BBBVARD NEWS, BBEVASD, N. C. HGESH, Oils THEWEHrSEKNTS Time it! Pape's Diapepsin ends all Stomach misery in five minutes. Do some foods you eat hit back— taste good, but work badly; fermeut Into stubborn lumps and cause a sick, •our, gassy stomach? Now, Mr. or Mrs. Dyspeptic, Jot this down: Pape’s Diapepsin digests everything, leaving nothing to sour and upset you. There never was anything so safely quick, bo certainly effective. No difference how badly your stomach is disordered you •will get happy relief in five minutes, but what pleases you most is that it strengthens and regulates your stom ach so you can eat your favorite foods without fear. You feel different as soon as ‘ Pape’s Diapepsin” comes in contact with the stomach—distress just vanishes—your stomach gets sweet, no gases, no belch ing, no eructations of undigested food. CiO now, make the beat investment you ever made, by getting a large lifty- ent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any «tore. You realize in five minutes how needless It is to suffer from Indiges tion. dyspepsia or bad stomach. Adv. Inportait News of tbe State, Nitim, aid World Told in a Few Lioes for Your Convenience. ROUND AB0U1[ THE WORLD A Condensed Record of Happenings of Interest From All Points of the World. Power of Mustc. “W liy (1m "St'oin.s to ' aiM.iit it. v\*!ilin’t !: ’ii.iii to H iniixi- (!• ;ii.* '>ii it iii'.r.iol >»u'i whkt bint PROVEN SWAMP-ROOT AIDS WEAK KIDNEYS The aymptoni.s oZ and blavi.itr troubles are otten very (iiitressiug lai: leave th** aysteni ;a J ; un-ilown cond;tija Tlu- kidneys ^eem to -iUlTer most, ai aio:-' every victim ooniphiin.s ol iume and urinary troubles which should not bir ueglected, as danger signal;* lead to dangerous kidney troubles. Dr. Kilmer’a Sw.amp Root which stoou heal.'i and ntrengtbens the kidneys is i aplendid kidney, liver and bladder rt?iu e\l\, and, l>eing an herbil coiiij>ou»d, ha* » K*fntle healing etTeot on the kidneys, »^hich is almost imiued.ately noticed ta most cases bv those uho use H. A trial will con% ince anyone who may be in need of it. Better get a bottle troiu youi nearest drug store, and start tieit ui>*n: at once. However, it you wish first to twt th:f Kr«*at preparation send ten cents to Dr Kilmer & Co., Binghamton. N. Y., tor i aaiiiple bottle. Whet, writing be «ure *s^ mention this paper. Adv. Obviously “Sjmitlifr'i drc'S'ixvl ujt told.” “I suppos.^ i>. wliy to :i s\\ allovv-'•a'.e j>uriy." iliMt story he it MOTHER'S JOY SALVE ?or Cold.‘», * 'roup, Pneumoniii aiid Asthma; GOOSE GREASE l.IMMENl for Nenra!gi.», Hheumatisiu anJ i^prains. For .sale by all Druggists. i;H)SK GREASE COMPANY, MFR*3, Greensboro, N. li—Adv. Consequences. "1 notiiv tliM’’ yotiiii; iriau is HCtt.iii u." flillL' up." ht* old is net Washinfi:ton i The Japaiu'.se battle crui.ser Tsuku- 1:;\. whicli vi.'^ited the .Jamestown ex- , position ill 1907, is reitoiled, in a To- i kio dispatch, lo have been destroyed by an e.xplosion in the harbor of Yoso- I ka, an important naval station thir teen miles southwest of Yokohama. One hundred and fifty three members *'f the crew—a total of 817 men - were killed outright anl 157 injured, many of them seriotisly. The attitude of President Wilson to ward the replies of the warring na- liofis to his suggestion that an opi>or- tunity be given for comparing peace terms remained undetermined up to January 1;’.. It is .-iu^gested in Washington that one or more Kurop»*an neutrals may urge (.lermaiiy and her allies to make public their peace terms, and other.s think it possible that a voluntary statement may be fortlicoming from Kt^rliu aiier the text of the entente t>*ply has been handed to the foreign iil'tke for its information by Ambassa dor Gerard. The entente allies, replying to Pres- id-*nt Wilson’s peace note in a joint communication, express the b*»li*‘f that it is impossible at the pres*‘nt luomeiit to attain a peare that will as>ure them reparation, restitution and >uch guarantees as they consider esseiit iai. In a separate peace note the Bel gian government expresses a desire for peace, but declares it co\ill only ac cept a seiilement which would assure !>*paiaii»)n and security in the fti- tute. T!ir* next mo\e to be made by the I'liited States in dealing with the de f.tcti* government will be announced by President Wilson shortly. Withdrawal of the Pershing expedi tion across the .\merican border and the ,->ending of Ambassador Fletcher to Mexico City are the next moves that ofticial Washiny;ton is said to be con- I remplaiing. It is leptirred by the bur**aii f la ; bor and comnieite that at lea.'t one > million men have received increases in wages. Half of the raises were vol untary and the other half were won through strikes. Final agreement on the annual riv- era and harbors appropriation bill has been reached by the house committee. The measure carries J:’.8,15.S,:>.‘J9, of which something over ten million dol I lars is for new projects, and the re- I mainder for continuing or maintain- , ing existing projects. A new issue of |l and green- ' backs of Civil war days^ discontinued under tha ('leveland administration, will be jiut into circulation probably about February 1. The issue is de cided upon because the ordinary sil- i ver certificates for $1 and $2 could not be issued under the law in sufficient quantity to meet the demand. A. Tallahassee, Fla.'v dispatch an nounces that Governor Catts lias ap pointed J. B. Christian of Talbshassec as adjutant general of Florida, suc ceeding Gen. J. C. K. Foster, who has been at the head of Florida military alTairs for many years. ! lJuffalo Bill (Col. William Fredehek ; Cody) is dead at the home of his sis- t ter in Denver, Col. He is the last ] of the great plainsmen, and his leath i is mourned by the w'hole country, es pecially by the youth. * j Franz Bopp, German consul at San , F'rancisco, and four of his attachM I or employees were found guilty in the [ linited States district court of having I violated American neutrality. The i charge upon which they were convict- \ ed was that they had planned to blow up munition j)lants in America and C'anada, steamships carrying anything to the entente allies, railroad bridge» and military trains. 1 A New York dispatch announces j that a German raider was met in the | Atlantic and sunk by a Hritish cruiser. I The identity of the vessels engaged as well as the vessel repojied sunk, is in)t known. Dry time.s are ahead for the city Washington. The bill calling for pro hibition for the District of ('oltimbia passed the senate by a big majority, and it is stated that the majori.y ii^ the house will be a large one. I! E OiiSSl ENDS HVOIDMEET ii! FORMALLY ADJOURNS ITS SES SIONS AFTER FOUR MONTH CONFERENCE. MEMBERS ARE DOWN TO HARO WORK IN EFFORT TO FINISH LEGISLATION. PROBLEMS UP TO PRESIDENT • LEAK” PROBE HAS INTEREST Mexican It is stated in Mexico City by men j high in the councils of the provisional | government and in close touch with j the international situation that the j resul. of the conferences between the j Mexiean and Cniled States «M>nimis- sioners is most satisfactory to Mexico. i The news in the ('ity of Mexic > !.'» | lo the effect that President Wilson [ has taken personal harge of the ne gotiations between the de gov ernment, and the I'nited States, Cairanza forces now o- ciu>y Jiminei, Sania Rosalia and i’ana! while Fran- ci.«co ''ill:*, ati-l his staff have fled to the state of Dura.igo ov«‘r the branch lailroad ftotii F’arral to I'.l Pom. With Dissolution of Commission, Set tiement of Mexican Problems Are in Hands of Wilson.—Recommend Withdrawal Pershing’s Troops. New' York.—The Mexican-American Joint Commission, w'hich failed to ef fect an adjustment of the ({ueatiofts at issue hetw^een Mexico and the United States after a series of conferences that began four months ago. w^as for- nally dissolved. Secretary of Interior Lane and the ther members of the American com mission. Dr. J. R. Mott and Judge (leorge Gray, told the Mexicans that they had recommended to President Wilson the dispatch to Mexico of Am bassador Fletcher and the withdrawal of the Ameri(«n troops. Senate is Considering Water Power Leasing Bill.—District of Columbia Prohibition Bill, P&ssed By Senate, May Strike a Snag in the House. Washington.—While public iiiter- est in Congress is centered upon the so-called “leak” investigation, the leg islative machinery of both house.' is grinding away, and members have settled dow'u to hard work in an earn est effort to clear the decks and avoid an extra session. The senate still i.s considering the public lands waterlpower land leasing bill, but it may be side tracked any day for either the legislative or In dian appropriation bill. Hearings on the nominees for the shipping board continues before the When Work Is Hard That kidney troubles are so ■ omrnon Is due to the strain put upon ti,,. neys in so many occupations, .sur!; as; Jarring and jolting on railroads, (.’ramp and strain as m barberSng. moulding, heavy lifting, etf’. Exposure to changes of tempeiaiur« in iron furnaces, refrigerators, etc. Dampness as In tanneries, quarr.»^, mine**, etc. Inhaling poisonous fumes in paip*- Ing, printing and chemical shopi Doan’s Kidney Fills are nr.« for strengthening weak kidneys. A North CroKna Cate william A. Apple, 730 S. Macon St., Greens boro, N. C., says: ‘•^lien I was working as a railroad brake- man, I began to suffer from sharp pains in my back. The kidney secretions became un natural and I felt all worn out. Finally I was obliged to give up railroading altogether. At that critical time I t>eRan using Doan’s Kidney Pills and they completely cured me. though everything else had failed.** GetDeu'sal Aay Stave. Ipc m Bov DOAN'S POSTERMLBUIIN CO« BUFFALO. N. V. The Americans impressed upon the j commerce committee. When the Mexicans that with the dissolution of i nominations reach the floor. Senator the commission, the Mexi‘an problem j LaFollette will protest against some I reverted to President VVils«»n. They | of the shipping ideas of Bernard H. I were careful not to leave in the minds i Baker, the Baltimore i.ominee. j of the Mexicans the convi. tion that I The Interstate Commerce Commit- I President Wilson would a* ‘Pi,t the j tee is preparing to report on the I fecommendation that ati accredited ' President’s railway legislation pro- COLORED PEOPLE can have nice, long, straight hiilr by using Cx«l«al* Penade. which is a Hair Grower, not a Kinky Hair remover. You can see the results by u.sing several times. Try a fia knjre Price 25c at all drug stores oi- by mn on receipt of stamps or coin. w'anted everywhere. Write f..r pwr- tlcular.«. Exelento Medicine lanta, Ga. Good health depends upon good digs*- tiuri. Safeguard your digestion and you •aitKuani your health. Wright's ladiao A t*t?t*table Pills provide the safeguard A iuedicine as well as a purgative. Adv. No Hope. “You ;iri- l’Moli'*h enough, tire yoii. to rluuk :.oii I'nn dmwu your sor rows in drink'” »f fotirse H')' M>. wiie can swini." StIRUP OF FI6S FOR A CHO’S ROWEUi Domestic A La Mesa. N. M., di-patch announc es that Gen. Bejamln J. Viljoen, who took a prominent part in the Boer ^ar, was at one time a member of the 'Boer parliament, took part in the Madero revolution in Mexic;j and ^hose son is now with Per.shing’s col umn in Mexico, i.s nead, having suc cumbed to pneumonia. Texas reports a record-breaking snovsstorm in the northern and cen- tial pi'.rtions of the state. Seven inch es is reported at Dallas and as far south as Waco a fall of an inch and a half is reported. According to a message received at the western division army headquar ters in San Franci.sco from Calexico, an airplane, missing from San Diego It is cruel to force nauseatioQ,: for several days, with Col. Harry G harsh physic into a sick child. Look back at your childhood days. I Remember the "dose” mother insisted I on—castor oil, calomel, cathartics, j How you hated them, how you fought i against taking them W’ith our children it s different. | Mothers who cling to the old form of physic simply don't realize what they ■lo. The children'a revolt la well-found-1 .>d. Their tender little “Insides’* are ^ Injured by them. If your child’s stomach, liver and i bowels need cleansing, give only dell*' •clous “California Syrup of Pigs.*' Its action is positive, but gentle. Millions of mothers keep this harmless “fruit , laxative” handy; they know children ! love to take it; that it never fails to | clean the liver and bowels and sweet- j «n the stomach, and that a teaspoonful given today saves a sick child tomor* j row. Ask at the store for a &0-cent bottla of “California Syrup of Figs,’’ which I Bishop and Lieut. W’. A. Robertson, Jr., has been traced to a point fifty miies south of ('alexico, but no in formation is given as to the actual whereabouts. Four thousand pounds of powder were destroyed by tire and explosions at the Haskell, N. J., plant of the Du Pont Powder company, December 12. Only two men are reported missing. { No estimate of the loss has been made i public. I Four automobile bandits made a raid on the First National Bank of i Harrah, Okla., held the president and cashier of the bank at pigtoi point and escaped with $o,500. Tbe bandits were pursued by a posse. Ten per cent increase in salaries of all national agricultural department employees paid |1,200 a year or less, and 5 per cent for those who get from tl.200 to $1,800, is authorized in the annual appropriation bill for the agri* cultoiral department passed by the na tional house. Sergeant Crawford, attached to the Pensacola, Fla., aviation station, was painfully but not seriously injured in European War l'nler fierce attacks the Teiiionic al lies have made ftiiiher progress asainvt the Russians alon^’^ !he Sereth, southwest of Gala rapturing the vil- of Kotumil'liali and also the low’n 'f Valeni. on ilie lailrnad be tween Mraila and (laia/. six miles from (Jalat/. i The .\utro-denuiUis liave been de- ! feaieij north of the S'lnriki rive' , south j of the Oitnz river and in the region i of Raduleschi to the ea-^t of Fokshani. The Germans delivered lieavy at- a-\ in the vicinity of Rifia, bu: were | repulso«l. I The Trenlino front (Italian reports I the usual artillery enRagements. and j claims the Austrians have been dis- ' turb«*d by the accuracy of the Italian | artillery. I The .Julian front (l aliant reports i that, notwithstanding the very inclem- I ent weather, the useful activity of the |)atrols goes on unimpeded. | The nstial cannonade is going on . south of the Somme and in the region j of Verdun. (Jerinan aeroplane was fored to ’ land in the French lines near Pont-a- .Moussons, and the aviat $ > made pri.^- oners. Only artillery activity i.- lejiorted at llet Sa.«. in the Belgian se-. toi. South of the Somme and on the j right bank of the Meuse artillery : fighting is reported to be very active, i A German destroyer is reponed to i have captured in Swedish territorial ‘ waters the Danish steamship Tyhra. i Lieutenant General Bandini, com-! mander of the Italian Albanian expe- j ditionary cnps. was among those lost j aboard the Italian battleship.- Regina ' Margherita. The sinking of the Italian battleship : Regina Margherita, of l::.o(i tons, on j December 11, with the los, of men, | is offficially announced by the Italian } government. | A British cruiser of the Juno type, ' measuring 5,600 tons, was sunk by j Turkish gun fire on the Island of Kas- j telorlzo in the eastern Mediterranean. ^ In the western war theater fighting | is reported on the Anore river in j France between the Germans and the British. The British are reported to be niak- i ing successful raids north of Arra.**, , France. The French report having captured • a considerable number of prisoners i in a sortie in the Vosges sector. Greece's reply accepting the terms j of the ultimatum cf the entente allies has been delivered, according to a Lon- i don dispatch. j One thousand yards of Turkish { trenches on the Kut-el-Amara (.Garden of Kdcn) have been captured by the British. The Turkish trenches at Sannayat wete bombarded by the British and successfully raided in three places. The invasion of Roumania by the troops of the central i>owers contin ues to progress, and the Russians and Roumanians seem powerless to hold them back. Field Marshal von Mackensen. driv ing northward in Moldavia, has won I diplomat be sent to Mexico and that I (leneral Pershing’s f«»n-e be with- ‘ ft:awn. but the intimati)n that he ; N'.'ould d(» so was conveyt»d. I Luis ('abrera. chairman of the Mexi- :.ti eomtnission. and Ignaeio Bonillas ’ :-?id .\Iberto J. Pani. the other mem bers said they expeeted to leave with- I i 1 a week or ten days for Mexico. 1 The session «ontinued through ! most of the tlav. Th-> .Vuiericans ex- haa full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly i an airplane wreck which occurred just on each bottla. Adr. over the bay. plaii:ed that they r-*sarded furthea disciission by them impraf tieable. : SENSATIONS RIFE WHEN LAWSON RE.SUMES STAND !N ‘LEAK* PROBE rell* Committee Its C>iairman, Henry. Wks Authority.—McAdoo's Name Brought In. A’ashington. Thonia> W. La'A'son, lAtled before the Mous > Uu!e f’oni *n.tee to tell what !»>■ knew or had v*vard about a stoi'k 'tiarket leak on | t lesident Wilson’s peace note or be ; punished rulmly declared that the I mysterious Congressman who told i nim a Cabinet Offieer. a Senator and i n banker were engaged in a stot’k ; gambling pool was none other than 1 llepresentative Henry, chairman of the , •ommittee. Then, before his hearrT'i had time ^ to recover from the slun k, Lawson i sprunp one sen.^ation after the other | by declaring that the Cabinet Officer I referred to was Sei ietary Mc.Vdoo; j that the banker wu' 11. Piney Fisk | of New York, and tliat he knew the Senator only by the initial “O.” To «oinplete the n\pl)sion. Lawson went on to charge that Paul M. W’ar ; burg, of the Federal Reserve Board. ' had knowledK. of the leak machinery, j repeated a riiOior that Count von Bernstorft'. th.*^ (ierman .\mbassador. , had made two millions in the stock | market, and to mention a list of well- known men wIhjui he thought should be questioned. Mr. Law.^on said he had been told hat Mab olm McAdoo. the Secretary's ■>rother. knew of the leak, as did C. Barney & Co. and Stuart G. Gib- toney of New' York. A Mr.^. Ruth Thomason Visconnti of this city, he =iaid, had declared to him in the pres- ■•Mce of her attorney that Secretary 'umulty received his “bit.” and that W. W. Price, one of the White H«)use ••orrespondents. was “the go-between for Tumulty and others.” gram after holding extensive hear ings. The so-called “compulsory ar bitration" feature of the bills will b-* modified, if it is reported at all. it is understood. The senate bill for prohibition m th'‘ District of Columbia, passed re cently, is about to be considered by the District Committee of the Sentiment in the committee is said to be unfavorable to it unless there is a provision for a referendum vote in the District. House leaders say. how ever, there will be a vote on the bill regardless of what may be the action of the District Committee. SAILORS ARE COMPELLED TO ABANDON U. S. CRUISER FOR MALE—l-lfty Thousand trinoor River Privet He«tee. Klad ’ihHt> ,4H Winter. All klnrla of Fru’i T-. i,i 'i'r-ps. Budded Pecan*. Rob*'B ami '■ •• ,►.>> r, Don't Pay High Price*, but n rit" -h I *> rlptive Catalojfue and Prlcvs ill* Nur»#ry C«mpaB7. Urrenvlllr. S. ( Sure Proof. Banks—Is your Feathcrly : . -ible sort of person*/ Brookes—Yes. he’s r**sj«iti^;ii for '!iost of the ni4stnkcs In oii:- i. i.Hr- nient.—.Tuck o’ Lantern. Three Hundred Jack Tars Fouflht for i Lives Against Heavy Sea on j California Coast. Eureka. Cal.—Shortly after 8 o'clock 1 at night the last member of the crew of the cruiser Milwaukee. whi* h went ashore near here early in the day. was landed on the beach. Not a life was lo:?t. and but one man was hurt in the rescue of the hundreas aboard the stranded vessel. In a fight for their lives against a | heavy sea, more than three hundred | Tnited States sailors were brought j ashore in breeches buoys from the ' Milwaukee, which rolled in the surf, | with possibility of being a total los.s. ! on the northern California coast where , she struck shore in a fog. j Breakers were spraying over th* : warship’s superstructure, and the in- | i GOOD FOR HUNGRY CHILDREN Children love Skinner*a Macaroni and Spaghetti because of its delirious ! taste. It is good for them and you ' can give them all they want. It i.'i a ' great builder of bone and muscle, and does not make them nervous and irri- I table like meat. The most ec(»nomical I and nutritious food known. Made from I the finest Dunim wheat. Write Skin- I ner Mfg. Co., Omaha, Nebr., for beau tiful cook book. It is sent free to mothers.—Adv. re,3»nt pouiuliiiK of the was | “ ‘.‘’‘’I" driring the vessi-l further ashore in j •>' eH'ulnated I,lit *u. h the sand. t'Ho #ai— «re a vast help in a Here's a Tip About Hotel Guests. In the -\Mierican Magazine a writer sa^ s; £ "Here's a funny thing, by the wa/.ft that I've noticed about hotel giiest.H: You huve a soiled towel in a room, and the guest will probably coinplaia. But you can leave a bucket of pamr: ami a paperhanger's soaffohi in the hallway, and compel the ;;u*>st to crawl under a stepladder to ro hi-* room, and he will put up Aith it cheerfully—because he kni>\> you are painting or papering by '.mi.v of making an improvement, and In- > in .sympathy with that. It die'ii r ost much to make over a carpet Tha" 11 resser itTle d-*- The Milwaukee false bot- j tom was flooded in an effort to anchor i her against the wa^h of the sea. Na val officers ashore said it was hardly ' possible that the cruiser would ever float again. The Milwaukee is stuck on th>» sand only a few hundred yards form j the submarine H-8. which grounded a month ago. near the entrance to Hum- . boldt bay. The cruiser was attempting to salvage the submersible at the time of the accident. Within forty or fifts miles on this part of the coast, six otL ; er vessels have struck shore during j the last fear years, and none of them have been saved. hotel prosper." «ECLINE NOTES IN PRICE OF COTTON. New York.—A decline of $:1 a bale •I cotton under last week's closing • rices, was the outcome of heavy sell- on this market due to weather •onditions over the belt and small con- •«umption figures from American mills or December, announced by the cen- ‘Uis bureau CENTRAL POWERS HAVE WELL-DEFINED GOAL. Applying Physics in a Street Car. one of the fundaniental th*‘«>ries you 1 were taught In your high sch'Hii iihys- ; ics vvlll save you a lot of inniMle ev- , ery day if you apply it. j Straphangers in the street ;ir'lur^'h. forward when the ear i^tops and back- : ward when it starts. It’s Inronvcnien' especially if a *JtH>-pounder hi'' you. Remember that place in th*- physifi : text—“To every action ther.* is nn : opposite and equal reaction." I Well, apply it. W’hen the car 'tops, : lean toward the rear. When it - I lean toward the front. I You lurch because .vou’re th.- opp-v site reaction to the car’s movetnent. I Simple and practical. Isn’t it? Berlin, via Calville.—Further com- i ment on the note of the Entente Pow- j ers to President Wilson lays empha- | sis on the decisive character of the | declrations which clear the air. the | newspapers say, and give the Central I Powers a well-defined goal—defense | against the plan of their opponents I for re-making the map ot Furope. | ■ENTENTE REPLY BARS FUR THER POSSIBILITY FOR PEACE Berlin. Sundy, via Sayville.--lir. Alfred Zimmerman, the German For- *^ign S^inister, informed the Associat ed Press that in his opinion the En- tene reply to President Wilson’s peace note bars the possibility for the pres- unt of further German steps to bring nbout peace. In particular, he said, it precludes any direct announcement by Germany of her peace conditions VILLA CHIEFTAIN AND FORTY MEN KILLED. in answer to the terms set forth in additionHi gTo^md, reaching'the"‘pii’tna i note, river sector. Tongs that grip a door frame have been Invented for hanging babie«‘ chairs or swings In dooruays. British cotton manufacturinc; con cerns, despite the high price of cot ton and increased cosfs due to the war made money in 1916, some of them having declared dividends as The plant of the Canadian Car and | high as twelve per cent. Foundry company, a short distance) The Germans repon that they have Oidr One **BROMO QUININK’* TbmCU* for f«U MM LAZATl iloMUQIJINUlM. Look tor tigamfn of a oSoTB. Varw a OoM ta UMOer. Mo. east of Kingsland, N. J., in which wa.s stored hundreds of thousand of three- inch shells destined for the Russian government, was destroyed by fire and a series of explosions. So far as can j taken over five thons;^nd (irisorers in the fighting around the Putna river sector, together with guns and ten machine guns. On the Pvassina river the Teutons be learned there was none killed, but are driving the Russians backward. A strike of undertakers took plac* at Liverpool. England, recently . seventeen are reported missing. The loss will probably reach a million dol lar. ; oad in northern Russia. Count Ignatieff, minister of Russiaa public instruction, has resigned. NITRATE PLANT CLAIMS TO BE PROBED BY SEC. BAKER. Columbia. S. C.—Columbia’s fight for the Government nitrate plant is being pushed energetically and plans are forming to send a committee to Washington to formally Invite Newton D. Baker, Secretary of War. to visit Columbia and look over what she has to offer for obtaining the nitrate plant Word has been received from Wash ngton that Secretary Baker will visit •^olumbia to the advantages of tht- «%ration here. Chihuahua City, Mex.—Tiie Villa Chief Morena and sixty followers were killed in the fight January 10, 140 miles north of Parral. according to details of that action received from Gen. Pablo Gonzales, com- ^ manding the Government troops in the field. The Carranza traops lost Col j Lozano and three officers and eight men killed besides a number of | wounded. They captured a small • number of prisoners. FORMER OFFICERS OF VILLA ARMY IS SHOT. Mexico City.—Marcelo Caraveo. a former Villa general, who was impris oned In Chihuahua City by General Trezino and liberated when Villa at tacked the town last September, was shot at Teotltlan, del Gamino, Oaxaca. General Caraveo. soon after being lib erated by Villa, surrendered to the Carranza authorities and was brought to Mexico City and confined in the penitentiary. He bad escaped from the penitentiary last week. Before Drinking Coffee, You Should Consider Whether Or Not It Is Harmful ^ “There’s a Reason” fot POSTUM #

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