V BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. To Hang a Skirt. An easy way to hanj; n skirt by one self Is to put a piece of chalk In the opcnins of the dlnlnpr table and push the table toffothor so as to hoUl the chalk firmly. Then with the skirt on turn slowly around, ehalkiu.cr the skirt as you turn. This done, take the skirt off and with a yardstick mark off the same number of inclies below the chalk line that you desire it to be. If care fully done you will have a beautifully hung skirt. Red Cedar. Red cetlar chcsts, in which supplies of all kinds can be stored, but which are especially useful for thin.c;s that moths like, can be bought in the shape of window scats. With a few cushions they are uiacle into a part of any room whore they are placed. Thes-o chests are bound with brass and are, made with {rood locks. ACT QUICKLY Delay Has Been Dangerous In Brevard. Do the right thing at tho right tiiiip. Act quickly in tinio of danger. In tiin»? (U' kidney clantrcr Doan's Kidnov Pills most t‘lYfctiv*. Plenty of t'vidonctM)f their worth. J. C. Allien, ivillian St. \V;»yni‘s- vilh', X. says: “.My kidney trouble was brought on by a fall Pains startl'd in iny back, under luy shoulders, und cxtt‘nd»‘ii down into the sHKill of niy back. It was oitcn iinp*)ssibli‘ for me to (jft around un less I liad 1icl})aiid 1 laid off from W4>rk for two W(>»‘ks at a time. One bo:; of Doan’s Ividney I’ills has al- \vays been enoui;h to r(>move the ])ains in my back and ])ut mo on my feet atrain in Kood sha]>e.” Price r)(li*, at all dealers. Don't si!n])ly asiv fora kidn«\v remt'dy— get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Allen had. Ft»stt‘r- MilburnCo., Pro])s., BnlYalo, X. Y. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury ,ns nioro’jry \A iIl Ftir. ly di .sfrny ttio srnst* »>f .‘^nil'll aiul rujiipU't* ly dfr:int;i- uliolt' .-iystf in wln'u tiuirinj; it tlirouph tli* imicnus Furfact s. Siu h arti'-Ii*s .sliniild iH'MT bo cxrt'pt oil prescript ioii.s fiom ropijtablf physti ians. as tin* ilamaKc tlu'V will lo is fcM ti tln'> pooit you can post;il)iy dcrivi- r~‘ini (licni. Hall'.s ("atarrh Curo. in.iniifaciurccl by l’. J. I'lu noy & C^^.. Toledo, O.. contains ni mercury, an-1 i.s laUen internally, actint; •lirtcily upon tho blood ."ind mucous sur faces of the sysft in. In buying Hairs Catarrh Curo bo t:urn you pet tho Renu- in»*. It is taken intt'rn.illy and made in Toledo. Ohio, by !•'. J. Ohonoy & Co. Tes timonials free. Sold by l>ru£riri."=t«. Prico Tfic p»r bottlo. Take Hall's Family Pills for coiiativi^tioa. How Would You Like This Garden Set For Yours? i f- Feed and Groceries Our new Feed and Grocery store includes* a good line of staple grocer ies and feedst including wheat shortsf cotton seed meal, etc. Will exchange groceries for fresh country produce* Rates reasonable. W. H. Faulkner & Co. At Depot*. Till-: gai:dexer at rest. ^ICTURESQI'ENEPS can p:o n» ftirthM‘ than tiiis *liin(“^y frannent or rniiary yellow linen, iiaiul cnilireidered in square's of irold>n lirown :inI jade green. A s»iuare linen liat takes tiie .same design, and orien'.ai tassels adorn tlie baudlmx of a ;;ardeu liasket. “Primrose” Pattern For The Summer Idlers I rn^m Or Other Purpose HEAUTIFY YOUIl CUKTAINS. Call and Examine Our Onr Stationery Department con tains everything novel and fashion able in that line. Delicately tinted and perfumed, if you like, or simply plain. Whatever you desire we have it. dualities and prices to suit all purses. We also have a fine assortment of ornamental inkstands, pens, paper knives and other essentials for the writing table.' R. S. MORGAN, Druggist ROSMAN, N. C. Begin wltli U-'i chain. Tum at the end of each row. rir^t liow—r» ch, 1 tr in the Sth ch from the honk, i* eh, miss 2 ch, 1 tr in the next (thi.s will he referred to as 1 space). I) sp (11 sp in all). Second Row—3 sp, 7 tr (over 2 sp— this will be referred to as 2 bllis; 1 blk is 4 tr), 1 sp, 2 blks, 3 si>. Third Row—2 si», 3 blks, 1 sp, 3 blks. 2 .sp. Fourth Row—2 sp. 2 blks, 1 sp, 7 tr Into next si)ace, and join 1st and 7th tr with a slii>-.slitch (this will be re ferred to as a “tuft”), 1 sp, 2 blks, 2 sp. Fifth Row—4 sp, 1 blk, 1 si> (over tuft). 1 blk. 4 sp. Sixth Row—2 sp, 2 blks, 1 sp, 1 tuft (as before), 1 sp, 2 blks, 2 sp. Seventh Row—2 sp, 3 blks, 1 sp, 3 blks, 2 sp. Eighth Row—3 sp, 2 blks, 1 sp, 2 blks, 3 sp. Ninth Row—11 sp. Tenth Row—5 sp, 1 blk, 5 sp. Eleventh Row—1 sp, 1 blk, 1 sp, 1 blk, 4 sp. Twelfth Row—5 sp, 1 blk, 5 sp. At the Window WHEN Christmas time is pretty near, if we’re good girls an’ boys, Our mothers take us up the street an’ let us SCO the toys, An' we forget that it is cold an’ that our clothes is thin An’ think we’re mighty lucky just to stand there lookin’ in. If we conid only have our v- ich I guess that we would pray To have some angel come some night an’ take that glass away, An’ it would pay the angel, too, to see the mothers smile If we could play with all those toys for just a little while. Thirteenth Row—11 sp. rourteentli Row—11 sp. I'ifte*nth Row—11 sp. Sixteenth Row—sp, 1 blk, ." sp. Seventeenth Row—4 sp, 1 blk, 1 sp 1 blk. 4 sp. Eighteenth Row—."i sp, 1 blk, 7y sp. rei»eat for lesired len«th from 1st row TIIE CORNER. Rc.irin after 4th row of the pattern. Fifth Row—4 sp. 1 tuft, 1 sp, 1 tuft. 3 sp, 1 blk (make all the tufts stan»i out on the rinht side). Sixth litiw—2 sp, 2 blks. 1 sp, 1 tuft 1 sp, 2 blks, 2 sp. Seventh Row—2 sp, 3 blks, 1 sp, 3 blks, 2 sp. Eijihth Row—3 sp, 2 blks, 1 sp, 2 blks, 3 sp. Ninth Row—11 sp. Tenth Row—11 sp. Here break otT, turn the work over, and commence ajrain at the top of thp last row to work across the margin of the last 11 rows:—4 sp. 1 blk, 1 sp, 1 blk, 4 sp. Tins is like the 11th row tho pattern, and the work, proceed> from the 12th row. Try this for a tea cloth. Some day when we are all grown up an’ rich as we can be, If Santa Claus would just bring things like those in there to me— An’ for awhile it seems almost as if he really had, An’ then I ’member that he ain’t, an’, my, it makes me sad! Some day when we are all grown up an’ rich as we can be We’re goin’ to buy a store liko that, an’ when kids come to see The things inside we’ll let ’em in to help themselves to toys. An’, my, we know what that will mean to little girls an’ boys! —James J. Montague in New York American. Christmastide The blasts of winter are fiercc and cold, Tha tnov; lies deep over hill and wolfl, But a star tjhiaes bright through the deepening gloom— Boom for the Ciirist Child, room! Where man’s distrust and his greed for gain Have frozen tlie uoods of tender rain Till never a flower of hope can bloom— Eoom for the Christ Child, room! In homes that deepest griefs have borne, ’Mid silent forms of those that mourn, In the shadows that gather around the tomb— Room for the Christ Child, room! Where nations are warring, life for life. And a cry rings out from the fear ful strife As a dying people sinks to its doom— Room for the Christ Child, room! Room for the shepherds of Bethle hem, Room for the angels who sang to them, Room for the light in the wintry gloom— Room for the Christ Child, room! —^Willis Boyd Allen in Harper’s Magazine. F.A. LEWIS VERY SICK Lamar Lewis, who visited hi» at her, F. A. Levris at Walhalla, S. on Chi-istmas, was advised liy '•le])hone and tele{?raph Wednesday tiat his ta*;her's condition was ftrse.and that litllo ho])e for re- •overy was entertained. Mr. Lewis eft lor Walhalla on tho-afternoon rain. Mr. Lewis is well known in Transylvania, whore ho formerly ived near (Iherryfield. BREVARD CLUB MEETING The Brevard club held a meeting on Wednesday nipjht of List week. A few matters of hnsinc^ss and others of interest to the elnb were discussed. Refreshments were en joyed. Lots for sale. See W. p. Mackey, Pisgah Forest. l-5-4tp. BREVARD HARDWARE COMPANY An Invitatioiit We Want You ^ to Come into Our Store to See “The Stove That Keeps Up- the FAME of Soutlieni Cooking” >FHE Merchants who advertise in I this paper will give ymi iiest values for your money. Mm In stoves there’s almost as much difference as there is in people. We cannot always tell ahout people, but we do know stoves. That is why we congratulate ourselves on securing the agency for these ranges. They are on our floor now, and we want you to see what this really good stove is like. Its many exclu sive features will delight you and every other housewife who wants comfort, convenience, and efficiency in the kitchen. If you prefer you can buy a Princess on our “Pay for itself plan.’* Let us tell you about it. Don't order, C. DOYLt, brevard, IN. C. Church Tiirectory ' BRKVARl) PKESBYTKRIAN CHURCH I John K. Hay, Pastor. Ki'ijul.Tr (.'luiiTh sciviri's every Sunday. Honrs; I'irst ant tliinl Siiml.'iys. ii:oi a. in.: aiul fourth >umla\s, .t;oo p. ni.; fifth Siinilays. liv aiitnninccH.i'nt. Stjti'lay si lidiil t'viTv Sunday. lo a. m. Men's i;ii'!herho(id IJibIc elass. ’ Vouii;^' People's Soeietv of ('liristian Kn (Jeavor every 'I'uesday cyeninj;. 7:45. DAVIDSON RIVKR PRESBYTERIAN CHIRCH John R. Hay, Pastor. Revrnlar elmreli siTvi-’es every Surnlay. Honr>: Si-eotiil am! fourth .'Sundays, ii:lK) :i. in.; lirst an 1 third) Sundays, p. in.; tifth .Sunday'-, by announce’i:eiit. Sunday school every .Sunday. 10:00 a. in. BREVARD BAPTIST CHURCH. (a)rner Jordan and Gaston streets. A. W. McDaniel, Pastor. Phone No. 1 I.S. HiI)Ie sehool i;:^, a. 111.. well graded with e’asses to suit all. I're.icliinv' services at 11:00 a. in. ami 7:15 p, m.every Sunday. .Miclwt-ek servii-e for worship and fellowship, 7:15 l>. in. Wednesday. riionis praetii e 7:4; p. in. Friday. .^llvisoI y Moai'il meets on 'I'uesday evening after thelfirst Sunday of each month. •\ larne ehorus ehoir leads familiar hymns for the eon;;reiration .'ind there are books for all. 'I'liere are also stieeial musical numbers. •MI wiio desiri- to enconrafre or to assist the worship of i>U or to be helped by worship arc cordially invited to attend all services. Strangers and visitors are especially wclcome. BREVARD METHODIST CHURCH. W. Edgar Poovey, Pastor. .Sunday—Sunday school at g:45 a. ni. I’reach- inti at iKtx^a. 19. and 7:30 p. in. Juvenile so ciety 4:iM) p. in. .Monday—Y. 1’. M. S. 8:00 p. m.; chorus choir 7:.J0 p. nit. altern.itinn on Mondays. Tuesdav—(.-\fter first Sunday) Board of Stewarils, 7:,u) p. m. Wednesday—I'raycr nicctinjr 7:.so p. m. Thursday—(I'irst and Third) Woman's Mis sionary society. 3.00 p. m. Local Auxiliary 4.00 p. in. Thurssday—Choir practice p. m. ''Come thou with us and we will thee good.”—Num. 10 jg. Special Announcement. 11:00 a. m., •‘Undiscovered Treasure at Your Door.” 7:15 p. m., “Dreams.” 3:30 p. m., preaching at Oak Grove. ST. PHILIPS EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Rev. Chalmers D. Chapman, Minister in Charge. Sundays—Morninsr service at ii;oo o’clock. Sund;iy school, 9:45 a. m. Week Days—Kvensong every Friday; Wednesday.s and Fridays during Advent: Wednesdays .md Fridays during I.,ent; every day in Holy Week; also on Saints days. Holy c«>mniunion the first and third Sundays of every month; also on the (Jreater Holy days, Christmas. Kpiphany. Ash Wednesday, Holy Thursday. Easter day. Ascension day. Whit Sunday and Trinity Sunday. Special Announcement. First Sunday after the Epiphany, Janu ary 7. Morning prayer, communion and sermon at 11; subject, “Following the Good.” Friday, January 5, evensong with ad dress at 4;45; subject, “No Room for Him in the Inn.” Saturday, January 6, the Epiphany. Holy communion with address at 4:45, subject, “Following the Star.” Test for the Now Yaar: “See that none render evil for evil unto any man, but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves and to all men.” New Year Announcement EVERY ONE IN THIS HRM WISHES EVERY ONE OF YOU A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. WE WISH IN ADDITION TO THANK YOU FOR YOUR LIBERAL PATRONAGE DURING THE PAST YEAR AS IS SHOWN BY THE SUBSTANTIAL GAIN IN OUR BUSINESS OF 25 PER CENT OVER THAT OF LAST, WHICH GIVES US THE BEST YEAR OF BUSINESS IN OUR HISTORY HOPING TO MERIT A CONTINUANCE OF YOUR PATRONAGE DURING THE ENSUING YEAR, WE ARE, YOURS TRULY, Duckworth Drug Company ENON BAPTIST CHURCH Regular preaching services next Sunday by the pastor, Rev^. W. E. Barker, at 11 I. m. and 7:30 at night. Lord’s supper will )e administered at morning service. ^)uarterly conference on Saturday at 11 o’clock. Rose Cafe to Run Cash Bosmess The articles of food entering into the dishes we serve have made great advances in price but we have kept up our service with but few slight advances* We want to continue doing this but in order to keep it up and make a safe margin of profit it becomes neccssary to discon tinue our credit business. By losing nothing on credits we will be able to render good servicc at reasonable prices. We appreciate your patronage and want to give you full value in all the business we do with you. This cash business also includes our fruits, candies, cigars, tobacco, groceries, etc. ROSE CAFE W. Y. THOMASON, Proprfetor. I