THE ONSLOW COUNTY and V-: f o 1 XM t&i ^ The Only Newspaper in the World That Gic<s a Whoop About Onslow County «t> 7 !fp's The News and Views Uida I® Paid Circulation Local Advertising National Advertising Classified Advertising Onslow County News VO!„ Mil. NO. 28 JACKSONN II,1.1". C ■:to»s n 16. !•>f member OK THE associated press |.|;ici;: ."><■ PER COPY $2.00 PER YEAB InoWN EAST WITH j BILLY ARTHUR Cowan who went squirreling, vnt otv"V|* n('ternoon. , The dogs treed a squirrel, ana the Cow;hi brothers Fi '-il times they fired. . many knocking tile squirrel out oi 'hi trTt' had been dead for months, so long that I was partially decom 'STalwavs said my mother di-'n't "so but 01.0 crazy eh lid, and that m 1 \"d. if you d have win me ritline willi Moo Aurilin 011 bis motor bdie the other 'd'.o.'noo. you'd have known how correct that STh^o^tbon,thc thins side V t nm ■■•ils ride horses. Couldn t st-:'ddle it no more than ^°" noiosTr^\hon*iin!: >CNtI. ' . 'it run out from under S'""-1 ™°c wouldn't he me, but 1 nu. i Ult . , alone. 1 had a r.gar-mort.s dcatn grip poor M"0- (n stick l-'rom now on . m vo taxis and my iwo good etl 0 Burnt y Hosier ^ .\p5$» 'her (lav. and ;ome of .h. »■ were be~;in« him for some of the "l' k TU.disill was prom s.'d a bit and won, by ib* and1 the hSm s./'it'w.aild go in the h^^x, mm^n^BurneyiWgt cd to know r ,v. was took that paii o-Rudy savins ■ 01 himsc u. heard about J. he ^ «^,n ft ^v'kmr;; buci: the tension will taste a lot better. • >-ve nou that .n work now, bear '">«■' »n" ,f °t , frat erni'tv^at the University of North %tndoes„'t believe he^d to »v'parent''wh,'»«.'.od it- ""t a so,, a,i>. the nrst time I ^ ' «"» ^raC^ eoming though town cn route t\, t'amp chalked UP ^',lh -I. ,'.is ivip lecessdi>. and .• c,,,\ -1J-, 1 'he u'^'^Unno-'M^Avlh...' Uok back h, l'!i'.!ii1Mine-. ... ,.,11. dark and ha"d«ama ii,' w'ho reer'diy .'"-'a ' ' 4F Id ! -ither U..-S be* ..•.ti," -'and how 'h,l! ,m as vdison was able to gel .don four hours -'■■'oP ■>';>>• .,.ntcn('s." when°"there's a baby boy around the house. ... , .1 ^,1' pictures i Tru • L.00V, a .. in the papers ves mans i.e. •• 1 . ,lt iJV,t one terday. I eo.d a do(W have. a conclusion. \\ » ! rour-in ;,f,rriP,'" ('er'ainiv e,n'l one the same way twice. Tension In Argentina Appears Easinq As New Regime Starts Q Heui"!os Aires-■-</B—Tension ap peared 1d be easing in Argentia Monday as result of measures tak en by the nations new "two- m:m cabinet" in an effort to restor: pub lic confidence and end disorders which preceded Col. Juan Peroivs resignation from the government. One of the first moves made by Avalos and Lima after assuming six of 1 1 cabinet post was to issue a decree reopening the national universities of La Plata. Buenos Aires and Literal, which were clos ed by Peron following demonstra tions aginst his regime by sluJents. New York Hotels Are Sold Out 'lil Sixth Of November § New York -(/Pi—The Hotel As sociation of New York .-aid u>day that not a New York hotel rorm would be available io civilians for a single day between October 15 and November (J. when the fleet is in port, unless they have confirm ed -'cservations. The association, which repre sents more than 200 hotels in the city, expects that 30.000 officers and men will require vooins while the fleet is anchored in the Hud son river. Louis Katzin Buys Howards Jewelers From His Brother £ Louis J. Katzin, owner of the L. & K. Jewelers, has purchased Howards Jewelers from his broth er. Nathan Katzin. and will take -ession immediately. • the time being, the pur M - will operate both establish ~ Howards being adjacent to post office and the L. & K. firm being opposite the Onslow Theatre, both on Court street. Nathan Katzin. who has been in business here for the past four years, will return to his former home in Winston-Salem. Lou's Katzin also has been in business here for the same length of time. J S. I. Robinson Appointed Manager Of Carolina Telephone Office Here T I?^.-!"Son. inanaii'M* :>! t '.e L'art'Iina Telephone and IWcgrwh company at Fremont for the pas lire-'.- months. has been .v P"i .leu manager 'he ■' im ' s' ' Robinson sucrec.lcd Thernlon Mecks. manager f»r 1 P.,s ,A" years. who tow eono to «us"> be in charce of t^at of^ce. o'e Lh" largest in the <- ■ '■ iV i tern. T!v change was last Friday. ... „ Hubill'fll lias 1'CCIl Alt:! '. ' ; 1 Telephone ami Telegraph » »ra ny for six .v-ears. has come ap through the ranks, si to sp'• k. .no is sai<( hv company officials be ■1 capable ami rn'.erprs na .m n._ lie will move his wife ami mi il\ here as soon as he is able to to 2ate a ••esidenc'.'. Striking New York Dork Workers Going Rack To Tte'r Jobs o Nov. v irk i' l)ack *iirk^rs whose strike ha I tied up some 4 t> shins i" New York Harbor 'or two weeks returned to work in large numbers Monday and Joseph K.van, lifetime president <lf the Al l. In i v-^ eiation declared "the men are all filing back to work. N itiim's sirike lines shva ik ■lio'atlv helnw 4U0.(100. i-.-at-sl m several weeks: as the Common wealth of Massachusetts steed strikebound street railways and lotvs-iorernen tri> 1 back to Jap Demobilization Completed: No Force Firs! Time In History • Tokyo l*. Japan slipped ttuie'llv" „ml «»!> ml-elwJ into military oblivion .loivim as ,K cionmbiiizaiion .vis completed -j.. lull' ami for fir-1 ill'.' .'' historv these i lands hd.I com bat military force either 1:1 <act ot in name. \s its fighting force of 7.000,000 S.iidii rs nnd sailors at hoini' a'ul abroad was reduced to •Mitjii i ; t >e Irarislation antl i'iU rrogat'.on s c ii.,M (,f t :h* \Uied 'le.ulquarlcis produced evidence 1 hat .lap ir >.. ps j,,,-! IISI 1 live allied prisoners ri bayonet practice an c»uada.canal and in China. Haw Branch Revival Runs Through Friday; Rev. Paschal! Speaking (ft \ revival sialic I at II 'W Tiraorh Metiu'dist eiiu - h Sunday » " — Oct. 14 with Rev. Fred VV. Paschail. pastor of Trinity Methodisl clmn h. Wilmington, .:><• preaching. This series of se: vices will eon tinue through Friday nighl, Oct. 1!). 1945. Building Restrictions Removed; To Provide Work For Jobless • Washington,- el'1 Ml controls e-nrc off construction ami airplane travel Monday as the natiun I r .,1 the 'hird muni i at neac • 1. it in« the ban on civilian consrtm lion js expected I" stimulate business expansion and provide a ne\\ source or 300 jobs for the con dry s unemployed. Gymnasium Finance Committees Named !n Each Community ©A meeting of the Dixon \ »n:1 s ium finane • committee ; • h'dd \V i ;ii as.lay ni\!:si in the D;\oo school library. M ;1 c<» 1 ! i Du: f. ■ r *• 1 • ..f •, he Plans wiM r d.rv! up for the raising of "Ci 100.00 v< iveh bo no: r:- .;,r> !'<>r | hi- .• n lnt-i: : \ •.:> rriso lo sirin1 'jnv-n! t'r : •••'; > 00 roc. i ".I ' i', • pi t i;c S' ■! ■. . I ". •' . and Verona S,-. \ The Divoi 'i-trie: . .. i v dad into s;; :)ijis! ricts wr. h a ' na .i t* committee 1:1 ••ncii. The commute"- or ho Sa'-ads Fo! rv co r.mundv be : ae •••! bv Mrs. Li!a MeCre • ass'-.le,! bv Mrs. I.. I). Bryan, Adrian Capps. \!!on Capps. Honor; Ju-tc • The Verona Cnmmunitv will be heads ' by A. G S /.!'!. n-s:>•'c-r! bv I M H») 1 if. Gil mi • Saul!. Joe Sum ner. Ge rge Sandlin. and Mrs Hen ry Sandlin. The Hollv Ridge eom mi'iee '■'•ill ! e headed bv Inline See^rman. assisted bv C. C. Hincs. Mr. and Mr.- He - :>rd C; nr b '1. The I'av s Hum. eommiLea will headed by Mi s Lo 1 La <u \ Joh - nv Parker. A /. Thom )snn •;..t the Folk-tone commit lee »vi 11 10 hoaded i.\ I.. !i; 1 biis. Ma c l:n Duj 1. ami MiHanslay. Ti-.i finane eornmitioo will mo ' a.. ai:i Mond.i ' :h:h Cc'.oh r 1 "> a:..I iu :v'rri , n c County-Wide Scout Court Of Honor To Be Hold Tonight $t \ . ' -V i'. Se m< of Honor vill 5;e h. id at th.• by; .'ian Leo: eat! >•'. coo 111 ni: hi at 7 50 o'clock. 'pie Benjamin F. Pollock, Well-Known Leader In Jones Co., Passes f) Kinston Funeral services J' «" Beujatnin F. Pollock. (50. Jones County farmer, who died in a Kinston hospital Friday n >!* : following two woe'es o!' illness, were conducted Hum the home near Tionton Sunday afier.noon at 3 o'clock by :he Rev lo'hn PMe. Methodist minister •>!' Trenton In termcnt was n \Wstvi"w Ccmo terv on the Gold1 -hor ) IIi'.r'iwav. Masons were in charge of the grn\ eside services. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Willie G. Pollock: on.- • 1. \]<- . Edward Pollock e!" Sioux F" !•. S. D : and two daughters. Mrs. Margaret Green of Raleigh and Hilda Pollock the home. Mr. Pol lack was a farmer dir tor of the Caswell Training School. For Hi years he Was a membi r of the Jones County Board of Com missioners. Iyears of which he served a. chairman He 'a a member of the beard 'd' stew.ials of Fov Memorial Met'nodist Church and taught a Sunday School I s> in the church. He was also a mem ber id' the Trenton Masonic Lo; AKKEST BLAC K MAKKI'TKIIS 0 Beilin •/»'• British troo i.s by tanks, charged into the Tie - garten. heart of Berlin's bl :ck market. Salur.'iav irter:;'.)on aod rounded up 2.000 pcr^)!!.\ ieehi • ing a number of Russians hiani - tied officially as ""si idor off cers." Raleigh Makes Plans For Truman Visit, Parade And Speech November 1 U'i (/Pi Vpproximm :1v 1.000 scats in Raleigh' Me n rial auditorium will be sot aside >r county and slate Democratic p::rty leaders when President Truman speaks here on the night of Xov eember 2. The remaining 2.700 seats in the auditorium will he thrown open to the public in ".first ome first served" fashion. Commi tcv ClmrimanA. I!. 'Sandy Graham sftid after a meeting of ilie com mittee. In a session with Governor Cher ry the committee also decided on plans for a military parade to pre cede the President's speech i*i the auditorium, scene of the State's Democratic conventions. Details of the parade are being left to State Adjutant General I. Van J'.. Melts. He will be met at the Raieigh Durham air base by a huge recep tion committer headed by Mayor Graham A. Andrews o'.' Raleigh. A motorcade will form there to t:ike the President to the executive man sion where he will be met by Gov ernor Cherry and other state of ficials. A buffet supper will follow at the mansion. Members of the t re ception committee and the presi dential party will be guests. A: 8 p. nr. the President will leave Hie mansion 'or Memorial audi torium and will r: !c in ;i:i :»}u•: 1 car iia till- parade down bVvetiovilh' Sl foot. Tho chirf executive's .speech hero has been sot for 8:30 n to . after which ho w-ll board a special train for M !antn. G;> ile v 1 i sot the Dii'C' Georgia Tech f:»<> 1 ');<!! game there on Saturday. State Democr; tic Kxeeu'ive Com mittee Chairman William IV t in stead of Durham will preside ov.-r the meeting in Memorial auditor ium. National Committeeman Wil kins !'. Morton of Pitlsboro will in troduce Governor Cherry, who in turn will introdueo 11k President. RESERVED SEATS The 1,000 seats will be set asid:% for these parly leaders: Chairmen and vice chairmen of the county Democratic executive committers, members of the congressional, ju dicial and senatorial district com mittees. members of the General Assembly, the state iudiciary (in cluding members of the State Su preme court, and superior court judges and solicitors), presidential electors, delegates to the last na tional Democratic convention, state officials, and count\ campaign man agers for Governor Cherry and Dr. Ralph McDonald, opponents jn the last Democratic primary. National War Fund WIS! Be launched A! Dinner Here Tcninhf ® \ ki: !■:•!.(T si-ope, l-.nnc'p., , . National War Fund d ive in ol s he cminlv community nr G- of Thomasville :cl "f \orr;i CjiimImv . II rp" ,k "" ■•->:»•,,-e-ed . having made the commencement op™\hf;rP^;prro^Leo:™00X ' ,i.:;r"V Cr,,,",;v :!1 •' ""Mime solicitation for 22 member wen i;• I• if!j>;o- i -cf) 0; ,, v.. , ■ . 1 ■ i.r.d. iho I riled ) • , - • !' • ' • • d local aseneics. ' ' :i :P"\ ; "i ' and the Onslow County Com munitv So -vice • mmifte •. Preliminary organization work v;is npli.shed F; i.!;)v !tl!:v ?n 1 'r.(if i: K! 1,•!\- '»!) c-mmundv ; ■■ i !irn:i:*h Nowln° c""k WitH Chairman T Communities and groups will he ■■■■■,. n-;i. , „ . •; 1,1 fund- hev ■ i jn tne 1:M4 campaign it was decided. v ' »«• a 11 |. . ■„ cl- t> ^Mi'.lnlions !; i ' :r Ia< -M l ri|(]e persons and itr.-»n>- ;•,.j . . ( lows: ' ' "" Jacksonville — $5,600 Maurice ,hi; ' '•!:■!> .v , m ./'J- ?uss' and Mrs R. E Smith post-war sei yico vsmmiM . .-jh.-d-msn Rich lands SfiOO. the Lions club. Ml, Grm': Traiier Park $310, Midway Park -$506, (he Worn an e.iub. Paradise Point - (,;!7 lli'lh Rid-:. S" >S. T;„- Hit i n"'h. &sC,ub presidcnt- an" , ' ( K'wan'.s ■ 1 ;.*i.d H: nry Poj■-•on. , •' >'<■■ ■>'•'!'). Mrs. |. t) !'>'■'an and Mi j" Capps. '1 ;• l>nior-<r f'ubs — Si30 Miss Laura Beaty. Col rr« : Ponul: lion '$777. Rev s. L. Stanford. p«i» iii.-i hi- •••,, [. '■ 'i v'' - a"le: t'i ■ ki -k-of; .vupner vornriht, v-' nding the meeting Friday ' :v ; Russ. Mrs Smith, { r- " ''an Ccik / !•: Mm* l! .!• i< C; tpiw C ,1 ft r »0i, son. Rev. W Crowe of R eh lan.!:- H. .! ?! • i i -in .m -\\' Co I - tin- .J, !!. A man. Sam Leder. Giiar • '■ t'"ark ir.. Mauriee M.o". oil-: am' til!ly \: : i;m •. !-ocni ai ••'i-if sharing in the rampa _;n \«. I! :H. the Hov a :.i Cii! Sen-is. and the Onslow County Comnuinit.\ Service Council Na tion il agencies for whit h the funds !• ■•or-/ • !:' in i:•:i nt:i:n ari I.' • 1 'SO. I • t I I •, t. nited Sennmn - Serv ic. w n- !"ri .'-aiier's \m{ Ir,iiI' o,- i :ie Wa." iji-tief '• : i i" .'•• K.•«!«•! it. x- r <• 'Una Kc!i f. '• .«• . « ,f in-! . r ('• «•:»• • k; i •, !: w i R, Association. Am-frican Rrlief "'if ^nun u ,n K\ tiff for Ilalv I nited Lithuanian Rel| : Fund. Friends of Luxembourg. American lU'iief i'oi Nr.r.\ay. Po]: h \y:iv |>;. il' ■ I'll If! Y11.Fund. A :i ;-r ican Field Service. Pcin r • IP-'ifi' 1 rosteci's. and tiio I S. Comniil l(,c for t!ie Care of Furopean Chil dren. School Will Bsqin lonq Schedule Today: To Open Cafeteria ^ ! n.'imuration • 1 i he If - -. he I ulo todav and oet nim: ■••!' the r:\i 5 1 .1 . k • ■. •• i! «• hi-!; scnoo! wore amem-ce 1 vo le: 'ay by [>v\e.cit>al W Tl. Ivnei • The new schedule \v:,ieh (•; ! - on the short 11:30 a. in. lo 1:30 p. in Nch-iule which has hern i, s'.nce school opened 11''1 \*, urn il! coni Inue to be 1 he rair y d pro (i icii ;.l -1." '! . and close :r. 3:01 p. m . followed by a 35 niin !i' activity period daily. Li'udo The activity pe iod will be for i:,l r.mmr tl a* hlel -. a; d c\lra- cur ricula activities which the iiv'ivd u al sfiide'U snav si let accord1..- to his own interests The cafeteria again will be op era ti'd under 1 iu* supervision of \1 s h'.-v 1', ! I ! Ion !e; son If wi ! be open at 11:30 for children ol 11 until 12.40. die lunch period, i'or tiie h'nh school. \ wcll-b.danc ed meal will be served at a nominal cost made j tssible l\v uarlicipa tion in the Federal school '..inch room program. Bishop Thomas Wright To Make Official Visit To St. Anne's 0 T:ie Hi Hew Tiiomas H. Wri'-i'r. 1). 1).. Bishop ot the Diocese ol East Carolina, will make his <ir>t official visit to SI Anne's Episco pal church. Fridav evening, at 7:30. The Bishop will preach and ad minister the Apostolic Kile of Conftrraat ion. FIRK AI VR\I 0 Firemen extinguished a blaze in a small building in rear of Humphrey's cafe, just across New River bridge, yesterday morning. Ten Ondowans Get Hone;: " ' Di^chsrcss pAP"1 ■ '"*1 O rj pf) T 0 ^ «$> T'.'O oraoie c! Thov Spf. ■ who ma odor : and S paisns. (•I' ir wi Cone! C' Li'u«t-a11 m eda!s. Octob: :■ ' C' • ville. ivi photo": foil 'J it i Philipnh fho A si Bronx a ' America' "*'• of Hubert \l:t' !<;. 19 i:2. • . : •• il!i c 011 ' -i" 1 iho P i:iip ■ i:ios ii'i rn' Crnmi- Si-" was tlu ehawd .f' hv: ■ f tackson roe, lo •hircian in n who weais ic with 1 hree Good • duo'. and Philippines . :nd who was Elect:' George ' who ' n I s-;i. r. route on ly 21. IP ; the I'. \ V and the I W'llO VTi - Sffi. 5 lanfIs, \« '.0lost IF. moo! ..I, the air < man dv, ? -s. (\ r. i: \ M V.'Y t-.e (; c:i Pfc. J the EA? Hi-;: Pvt. " to Second d iss Irnhim rf .JarU^onvi 1. : • J: i; * * 1 a Vni'-f^wfcp '• ! irman of Ki 'lilantls, • ... it? pel s M'vi( c I ii •:i VI . y 1 a c, ok at •id f irt \v. 1 >mon of Rich orod ' h A my Vu !. aw! was an airplane nor par' icip '■ I hi Ardren :• l i. • Brotr/e Stars, ana ■ . oh mod .1-. • •>-•! who • I Soat-nilua- 28 WI*'*ey of Rieli tw'i. who tdoivd ihe • ! 194:?. and was. • :•! - crewman in the ••• Ivo. a' :ii v.l"ars : Purple Ho .i't mi' . is i. ! 01! d Mai-h who was a. rhar..ed .Jones of Si'vcrdale. ; \'■ oo February a truck driver in the Gui :o i camp 'io" T1 : ); • )<:!, 1 fc. V lsar .Jordan. native ;f Mow S'ayri!a. I'la . ho.t of "VlavsviPe. r !!»';• V re ' 1 to V.'O'V !0 fie'd lineman in ! ho Rh n: In; d an ' < o"i f.ral Europe, wl t te EA -VI ET V th two Bronze Stars, the Vh-m'w n Defense, the American Theatre and Good C( nduet med als. and who was discharged Oct.o h( :• Col '• bcrt V.' of I!'; hlaods, r-.iite i" «». •' !•«» • nun ed son '<-o .1'1 - :ui. 1 " 12 - :i sp >i i a I vo'do' opera'* ' in the campai ms >1 N"-r man-' V • vl iim'ii I i of. . A h f ■ i - ro> o. -a? s 1 it E \ M w i . one . , • | th C . ('"11 md w;vi was .hs/narvd i)( tic-P: mo:i. ' Octo1 •r> Pcttev.av. eolored of , jii-' route one, v\ ho ent< r ,o AI. i y 7. HMI. ^ 'i truck a N •!" h a'" Solomo ns, e A i i Hi :'<• ' A- : : ic with one Bronze Star and wlio w is ;i>cn.v.r.ed 3. PTA Would Correct interrelations Of School Bus Laws M Y\. T Tim ' i-vl M-s Carl ilcs o! .1 • o'v i'lc v.nil Mv> "• - \ ( IT. Mi'i v -i\ Park : tend id : '• r'islrio' P.r fri-Ti -her association meeting in \e . 1 rn Fri • \ i )| ,»f the results of the moot - in-j a ro^e jf n which asked 1 he S to of North Carolina ;o elarif> once 'and for all thp law uov<-, iautomobiles iia'iiv: win ii hool busses :it'o s' op J)' • cl •1 n the :i iwa\ - It • is said lhat one inli-rpret i 111... lhn «sh VV9S 1 ha* '.i .1 ristv ar;■ • |Uireel only to halt, after whir:- they max i r«"-ei I 'o-arfl less whether the bus has finis! ; taking on •:>«• pmtinu • »n child i Another interpretation is I avn! Is Executed Afte- Suicide Try With Poison Fails 0 P. -Pierre Luw.l wtas exceii!ed as a traitor to Franet earlj Wonday after failing, to cheat a fit . squad by sw allow nr..- poi son. Thr man who collaborated will' the (o-rmans as chief of gov era men! -l Petain's \"i:*hy Re-inv> di ed !<-.:n a coup! do grace, 'ire through his ear. when volley iron firin squad did not kill him. Doeiors restored the svvarthj traito from the effects of poisor taken four hours earlier. lie w;v led to the courtyard of bleak ole Fresnes Prison and died with i cry oi "Viva La France". He was refused a final roques to give the order for his owi death :o the execution squad. Lav al refused, blindfold and faced hi executioners. Hold Waterway Hearing At Courthouse Today Grandpa Holieman Locks Hotel; Granddaughter Is More Important $ Vt . f t he v is nv !'" Recon version is oil. but it isn't stopping Mr ai'!'I \ 1, • 15. J. Holeman. .Jack sonvd'e hotel ;j\\ ners and •- p<-r:i tors, from seeing their first grand dan;', h'.cr. 'i' if; beu:ih: some brand ih-w locks las; v-i-k. had thvm install od. and '•!!-! as soon as the* last gut ;t moves out of ihe Rlverview Mote! Annex, they're locking up the ii■ ?■ • i am1, iaking off for McCook. ! • i'i !"• .i sort of a dual eel: bra ti m for the Mollemans: a visit w th their first grandchild, little Vivia L; mi Nulton. ami a vacation Willi tliei'- '-•>!' uid his recent bride. ;or m er 1.1 ii' and Mrs. 13. I. Mulle in mi. Jr.. who will make the motor trip u it 'i t in- r Y< up ihdi 'man was ia- d frim the Army Air Forces last week after having serv ed as a Liberator Bomber pilot during which time In* was report ed mi • in ac' ion over \ustria. Tii. grandaiighter was born last ?\ionda> to Lieut. and Mrs F. L. N i; it on Mr* Xni'im bei- :: i lie im i Mi's Virginia Holienian. at M;■ ('nmk. Neb.. and immediately the !j.ilioppins planned to .:o west. But the> couldn't find anyone to run the hotel. ■ the war was over find cap able man:i'.:enie:i: could be secur ed they thought but were wrong. At !oa>L they couldn't find any one as (|i:iek!_\ as tbey would like. So. Mr. ilollenian made a quick de cision: lie would lock up the 25 room hot-'!. 1 be fornnu old Jarman Iloe-e. I■ >!:- a popular sp"t here. He boirjht i e\v locks to gu all ai uind ' le house, gave notice to toil' ni-rs.nects th- I no mor- ^oums wei •• be:- ? r nu-d ur.t; I their e tlJVn •: i 'I'oni llii'.i A-ken v. 'i i -in- v-. ou':i ieave. Mr Ihd Ionian said during . m w ek end that "wiAe ■ •) about -"our nave mm-gs LP. in the house, and when they check mil. so are we." "We don't lik • losing bu-in. ss. but this is an e\en! 'hat comes 'in ly once in a 'M'etime." the hotel own- and operator who formerly 1 i\ ad in Rah- .;'i ate. Smithfk 1:1 s iid "and were not 4:,i'"-: lo lvuss it. W «• don't wan! !•> close shop. blip we just weren't aide to get anyone rm'n away." Holleman also owns and leases the Riyerview Hotel and is part owner of the New Kiver Oil com "\Ve didn't know B. 1. 'that's wba' he calls his son* would be going along. but he came in Thursday nigh! and surprised u-. We're* to have a good time." gr .p.doa declared. KFI»AIKIII) 7.01."» SHIPS ®l'r vl Harbnr. ••'P> This start ing point id' ihe Pacific war re paired 7.013 ships to play a big role i:i rniiin.: it. Nav\ i'Lires. ju-1 disclosed, show the yard com pleted within tii days repairs on 'the battleship C )lorat?o. which rip; (m! : hob- or.i ibird «he length of hi '• hull in running aground on an uncharted reef. .AT()M!(' FXFRGY BOON' ft -\ •!' Sen:1 juggling the hottest scientific po tato in history domic energy heard today that the new power will give the airplane of the "u ture a virtually unlimited ••rnge. Reason- 't won't be burdened with the heaw fuel loads carried by present da> aircraft. Mrs Kar! Bishopric Will Attend District Woman's Club Session #T <• \\ Club M ivva; Pa"k will !••• si to ihe Confer ence o! h;■ I! : 1-1 Twelve.. V C. Fedcrion o: Women's clubs in the Community Building. Satur <)c-'«»:)<•:• ::11• h. Registration will ; "Jin at 9:30 a.m. Mrs K:i r' Bishopric. State Pi , wiV addres> ihe club wimvn .Mrs Bishopric has been thnmniicui ihe -mire war period chrirman of the Women's Division n:' Ihe Wiii' Finance Committee. 1. S T: < .Department. Under hei ic:i.!e> lip (lie Slate )f North C; roiifia has climbed to second place in the nation in the salo of war bond- and stamps with only tile S:,;te (if New York ahead. Mrs. John M. Council. State Vice President in charge >f dis tricts. will also speak. At the luncheon session. Mrs. Nancy C". Robinson of lackson. Missis.-ippi. irginal advisor ol' War Finance Comm-tlee. will speak on the \ ictor\ Loan drive. which will be gin on October 29th. Mr-. .James A. Odom. district president and president of the hos'ess club, will preside over the conference other district officers are Mr-. /. E. Murrell. vice nrcsi dent and Mrs Paul O. DeRagon, secretary. Mrs. .lamos T. Little of Green ville. state chairman of juniors, will preside over the junior ses Mrs. James G. Crouch is general t hairman ot local arrangements. Clubs expected to be rr'pre-ent ed at this conference are Cherry Point. Mr--, Fr: nk W Bel. presi dent: Jacksonville. Mrs. O. L. Russ. president: Ki.iston. Mr- J K. WooL-rs. president: Mori head Citv. Mrs II M. Fure. president: New Bern Mrs. John F. Rhodes, Jr.. president: Oriental. Mrs. E. R. Goodwin president: Snow Hill. Mrs. Geo-ge O. Hn'dy. New Bern Juniors. Mr- Kdmond Nelson and Vancebor Junior-. Mrs Earl Cleue. president. C. W. Conklinq Named Local Councillor In National Chamber % W. Conkling of Jacksonville has been anpointed a member of the councillors of the National Chamber of Commerce by Presi dent Deane C. Taylor of the local organs/.at ion. By viriue ot its recent affiliation with ihe national body. Ihe Jack sonville chamber was entitled to a couivillor. and to that post Conk ling was named. Conk!im: is owner and operator of the Trailer Park Grocery. Mid way Park Grocery and Family Grocerv. 80-P01\TF.KS (.IT PRIORITY # Pa i - Doughboys with less than fill points were being weeded out at assembly camps to day in order to give 80-plus men priority in a redeployment sched u! • that now lagging dm to the shipping shortage. Dr. Jane S. McKimmon Will Speak At Achievement Day Program Here §•) .1;«rr s McK ;:i :n. :i •cli-v.i. founder of the North Carolina Fed ( -.'ion rif lliMiir Hem nstration (■iii!>--. wiil !),• the principal speak.t at the Fa 11 Achievement Da\ pro gram in Onslow County October Announcement of Dr. McKirn mon's ci.'niiiiu to Onslow was made at 1!i.* County Council meeting 11 T.i'' nan St >eet I 'S() Thursday afi crnnun. The Xchiovement Da\ pro gram will he h'-ld in that building, and will begin at 11 a. m. Mi--s I.aura Beatiy. home i-oni also announced that Miss Yerna Stanton, Southeastern District Home Agent, also will be present for the meeting, which is expee'ed to attract approximately 200 worn en from throimhout the county. The council Thursday adopted a revised constitution and the pro gram of work :' nr H)4fi-4(i. The resignation of Miss Beattji as home agent was noted wit ii "sincere reeref. She will go to Scotland County November 1 as home agent after having been here for the past three years. In November the home demon stration club meetings will be tin der the direction of the food and nutrition leaders of the local clubs and the meetings will begin at 2 p. m. instead of at 3 p. m. The change in hour of meeting was made because of the recent switch back from war time. Swansboro Secures Senator Whitaker To Help With Projects ® Stale Senator R. A Whitaker of Kinston assisting the Town' f Swan.sljoro aet ready lo make ap ptif:»tion for Federal funds, if and when they are made available, for necessary street surfacing and im provements. Trior to the war a Federal pro ject was used to install curbs and gutters in that: community, but the streets never were surfaced accord ing to projected plans at that time. As a result, the streets are literal ly washing away and are in terri ble condition, it was said. Swansboro town officials be lieve that the Federal government will make available some funds to communities which are unable to finance the work without it being too tax-burdensome. MAJOR 1OSS Kill 1 VSI.D 0 Santa Barbara. Calif.— f/P> — Marine Maj. Joe Foss. credited with being the first flyer in World War 11 to equal Eddie Rickenback er's World War 1 record of down ing enemy planes, was releas ed from the marines yesterday, the marine air corps station here announced. 0 The hearing on proposed deep ening of New River channel from Jacksonville to the Inland Water way will be held in the Onslow County Courthouse this morning at 10 o'clock. It will be conducted by the U.S. Army Engineers of the Wilming ton District of which Col. E. E. Haring is in command. P. V. Capps, local wholesale company owner, and Nero E. Day, Jacksonville attorney, will present the case of local interests who desire that the channel be dredged to a depth of 12 feet to accomo daie Inland Waterway freighters. Other local citizens will also pre sent statements as to the need and desirability of the project. Capps. who heads a Chamber of Commerce committee, said yester day that he hoped every business man in the county would be pre sent at. the hearing to give sup port. both moral and factual, to the proposal. The project, it was emphasized, affects the entire coun ty. If approved, it will provide water competitive freight rates for Jacksonville, such as Wilmington, New Bern and Greenville now have, and result in a substantial saving on freight, savings that will be beneficial to consumers as well as distributors. The channel now has a width of 90 feet and a depth of 10 feet, the depth insufficient to accommodate inland waterway freighters. A depth of two more feet is being asked. Will W. Barker, bl, Prominent Trenlon Resident, Succumbs # Trenton.—Will Washington Bar ker. 62. former mayor of Trenton and a busines leader of Jones County, died Thursday night in St. Luke's Hospital at New Bern, fol lowing an illness of several months. Funeral services were held Satur day afternoon at 3 o'clock from the home in Trenton. Interment was in the Trenton Cemetery. Born in Trenton May 29. 1883. son of Sylvanus Barker and the lale Mars Morton Barker of Tren ton. Mr. Barker was educated here in private schools, then attended Ma>sc\ Business College at Rich mond. Va lie became an active leader of the Democratic Party, and served as school board chairman. He was a Mason, at one time being wor shipful master of Zion Lodge here. He was also a member of the Woodmen of the {World and Sudan Shrine Temple, and a member of the Methodist Church, being one of its stewards. For two yea^s he was a director of the East Caro lina Chamber of Commerce. Surviving are his wife. Mrs Ber tha Deppe Barker, whom he mar ried in 1908: two sons. Nelson S. Barker and W. W. Barker, Jr., both of Trenton: one daughter, Mrs. J. W. Callahan. Jr., of Greens boro: ins father. Sylvanus Barker, now critically ill here: one sister, Mrs. Wade Mallard of Greenville; and two brothers. John A . Barker of Greenvile and Dr. C. S. Barkrer of New Bern. John Kocnce Brock, Trenton, Succumbs; Funeral Conducted 0 Trenton. —Funeral services for John Koonce Brock. 63. farmer, business man, and former postmas ter of Trenton, who succumbed to heart trouble at his home in Tren ton Wednesday morning following an illness of several weeks, were conducted from the home Friday ;irienioon at 4 o'clock by the Rev. •I. R. Phipps. Presbyterian minis ter. assisted by the Rev J. R. Poo. Meii;odisi minister. Interment was in Trenton Cemetery. Mr. Brock, who was postmaster here for 14 years and was connect ed with Baugh and Sons Co.. in New Bern, fertilizer manufactur ers. and with the Dixie Warehouse in Kinston. was a son of the late l>aac and Caroline Brock. He was a lifelong resident of Jones County. Surviving are his wife. Mrs Mol lie Brock: two sons. Jack Brock, chief petty officer, with the Navy in California, and 1.1. (jg> Donald Brock, with the Navy in Japan: and one brother. 1 W. Brock of Asheville. Reuben Holt Gets Honorable Discharge From Armed Service % Reuben Holt, son of Mr. find Mrs. R V Holt of Jacksonville, ar rived home Thursday night, hr i orably discharged from the Li. S. Army, lie has been stationed at Camp Blanding, Fla. prior to which he was in the Panama Ca nal Zone. He had been in the army four years. ADVOCATE ONE COMMAND 0 Washington — (TP) — A surge of sentiment appeared developing among Senators today for early merger of the Army and Navy into a single defense force.

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