MIRROR OF TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY LIFE reva rd (Name changed from Sylvan Valley News, January I, 191 *.) V0LUME-XX(1 BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, JANUAI{Y 26. 1917. NUMBER-4 3ig Baptist Revlof I Draws to a Close On Friday; ^The Program ' ^ i DR. VV. D. NOWLIN The rovivjil >('rvifos whirh h:i\e condwct h1 tin* siii{:;ing at the revi- been in i)rogiv>s thi* Brovurd “t Uiis church a j-eur hjj:o. Baptist chnrch ior the hist eh*V( n days will comt* t> a close on Friday nifiht of this week. The ])roi'ram for the renuiinio^ services will be found ht'low. j The meeting; has been featured! by iii>])irinjjr seriuons by Dr. W. I).' Nowlin and hv music of an uplift-; in*; and spell lnndin; charactt*r by W. L Wolslui:'*!. A nuiuher of tlie On Friday Tuorninp the ])uj)ils of the ])nhlic scht)ol and those of I*re- Viird Instituti* will attend in a body and about r>0 voices from the Insti- E. L. \VOLSLA(4EL Kh.v. .. McDaniel Pastor Brevard Baptist Ch;jrch backslidtleii liu ve r. v.-rsed in the direction (»r th' ir con se and sever al of the utismx - (i have found Chri.'»t for their lir"t tin.r. Indications to »>ven trreater resnlts in till' ’i': tVicomiin.' services and stre.',« wii: ' IjP'I mn tnakinj; the most of 1 •• i-.'Ti' iv lutr oiii-'or tanitifs »it t^hi- -n . t nu'. Stronir apix als i he delivered by Dr. N o\\ ini n>f " I \\ olshi^rel hits arrnriL'ei o' m -i nsiimrmu sical protrr sni ! ''i 11 to the tut‘ Will com])ose the choir for this ! service. Another musical feature of the n\orninir servict* will be a st.h) by Mr Dodsworth, “Have Thine Own Way.’’ On Friday ni{rht the Ba]itist (]uart t compos.'d of Thomas Dods worth, Noah M. lIolU»well, Ora L. Hnd .1. ('lyde .lones. will .sin^ ‘“Xcjuer My Home ” Mr. Wolsla- trel will also siny: solo selections at these scrvit!es. FARM LOAN ASSOCIAT’N Methodist Revival to Follow HAS BEEN ORGANIZED ORGANIZATION CREATED AT MEETING MONDAY R. H. Zachary, President; M. L. Hamilton, Vice President; T. C. Henderson, Sec-Treas. On Heels of that of Baptistsy Which Will Close on Friday At an enlliusiastie and harmoni ous rneetii)}' of some t)f Transylva nia's most progressive farmcr.s on .Monday in liri'vard the Transj’lva- nia Farm Loan association was organized. Th* oflicers are : President, K. fl. Zachary; viGo pr('sident, M L. Hamilton ; secro- tary-tr» asurer, Prof. T. liender- son. Those int(‘rested in the or^ani/u- tion met in the otlice of Prof. Eien- (h'rson and discussed various T)hast‘S of the work to be nndertak(*n, alter which the following' directors '.v‘re eleott.'d : P. H. Zacbarv, M. Tj. Hamilton, T O Thrash, Prof. T. C. Henderson , and i'. F. Baldwin. ^ j Followin}; tlio adjournment of j the associatitm the directors met | and 1‘lected otlier oflict'rs. 1 The directors will im'ct again ^ n»‘Xt Saturday at 1 :.!(> o'chn k. I The association members art^ ' I'rcf!lly entbused over the or^nni-! zation and believe they will realize a ^reat dt‘al of {'ood from it, espe- cijillv in th(! way of loans on easy ; paymc'nts and with interest not to exci-ed ») iH*rcentum. , ElTorts will be made to increast' the mi‘mb(^rshi]), which stands at '22. Members have made a])j)lica-1 tion for - a total loan of **,’7,^00. Kach ap])licant t(»r a loan has sub 1 scribed for on«' share of stuck for 1 every’i'lo*'loan. • : the members and api>lied for follow : The names of the loans to be P. fl. Zachary M. L. Hamilton P. J. Woodlin T. C. Henderson W, D. Waldro]) W. K. Kilpatrick F. Henderson. T. O. Thrash O. .1. Morf^an E. E. Ledbettt^r J. T. Justus C. F. Woodfin (’. F. Baldw'in John S. Bo^^s W. H. Suinmey T. S. Wood, jr Halei"h C'a])i)« W. J. Raine W. \V. Gallow’av. \V. M. Ball U. W. Hall Total Bec:innin,' I, Kc?v. \V. E. Poovey, ])astur of the Brevard Methodist church, will conduct a serit's of evanfrelistic n!cetinjrs at his church. At the mornint; services during' the first w’eek of the meetint^ Prof. Miles Reece, from the Brevard Institute, will make a series of “(^uiet Talks . to Christians.” This will 1h* to ^-.0(M)' ^vh^•^ are just be^inninj;. those l,ii(Mt: .^viio bcirinnin^ attain, and to , thi>s(' who di'sire to begin and to continue to ^row in urace and 1 •>()() » ^ power. The ]'astor will preach only at niyht durin;; the lirst week, but will conduct two services daily dur- inj? the second week. He invites land ur^t's the cooperation of all Christians in the community in continuation of the WH>rk that lias already been so well begun in the town. The singer, D. Ward Milam, now of Gastonia, will bave charge of all the music. Tlie (*ld songs will be nsed largtdy, and congrt'gational 1 OoOi singing w’ill be eiicouraged. liooks 4 00 , are t>eing ]n-ovided for all. Beginning on the rising si)iritual 27,s00' tide, it is heli(ived that there is no BREVARD METHODIST CHURCH n Sundav. February 1.0(Kr •,>.000 :)(!() r)(to: 1,000' 1.000j ?,ooo :'>,()()(» ,‘)(I0 r.oo: SdO 7001 1.000 m. BOOTH’S PLAY (From Asheville Times.) Hilliard fJooth of Brevard has a ])lay Brevard Wins Another Girls* Camp School Members of Faculty of State Mormal at Greens* boro Who Recently Visited Brevard Through Efforts of Miss IQatherine Erwin Have Selected Rockbrook Farm Near Brevard as Home for Summer Camp School for Girls. reason why this r«'vi val, led oy one of the town's ]iastors. and co oper ated in hy the others and their ])eople, should not lift tho entire* community to a higher s])iritual level. Other announcements W'lll bo made next week. Praises For Brevard Rev. W. E Poovey. who w'as re turned to the pastorate of the I>re- vard Methodist church for a second year’s w’ork V»y the conference up on the urgent re(iuost of the mem- bt*rs of the local chnrch. has the following tribute in the North Car olina C’hristian Advocate of Jan.11 : Brevard, beautiful for situation ! Crowning a ])lateau that overlooks the lovely French llroad valh*v. Encirch'd by an endless cliain of mountains of varying height and ever-chanving hue. In the ci'nter of the famous Sa])phire Country. Reminding om^ of Kejits lin«‘s. j “Ethereal, flushed, and like a throb bing star Seen 'mid the sai)phire heaven’s d(‘ep n'pose.” ^ Such was the initial impress uj)on the eye of an itinerant ])reacher who for the first time detrained in the gem city of Transylvania a little more than a year ago. The second impress was made upon the mind during the get-a.’-1 quainted days. This was of the ' type of citizenship ot the town and its environs. Tt seemed that the lit tle resort city had managed to k(*ej) the verv cream of tho tourists who Brother Tuttle was with us, ]>reach('d a great sermon, and coc- ducted tho conference business lika H veteran. It had been seven years since he finished out a quadrenni- um as pHstor at Brevard, and hi» old parishioners and other frieniJ^ crowded the church Sunday nigbfe to w(‘lcome him in his now rela tionship. W(‘ are ])lanningfor sjv'oial evan gelistic services the lirst of Febro- ary. We hoj)e to have Brother Milam with us and are looking for ward to a good meeting. We this w(‘ek f^losing contract for th«e inst:illation of a ])ipe organ to co3t m .000. The organized Sunday' school classes are planning to bvnkl several individual class rooms tb?& year. Withal we look forwani with hope. Fraternally, W. Ed{.\r Poovky. Brevard, N. C., Jan. J5, 1917. $1,800 MONTHLY PAY ROIL 8Y COTTON MILL Brevard Cotton Mill Fays Out Handsome Little Sum to its8i9 Employes V/ho run the Plaot 120 Hours Each Week. Until the casual observer siti? down and taki*s time to figure cr w’hat an industrial enterpristf? had been attractetl to this section ^ town i> for a season, and had merged this ; element into the stock doscended j ^ Mill, \\hich its- from the sturdy ]>ion‘ers who first ^‘‘7 J*ud night, making Brevard is to have another snm- [ visited Brevanl. and Miss Rhoda mer camp school for girls, making Paxter, also of the State Normal, two cam]) schools for each sex in j Miss Erwin, a gradnate of the this vicinity. | State Normal, who in correspon- The proposed school will be open- ,dence with these ladies learned of BAPiloi’ fine seh‘cion?).■ of nearly 100 eh;l(lr(*n solos, duets, mill (juur prepared. On Thursday nig^t let composed ot Mrs. derson, Mi'^s P! -a Thomas D-'d'Vf v:,, „ slagel will rend r f if a production o; J. ‘t'>oster choir , n orogramof t -l-* has been a mixed quar W. P Hen- Dnckw»»rth nd Mr. Wol t Me Higher,” Bahhitt, Vv’ho bright and delighiiul om -aft in the current, issue of Snapi>y i Stones. The ]ilay is entitled, ••A ! Saint in StrijH s ” Mi*. Boiirh. for- ; rmTly ot Ne*v York, bat tor the last seven or eight years a residv nt of N(»rth Carolina, made his home in Asheville until the last year or tw’o, whi n he removed to Brevard ' and has a stone lodge built npon i 1 lie mountain side. Mrs. Booth is I al.^o a w’riter of short stoi ies and j serials Mrs. Ho >th’s daughter. Miss Katherin“ Bingluun, v' as for- ! merlv a stud(>nt at Sain^ (ien- ('vieve’s and has many Irirnds in Asheville. New or renewal subscriptions (beginning January 1) will cost $1.00 for one year, 60 cents 6 months, 35 cents 3 months, 25 cents for 2 months. ed next summer by members of the faculty of the State Normal at Greensboro. The News recently told of the visit to this section of two ladies in search of a suitable site for the school as a result of tlie endeavors of Miss Katherine Erwin, w’ho took them t«) ('onnt‘stee, See-OIT, Rock Brook Fann, Davidson River. Lake Elvira, C’amj) Sapphire, French Broad Camp and Camj) Joy. Miss Erwin has been informed that the school will be established at Rock Brook Farm this summer and that the promoters of this insti tution are expected in Brevard this week to execute the i)reliminary details necessary to the lease of the property, for which an agreement has been reached with the owner, Mrs. H. P. Clarke. The school will be established by Mi“s Laura C. McAllister, head of the phvsical training department of the State Normal at Greensboro, Miss Edith Haight of the same de partment, both of whom recently their desiro to establish a camp school for girls, bent her efforts to ward inducing them to visit Bre vard and give con**i«leration to this si‘Ction. This they did hut reserved their dticision until after visiting Henelersitnville, Bat Cave and Ashe ville. Miss Erwin enlisted the co operation of Major H. E. Haines or the French Broad Camp (who sees great possibilities for cam]i schools for girls in this section) in present ing the local desirablcne>s for such an institution. Rook Brook Farm is ideally situ ated for such a scihool. It is almost in the shadow of the towering clift's of Dunn’s Rock af\d Castle Rock on the Brevard-Greenville road. Good bathing facilities will be afiorded in French Broad river as well as shower bath arri*ngemonts in a sparklin.g mountain stream near the school, which will have ample grounds and buildings for carrying out the ideals the promoters of the school have in mind for their insti tution. ventured “beyoml the big woods ; thus giving to the' community an unusual type of substantial citi zenry. Among the many favorable im pressions that have followed through the year, one stands forth as dominant: The loyalty and lib erality of tho ])eo))le to the best things. Some of the most beauti ful sites in the city are crowned with church buildings. On one of these elevati 'ns, just a stone’s throw from the S(juare, and over looking Brevard Institute with its two commodious m;iin buildintrs and nuiny cottages, stands the Meth odist church and parsonage To have been the pastor of this church with its loyal membershij), to have come in touch week by week with the students and faculty of the Institute, to have preached twice each Sunday to a sympathet ic congregation of morc^ than two hundreti and fifty, to have had a loyal band of women so solicitous for the comfort of the uastor’s fam ily, to have had a Board of Stew ards who assumed all responsibility for raising the regular budget, who could increase the pastor’s salary the first year on faith and again the second year on hope and hold up his hands in so manv helpful ways.—these are ])rivileaes that make one glad to have returned foi a second year. And the year is starting off with bright promise. Tho first Quar terly Conference has been held. hours each week and employing on an average about bO operative**, has an average monthly payroll ^1,S00. This amount distributei^. in Brevard makes considerable pina money fcr its people and a nice lit tle sum for its business houses. The owners of the plant had en largements in mind about a year ago but machinery prices have ad vanced so much of lite Superin- cnt J. W. Burnett announces that an extension of business is not con templated. LYCEOM DIDN’T PLEASE SO WELL The Iris Com^ert company, coki- posed of reader, contralto soloist, pianist and accompanist, the secoBc^ number of the Redpath lycenijsi Course, appearing at the Auditori um Monday night, was not receivetS as enthusiastically as was the tizsfc number. The attendance was probably thi^ best that ever turned out for an en tertainment of this nature and those interested in the success ot the course, the program was qiiite* a disappointment. While the members* of the com pany are tirtists in their lines, therr selectioi|s happened not to be of the kind to move the audience any euthnsiastic degree.

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