've got to lie more conscious than over of grooming and make up. The days of the girl witli "too ihvious glamor" a re gone. and toe "t it) made up look" is as passe and obslete as the pompadour that is ! i >o hi eh or the page boy coiffeure that is too Ions. At a recent posture class at Hunter Hi :h School, beauty eon -:j 1;.1111 Ann O. I lfield advised girls in Iheir teei - to use as little make up as possible and to achieve a na tural •-•lamor ilmv hy mating protec tive foods that protect not only hoalt 1 1ml beauty. She advised a breakfast alvvavs including fruit .iuice and slewed fruit. \ beauty's lunch, said Miss Delafield, should always h;• preceded by one large dinner plate of raw vegetable sal id. Betueen-iuea! eating should be con fined to fruit juice and milk drink ing. Snap and waicr scrubbines plus a ■--.nod lubricating cream are a must for i !u eirl •• ho w ant - to keep her skin ^hiniue She must also exer cise daih in fresh air Though Miss Delafield bolieves that no girl under lf> sliould use a makeup, she says that with a moth er's permission a girl of 15 may start using lipstick. When she starts to use real make up. however, she should be careful nevi ■■ to use rouge too generously, or apply powder carelessly, giv ing a floury look. Her lipstick should not FRUITS VEGETABLES 1 .ight Groceries Soft Drinks Ice Cream Open Sundays E. H. Cole 1-2 Mile East of Midway Park on N. C. 24 Open Daily Except Sunday Brown's Barbecue Place Opposite ACL Station iu Jacksonville Barbecued Pig Brunswick Stew Victory Menus A Nutritious Appetizer Stuffed Celery 1 : ish Lamb Stew Cracked Wheat Bread Pineapple Whip Chocolate Squares (Recipes .serve four) Stuffed Celery f{ stalks celery 1 cake cream cheese 1 teaspoon onion, minced 2 tablespoons chili sauce 1 •» cup peanut butter 1 i teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon tomato juice or milk Clean celery thoroughly and chill. Blend cheese, onion, chili sauce, peanut butter, salt and to mato juice together. Fill the celery with mixture and .serve on indi vidual platos in beds of lettuce. Pineapple Whip 2 cups crushed pineapple 1 i teaspoon salt I tablespoon sugar 1 i teaspoon nutmeg 2 egg whites Beat whites of eggs until stiff, '• in sugar, sail and nutmeg. Fold in pineapple and chill thor oughly in refrigerator. Chocolate Squares 1-3 cup shortening 1 cup sugar 1 egg. beaten 1 I c a spoon vanilla 1-3 cup cocoa 1 i cup cream "■ i cup flour : • teaspoon baking powder 1 •! cup broken nuts Crenm shortening with sugar and Add vanilla, cocoa, cream, flour and baking powder. Beat a minute. Pour into shallow pan lined with waxed paper. Sprinkle bat ter with nuts. B ike 25 minutes in moderate oven. Cool, cut in bars and pack tightly in metal box. be a slap-dash application nor should her hair bo wild and wooly. Koir.'.< should bo applied sparing ly. high on the cheeks, carefully blended from cheekbone in. Powder - 'i m 1 (I be carefully pressed on. and i!v? surplus brushed off. Lipstick should be put on with a lipstick brushy following the natural line of tile mouth. Hair should be care fully brushed, and should be in a chignon net for a neat, attractive look. An important thing to remember however, is that no matter how well a girl's makeup is applied and how neatly her hair is arranged, if she has a poor rehire the whole effect is spoiled. Ii is important to do "Dili!1 posture exercises daily to keep the shoulders straight, the tummy in and the cheeks glowing. Ki n CROSS WORKER 0 Mrs. Alice Vanderbuilt of Mid way Park has been appointed as secretary to the Home Service Agent at the American Red Cross office, it was announced today. RCSSIW HOSPITAL 0 Complete equipment for 5.000 civilian hospital patients in ten hospitals in the U. S. S. R. soon will be provided by the American Red Cross for priority shipment aboard Sovio; government ships to Russia, where hospitals are badly needed. ^The earliest eyewitness account of a Mississippi River flood was that of the Spaniard Garcilaso de la Vega in .1543. —HOLLYWOOD — ARTIST TURNS HIS BACK ON DAYS WORK By RORBIN COONS 0 Hollywood - Carl Crouse is an arlist who turns his back on his work. He paints over his shoulder, and for what he pai:it< he's a \v .ol der. He paints clouds for movies. Carl turns them out to order. He can whip up woolly wisps in a moonlit sky or heavy day-lime rain clouds at will, and he can spot a nifty of sky puff of any size or density wherever the cameraman might want it in any scene. When you see "The Enchanted Cottage" you'll sen Dorothy Alc Ouire and Robert Young wandering along a Massachusetts shoreline gathering driftwood. The sky is filled with storm clouds - Grouse clouds. A small, bright-eyed man who hails from .Johnstown. Pa. (which nativity may or may not hav• « mi n ed his mind to clouds and their sometime aftermath, floods). Crouse can be spotted on the set by the peculiar, oblong green ^yo-sludo he wears to protect his highly train ed eyes from the intense light, be hind the glass on which ho paint >. Turning his back isn't enough. :i< he found out once when he sneaked a quick glance at his handiwork and losl the sight of one eye for a frightening period o1 time. His painting is done a piece of special quartz heat-treated glass, mounted in an octagonal wooden frame five feet high. This is set in Household Hints 0 You will get more vitamin C from an orange by eating it whole than you will by extracting the juice. Electric plugs can be made ' o fit tighter by simplv spreading the prongs apart a little with your fingers. When storing garments, pm tis cue papers between the folds and insert wadded tissue paper in '.he sleeves to prevent wrinkling. A new breed of sheep has been developed which is lighter in weight, and with smaller bones. It may thus be possible to order a leg of lamb for two in a few year . Ginger makes an excellent meat seasoning. Hub it on the inside of chicken or duck or over a leg of lamb- the flavor will be wonder fully improved. Fruit .juices like apple, cherry, grape, peach and pear juice con The pause for people on-the-go tmnwm photographic effect. Because no human eye could even a quick glance into the blinding lighl. paints over his left shoulder, never looking at the glass hut watching the results as ilu'V are created in magnified form on the canvas ahead of him. Sometimes I ho glass nn which his clouds are painted is so mounted that it can be moved sideways by motor to give a remarkably realistic animated effect. Th;< Crouse clouds have been imi tated :it various times but never with complete success because of the peculiarity of his technique. The imitators think it looks easy until !hey try it. They forget that it took ('rouse, who was formerly an illustrator on a Los Angeles news paper. nine years of behind-the brick naintiny to achieve his present skiil. front of a huge and blinding arc lamp, so I hat the artist's work is projected in terms of light and -hadow on huge canvas backdrops to help' create the illusion of out door settings inside studio sound stages. He starts by eovering the entire el a s- with flake while ail paint. Then, with brushes, cloth and razor blade he proceeds to remove-the paint lo leave openings which be come his clouds. Thus he actually achieves a "negative" in which blacks and whites are reversed for tain little Vitamin C and when served in place of citrus fruits other C-rich foods should be served. HThe Turks call the turkey "the American bird." since its original habitat is North America. Facts About Coal li s scarce, due In: short age of lahor in llic initios and locally; restrictions on coal distribution, ^as, and trucking; and tlic manifold needs of war and war plants. With ut most care and conserva tion h\ all of lis. there'll he enough. EUBANKS COAL & WOOD YARD Phono .{21 Jnoksom ill<-, N. C. Keepsake WHITEHALL $500 KmpmI(« LEWES $300 A Genuine Registered Keepsake Dia mond Ring will make her dreams come true ... for a Keepsake eloquently speaks the thoughts that are in your heart. The Keepsake Certificate of Registra tion and Guarantee; the nationally established price on the tag and the name Keepsake in the ring are your assurances of true quality and value. See our extensive collection of these famous rings..;4-;. in a wide range of prices., iT • - Keepsake CUSTIS $100 _,o K»»piok» ORIANO $150 Hartsfield Jewelry Company JACKSONVILLE, N. C.