Midway Park H>ws NewOfficersNamed At Park Board Meet By MRS. MARK RANEY Members of the Board of Gov ernors of the Midway Park Com rnunity Association met Monda; evening in the Administrate Building, with the election of nev officers of the Board for the com ing year main business of the eve ning. The meeting was called t< order by the president. Kermi Guthrie and minutes of the las meeting were read by the secre tary. Danny Kirk. It was interest ing to note that from the financia report for last sear, read by Petei C. Killeen. the Midway Park As sociation. which is a non-profil organization had collected some over $12,000 and had spent approxi mately the same amount. To bt exact there was a loss of S24.00 foi • liie year. These monies are spent in sponsoring various projects for the welfare of the Park, such as Boy Scouts. Girl Scouts, dances, base bail teams, dancing school, art school, needy families. Christmas parties and. etc. At a recent elec tion of members of the Board of Governors it was noted that there were only two changes made and these two members were welcomed into the organization. New officers for the coming year elected at this time, were president. D. H. Kirk, vice president. O. R Huffine: trea surer. Joe Everett and secretary, Mrs. S. L. Moore. W FOR LINIMENTS, ftANOAGES^I -EVERYTHING IN FIRST-AIO SUPPLIES" GO TO KETCHUM DRUG CO. HAVE TME.SE FiRST-AlD NEEOS ON HAND 1M CASE OF EMERGENCIES/ KETCHUMD <7buvni{>&0*fi). Jackson vi lle^mion : JACMONVilli 286 c/*^cMIOWAY PK. 2120 Peter C. Killeen at this time in traduced Captain H. G. Bozarth who met with the Board, represent • ing the Commanding Genera • Franklin A. Hart, to bring a mes sage to the residents of Midwa: Park, through their representatives tiie Board of Governors from tin General pertaining to the beauti fication of the Park. It will be re membered that some time ago ; bulletin was issued to the ett'ec that special police duty would b< used in the Park for the protectioi of property and of keeping tht premises in good condition. Cap tain Bozarth told the members ot the Board that he would not stress emphatically enough the need ot the residents to co-operate whole heartedly in this project. He said that the General had assured him that he could speak freely at this meeting, that with the co-operation of the citizens, the Park would be improved with assistance of Camp Maintenance and the Housing Management. Plans are now in the making concerning playgrounds placed in several areas, throughout ihe Park, concerning gardens on the front row facing the highway, and of other projects to beautify the Park Bulletins will be issued at an early date concerning these projects. Captain Bozarth brought out at this time the wonderful improve ment that has been made by the Management, of residences on But ler Circle. He then suggested that citizens of the Park would contact the representative from his block and make suggestions Lo iiim ot her. concerning the playground projects or gardens, to be present ed to a committee composed of Ker mit.li Guthrie. Rhodney Hamby and Joe Everett. For your information, names of the members of the Board ot Governors and the blocks they represent will be printed at the end of this article. Rhodney Hamby and Coil Edison, representatives of the Boy Scout committee were present at this meeting to ask the co-operation of the Board in sponsoring a fish fry. to be heK' at Community House on Saturday evening. March 18th. at five o'clock. This event is tor the benefit of the Boy Scout Associa tion to send two Scouts to the .Jam boree at Valley Forge in .June. The Board heartily assured Hamby ;>nd Edison of their assistance. Kermit Guthrie, outgoing presi dent. gave a brief report on the purchasing of plaques to be pre sented to the Outstanding Ci >/e:i and Outstanding Organization et tl e Park at an early date. l-'.w! j. ing is a list of members of the Board of Governors and the blocks ihey represent: 100,200 and 300 blocks. Mr. Calvin Meekins. 'S24 Butler Dr.: 400. 500 and 600 blocks. Mr. Jim Herndon, 422 But ler Dr.: 700. 800 and 900 blocks. Mr O. R Hufline. 908 Butler Dr.: SEVEN STAR Blended whiskey. "The straight whiskies are 4 years ar more old. 37'<i% straight whiskey. 62v2% neutral spirits distilled from grain. 15% straight whiskey 4 years old. 15% straight whiskey 5 years old. 7!2% straight whiskey 6 years old." ^34. 4/5 QT. is 90 PROOF ' SEVEN 0OODKRH AM A WORTS LIMITED, PEORIA, ILLINOIS NOW AVAILABLE IN Vending Machines at Filling Stations and Dry Cleaning Plants, and Direct to Cus tomer by the Box of 50s at Wholesale Prices. THE CORONA PLUS TIP Mark of Merit CIGARS HANDMADE OF MILD HAVANA TOBACCO FOR THE CRITICAL SMOKER At Tobacco Counters 2 for 25C At Wholesale $5 Per Box At Whiteway Steak House in Jacksonville We make to order cigars of any kind of tobacco-Havana, Porto Rico, or Domes tic—to suit your taste. Mark of Merit Cigar Co. BOX 314 RICHLANDS, N. C. 1000. 1100 and 1200 blocks. Mr I D. H. Kirk and Mr. C. K. Huney cutt; 1300 and 1400 blocks, p. I f Barker. 1406 Butier Dr.: 1500. 1600 and 1700 blocks. Mrs. S L. Moore of 1610 Butler Dr.: 1800. 1900 and 2000 blocks. Mr C. Burgiss. 1809 Butler Circle: Lee Ave. Mr. R. Rovster. 3111 Lee Ave., and Mr. Joe Everett of 3136 Lee Ave Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert La''on and son. Mrs. Dick Base ha 1 and Whit Coates are spending several days " in New.York City. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cassell and children. Ann and Tommy, have; returned from a two weeks vacation in Florida. While away, the Cas selis visited such places of interest as Key West. Tampa. Bok Tower and Silver Spring. Articles For Sale The Opportunitv Shop lias the following items for sale: Several portable radios, new but shop worn, of known makes, being sold under cost. Items badly needed are cribs, bassinettes, baby carriages. ■ hi 1 dren's ciothing through ten years. There is a wailing list for all the above items. Please bring your do nations and commissioned articles in on Monday and Fridav. P.T.A. Meeting In the absence of the president. Li. Col. Buchannan. Mrs. Daniel H. Kirk presided at the regular meet ing of the Parent Teacher Associa tion in Camp School Monday eve ning at eight o'clock. The meeting was opened with a praver by Chap lain R S Sassaman. Giving the treasurer's report. Mr. T A Bachus reported that there was a balance of $872.64 on hand. $650.00 of which will go for scholarships. S100 had been received from the Op portunitv for the months of Janu ary and February Mrs. Peter C. Killeen announced that 36 subscriptions had been sold to date for the National Parent Teacher magazine, and to receive the honor award. 50 more subscrip tions must be s<<id before 1 he fif teenth of April If was announc d that an Open House meeting will be held throughout the entire school in connection with the next PTA meeting April 'ird Midway P>rk and Par;i«!i«> Point schools will be open ;if 7 p.m. The meeting a i11 be held at eight p.m. in the high school auditorium and the Camp School will be open after the meeting. Each teacher will be pre pared to show you what progress your child has made, li was an nounced at this time that the need ed robes foi the school choirs will be subsidized by P.T.A, The next radio prom-am will be "My Music", directed by Mrs. K C Rosacher on or about March 20th The exact date wi'l be an nounced in this column in an early issue. A brief but interesting talk on Fire Prevention was made by Fire Chief \nderson. afte/ w hi eh announcement was made of the ap pointment of ,he fo'lo • iir' eom m-itee-. l.unchroom: Major Tyford. Harry (\ '. en and Carolyn Diike< Banquets Mr.-.. F. T. Eagan. Major Pv. E Hagerlon. Major H. T. Marshall. Major A. H Peterson. Mr and Mrs Harry Cohen. Mrs. R Passingham. t Chief W O L. Smith. MSiit. Ha'rry Saunders. Lt. H. H. Mayvilie. Mrs. P' B. Coyle and Mrs. 11 P. Hudson Movie: Col. G. F. Goode. chairman. MSgt. Harry Saunders. Mrs. 8 -V Bow ditch and Mrs. B D. Maynard. Mrs. Rhodnev Hamby announced that the program for the April meeting would be "Reading Train ing" with talks- by Major P. B McNicol and Mr. James Rudasies. Slides will be shown. After the meeting, at which Mrs. H. H. May vilie was hospitality chairman, a Bake Sai< . all goods donated by parents. was held in the hall and SI 06.85 was netted, which was turned over to Chaplain R S. Sas saman. to be used for both branches )f ihe Scouts. Attendance were won by Mrs. Dorothy Mul lins 4th grade and Mrs. Rowe's 7th grade. The program was turned over to the Girl Scouts. Scout Birthday Observed The National Girl Scout Birth day was celebrated by the Camp Lejeune group in conjunction with the P.T.A. meeting Monday eve ning. March 6th. at the Camp School Mrs. Violet Heavey. Organ izational Chain, .an of Onslow County and Chaplain R S. Sassa man. chairman of all scouting 4.at Camp Lejeune. gave brief calks on its organization. Mrs. Arthur Sells, represent in . the Y.F.W. Auxiliary presented Troop 28 with their troop "lag A pai'.tomine depicting "Family Heading For Norway LI. Col. and Mrs. B. B. Manchester. Ill, t'SMC. are preparing themselves to speak Norwegian to better understand the fountry and people they will soon become inhabitants of. as Lt. Col. Man chester leaves the staff of Lt. Gen. LeRoy P. Hunt, t'SMC. FMFlant. Norfolk. Ya. to so to Olso, Noray where he uill be assistant naval attache and assistant naval attache for air. lie has been on the staff of FMFlant since June, 1948. Night" was presented by the seven troops <>i Brownies and Girl Scouts, each troop in turn showing what the. had learned as an aid to the home Chaplain Sassaman intro duced Mi>. Franklin V Hart, who presented the Brownies with their earned pins and the Scouts, their badges. The impressive ceremony was brought to a close vvith the inging ~>f "Taps", A benefit movie for Parent Teacher Association will l>e held at the Midwav Park Theater. March 16th Admission fnr :»dults will be forty c^nts and for children twenty-five cents. The movie to be shown is "Albuquerque " P.e sure and buy tickets from the children soliutinti. to help your PT \. Junior Women Elect Officers Junior Woman's Club of Midway Park he'd election of officers in Community Building Wednesday evening ;>i eiuht o'clock, with the temnorarv chairman Pat Raney nre<u!ine. The meeting was called to order and minutes of the last meeting were read bv the tempor secret a rv Shirfev Ti Mrs. C. A Murra\ i< chairman of the Com-, mittee to draw up the Constitution : ead -amo and it was approver' and adopted. Flection of officers follow ed and the following Acre c'<-?ed as charter officers: President. Pat Raney; Vice President. Mrs. ' A. Murray: Seeretarv. Siiirley T'der. and treasurer. Mrs Clarence Sher rill. After the elect on an informal discission was held. Mrs Carrel 1 Moser. representing the Senior Wonvm's CVub attended the meet ing. It was announced that instal lation of officers will b<"> held at the March 13th. meeting of the Senior Club, with Mrs Karl Cleve of Vanceboro. District President as installing officer. Members of the Junior Woman's Club, the Execu tive Board of the Senior Woman's Club and Mrs. Cleve >viU have dinner at Jim Tanner's before the meeting. Charter members of the Midway Park Junior Woman's Club are Mrs. Clarence A. Murray. Jr.. Mrs. Clarence M Sherrill. Mrs. Roy A W a •.•liter, Mrs. Richard O. Wrenn. Mrs. Thomas E Grace. Miss Nina L. Lvles. Miss Ann S. C'ha son. Mrs. Glenn A. Roehlk. Miss Elizabeth \ Grady. Miss Shirley C Toler. Miss P Patruia Raney. Miss Patricia J. Dailey. The '>b Wife Teaches Husband In Cooking School PAUL SMITHS. N. Y. — (JP'i — Mrs. Mary Ditch, 21. is making good as a breadwinner by teaching a course in hotel cooking at Paul Smith's College. One of her stu dents is her husband. Robert Ditch. 24. Norfolk Couple Study Norwegian Before Trip By Mrs. Beltye Morrison I t. Co!. And Mrs. Manchester Leave For Olso. Norway Li. Col. and Mrs. B !i. Manches . III. I SMC. are preparing li.riusrives in spoken Norwegian to holier understand the country and t i■.'•e they .s ill soon become in : ahilants of. as Lt. Col. Manchester >.a\ e- me staff ot Lt. Gen. LeRoy V Hunt. I SMC FMFianl. Norfolk. Ya. is- ^o to 0!m). Norway where he a i: i he assistant naval attache and assistant naval attache l'or air. He .as been on the stall" of FMFlant since June. 1948 The Manuhesters. until they depart. v\: 11 continue to Ha e at 7625 Gloucester Ave . Nor :nik. \ a .\ tea was given rriday aiicr noon in honor of Mrs. Iceland Stanford Swindler, who before her marriage recently was Mrs. Avres Pul:es. Mrs. Clyde II. Long of 84". Little Hay Ave., the host ess welcomed the wives of the Officers of the t'nited States Ma rine Corps Depot of Supplies. They were Mrs. A. C. Davison. Jr.. Mrs. J. G. Heidriek. Mrs. A. E. Keith. Mrs. Vearle McKean. Mrs. Walter Sandusky, Mrs. J. E. Cravit, Mrs. P. J. H„ arty. Mrs. .1. T. Bates. Mrs. E. A. Miller. Mrs. G. J. Mouvery, Mrs. L. C. Craumer. Mrs. A. A. Eirth. Mrs. C. E. Lane, Mrs. C. K. Swann. Mrs. S. L. Brogli. Mrs. A. B. Grosser. Mrs. M. K. Martin. Mrs. .1. C. Kesek and Mrs. Robert Erear. Lt. and Mrs. Jame* Gallagher recently arrived in Norfolk where IJ Gallagher will be a company officer ai the Marine Barracks. Na val Base, lie has recently returned from sea duty. .Captain and Mrs. John Haggerty, lTSMr are on two weeks leave vis aing relatives before uoing ,o Ar gentin. Newfoundland, where Cap tain Haggerty will be stationed. Mrs. John A. Burns and two chil dren arrived, in Norfolk Friday from California to join Lt. Col. Burns. ject of this club snail be io pro mote agreeable and useful relations among women of domestic, cul tural. literary and artistic taste, and to encourage mental and moral development in the community. Cub Scouts Give Program Members of the Midway Park Cub Scout troop are shown here as they presented a special program at ceremonies held recently at the Community Building. The program was built around King Arthur's Round Table. During the ceremonies, the first Cub Scout eligible to enter the Boy Scouts was pre < seated to Scout Master J. E. Perry. Cherry Point Mrs. Penko Is Guest At Stork Shower By CATHY BLANTON Mrs. Addis, mother of Mrs. Wit wer. was entertained by Mrs. W. T. Herring, wife of Major Herring, last week at a cocktail party held in the Herring home. Six of Mrs Herrings' friends attended for cocktails gnd then the group gathered to the Officer's Club for luncheon. BABY SHOWER A Baby Shower was given by Mrs. Marge Waits honoring Mrs. Frances. Penko. wife of Staff Sgt. Penko. last week. Attending were Mrs. Margaret Russell. Jerry Everle. Velta Arbuckle. Betty Jones. Lillian Bacon, Mary Hudson. Maybelle Castor. Verna LeClair. Lova Yarga. Pat Webb. Louise Noyes. Judy Toonev. Dottie Gibbs, and t iie hostess and honoree. Games were played including Charades and seven prizes were given to the winners of the various games. Mrs. Penko opened her gifts and re freshments of ice cream, cake and cokes were served. A Luncheon-Bridge party was held in the Topside Dining Room of the Officer's Club by Mrs. Flater, wife of Colonel Fiater. and Mrs. Sampas. wife of Colonel Sampas. for thirty-five of their friends. Prizes were won by Mrs. Miller, wife of Gen. Ivan \V. Miller. Mrs. Bailey, wife of Colonel Bailey, and Mrs. Sweetser. wife of Colonel Sweetser. and a floating prize was aw ai ded. A Hard Times Costume Party v»as. held for Officer's and their vivos ill the Commissioned Offi cer's Club on Saturday evening. Music was furnished by the Sta tion Orchestra and enjoyed by all i he guests. Mr. and Mrs. Addis, of Cleve land. Ohio were recent visitors of Dr. and Mrs. Witwer at Cherry Point for ten days. BIRTHS February 18—A daughter. Linda Carole, born to Set. and Mrs. Rus sell .1. .Jarcel. February 18—A daughter. De borah Dianne. born to Tech. Sgt and Mrs. Lyle A. Watts. February 19- A daughter. Mari lyn Louise, born to Staff Sgt. and Mrs. Edward J. Popp. February 19--A son. David Nel son. born to 1st. Lt. and Mrs. John V Snapper. February 19—A daughter. Bettv Jean, born to Staff Sgt. and Mrs. Aden D. Windham. Jr. February 20- \ son James Kav. horn to Lt. Col. and Mrs. John W. ! Stage. CHERRY POINT MEN SELECTED FOR PROMOTIONS 1 Selected for promotion to Col onel from Lt. Col. are Lt. Col. Michael Sampas. and Lt. Col. Wil liam R. Wendt. Selected by the ; board for promotion to Lt. Colonel i \ere Majors Loren D. Everton. William T. Herring. Hai R Kolp. Max R Read, and Hensley Wil i liams. Promotions of the selected j officers will be made only after professional examinations and as j vacancies occur in the rank for i vhieh thev aore selected. LOCAL PISTOL TEAM HOLDS ELIMINATIONS FOR MATCH MATCH The station pistol team will fire in the National Midwinter Pistol | Matches at Tampa. Fia.. from 14 to ; 18 March. The team is captained ! by Lt. Col R. D. Moser. Elimina tion scores have been posted and i seven of the eight team members ' have been selected with the eighth : 'o be chosen after the match for the Midwinter shoot. High scorers posted for the team to date are i Capt. Cross. Capt. J. Hughes. Ma 1 jor Jordan. Capt. O'Malley. MSgt I Duke. Lt. Hadcock. Staff Sgt. A. H. ! Wright. Major Ford, and MSgt. H. Scheetz. Police Dogs Are Used To Rout Communists SINGAPORE—(JP\—Police dogs are to be used in Malaya's jungles by security forces to ferret out Communist \errorists. The Far East Air Force has as signed two experienced dog handlers to the Police Training School at Kuala Lumpur. After getting preliminary obedience tests, the first batch of dogs bagged their first victim—a wounded insurgent in niding. ■n OUR WORK Will AlVtt* STAND TV* TEST-TWtRB ONE WORD FOROUR WORK, mm n PLUMBING C9 303 STRATFORD ROAP-/W6SB JACKSONVILLE, N.C. V J^rs . ""t/Vff *A - O' Club Activities BOM S PARTY On Saturday. 11 March, an in formal Bonus Parly will be held at the Mess. Cocktails will be serv ed from 1830-1930. buffet supper will be available from 1930-2100 and dancing from 2100-0100. Let's all attend and make this 1st Bonus Party a huge success. DANCES An informal dance will be held r»n Friday a I the Courthouse Bay Annex of the club. Anyone who has never attended one of these affairs\ has been missing some of the most enjoyable parties on the post. Plan to he present in the River Room on Sunday. \2 March from 1730-1930 to enjoy another of the popular Tea Dances. The Tea Dance rate will apply to all re freshments. Staff NCO Club Activities Friday evening there will be a ' dance in the Mirror Room. The Divisionaires will furnish the mu sic for your dancing pleasure. ' Wanda will provide the vocals, j Come early and assure yourself ' of a good table. Saturday evening: between the hours of 1600 and 2000 there will be a SPECIAL PLATE served in ! the club. There will be music be- j tween the hours of 1900 to 2400. Come on down and enjoy your self. Sunday evening a SPECIAL , PLATE will be served during the ; same hours, with music for your < envjoyment between the hours of j 1700 to 2100. Don't forget Monday evening is i BINGO NIGHT in the Mirror Room j and the doors close at 2115. Come ; early and get a good table. Wednesday evening the j TOAST MASTER'S CUB will hold its meeting. This is a new club and all members interested should take advantage of this op portunity. Men. here's your j chance to sound off. Your writer would certainly ap preciate some material for this column. Drop your material in the suggestion box in the lobby and ! we will see what cooks. Say "The News & Views Had It." ATHLETE'S FOOT S'o Alcohol — No Acid —- No StiB| Fur quick rrlirf and goad result* feel lb* famous VICTORY OINTMENT. Developed for Ihc bovs in the Army, now for the heme folks. tiet VICTORY—Get Result#. AIm Ur First Aid and Itching. Safe to u»e on aajr tart of the body. Sold in Jacksonville by JOHNSON KETCHCM DREG CO.! OB VOIR HOME TOWN DRUGGIST SMITH CONCRETE Six steps to quality construction SMITH CONCRETE PRODUCTS, INC. Kinston. N. C. PIIONE .{412 Local Dealer: Builders Supplies Company Nelly Don NORTH-SOUTH SUIT DRESS /£" flipped little-boy jacket over a smooth, soft dress that's easy, figure-flattering. Note geometric button darts that give new interest to simple dress lines. Made in town darks and pastels, in washable shantung rayon with crease-resistant finish. Sizes 12 to 40. Other Styles from $7.95 to $16.95 USE OlIR LAY-AWAY PLAN FOR YOUR EASTER OUTFIT MARGOLIS

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