SOCIETY THEY TELL US a Mr. and Mrs. Deane C Taylor left yesterday for New York City where they will remain for the next two weeks. Father W. E. O'Byrne returned Sunday from Oklahoma City. Okla homa. where he has been for the past week. Tom Shugart. Ha.rvt.-y Boney and John D Warlick spent Fridav in Raleigh. Mr. .and Mrs. Deane Sullivan spent Thursday in Raleigh. B. J. Holleman. A. G. Walton. Jr.. G. P. Johnson. Maurice Margolis. VV. T. Jessup and Lee Humphrey returned Thursday from a duck hunting trip at Davis. N C. Jasper L. Tripp of Greenville spent the week end in Jacksonville. Mrs. Louise Humpnrev or Jack sonville is a patient at the Onslow County Hospital. ' Mrs. Lottie Mae Barefoot if Jacksonville has been admitted to the Onslow County Hospital. Mrs. Clara Gray of Jacksonville Route I. is a patient at the Onslow County Hospital. Mrs. Marinda Marshburn of Rich lands has been admitted to the Onslow County Hospital for treat ment. Mrs. C. B. Brown of Jacksonville is a patient at the Onslow County Hospital. L. E. 11 is spending this week in Greenville on business. Try sprinkling chopped pickle - into soup just before serving. If will enhance the flavor. Fruit cake may be made as suc cessfully from dried fruit a- :'r on the candied fruit called for in many standard recipe.-. Miss Braxton Will Wed Sgf. Merrill 6The g iment an ' approach ing marriage of Miss Mildred Braxton of New Bern to .James A. Merrill of Kinsion has been announced, 'in- we.Id:.:.-: to take placr in mid-February. Both Miv< Braxton am! S_t. Mer ritt who i- a member of th • State Hivihwav Patrol, are wel! kn >wn lure Mi-s Braxton form r!y was a frequent visitor here in connect ion with her work with the Farm Se er:: itv Administrat.on. Rev. David K. Shelton Accepts Pastorship • The K - 'It B tist past r : • V " Carolina St a' _• Baptconv.n: - V) ha< been work' .!a..k-anv:!'e .'.»r the oas! eluh* eon months left Sun S1°He ailoa'ac'ted as pastor of th Vista Baptist church and Barlow Clupel. BIRTHS SSgt. and Mrs. Stephen Shaw f Richlands announce the birth of a daughter at the Kinston Hospital. Mi-, and M Jacksonville . Onslow Coun' Mr. and Mrs. V Hue amount< s in on J a 111:: -v i Counts Hospital. George C.asque oi anuarv 14th at .he f-fi.vivt :d. m Darden -d birth f a WOl I I) ^Ol \ 1 >I> \ \V\KM TOl Cii TO \ COLD I) VY? _ ^ fjwtiMiys ?k. FLOWER SHOP M US MABEL KNAUFF , PROP ' FUNERAL DESIGNS CUT FLOWERS-POTTED PLANTS-SHRUBBERY Phore 178 i STORE Q07 NEW BRIDGE ST - JACKSONVILLE,N.C I GREENHOUSE WESTON HIGHWAY 24 STATE THEATRE TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY JAN. 16-17 John ilixliak A lint- Ba xter in "Sunday Dinner For A Soldier" Also a Colored Cartoon and A Musical Short THURSDAY and FRIDAY Dennis Morgan Dane Clark and Eleanor Parker in "The Very Thought Of You" Also the Latest News and A ! Colored Cartoon SATURDAY—JAN. 20 j A Bin; Double Feature | Feature No. 1 Bob Crosby Graee "My Gal Loves Music" Feature No. 2 Dean Jugjser Chirr Whitney "When Slrangers Harry" *»« flllrii Carta— Wlllllil'IIW TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY JAN 16-17 Edward Norris and Jinn1 Vhhot in "End of the Road" Als Chapter No. 1.') of "THE BATMAN" A Comedy and A Cartoon THCRSDAY and FRIDAY JAN 18-1-9 Larry Itnslrr (!rahl> and Arliiie Judge in "The Contender" Also the Latest News and A Comedy SATURDAY—JAN 20 Hoot Gibson and Ken Maynanl in "Sonora Stagecoach" Also Chapter No 8 of "ZORRO'S BLACK WHIP" A Comedy and A Cartoon t AND AVOID NIGHT CROWDS! < - -■■■— — Wiiliams-Mil!er Wedding Solemnized f S cr of Camp Lejeune, for nerly of De troit. Michigan ; 'ui WO Low > Til den Williams of Camp Lejeune and Richmond, Va.. were : rried at the home lit' tiie Rev. Carl B. Craig, pastor of ..he taek«a>n\ ille Pv ^hy terian Church. la-: Friday evening. The double ring ceremony was used. Tiie bride was givon in marria:# hv Cpl. T!ii '.ma Clair of Burnetts town. Pa., and Sgt. Alice H. M > • rison of Sodus. N. V . acted as ma* Cpl. H. R 1 he best man The bride. • .11 id a I'SMC. ■ ri;le. 'laughter ot Mr md B. Miller of He tr 'it. Mich . ii in the MCWR for the in.1 groom has ::e Corp for lhe id has recent! v M : from Ma Christine Shaw, Richiands, Celebrates Ninth B'rfhday f} ! lie Chrlstim Shaw, daughter < f Mr. and Mrs. Dee Shaw of Rich lands cebhraied h- .• ninth birth day last week with a delightful party a! her home. Mrs. Shaw, assisted by Miss Olive Ann Shaw, supervised the games and two prizes were won by Nell Huffman and Bill Shaw. Refreshments were served and the birthMav cake cut hv the 1ft tie hostess for th? following guests: Stanley E irl and Richard Ki- nice. Shirloy Callin<. Barbara Gail Brown. VVi'.iiam llump'nrey. Lr.ssie Pearl Beaslev. Bill Shaw Ka:hleen and Otis King, Dan Rusf. 11. Patsey \llison. Har >1 Ctnanaugh. Marv Li-e and Morri Barbee. Anne Reid. Marjara Am: Tr at. .1 vce and la-vce Moreadv Be\cr'.v Kdgar. Tri^ NVd. \Iurrv Chavie-. Nma F:i> and A::1:..- R..\ Huffman. The hravie-t orange-. s-rapefruil and tangerines are the juiciest. Rev. and Mrs. L. Grady Burgiss Given Lovely Reception at Baptist Church Q \ beautiful float 1:;; .ceeption v - :en Friday m the lounge of the First P>.:ptis; C airch in Jih'ksiMH die from 8 until 12 p.m. : : ' i*n.r el Rex. an;! Mrs. L. Gradv Hi:: v Mrs John Hill. Mr-. Kirbey '! - and Mr- W \ S. A man • he callers while Mrs. Will ,1. -sup took charge of the guest b.ok. M -> Eleanor Lockamv and Miss Bi :\v .tu'ip-oo "ondorod beautiful p :o selections throughout the e\vp!n:> ,i Miss Teany Sabiston and Kv.i ,1 el':'rk s led in the group Following the musical program, Kev. 1 Mrs. Chaplain B. New qui st of Camp Lejeune and. Rev David She It on -save informal talks. Gue 's were then invited to the beaut ifu!!\ arranged ioa table. Covered with an Irish lac? cloth. : 1 : v'.'e was centered with a bo;:::-. : i: arrangement :laiTodiIs .narc! --is that was fashioned by Mrs. Mable Knauff. Crystal ; iiididabra and burning white '.rv comr'eted -h" lively table arrangetr ants. Dainty sandwiches, co ikies. home made mi'*'s and mixed nuis. were •. 1 Mr-. Walt r Sabi-t on and Mrs A. G W.dton. Sr.. presided over :h 1 punch bo" Is The h rommittee way made w •) e: M> . \. i! II.i' -•'!!. eh ,'irman: Mrs B J ITo'leman. Mrs.. Manley Morton. Mr . Rufus Gaddy. Mrs. Gau\< •• -lack-on. Mr-. F.l:'..e: Pette wa> ::d M: - Km i- Murrill. M ire 1 han ore hund: -d quests called ihr null out the evening to extend ~r-e;- and a hearty wel come 1i. the r a pa.-!or and his family. The r -odbyi s were said by Mr -. F. Gai-dner and Mrs. Tom Herder.son. Whole scallions. with the tops t it y trimmed to allow about three ic'hes oj green, make a tasty vege ihi • Ste un until tt idar but not . , s rve a- \«'li a no] I :i>para us with m€ Ited fortified marga ne. cream sauce, or Hollandaise. v.old never in- cooked !;. ,e..-er Peat if it i- being : ••• li -■> -aid he heated in a , lijie b'.>;' r so :h ;t no food ele ments are lust. DR. MIKE,I. PALMER optomi: i msr Kvo ExuiuitHMl -- -- Glasses I' illrd IIOl'RS 10:00 \.M. lo 5:00 P.M. Sat unlays ()n !y ( jt Stairs—\< us and I ten s Rnilding .\rxl to Has Tormina! i# ;:fri C^S'' | £n;. - •, | *■ . \> ! ^ '* • ,.cV> x Martha Manning styles a davliirlit into twilight tailleur with a soft viol«:t corsage print. Lace-trimmed front-button >tvli- in Fro-t«va Sjinn Ravon. Blix* Mi-t, Grey .Mi t. Lilac Mi-t. Green Mi?t. in sizes 1814 to 2 VA. s8( Leder Bros. Dept. Store "Shop with Confidence — Wear with Pride" Jacksonville, N. C. I jcai Woman's Club Holds Regular Meeting fiv : r u!ar moot in::. of :he Jaek • Woman's i'lub was held J sda-y afternon at the USQ sino Lodge at four o'clock. .•<1 speaker far 'a/ afternonn Chaplain Wed 1"). Bennett. Lt. ran dor. I'SX. of Camp Le \:i excellent sneaker and a ve i veteran himself Chaplain ' -poke on thi- subject. He - Z. E. Mit-rill. president. , ¥i\ p- the business meeting h . I !' •<lowed and additional • • - -\t-e made for the clean-up :.:i which the Woman's club \ mm ion was made to look •' he1- in'.", the possibilities >f s: n:; ? ti trash containers :"or i vn .!ack-onville. \ (ISfnssion was held in >-efer •«< 'hi- bill for a mode *n tyoe . ' ■ m ' On-low Ci *;nt v • - • ib p. Ii!' \ A; thur bri::4 v . o the nmise and which- the ■ 11"- club is backing Km •< -Nmcnts. consisting of -i-' 1 .■ mhos. cake and cnfTco ere b- M-V ;> I. if He-man and M; K nott Petteway. Victory Menus " CHARLOTTE ADAMS I'asv Cheese Souffle C Tr?P Souffle H-,kc I Potatoes Wilt el I.vt'ucv Whnl Wheal Bread < h« col:ite Pudding 1 Recipes -erve " :ur) Cheese Souffle ! i')!i'spi)n'>. (tr'l'ied margarine •asp. on salt ' teaspoon neoper 1 . "tips milk D sh of Worcestershire sauce Vi. wi • in saucepan. Re m• e from fire and add flour. m!x : : "•' a smunih p:.-'«• Return to • ow i'lame an:! add milk gradually. ■ l :rn nconstant i\ until I hickened. \'i>i salt \ci(! choese and <tir until i 'u has me bed \*i 1 Worcester -■ sauco. Meanwhile beat oUg y A;!• i c!uc~e mixture slowly '•» cuu yolks Fold in egg whiles ■ hich liave been beaten until stiff. Pour into ureased baking dish and hake at 35!) F. for 45 minutes. Serve at once. Wilted Lettuce 3 dices bacon, diced 1 tablespoon sugar 1 ; cup vinegar 1 •» teaspoon salt 1teaspoon pepper 4 cups 1 eHit.ce. shredded Saute bacon. Remove bacon tfron: pan and drain on brown paper Add vinegar and sugar to bacor drippin-js. Meat thoroughly. Wher hot pour mixture over lettuce. Adc salt ami pepper and bacon and mi> well. Serve immediately. A rule f saving vitamins i; never to peel vegetables that car be cooked with jackets on. I / PARALYSIS ? JANUARY 14-31 W'WW'W/y'f'f Pa iKf» xnrl r»(r»<M Open Daily - Except Sunday J Brown's J Barbecue 1 Place I ! Opposite ACL Station in Jacksonville L Barbecued f pig I I | Brunswick !. Stew Wardrobe Wonders -After the War ily DOROTHY ROE They're performing feats of :r;iu:C in the textile laboratories these days, as wonderful new fab rics emerge from scientists' vest lubes to .join the growing ranks of things to come in the Utopian post war world. You'll see rayons, for instance, of a tensile strength like steel. Some will be as slivi-r as chiffon, printed in lovely muHi-color .floral designs, yet as tough as parachute fabric. Others will be handsome, rugged materials made of the rayon that now goes into bomber tires. Postwar rayons will appear in new guises, too. such as floor cov erings. upholstery, linings and in du-trial fabrics where sturdy wear ing qualities are necessary. Even during 'the war we have seen the astonishing range of tex tures which can be achieved by the use of rayon yarns fabrics rang ing from handsome tweeds, wor s'.'ds. gabardine? and flannels to linen-like weaves, sheer v dies, chiffons and velvets. Now manufacturer- are concen trating on better construction or pes* war fabric-. Technically '.his means more wc'g'nt. increased twist, stabilization of shrinkage and controlling of stretch. Nunn-rous now fin:- hos have been developed in rayons for war pur po>r-\ especially in connection with ; r^vj^tanco. One development introduces an entirely new ma te rn: • a laminated construction of synthetic fibers and plastics, des 'ined for wide u«e in civilian rain wear apparel after the war. Already on th > market, and av ail: ble in spring garments which will reach the stores within the next lew weeks, is a now "miracle ray on" which doesn't ;adc. doesn't rot. dries quickly, is crease-resist ant. and can be washed and ironed so its makers tell us. easily as cotton. Developed by Por emah. the ;i: -.v fabric is brine used in chil dren's garments, lingerie, play clothes, swim suits and high style dresses for day and -wening wear. For mo-" of the other new devel opments in rayon, however, we will have to wait until after ihe war. !•'< r the present, text!If people paint a gloomy picture, earning that .lie nation is faced with an acute fabric shortage for the next six months. This is due not only to increased demands for cottons, wools and rayons for military needs, but also o such fact : - as ! elief rr grams for liberated countries, a f>' I lower 'production rate of textiles in 1944 than in 194 and gradual disappear ance "f reserve fabric stocks. So if you can't find that fabric you want for your new sprint dress, just remind yourself that it has gone into a bomber tire or i parachute. And dwell on the won ders to come- after the war. NOTICE Regular Communication of La favette Lodge No. 83, A F. & A. M. on the first an< Cx -'third Tuesdays of eacl ' x month, 8 p.m., Masoni« ITn 11. over Johnson's Dru; Store. Tt. C. Warlick. W. M. FRUITS VEGETABLES Light Groceries Soft Drinks Ice Cream Open Sundays E. H. Cole 1-2 Mile East of Midway l'ark on N. C. 24 um ' * '■ '■■■■■ ————- _ Actor Makes Faces For Career | By BOBBIN COONS 0 Hollywood Peter Lorre sums up his career, in a once-over lightly manner. with "I make faces and they pay ni? for it." To him it's an honest appraisal, neither facetious nor vindictive. I.orre isn't trying to be a smartv about it. He actually considers himself a face-maker first. and then maybe an actor. "It started with 'M\ the picture 1 made for UFA in Europe." he says. "My face scared little kiddies, and quite a few adults too. 1 was definitely a bogeyman. I've remain ed one. with variations, ever since " Lorre takes both his acting and his extra-curricular life easy. After his years of acting, he knows that's the only way to exist in the busi ness. At present he's a menace in "Hotel Berlin." a picture that has trained some notice for having in its cast a recent bride by name of i'aye Emerson. Peter floated in from the desert the other day. tanned and reste;!. and floated right into makeup. Nothing seems to bother him. noth ing -c'ins to excite him. He doe- a '>d. craft manlike job it acting and. the moment a scene is fnisae.l, he floats into a i-anie f cribbae.e or chess. He is quiet, polite. thoughtful and easy-^oin". Stars com:- up a1.! drop i ut cf all around him as Household Hints D K:-; , matches in tin containers and out of the reach of children. Try ' 'n'i 1 -. up with a clh of curry powder. Use milk that has gone sour in your cake recipes just as you use ■ wcet milk. Work fa-1 when makin'i paslrv. Too much handling is not good for pie crusts. Kneading the dough for a half minute afi r mixing will improve the texture of baking powder bis cuits. Slice root vegetables .such as car rots and parsnips lengthwise to re tain the maximum nutritive value. To avoid overdoing sage flavor, poultry seasonings made of several different .herbs are recommended. The WHOLE Family | loves to eat at j SCOTT'S | Treat the family to a delicious I Sunday dinner at our restaurant. I All the things you enjoy at home I can be enjoyed at Scott's, but' with no work on the part of your 1 family. Make your reservations' today for this Sunday. Scott's Cafe Jacksonville, N. C. Ihe years uo by. Mo plugs away at :iis job. giving value received. ask ing few if any favors. The money he makes < -anil very feu know ;his) to a whi le stable of down-on their-Iuek folks people whose luck never matched his. He keeps en f.mli f«r a completely un-TIollywood ! vim: and lets the rest trickle away where it does the most good. ! have fun," he says dolefully, unveiling tho-e saucers that pass fur eyes. "Life is good for me. I make fat as ami they say 'Good.' So Unit's what they want and I give iiiem. Everybody's happy- I hope." Actually, it isn't that simple, Pe ter. if he came clean, might admit that he's on? of the most notorious seouc-stoalors in the business. Es tablished hi--name stars shudder a* the thought of sharing a scene with him. They have that deep, dark f; '-ling that somehow, in some way. Hetor will manage dramatic larceny under their very eyes. If - may do it with a roll of his famous eyes. He may get behind ■ hem in their big scenes and do something with his hands, all very innocently. Once, during "Arsenic and Old I ace.'' Director Frank Capr i warned him: "Lorre—if you don't stop fluttering those hands, i heln me I'll cut them oil*." "flood." grinned I.orre, "Then I play my eenes with stumps and steal the whole picture!" Why not stuff poultry the night be!'.ire eookins.!: while standing the meat absorbs flavors from the stuf fing. Soybean milk is used quite ex tensively in China instead of cow's milk. SKATING l.\ I RY NIGHT \M) SUNDAY High Class Photography Commercial and Portrait SKATING IIOCRS FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN Monday lliru Friday 1 P. M. 'TIL (i P. M. Saturday 10 A. M. TIL 12:30 P M. x Sunday Afternoon 1 P. M. TIL 3:00 P. M. ADMISSION :!lc plus 4c Tax ADCLT SKATING IIOCRS Monday thru Friday 6:30 P. M. TIL 10 P. M. Saturday 1st SESSION 1:00 TIL 5:30 1*. M. 2nd SESSION 5:30 TIL 10:00 I». M. Sunday 1st session 1:00 TIL 5:30 P. M. 2nd SESSION 5:30 TIL 10:00 P. M. ADMISSION 42c plus 8o Tax GRIFFITH AMUSEMENTS SWANSBORO ROAD 11 Miles from Jacksonville NO DANCING NO DRINKING OR * INTOXICATION ALLOWED ▲ A' A A' A A A'" A A AAA ▲ A A LEARN TO FLY f i ON A GOOD FIELD I I Instructor Former Army Pilot and Instructor < ! Special Discount On Block Time | Also Get Your Acrobatic Time and Horsepower Rating in A RYAN PT 22 SEE L. L. or J. A. STEVENS Burgaw Airport, Burgaw, N. C.

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