Chf Ltj—m, Midway Park N>w» Traffic Accidents Rise At Lejeune BY DIANE A. RUSSELL NEWS FROM CAPT. CHRISMA! IS WELCOME TO EVERYONE HERE At Newport. Rhode Island. th< housing situation is just about a difficult as it is in Onslow Count; or anywhere else, for that matter according to a letter your corre spondent received this week fron Capt. A. S. Chrisman. formerl; Executive Officer at the U S. Na val Hospital, who is now talcing j special course of instruction a the Naval War College a: Newport Captain Chrisman had served a the Naval Hospital at Camp Le jeune for almost three years, anc his departure was regretted no only by the hospital staff but b) the large number of civilians, whc G & W William Penn Blended Whiskey $6 Proof «««T«i »M4YI vNMOV| IT1AWMI WMBKfYJ IN THIS rtOOUQ 4 tUM OB MORI OLD 35$ STKAMNl HY, MX NfUTIAL IflilTJ, MST1UJ9 A MOM HAM. 0 mmm i tn una, mm. ujhh gave him a "farewell" party Captain Chrisman's letter, ir 1 part, follows: "The housing situation here is as difficult as in Jacksonville , There "are no quarters at the War . College and we haven't been able . to find a house in Newport as yet. Consequently. I have been living ; in B. O. Q. a: the Training Station and my family is in Connecticut at . my wife's sister. Our two daugh ters have been away in Camp on Cape Cod. They will all come to 1 Newport next week when a house that I have leased will be avail able. We shall be very happy to get settled again. The course at the War College is certainly quite interesting. We have British Naval officers. State Department representatives. Air Force. Army. Navy, and Marine Corps officers and civilian scien tists in the class. I am the only medical officer in my class and find that strategy and tactics re quire me to burn the midnight oil. I also find that twenty years makes a lot of difference in did actic work. Nevertheless. I am en joying the course and am sure that I shall profit a great deal as far as any future staff work is concerned. We miss Camp Lejeune a great deal and have hopes of be ing stationed there again before my naval career is completed." Everyone at the Naval Hospital hopes that a hat Captain Chrisman voices is true—that he will come aboard here at least once more before he concludes his career in the United States Navy. And everyone who knew him and served with him here at the Naval Hospital — Navy or Marine personnel and civilian alike—wish him and his family the best of everything in his tour of duty at Newjairt! TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS RISE ON MILITARY BASE HERE It's not funny at all. It is really serious when you and I consider that up to Wednesday. 6 Sep", a total of 322 accidents by motor vehicles occurred on the Military base during the year 1950 thus far. which includes Midway Park as well. For the first eight months of Our Professional Concern Is But With Just Two Things— YOl'R HEALTH AND OI R REPUTATION Therefore, We Only Accept Those Case/ "hich We Believe We Can Help. I DR. KEFFER'S CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC 801 West Vernon Avenue (Goldsboro Highway) Kinstoo N. Clinic Phone: 2954 * Night Calls. 2*43 Hours: 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon. 2:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. Daily Closed Every Wednesday and Saturday Af;*n»o*a Quality Remembered Long After Price Forgotten We Build to a Standard—Not to a Priet Smith Concrete Products, Inc. Kinston, N. C. Rhone 3412 Dealer: Builders Supplies Co. We Don t Like To Brag But... HAVE YOU ever noticed who the people are who eat with lis regularly? They are local folks who work down town and have not the time to prepare their meals—especially noon meals—at home. We like to think they eat with us because they have found we serve meals that taste (food every day. They are particular people, and we like to think they come back every day be cause they are pleased every day. We in vite you to come in and try the same men us and determine for yourself just why people who eat at the Crystal once always eat there more and more. CRYSTAL CAFE COURT ST. PARADISE POINT By PEG McDonnell Phone 6541 North Carolina really did itself up proud by producing perfect weather for the long labor Day weekend The beach claimed just about everyone who stayed at the base—a wonderful surf and lots of sun On Saturday night couples relaxed at a Labor Day costume friends joined them for a picnic dance at the club and on Sunday at a tea dance and buffet dinner. General and Mrs. Clifton B. Cates arrived from Washington to enjoy a quiet weekend at the beach. General Cates returned to Washington after the holiday and Mrs. Cates is vacationing here for a week. On Labor Day Maj Gen and Mrs. Ray A. Robinson and at the beach. Tuesday evening Maj Gen. and Mrs. Robinson motored to Raleigh to be the guests of the Governor of the state, Mr and Mrs. W. K. Scott at dinner and to attend a performance of the Icecapades. Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Cramer and their son Lawrence. Jr. were the weekend guests of Col and Mrs. H. D Hansen. Mr Cramer was the governor of the Virgin Islands at the time Col and Mrs. Hansen were stationed at the Ma rine Corps Air Station there. He is j now the Secretary General of the Caribbean Commission with head quarters at Port au Spain. Trinidad. They are returning shortly to their ; home there after a leave of two | months ir. the states Also visiting | Col. and Mrs. Hansen is Miss Lea Cowles. who is the head of the Child Development Department at the University of Alabama at Tus caloosa Informal dinner parties and cocktail parties seemed to the order of the week Or. Wednesday the 30th of August. Col and Mrs R L. Demg. Jr . entertained friends at a dinner party Also on Wednesday was a dinner given by aviation personnel attached to this base ir honor of Lt Col anc Mrs R. G Owens Jr and Lt and Mrs. C C Ward who are leaving for duty a: MCAS Cherry Po.nt L. Cc. and Mrs F X Beamer had a . party on Tuesdas evening :r. :he R.ver Room of the Off:errs S'.-db :n honor of Mrs. C. C Pulha.n who :« returning to Wtj.-ir.r.v'r. after being a house g-jer. of the Beamer s for the sum Or. Wednesday evening Capt and Mrs R T Dwyer Jr nad friends ;r. i r i farewell cocktail party for V: and Mrs R T Dw-ver who art >e*£ after a visit here with s-:<r. *£•€ iii« family ve&x the figure 322 means u.b~. rs'.:. mo.n:h 38 accidents oc urre-c In other ■aords. through :.".r rr•:nth of August—the eighth mc:."." of the year, a breakdown i'i a - tha: there -were 33 automo :;.e accidents for each of those .-norths This is on the basis of 35 each for the eight months, al though there could nave been 29 one month and 48 the next. Anyway, it figures through eight months at 38 each month. That g.ves a total of 304 accidents. I Leaving the month of September alone, there are still 11 accidents ■as of this month. At any rate, any way you look | at it. there have been 322 acci dents through Sept. 6, 1950. and if you want to figure it better, or in any other way. go ahead We still say that its a very sorry rec ord for Marines and civilians alike on the Military reservation which I includes the residents of Midway i Park who own automobiles. Life and injury must be very ■ cheap to some—civilians as well as 'military — but all drivers should take care and heed these words that were read over a national radio network last week: I "Here lies the body of Johnny Gaye— I Who certainly had the Right of Way: But Johnny Gaye is dead I today. ! Even though he had the Right of Way!" THE NEW PARKING SPACE IS A BIG HELP TO ALL j The new parking space that has been provided in the Butler Cir Jcle area will be of much advan tage to car owners in this section. It adjoins the location of the pro posed playground for children yet to be improved, and will accommo date approximately thirty or more automobiles. Owners of motor vehicles in Midway Park should be reminded that Camp Regulations specifical ly state that no motor vehicles shall "at any time" be parked or the lawns or to the rear of any apartment or quarters. This reg« ulation has been violated by resi dents of the park frequently, and why the Military Police have not taken action we do not konw. An> Camp Regulation is supposed tc be carried out to the letter. Ctertainly. with the additiona parking space that has been pro vided now, the owners of automo biles will not have to roll theii cars up to the quarters for anj purpose. There is available spact for all cars in the Butler Circle area. The Midway Park officials anc Camp Maintenance officers anc workmen, and the Butler Circli ! Wives Club which inaugurated thii movement for more parking space are to be congratulated for th< additional space, and all car own era in this section should appre ciate this needed addition. Qiaitico Socitfi New Camp Lejeune Residents Honored At Farewell Party By MARY CAPl'TO ! Vice Adm. ind Mrs. Robert B. I Carney of Virginia Beach were | weekend guests of their son and daughter-in-law. Maj. and Mrs. R. j B Carney. Jr. On Tuesday Admiral j and Mrs. Carney left to spend 10 days in Washington and at the end i of the month Admiral Carney will report to England for duty j Mrs E G Atkin. Jr.. had several 1 friends in last Thursday afternoon j to meet Mrs. J. A. Stuart, wife of | Brie Gen Stuart who is chief of staff of Marine Corps Schools. Those attending Mrs Atkin s party included Mrs. Stuart. Mrs. A. A Vandergrift. Jr.. Mrs. W H At kinson. Mrs. Richard S Johnson. Mrs H C Parks. Mrs R W. Bat dorff. Mrs. M. H. Silverthorn. Jr.. Mrs J M. Jefferson. Mrs. J. A. Apffel. Jr. Mrs. W. H Hitt. Mrs. J A Gilchrist. Mrs. D E Huev. Mrs. G. R. Lockard. Mrs. A M Roebuck. Mrs E J. Rowse. Mrs. D. V Otterson. Mrs. William H Cope. Mrs. Robert T Neal. Mrs. E B Glass. Miss Eileen Dufficy and Miss Hazel Stewart Col. and Mrs J M Masters. Sr.. and Col. and Mrs. H W Bust* who are leaving Quantico for duty at Camp Lejeune were honor guests when Lt Col. and Mrs. J H Mas ters gave a cocktail party at Harry Lee Hall last Wednesday Approxi mately 100 auesv? were present Maj. and Mrs. D S Randall and sons. Randy and Richard, returned last Thursday from Carr\p Lejeune Major Randall was on temporar> duty there and Mrs Randall and the children joined him for the last two weeks of his stay Mrs. L P Harris was hostess at a luncheon in her quarters on Fri day in honor of her mother. Mrs. W F Trout, who has been a nouse kjuett of Maj and Mrs Harris for two weeks Mrs Trout left during the weekend for a brief visit with relatives in Washington before re turning to her home in Gastonia. N C Maj and Mrs. t tJ (jiass naa as their guests last week Mrs. Glass' sister and brother. Miss Eileen Duf ticy and John Dutficy. Miss Hazel Stewart. James Crandell and Ed ward Becker of Denver. Colo. The guests left on Saturday to return to their homes Second Lt and Mrs. L E Tatem returned Monday from Neptune. N J where they spent the week end with Mrs. Tatem's family. Midn Robert C Woods of the Nava". Academy spent Labor Day weekend here with his brother and sister-in-law, 2d. Lt and Mrs Har ry D Woods, and another brother. 2d Lt Keith Woods, who has just reportec here for duty Mrs Ralph Marquiss and daugh ter Sherry of New York left Quan tico on Saturday after a visit with Mrs. Marquiss' brother-in-law and sister Maj. and Mrs B L Hoover Litiie Miss Kristine Hoover ac companied her aunt to Bethesda Md for a week's visit with her grandparents. Dr and Mrs. J P Bogue. Mrs. Wallace Jones of New Bern left last Thursday after a visit here w»th her brother-in-law and sister. MSgt. and Mrs. C. L. Grover. Maj. and Mrs H. C. Parks had as their house guests over the week end Mrs. Parks' brother-in-law and sister. Mr and Mrs Gordon T Sperry and children. Joe. Jane and Ann. of Winchester. Va. Mrs Dennis Good, mother of Mrs. John Adams, has returned to her home in McGaheysville. Va.. after spending last week with Tech. $gt. and Mrs. Adams Mrs Gleen W Rodney and daughter. Glenda Jean, returned to their home here Saturday from Cassopolis. Mich., where they were the guests of Mrs. Rodney's parents. Danny and Fred Ross, sons of MSgt and Mrs F J Ross, are in Kent Cliff. N. Y., visiting their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Burke. MSgt. and Mrs. Vernal Cagle had as their Labor Day guests their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ludwig. and children of Washington. MSgt and Mrs. H. J. Harkey spent the weekend in Freehold, N. J . visiting their son and daugh ter. Paul ana Robert Miller, sons of I Tech. Sgt. and Mrs. P. A. Miller, : will be hosts to several of their young friends this afternoon in ; celebratfon of their birthdays, i Robert was one year old on Sun Midway Park litre Six New Teachers Employed At School By MRS. MARK RANEY Thirty teachers will be employ j cd at Camp Schools this year, ac cording to an announcement made by the supervising principal. B. A Barringer. yesterday. Of the twenty four teachers of the Midway Park Elementary school, seven will be newcomers. The new teachers are Mrs Ruth Hall of Camp Lejeune, Kindergarten. Miss Mary D. Sum merell of Charlotte and Miss Mary C. Hendrix. Camp Lejeune. second grade. Miss Mary C Macfie of Par ris Island. Mrs. G. R. Reynolds. Camp Lejeune. and Mrs G. R. Watson. Midway Park, third grade, and Mrs. Mary B. Movers of Swansboro. Music Department. There are still three positions vacant in the High School, that of Librarian Science and Home Econ omics. which, according to Barring er. will be filled before the open ing of Camp Schools on Monday. September 11th. Mr. George G Ezzard continues as assistant Ele mentary principal. Other former teachers to resume their duties this year are Miss Helen McKibben. Kindergarden. Miss Margaret Ross. Miss Lucy Lane. Mrs. Ellice P Crouch and Mrs. Velma P Hurst, first grade: Miss Morris Wilson and Mrs. Helen B. Still, second grade: Miss Inez Rowe. third grade. Miss Ernestine Cullom and Mrs. Dorothy L. Mul lins, fourth grade. Mrs. Bessie Wariner and Miss Esther Martin, fifth grade: Miss Julia Bell and Miss Marv F. Willock. sixth grade. Mrs Anna H. Cartner and Mrs Katie Cutting, seventh grade: George W. Durr. eighth grade and High School Commercial teacher: Alsa F Gavin, eighth grade and High School History; Leon Mea dows. Math.. Miss Mary Wilkins, English and Mrs. Jchanne Keeler. Foreign Languages ANOTHER SON BOK.N TO FORMER RESIDENTS Mr and Mrs. James A. Odum of Durham, formerly of Midway Park and Jacksonville, announce the birth of a son on Friday, Sept. 1 at Watts Hospital in Durham The little boy. who is the fourth son of the Odums. weighed eight and one half pounds at birth Mother and baby are doing fine. NEW NIRSERY HEAD Mrs. F C. Stanley of 3144 Lee Ave ha? accepted the position as head of the Midway Park Nursery, recently left vacant by the resigna tion of Mrs Edith Pescia Mrs. Stanley has had extensiave train ing as a nursery worker Mr and Mrs Peter C. Killeen and daughters will return this *eek from Detroit. Mich., points m Canada and on the eastern coast, where they have been tour ing for the past two weeks. Mr and Mrs. Fred Heckle and children have returned from points in South Carolina, where they spent the past ten days with rela tives. Mr. and Mrs George Faville, Jr.. spent the holidays with relatives in Emporia. Virginia. George Barringer. son of Mr and Mrs. B. A. Barfinger has left for Greenville where he will entner East Carolina College in the In dustrial Arts Department. day and Paul is three years old today. Staff Sgt. and Mrs. M. H. Nus baum had as their guests for the week end Mrs. Nusbaum's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Haines, and another bro ther. Russell Haines, of Paneytown. Md. Mrs. Elizabeth A. Dunnigan has I returned to her home here with | her son-in-law and daughter. Tech. ! Sgt. and Mrs. P. A. Miller, after a trip to Erie. Pa. PROFESSIONS STILL POPL'LAR PRAGUE—</P)—Though miners and factory workers enjoy a rela tively high social and economic status in Czechoslovakia, young people are stil eager to enter the professions. The Prague newspaper "Lidova Demokracie" has reported that so many tried to enroll for medicine and pharmacy in the fall semester that the universities cannot take all of them. On the other hand. It said, classes in mining, iron en« gineering and electrotechnical studies still are not full. TANKER'S RESTAURANT AIR CONDITIONED A COMPLETE MEAL OR JUST A SNACK IT'S ALWAYS THE BEST HERE. Uitn to WJNC Saturday Eve nts! it 7:M (or Our Sunday Special JIM TANNER'S NESTMNMT CIRCLE DRIVE OPEN DAILY MOTOR COURT « A.M. TO 11 PJI. Mr. and Mrs P H Barker are | spending this week with relatives in Greensboro. Mr and Mrs. Clyde Bartley and son Stephen spent the weekend with relatives in Ever Green OPEN HOUSE AND DANCE ON WOMAN'S CLUB SLATE The Woman'* Club of Midway Park v ill hold their annual "Open House# on Monday. September 11th. at 8 p.m., in the Community Building. All members are urged to attend and to bring guests The Club will also sponsor a dance in the Community Building on Friday. September 15th at 8 p.m.. EST. until ?. The admission will be $1.00 per couple Come one. come all and have a good time LOCAL CLUB WOMEN ON 12th DISTRICT BOARD At a recent meeting of Woman's Clubs representatives of the 12th District held in New Bern. Mrs. Rhodney Hamby. president of the Midway Park Woman's Club was appointed to the Resolutions Com ■nittee and Mrs. George Faville. Jr.. past president of the local club, is on the nominating com mittee for president and vice pre sident of the District. Mrs Hamby annnounced that a registration fee of 25 cents will be required this year and she hopes that everv member ol' the Midway Park Club will attend the annual district conference to be held in , Trenton on September 28th. YOUTH CONSERVATION GROUP HAS MEETING At a meeting of the Youth Con servation Committee of the Midway Park Woman's Club with the chair- i man Mrs. Mark Raney at her home , 1040 Butler Dr. on Tuesday even ing. extensive plans were made for the coming year Among the many J projects planned by the committee v.ill be the sponsoring a kiddies matinee at the Midway Park Thea ter every Saturday afternoon, start ing around the first of October De tails concerning this project will be announced in a forthcoming issue of the News and Views. The Youth Conservation Com mittee which is composed of Mrs George C* Faville. Jr.. co-chair man. Mrs. Danny Kirk. Mrs. Oscar Hodge. Mrs. C». E Blake. Mrs R GOOD *Vf/ikIlJlaU RECAPPING SERVICE W( USE 0OODYEA* MA1EIIAIS mi FACTOftY METHODS STOP IN TOBAY FOR GOOD/YEAR Extra-Mil* ago RECAPPING LOW COST CDHVIMOn TGUH Dean Sullivan Tire Co. Chaney Ave. PHONE 755 \V. Peele and Mrs. W J. Hcavcy made enthusiatic plans for the en tertainment of the Youth of Mid way Park and Camp Lejeune for the coming year. Mrs. Rhodnev Hamby. president of the club, also attended the meeting. Members of the Wednesday Night Bridge Club and iheir hus bands motored to Morehead City i Wednesday evening for a delight : ful seafood dinner, after which they attended the dog races. Enjoying the outing were Mr. and Mrs. Rhodney Hamby, Mr and Mrs. Tom Cassell. Mr. and Mrs Harold Koonce. of Jacksonville. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fassingham and Dr. and Mrs. Sam Cox. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Gavin and daughter have returned from Chapel Hill where Mr. Gavin at tended summer school at the Uni versity of North Carolina. Mrs Harold Macon has returned from St. Augustine. Fla., where , she spent several days. Buddy McLean has left for Greenville to enter East Carolina College. ATHLETE'S FOOT N* Aleabol — N» Add — N* StU( F«r Hkk f#ll«r l»^ r«»lu g*« Ua VICTORY OINTMENT. D«v«U»*« far the kcyi la the Army, tar Ui ktM f»lkt Oct VICTORY—0«» RtialU. Ate* far rim AH Ml Ilckiaf. S*f« II BM Iir 4 »rt *f lk« W4y. fl fUia la JukMTlIU by ^ JOHNSON. RETrniH DRUG CO i Ol YOt*R ROME TOWN DICOOIIT Kay* Mad« Goodrich Stor Phone 513 LOCKSMITH SERVICE NEW HOSPITAL PLAN SWEEPS NORTH CAROLINA Pays Cash For Accidents Sickness And Child Birth CASH BENEFITS FOR HOSPITAL ROOM AND BOARD This new liberal hospital plan pays: (1) Cash fur room and meals in hospital for any member of your family: (2) Cash to pay for j various hospital extra charges, surh as operating room fee. medi cines. X-ray. anesthetic, ambulance service, etc. ] PAYS DOCTOR'S BILL FOR SURGICAL EXPENSE The Reserve Hospital Plan also includes a schedule operation fee. j Surgery paid for sickness or accidents including reduction of fractures or dislocations. Hospital confinement not required. I 1. Polio 2. Spinal Meningitis 3. Diphtheria 4. Scarlet Fever 5. Small Pox 6. Luekamla (blood disease) 7. Encephalitis (sleep ing sickness) 8. Tetenus (Lockjaw) Protects up to $5,000.00 Benefits ARE NOT reduc ed for elderly dependents or children! Age limit 1 da\ 80 years • Fays for childbirth at home or in the hospital. < • Universal protection — from 1 ; day old to 80 years old. I • Good at any hospital, anywhere < in the world * • Claims promptly paid in full ac- j cording to policy. j • Le^al reserve protection, strictly . non-assessable. No premium in- I creases • Costs only a few cents a day. ' Anyone can easily afford this . plan for whole family. Find ex- ' act costs now. Send coupon be- : low today. \ • Thousands have joined—Vou too may be eligible. \ Backed by old line, legal reserve insurance company-assets over 10 million dollars Reserve Life Insurance Co. of Dallas, Texas FULL DETAILS FREE—MAIL COUPON NOW 'Mail in envelope or paste on pennv postcard) RESERVE LIFE INSURANCE CO. 19 News and Views Bldg.. Phone <62 P. O. Box 296 Jacksonville. N. C. Please Check 1 am interested in < ) Family Plan ( ) Individual Plan This does not obligate me in any way Name Age Address City State ATTENTION PONTIAC OWNERS W» arc enlarging our building and Increas ing our facilities to bottor serve you. Thar* is no interruption in our sarvieo while this construc ton is underway ... Jacksonville Auto Sales RAMON ASKEW 7m""

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