SOCIETY THEY TELL US Mrs. Leon Fleishman and daugh ters, Jean and Mickey, of Fayette ville visited Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sacknoff this week. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Traehtcn berg and family returned during the week end after having spent the summer at Carolina Beach. Mrs. George Buchanan and Mrs. A. G. Walton, Jr. were visitors in Raleigh Tuesday. Misses Eva and Sallie Simpson are spending this week in Boone. Dr. A. M. Fountain of Raleigh aws here this week visiting his father, Nick Fountain of Richlands who underwent an operation Sun day night at the Onslow County hospital. Steve Stefanou. Jr. will leave next week to enter the University of North Carolina. Mrs. Inez K. English and Mrs. B. N. White of Pensaola. Fla.. are visiting MGSgt. and Mrs. E. T. English. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Shugart and family have moved back home from their cottage at Swansboro, where they spent the summer. Gene Koonce. a student at the University of North Carolina sum mer school, is spending the week end at home with his mother. Mrs. T. B. Koonce. He will return Monday for the fall semester. Raymond Hartsfield made a business trip to Richmond Monday. Valentine McCabe is attending a USC) training course in Williams burg. Virginia. Mrs. Georgia To 1 son of Au lander is visiting her daughter Mrs. .John U. Warlick. Sgt. and Mrs. Stone Burnette oi New Bern are visiting Mrs. Burn •ette's mother, Mrs. Lollie Hender son. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hender son and daughter. Mary Lynn, il Wake Forest, are visiting Mi Henderson's parents. Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Henderson. F. W. Frischkorn of Altoona, Pa., has returned after a visit with Dr. and Mrs. G. E. Gurganus. Capt. and Mrs. John V. Huff of Quantico. Va. are spending the week with Mrs. Huff's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. 1. Farnell. Mrs. Huff will stay here for indefinite period while Capt. Huff will re port for new assignment at Pearl Harbor. Rep. E. T. Tonnissen of Meck lenburg County was a visitor in Jacksonville yesterday. Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Henderson attended the funeral of T W MeCrce, Sr.. at Charlotte this week Mrs. Henderson and Mis. McCree are sisters. £ Nearly all tlx1 gold produced in the United States comes from five western states Arizona. Califor nia. Colorado. Nevada and South Dakota. DR. MIKE J. PALMER OPTOMETRIST PHONE 338 Eyes Examined - - Classes Fitted HOURS 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Saturdays Only Up Stairs—iSeus ami Vines RuHtling ISrxt to Bus Terminal Fleishman's Formally Announces The Fall Parade k »> •» » <♦> •:♦> •»; •'» •:♦> a Of Scintillating Fashions With school opening not far off we have just what the School Miss wants for her ward robe... COATS 17.95 to 39.95 SUITS 14.95 to 35.00 DRESSES 5.95 to 22.50 SKIRTS 2.95 to 10.95 JACKETS 10.95 SKIRTS 3.95 to 10.95 BLOUSES 2.95 to 6.95 ALL THE NEW COLORS ALL THE NEW STYLES STOCKS ARE COMPLETE NOW! Use Our Lay-Away Department FLEISHMAN'S of Jacksonville Miss Elizabeth Smith Honored At Party §A party was held in the form of a church social Wednesday ■evening in the Presbyterian Re creation Center, honoring Miss Elizabeth Smith, who is leaving today to reside in Greensboro. Miss Smith is well known ?'n Jacksonville for her work at the Recreation Center and a gr?at many of her friends attended ;3 present her with a cut class vanity set as a token of their apprecia tion for her work in the com u m nity. Entertainment was provided by songs by Lt. and Mrs. Rossi ler. and games were led by Mrs. Carl Craig and Mrs. \. M. Smith \n unusual event in the form .;f en tertainment was displayed when two Royal Netherlands Marines went through a few rounds of shadow boxing. Refreshments were served, consisting of ice cream and cake. A few speeches were mack* at the close of the evening, with Rev. Craig expressing his appreciation and Miss Smith in turn thanking everyone for their generosity and friendship during her stay in Jacksonville. Miss Smith will teach Bible in several schools in Greensboro and will reside with her father. Rev. Wade C. Smith, who is now at work re-editing "The Pilgrim's Progress." Miss Ruth Shepard Hostess At Bridge # Miss Ruth Shepard entertained at two tables of bridge Tuesday night at her home here on Brent wood Avenue. Miss Teeny Sabiston won the high score prize, a box of note paper. Refreshments of ginger bread covered with chocolate sauce, salted nuts and ice tea were served. Playing were Miss Muriel Ketchum. Miss Mildred Tall man., Miss Annie Laurie" Koonce. Miss Lula Cole. Miss Anne Warlick. Miss Teeny Sabiston and Miss Janie Paschal 1. BIRTHS # At the Onslow County Hospital here: To Mr. and Mrs. Carl William Stevenson of Jacksonville, a .on August 28. To Mr. and Mrs. El wood Blake of Jacksonville, a daughter. Au gust 2H. !~o Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Wilson of Riehlands. a daughter. August 2.9th. To .Mr. and Mrs. Morton Seher merhorn of Hubert, a son. August 20th. I Mr. and Mrs. While, Miss Riggs Honored Chap.or. Order^f ^-%,hS"rS2s,« riotf-. n- V,llte and Mis.-. Hen T»H;'oro n('vfr?rc S2", «» '» local USoacrJbCn dirt'C'l,"' of ■VoKli P i'f 'r ani secretar.v of Hie of C-hrisu;0„,,nKaa^re,,CC ,,0ard «£ an,d%Su1„?rInab""t "«>• of the tables wore a^S the Ai.hf rf'OVOly fa" fIowei'.«!'*nrt with shndprt'V8 r"°m Was "«hu'd chaJmlnf f4^mPS Which *ara » Rev^rT'l® invocation by sidi Lodge, told of ihc pi -;.s int associations which thev hYd'"™ ^■n! A Whi!r?nd « ^ohnpJ^ami,y wm or fho A^a"SS' who is commander , llK,,"'a" I-''Sion. also oX. were le1,'vfrt'lS,lhat l?«« Wends nnu-i,.E' VVct'ks- president of .he . organized Kiwanis ,-iub Mioke briefly saying that jhe Kiwanis club was an organ „tim banded together for efficient se v lie and not tor personal gain The oca, c|Ub will live just a „/ the members live the aims and VVpek t°i"S l organization iite. "God Bless America" "iL?gTpT&ir t'k,si"» The hospitality committee com 1240 On Your Dial ....SOON! 1 WJNC WILL PAY $25 A SLOGAN! Select a Slogan far WJNC...und Win a $25 Victory Bond! Send in your slogan, using the call letters WJNC, before Sept. 15th. Address entries to: Slogan Contest, Radio Station WJNC, Jacksonville, N. C. —Winners will be announced shortly. All entries become the property of WJNC, and the manage ment reserves the right to use, or not to use the winning slogan. #1/ /A//* ON THE AIR rVtffVL ... soon! JACKSONVILLE BROADCASTING COMPANY Circle To Sponsor Christmas Boxes # Circle Number One of Ihe Wo man's Society of Christian Serv ice of Trinity Methodist church hold its monthly meeting at ;he home of Mrs. Leon Gray Monday afternoon. Mrs. C. E. Warren led the devo tional and conducted the s'.udy. • The Words of His Grace." At a short business session with Mrs. O. L. Russ acting as chair man. it wa decided that the circle would sponsor a number of over sea Christmas boxes. Members attending the meeting were Mrs. John Warlick, Mrs. Holmes Bush. Mrs. Russell Brendle. Mrs. W. Y. Richardson, Mrs. F. W. Marine. Mrs. S. S. Ambrose. Mrs. W. T. Turlington. Mrs. George H. Bonder. Mrs. Alfred Taylor, Mrs. C E. Warn. Mrs. G. G. Car michael, Mrs. Ramon Askew, Mrs. I W. Starling. Mrs. O. L. Russ. Mrs. lack Burcham and Mrs. E. L. Cox. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. W. T. Turling ton. Sept. 24. Mrs. J. W. Burton Is Hostess To Circle #The meeting of Circle No. 2 of the Woman's Society of Christian Service was held at the home of Mrs. J. W. Burton Monday after noon. In the absence of the chairman, Mrs. J. P. Henderson. Mrs. W. L. Ketchum presided. Mrs. Dave Sabiston gave the devotional and Mrs. J. C. Petteway led the study course. "The Word of His Grace." Those attending were Mrs. Aaron Farnell. Mrs. Daisy Bell Henderson. Mrs. J. C. Petteway, Mrs. Dave Sabiston. Mrs. W. L. Ketchum and Rev. Leon Gray. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Dave Sabis ton. the date to be announced later. Home Demonstration Club Meetings Set ®The schedule of Home Demon stration club meetings next week follows: Tuesday: Hubert, with Mrs. Wal lace Morton as hostess. Wednesday: Haws Run Club, with Miss Thelma Shepard as hostess. Thursday: Meadow View Home, with Mrs. M. S. Barbour as hostess. posed of Mrs. Fred Pitman. Mrs. Pearl Ennett. Mrs. Mary Belle Fournier and Mrs. Elizabeth Veh ters made the arrangements for the supper. They were assisted by Miss Mamie Piner, assistant direc tor of the Swansboro USO Club. HOLLYWOOD — * News and Views of Hollywood * By BOB THOMAS 0 Hollywood — (iT) — Burgess Meredith is a very restless man. Or so he says. This fact was brought out when 1 asked him about the report that the life of Ernie Pyle would be filmed. "If it is done. I don't particu larly care about playing Ernie again," said Meredith, who por trayed the late war correspondent in "Story of G. I. Joe." "Why not? ' 1 asKed. "Because I'm too restless." he declared. 'I can't see myself being tied down to a series." "Does your service in .he Army have anything to do with your restlessness?" I inquired. "No, I was even more restless before the Army," he replied, ex ploding my theory. What would Meredith like to do about his restless 'eeling ? "I want to travel," he said. "I want to get out and see the world. There are going to be exciting times in the future and I want to be in the thick of them." At present, the actor is appear ing in "Diary of a Chambermaid." which he is producing with Bene dict Bogeaus. But much of his dreaming time is occupied with a scheme to make movies abroad. "I'd like to be in Europe when so many exciting things are hap pening," he remarked. ' I've been doing some investigating about making a picture in France, or maybe in Palestine. It's not as fantastic as it seems." He said that with the perfec tion of the 16 mm. camera, pic tures could be made anywhere. "Why couldn't you make your own picture on the Persian Gulf, for example?" he proposed. "The actors would love the travel. All you would need is a crew of about five men to shoot the picture. It seems to me that a picture like that, if professionally done, could compete with any of the Holly wood producions." He described an orientation film he made In the Army. "It was called 'Welcomc to Bri tain.' and it was shown to nearly every soldier who landed in the British Isles. To make it, we just got a camera and started out. We took scenes in the pubs and in the DR. E. F. MENIUS. Optometrist T.jtt Examined and Glum Fitted Rooms Elks Temple NEW BERN. N. C. country and wherever it struck our fancy. But because it was done by experienced men it was a very interesting and professional pic ture. • "It seems to me that the pic tures that have been made by ihe Army and the Navy present a challenge to Hollywood. The movie makers have been saying that documentaries are not as salable as the so-called entertain ment films. But what could be more exciting than The Fighting Lady ? Or 'San Pietro.' That's the real McCoy. If we could combine that realism with an entertaining story, we would have something." £Thc condensed juice of the leaves of the aloe plant has laxa tive properties. CARLSON-WRISTON 0 Miss Beatrice Ann Wriston Of Fredericksburg. Va.. became the bride of SSgt. Astor Robert Carl son of Des Moines, Iowa, and Camp Lejeune in an Impressive ceremony at First Presbyterian church here Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock. The Rev. Carl B. pastor, performed the doubt ceremony. The bride was attired In a blue dress with matching accessories and carried a corsage of white gardenias. The groom, Wftb has been in the Marine Corps si* years, recently returned from 37 months overseas. TRAILER park dance 0 A dance will be held at the Rec reation building in B Village at Pine Grove Trailer Park Tues day night, September 4. It will be tne first of a series of bi-weekly dances. 0 Hokkaido is Japan's northern most home island. WOULD YOU ADD TO THE HAPPY DAY? Sayd ■unth JUfK <]U FLOWER SHOP flK 5 A A/A Off- P£Jf PI'NIKAl DiilGNO CUT ri.OWES.5-PCTTED PLANTS 'J't: .l"8r f'/ Phone *278 i STORE '2'jI Nf.ift BPID6F LlACKSONViLU,N£^I GREENHOUSE WESTON HIGHWAY 24 JACKSONVILLE'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE SUPPER CLUB Your CLUB ROANOKE ISLAND Excellent Foods Expwertly Prepared Dining Room Open From 8 to 12 P. M. Nightly Except Sunday Music - Dancing Entertainment ★ ★ Application^ For Membership Now Being Accepted Temporary One-Night Members Admitted Nightly Only As Accommodations Permit Moe Aurilio and Tom Shugart