BREVARD NEWS. BREVARD, N. C. THOSE AWFUL CRAMPS that may 9KW€ Much Suffering llenrivme, P».—“For twelve j—n * *ofiered wiUi terrible cram pi. 1 would have to stay in bed several days every month. 1 tried all kinds of remedies and was treated by doctors, butmv trouble con tinued until one day I read about Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound and what it had done for others. I tried it ai'.d now I am never ^r^'^bled with cranip.^ r.:i-l feel like a uifferent woman. I i-annot praise »-ydia E. Pinkham’f^ Vegetable Com- ftound too highly and I am recommend- to my friends who suffer as 1 did. ’ ’ —Mrs. George R. Naylor, Box 72, !1;.rynville. Pa. ) ojmg women who are troubled with SAinful or irregular pt*riixis, backache, ea»)ache, dragging-«lown sensations, • iiJnting spells or indigestion should ^Ke Lydia E. Pinkhjim’s Vegetable Compound. Thousands have been re- ►tored to health bv thii» root and herb rt-ni**dy. Write for free and helpful advice to Lvdia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (con fidential), Lynn, Mbks. Only women open and read such lett»'ra Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief—Permanent Cure CARTER’S LITTLE liver pills never lail. }’urely vegeta ble - - act surely but Keiitly on the li\er. Stop after d.nm r dis* tiess - cure indigestion,’ improve the complexion. bri^{hten the eyes. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Sijriiature Carter’s tile PILLS Kove you RHEUMATISM Lumbago or Gout? KIIKCM ACIDK to renu've t^*“oac^p and drive th»* (inlsun froui the system ‘BHkl KAt lDR ON THE I58II>B rm KHKiBiriMa on ths oiTfcuti At AU llraeKtHtn Jt(. Baily A Sob, Wholesale Diitributori Baltimore. Md. STOCK UCKIT-STOCKUKE IT iDe»ujWj i IjALTijricJi j •iwowymcitti 2 ‘ 'ucMraToiBc; ; j: For H Drses, C.'attlo. Sheep and Ho^'s. CA>ntains Cop peras for Worms, Sulphur for the Blood. Saltpeter for the Kidneys, Nux Vomii a.a I'onic.and Pure Dairy Salt. I'sed by \'et- erinarians 12 >ears. No Dosing- Drop Brick in feed-bo\. Ask yourdealer for Hiaiknian’s or write BLACKMAN STOCK REMEDY COMPANY f M.X'I^ANOOGA. H..NNESSEE DRIVE PAIN AWAY! With Ilnni'N Li-^litniiis Oil. Rnnim.'kt ism, ii*Mira'iria. sure mn"-- li«';ii!;u he-. 'in-. hiin.s aiiti liruises v;iiii-.h as if t.y niat;ic- Tvh* ii l.ij?ljtnijiK Oil i"' to ;ilT* i-te.l parts. No otli*T lliiiiiieiit br.rif.'"- M.i'h nii'U 'iml -oiithijnf relief, (let fl ImiII e (if tils'- V .ilii;il)l»» home remedy lo.lay. !»'sell it at ••eiit'. the Imih I , (ir the A. B. RICHARDS MIDICINK CO, Dept. Z. Sherman. Texas, will beiiiJ it oii reeeij.t i>f price. ■ l)ii*» I t'tr '.j», Brjddcr Wil. ’i^mv Where did :OJ tf' ■ Miitah Ru«>!ey." >hc carver of the goose. » ih dn;niiv. ‘'•>licn you prtai.h * '|x>ijl good tcrmon 1 nf'tf E®* '■ to ir.t dat’s » ir.N i! mjtlcr ’’ If anyb®d> asks how you j^ot nervous .di$;estion, constipation or dyspepsia you couldn't tell, but if you want to get rid of all such painful disorders Green’s August Flower vv'lll act promptly in the relief of all stomach and bowel troubles, and yotrr freedom from pain and discomfort will make you feel that life is again worth living:. 25c and 7,Sc at drujf- gists and dealers. SI years of success. PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparnt i i; of merit Eeips to eradicate rlaiiitroS. ForRMtorms Color aad B««utr to Gray or Faded H«ir. Wc. anrt tl Wat brugyltta. K»t«. Mire,Bon ftiBAygHOn nA I W Uieouuioors. IboaodSEc STONESoperations I ,^—.(K=0U) I in stomach. Back. Side or Shonlders; LiTer St«inat*» Misery, I>yhi^psia. Ckilic, Uas, nmnngnr** Heaoache.Constipation, Piles.Catarrh. : Sinonao^. Blues. Jaundice. Appendicitis. These ' HrS'SSsFfrE E i ^ 1^. M. w >. m ». Pwrfctw lt..CUM«l ' PASSED OVER VETO WAS FIRST VETO OF PRESIDENT WILSON TO BE OVERRIDEN. BY CONGRESS. THREE TO ONE IN THE SENAIE lapan’s Protest Against Asiatic Ex elusion Section Disregarded—In ternational Situation Up. Washinpton. ('oiipr^>s luis over- ; riden a veto b.v I’l * si(i«>nt Wilson for , thf> first time, ami •■iiai t»‘d into law the ; immigration hill \sitli its long-fought I liti'rat y tpst provisjdii. The Senate voted r.2 to 1}* to pass the measure j notwitlistandinp the vrto aiitl in spite of «‘I**v*iith litmr inforniatioH lhat .la |ta!> hail i>rdt»*st«Ml ajiainst the ' laiinu.iuc of tlif .\siatic exciiision sec tioii. Th' House nv*Tf111 tied the v«“to by a L‘ST to lot’,, so the S**nale's ar- tioii ■ n»ls the i oiit'‘St df 20 y» a’ s' -t -nil ;ii>; in wliicli presidents have re- [itj(liat*‘l -imilar bills pa-sed tiy ’on- preps. T’-.*' III! Tnai ii'iial situation was Iti uvli' into Mie ( losing ilehate in Senate, Senator K» ed calling atten ’in:' f.i the Jai>anr-e t)bj*‘ition and il;n>: tliat nothiiif; he done at this ;;ni« to (iisturh oi' impair th'* country's with a fri*Mi(ily nation. Squa lor Stiiitli. ol •■^oulli ('arolin:;. hair man ci tlie Immigration Committee. ari'Wi'Tt'ii witli th»* (i‘t laration ihat th* i J,-, .-o’l; statt* of inti'mational aft'air.« inj'hasi/eii th«“ ne( fssiiy of a ]>ure. !ii'ni>>; noli'- .\meriran people sui h a-; th>' liil! \v;(s iiiitndfd to prott'd. How They Voted. T'.if vote on rt'-pa^'-ajie of th«- h:!! wa^ as follows; T > over ride !h*‘ v to; l>c;no>rat A>liurt. Uankhead. H*' khani. Hr> an. ('hanihfi lain. Chil- 'o;i. I'iilherson. F’K'ii her. Hanlwick. .lam*-'. .lolinson. .Main*’; K> rn. Kiriiv. Laiif. Lt-e. .Martin. .My • r.', ()v*'MMan. I’in !an. lM:inian. I'om- • •rcTie. Koliiii'oJi. Slrifroiii. Shcpiiard. S)ii'l(K. .^immon-^ .'^mith of (leoipia; Smith. I?!' South Caroiina; Thoma.'. 'rillamn. I’ii(i*T\vooii. \'a’(laman. Wil liams— 34. Iiuhlirans Moraii. Hra(i>. Clapj). Cummins, ('u'.’is. 1 lillin.uhani. Fall, Calling;*'!'. (Irona. llariiin.K. ,lones. Ken- yo!i. LaFolletti-. I,od>:»v McCumlxT. Xelsoii. Norris, l’ai:*>. Pt-nrosi*. I’oin- (ifXtf“r. .'^moof, Sterlii'.K- Sutlit*rland. Town'-fiui \\'a(i-'Wor?]i. W:)'son. W I ‘ k ". \\ O!' k ^ I * ,ll, 'll*. Ai-'iiinsi ovei-ridir.K 'i>t“ \o;*': ji'iiioirats l!"ilis. Ilu.-iinf;. .Uihn- sf'ii, of Sou:ii hakota; Lewis. .Mar- ’ine, Kansdell. Kfi-d, SauNhiiry. Stone.- T!H'mi>son. Walsh II, flep’ihlican'- Hrandei;* • , Clark, ('olt- liu I’oiit. Lippit. Sherman. Smith, of Mi(iii^'an; Warifii S Total 19. .'Senator I’lit lon, wlu) voted to over- lide ill- veto, had voted against orip- ' inal jiassaL’e of the hill. Senators wlio vot*'ii for tlie original hill, hut wou,ld no; Vote to pa-^s it over th*‘ veto, were HoHi. Johnson of South Dakota and Tiioinps(>ii. 1 »enioerats; and Sherman ami Smith of Miciiipaii. liei»uljli-ans. PERSHING LEADS ARMY FROM MEXICAN SOIL. ' dl’.inihu^. X. .M. Major (;eii»-ral Per''!!'np rode fuit of .Mexi* o at ln;l,'. a U; .Monilay February at the head of more than lo.oou soldiei'.s of the Am*ri(an puni’ive expedition. .\ -"hort time later, he mounted the little handslami in front of tiu' heail uart* 1“^ at Columbus ami as tlie hand I played "\Vh*‘n ,Io!innie Comes .Mardi- inp Home." pave the order for the ' ’roojis To pas-^ in review. Hard as nail', tlie e.xpeditionary soldi«rs pass ed in review like the functioiiinp of a ; perf(M ily made mac hine. After the in fantry earn*- thu eavalry eolunin. fol lowed by t!h' artillery and auxiliary units. SAFE PASSAGE GRANTED TO BERNSTORFF AND STAFF. Wa-l.inpton, Tuesday. Februaiy 1!>. t’i wiiole corps of (Jerman olYi( ials in the rni’*-d Stat*iiu ludiiip Crumt and C'l.iMte--. von H'Tii-torif. tfie Kmbassy suite .liid (oMsuls from all parts of tlie I'untiy, will .-ail from X*w Yt>rk fo- (iiMiianv. lleservations for more Tiian JcH per.-ons have been enpaped on 'in hip .'Scandinavian liner Fred • !ii k VIII. b-avin.u .\ew York I'ehruary i:; i'lr Cliristiana Knpland ainl F'rance liav*' praiited safe i»assape. CONGRESS PAVING WAY FOR DEMANDED LEGISLATION. Washinpton — Coi.uress iiepan ear nestly to pave the way for lepi'^lation ; that may be demai;d d by any di'vel- j opment in the inteiiialional crisis j Still hopeful that the lueak with (Jer- . many will not involve the I'liited I States in war. leaders of hotii pa."ties rel'opnized that prepaiations should not be delayed, and there was uiiusua’. activity in tlie naval, military and rev enue rommitiees of the Senate. DAS, OrSPEPSIII "Pape's Diapepsin'’ settles sour, gassy stomachs in five minutes—Time it! You don’t want a slow remedy when 5*our stomach is bad- or an uncertain one—or a harmftjl one—your stomach lE too valuable; j-ou mustn't Injure it. Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its fpeed in giving relief; its harmleas- ness; its certain unfailing action in regulating sick, sour, gassy stomachs. Its millions of cures in indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis and other stomach trouble has made it famous the world over. Keep this perfect stomach doctor in your home—keep it handy—get a large flfty-cent rase from any dealer and then if anyone should eat something which doesn't agree with them; if what they eat lays like lead, ferments and sours and forms gas; causes head ache. dizziness and nausea: eructa tions of acid and undigested food - remember as soon as Pape’s Diapepsin comes in contact with the stomach all such distress vanishes. Its prompt ness. certainty and ease in overcoming the worst stomach disorders is a reve lation to those who try it.—Adv. Free Speech. "I iie\er ilid cjti'c inr link >knt- Inp." ‘ Voii )iri fer ilie ire^li air. I siip- J lose am! I like to be abi*- !o pel far iiieiiph away from the eriv\'l so that 1 c;in 'ay what is really in my mind w li'n I fall do\\ n." COULD SCARCELY WALK AT ALL For One And One Half Years. Confined To Bed Most of This Time. Suffered intense Pain. JfllHiAnONAL SMSQHE IfSSffll (By E. O. ST5t.i,ERS, Acting Director of the Sunday School ('"ours*- in tlu Moody Bible liiGtitute uf ( Iiicbku.) (Copyright. 1917, Weit» rn Newspaper Union.) LESSON FOR FEBRUARY 11 JESUS AND THE WOMAN OF 8A. MARIA. Shefl'.ebl, Ala.—“About four y**ars npo. " 'i.-iys Mrs. j. 'i'. Stm* iph r. of this town, “I lmi ill V. ry tiad h'-aldi . . . b* came irr.'LMilar. and I ^\.-is ].r;iy bad olV for i* \>:;r and a lii.if . . . had (iillii iil!y and paiii in Av.ilkiiii: could s«-arce]y walk at all. I pot avifu'.ly thin and was conliii'd to my bed tiiovr of th** titne for I’a ye:,rs—could si-.-'-'ely e\«‘r do any Work. 1 siilli red dr*‘adt'ully. and I .‘'Uff* red ini'n"e jiain in the ripht siile. A\'e had in attendance lirsl l>r. , of , ho |i)-onounced my trou- Id'- ami he uaiiteil me to liave an opera!ieii i.i'ii'ornierj, Knt I could not bear ’lie tllollLdlt of sllliliiit- tiiip to sin h >1 thini:. . . He L'a\-- m*‘ liicdicine whi'h did me no L'oi.d. I th*ii had 1M'. . of , who pa\* in> me«lii-ine v. lili h pave m»- no in rn.a- li*-nl relief. My in’iphbors said how liad off I Was and advised me to tak* ’ardui. . . My husband was so wurried about me thar he went and called in 1 >r. . of , . . .On liis .second call I told him ... I had taken about a bottle of Canlui. which liad been improvinp nte :i preaf deal . . . lie sail: *\\’i*ll, leave off my medicine and tak** the Cardiii. it's a poid medicine.’ Af'.er the use of the second bottle I was cured and the cure was permanent." I’ardui should helj> you, too. Try it. —Adv. Doing His Share. “,\re \oii iloinp :ii:yihin;: lor 't.e I': ev,.[ \;ti ini i,f i.iir aiii iiinitii ' "Y ni bef I am. I sell covjur’ " CARE FOR YOUR SKIN And Keep It Clear by Daily Use of Cuticura—Trial Free. A hot liath with 'uti-ura .'^oap fd- low«(i by a pentle arioiiitin;: with Cuti- ura liniment clears ilu‘ skin irs. al}' in most cases of eczemas, rashes and itchiiip of children anti adults. Make Cuticura your every-day toilet pn-para- tions and i»rev»*nt such troubbs. I'ree sample each by mail \\ith I’.ook. Atidre.'^s post‘ard. Cuiicura. l>»-pl. L, lioston. Stdd everywhere.—Adv. The Requisite. “\\'Ii:.t We need in lln->*' .'Lre ; To kindle the tires of romanee.” "How about usinp love inai> In '- Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle ol C.VS'I’oliIA. that famous ohi re’.uedy for inlant>4 and ehihlren, and see that it Bears the Signature of In Use for Ovor 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher’s Castoria It is easy tt* pet anytliinp ,\oii want ; - if it hapjieiis to lie sonieth:iil'' n»- ' bodv else w ants. The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head Bocaase of itfi toDic and laxative f.ttect. Laxbtive Bromo t^uinine can be taken bf urivone ivithou' causing nrrronsness or riniilnK in tlie head. There Is only one "Bromo Quinine." U. W GUOVi{> ■l(natare is on each box. il6c. If free advice was only a L'ood f r- ' tilizer :il! farm lands would be rieh. Pr, Pp rj ’8 “Df-ad Phot” ni>t on!y * xyjrls Wurnis or Tapworrn but cltniiR out the niuiiia in whifh th**y bre***! und touts up the digestion. One dose snffiol* nt. Adv. Kus.da has more blind pettpb- than the rest of the world, two to one. L.ESSON TEXT-Johii 4:5-14, 24, 26. «;OL.l>EN TKXT—Christ J*-sus came In to tlie world to save .‘dinners.—I Tim, 1;15. This Is a lesstin of one of the way side niini.stries of Jesus, It oeeurred incid(MitaIly while he was on his way to his great ijreaehinp «n«l teaching ex- peri« nee at (Julilee. It was a by-product of his very busy life, yet it is one of the most famous Interviews aiitl one of the best examples of how to do per sonal work that is found in the scrip tures. The larger part of the fi;*st year of »'Jhrist’s ministry was spent in Ju- «lea Jesii*! di«l not baptize, but his discl[)les dl I. doubtless for the same reas« n, thouph in a less degree, than why Paul refused to baptize converts (I ('or. 1 All but one of the disciples of .lesijs wero (lallleans and .Jesus spent about a year and nine months of his ministry in that i»iace. I. Jesus Rested (vv. 4-G). To reach (laiilee from Jii(i a Jestls “must needs po through Samaria," n«n that th«re were not tlh*T ways that he might have traveb-tl. but rather that it was worth while to po out of bis way in order to brinp the water of life to ibis needful woman. .la-ob's w*>ll was at a iiarting of the roadway near to the ity of Sychar. I'ew places in the laml save Jeru>^alem had so much I’.ible his tory connected witli tliein ((Jen. 112:*J; Joshua S ; Ac.s 1 Kinps. etc.). Th*’ w*-ll was oripinally about KKI fet'l deep :ni'i l*‘et ill diameter, but it ba>» lieen lilit'i up \\ith accumtl- lations of nib!i;>-h so it is now only about 7r> feet dee;., 'hrist w as wwaried In bis Work, but not >i' it. and "sat tint''" (by) th- wfll; literally, on the low wall built around it. The sixtli hour \\as jirobably about midday 'IbiTe is Comfort in considei’atitui of ihe fact that a*; a man .J*‘*us w;.s will- inp to III* et thi'^ wotaan of bad charac ter. II. Jesus Holds Conversation (vv. 7- 14). Noii*-e Tie- penile way in which ,I* sus sjn'alis. ai.'i ;!;ar he bepati on the prou'id of •heir comifioii need. He asks this iie*'ded favor that he mipht confer a preat* r on*-, ipnorinp the pre- Jmlice whith •xi^ted apainst the Sa maritans. \Vat* r was the thing ui»per- inost in the wdinan's miti'l. Sh»* did not grant his simple ftpie't. and ht'r rejily indicated tliat racial diiTereiic(>s were a very r*-a! barri* r. Tliey hinder our woi’k I'Ven .N ;. Til'- suriiri'-e. p*‘rhap:? pleasure, that a Jew should ask a favor of lier .sei'iiis To h:;\f pi'eatIv iiiipresst'd the wiiinaii, jiikI afeus***! her curiosity, lu verse 10 Je~us t11s the womaii tluit tli*-r*‘ are twn tiiinps she must nectls know: (1) the womirous irift of tloii, that is the Holy Spirit (Luke 11:1.'?; Acts 2:‘J:5-:>S) ; (L*) the wonderful man who had asked of h*T ‘‘(Jivt* me to drink." ll:id ^le* known these thiiips she wf'Ubl have a"k*-d him for the liv- inp water. All that was needful was simply to ask. Th*' Holy Spirit is tlie living water (John :*',;{). The woman lo*s uitt seem to ha\*‘ comiirehemb'd what Jesus was tryiMp to teach, yet be was patb*nt. and w on her as a convert. He told liei* that everyone who came to that wi-11 would ibirst again (v, l.'i). Tin* world's. fountains do not satisfy, fountains of wealth, fame, pleasure or eariia! pratificatioii, or even leariiinp. He then tells her *if the living water (v. 1-})) ol which the drinker should never thirst, that it would satisfy who soever iriiiks. atil was to be everlast- iiip (John 7::{7.'V,t). The cuie uho re ceives the Holy Si.irit within has a perennial, eternal sprinp of life, joy and satisfaction sprinpinp up within bin*. r*efore the woman received tlie water of whi b he was speakinp there iiad to come a c«>nvici!on tif sin (vv. I'i-lJ') : In'iice hi' '••mark. “G> call ihy husband." This was a sbari* thrust into her lift* and h*'art. Sh** tried to parry tlie thrust with a teciinicai que.s- tion. yet be cotm > tiack with a great revelation of ihe natur*‘ uf (lod and the worship wliicli (lod accepts, revealing his Messiahliii (\v, lo-L’ti). As is indi cated. slie does liot seem to have com- jirehended iln* nature of the request whicb Jesus bad made (v. l."») ; there fore he bepan ihi-; seai ci.inp of her life in order to prejiare ln-r to receive the wat*T of life which lie want»‘d to be stow. This knowlcdpe of her secret life !>y a perfect stranper who had never even seen her before w as an evi dence to the woman of spiritual en- dowiaeiit : "Sir 1 perceivt* that thou art a )roph*t.’’ She then entt*red upon a tbeolopical arpument (v. 20) which Jesus answered very simjily. sayinp that the worship of the Father is not to be restricted by timettr place (v. 21). At this point th(' tlisciples return and . the woman- poes into the villepe. .1* 'US. lifting up bis eyes to the citi- zeu" who Were coming out at ht‘r invi tation, exclaims, “Lift up ymu' eyes and look on the lields, for they are white already to b:irvest,” thereliy ein- i phasizinp still further the “personal evangelism” thought which Is upper most in this lesson. She thirsted (v. 14), she received (vv. 25, 2(«), .she liecanie a spring (vv. 28-20) which supplied others (v. The water of life fully satisfies, and it is a spving (v. 10) ; It coutiaufrll" 'MisPes. in every case me post-bellum lustory ol former f^reat ware records a continuance of the business activity which the wais themselves had etiti ’.ilated. After Waterloo En^rlancl entered upon the greatest era of indufitrial and coinnierttial expansion .she lial e\er known. The British empire of commerce was, in fact, made jxi.s.sitilc liy the Napoleonic w.irs. After our ('ivil war the United States and the (ntire American .«oiiti- iient. north and .south, had a hoom wliich laste*l until 1873. After tlie Franco-l’russiaii war, France, de.spite tier defeat and tire indemnity of live billion franc.s she paid (Jermany, became more jir().»pcioii.c than evt r in her history. 'I'he reason for this seeminj; paradox is that the activities of rccon- Htruction are more stininlatinjr than lhf»se of d‘strnetion. because they are inspired by iiope rather than by viiniietiveness or revenge, l^eople work more eagerly to live than to die. In .«o far as America is concerned, I cannot see that we have anything to regret or fear if peace should cf»nie tomorrow on terms that woiild guarantee the fntnri' integrity of international law. A lew mnslirootn munition plants would be dismantled and there would be soJiK' relot at ion of labor, but the more imjiortant and jierma- nent i u*'incss of tin* couiilty would ]>robably boom. 'I'lie money which Ihe war has jirovidel i>s will p>rinit of the re-linant ing of our railways and otiier in'Iiistrial and di.-tributive enter prises upon a scale ihal will be ailequale to our present development and the anioiini of inuiev ilius put in cir* iilatif>n will far exceed anv profit that A\e may reaj» fnmi a (ciitiimaiice of tlie war. The Reason. Tea h* i' \\'h;ir \ nir fai h*‘r'>« nai r.cnnie: lb nnie ,'*' a^- iniii*' \\':iI kin'-. At the Inquiries Bureau. lA' iied Tourist lF;formatim piveo «illt here? rir* d .\ii* iidant I'—Yal • !!*■> In r I’.iit what hi' lir'-i nam*-'r \N’h;it do*"' \oiir mother • all him? l’»-iini*' SI:*- i!*ii’t eall him n"iliiii‘ 'he lik*'s him. .9. I YES! MAGICALl^! 1 ! CORNS LIFT OUT ! WITH FINGERS 1 Yon say to the drup store man. “(Jiv** me a small bottle of fr* »‘Zoiie." This will cost very little but will positi\*‘ly r*'mo\f every hard or soft -orn or callus from one's feet. A few dn>ps of i!ii . new ether com- potind ai'plietl tlirccilv ujion ,n tender. ahinp corn relieves the soreness in stantly. and soon the entire corn or .-anus, root :ind all. tbies uj* anti can be lifted off with the fuipers. This new way to rid one's f*-et of corns was introttiiced by a f'iminna'i man. wlu> '^ays that fr>ezone dries in a moment, ami simjtly shrivels up the corn or callus without irritatlnp the Mirroiindinp skin. If your druu'pist basn'i an\ free ;', iiie tell him to ordrt" n small bottle from his whol*-sab‘ tlrup hoiis*-f»r you. alv. A New Trade. Skeets 1 ili’U't see yoll on ill*' 1II^ *-nir*T panp now. Skinnv. \\ h* je ar*' \ou w(irkin’? Skinny »li. I've pot a ^ood job with a dop l'an«’i*T. When a lady conu's in aiid buys ;i dop I leji' fi li* r iijt' w hi‘-tl‘. imCK, GLOSSY HI FBEE FROM DHIDRUFF Girls! Beautify Your Hair! Make It Soft. Fluffy and Luxuriant—Try the Moist Cloth. T”y as you will, at’* r an appli ation of I >aiiil* rill*-, you « ;.nn*-t fimi a sinple trai'e if daiHb’utf :■ fallinp hair and your '■■alp will not itcli. h»ut what ’.vlll jilcas*' you niosT. will b*‘ after a few w * *-k'‘ ii-e. wh* (i \ou s( i‘ new iiair, fin*' aii'l ilowiiv ar fir>-!—yes—but r*‘al- 1\ lU'W hair irrowir.p ail ov.j- th® scalp. A little l»amlerin*- i;i'mediat»*ly dou- bb'^ the beauty of \*nir hair. N** *b^**r- ence bow dull, faded, brittb- and scrapp.v. ,iu-t moisten a cloth with I lati'b'rin*' ainl •■;ir-fi:!!y lraw It iliroiiirh \oiir b.-iir. Takinp om- 'iiiall strand at a time. Tl.e efT*'ct is im- nicdiat*' aini amazinp your hair will be liL'ht. Huffy and wavy, ainl have aa a]>j>e;’rance of abui!dan*e: an ineom- t>arable lust.r, sufMie^s andiuxurl- :iiic*'. tile 1i*-;iuty and ‘'>i;mm'r if true hair licaltli. fbt a ‘J.” ni bottb of Knowlton’S I'anderim* from any st,,re and prov« that your hair is as i.n-tty and soft as any Ihat it has b*-en neplect.'d of injurefi by careb’'S tr.-afnn*nt—that’t ali. Adv. If ^ oil \v;nit po.ifl iL'Tibors. vours*lf. MOTHER'S JOY SALVE for CoId, ('roup, I’neuinonia and Asthma ; K)Si: CKKASH I.I^■1.^^:N^ for ^'‘uralpia. Kbeum.atism and Sprains. For sale by all Hrnppists. (lOfJM: CHKASi: roMP.\.\V, Ml'R S., Greeosbon*, X. C.—Adv. Not for Her. lie—Will \ou»‘ my jot? Sti**- Xo; I do not «-:ire to br*:ik wild land. INSIST ON YAM NUTS— Vpto-date proccrs have thorn tii? new food with an "antiiTpf'tablc l'*-;ivor." made from Soutlicin jaiii.. Try YAM NTTS once, th»\ '11 win you sure. The Williams Co., lo'cfinille, S. C. A'iv. Probably Not. Will ill*' sMioke iiisjiecior pleas*> ex plain why so much of tlie soft coal -•oof s(‘ttles on the wbite h:iire*l *lop? Bore Blood-.siiot Eytst, Waf*>ry Kyes, Sticky Kye». all h*alfd promptly with nmht- ly applicationa of Roman Eye Balsam. .\dv. New York city entertained •'*>*“. eon ventions in IPli:. 100 Years Old **The kidneys play a most part in causing premature old age and death—the more injurious the poisons passing thru the kidneys the .sooni'r comes decay”—so says a distinpuishctl physician, who further all people* who are past thirty to pres'r\’e the vitality of the kidneys and free the blood from poisonous elements, such as uric acid— drink plenty of water—sweat some daily and take Anuric before meals. Thi.s Anuric is put up in tablet form, and can be obtained at alnio.«t any drug store. For that hackaclic, lumbago, rheumatism, “rusty” joints, Hwollen feet or hand.s, due fo uric acid in the blood, Anuric quickly dissolves (he uric acid as hot water does sugar. Discovered by Dr. Picrcc of liufTalo, N. Y. Prevent premature old age by simply sipping a cup of hot water every mornmg before breakfast, taking a little Anuric before meals and live to be a hundred. WHAT IS LAX-FOS LAX-FOS is an improyed Cascara « DI6ESTIVE LAXATIVE-'Pleasant to tiki Id LAX-FOS the Cascara is improved by addition of certain harmless chemicab which increase the efficiency of the Ca»> cara, makinp it better than ordinary Cas cara. LAX-FOS aids digestion; pleasant j to take; does not gripe or disturb stomach. I Adapted to children and adults. Just try a ' bottle for constipation or indigestion, 50c. Salesmen Wanted We oaii !'.>*• tlio servi.cH of s^cveral tru'/i to r*‘V>re--i‘nt us fer ti c hale of Hi'k«ls-Vir* plnia Crown Niir'-*’'v.v Su>cn. Kitrm*T'i, .''■•bool I St mien t>- joii eth ?rs can psaue tha work profitablf oativassiii(r nil or pa'-' rime, j I.ili**ral proposition: veokly aiv.»in-«»| I amplf territory. Write at one*'for «\u SPECIAL j OffER, Oiitlit fr**-. W. T. HOOD A CO., Oli Doninioa Nurseries. Depl. IK. N., Richmond, Va KODAKS & SUPPUES We also do liiphest class of fin sh cf. I’ricf.-j and Cataiotrue upon S. Galetki Optical Co., Richaos^, V*. W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 6-1917. THE REFLECTIONS OF A MARRIED WOMAN—are not pleasant >if she is delicate, run-down, ►or over worked. She feels ►"played onL" Her smile and her good spirits have taken night. It worries her husband as well as * herself. This is the time to build up her strength and cure those 'weaknesses or ailments which are seat of her trouWe. Pr. Picrce’s Favorite Prescrip tion regulates and promotes all the profier ftinctions of womanhood, enriches the bl^ood, dispels aches and pains, melan choly and nervousness, brings refresh ing sleep, and restores health and strength. It ctires those disorders and derangements incident to womanhood. A well-known agent which can h€ f»rH!ured at all drug stores is ’'IMeasant Vllets.” made up of the May-apple, the dried juice of the leaves of al*>es and the root of jalap. First put out by Dr. Pierce nearly lifty years ago. —Adv. P _ Ssld for 47 years. Fir Nalaria,Chib& refer. @bllTonic Also a Fine General Strengthening Tenk. 60c and fl.OO at aU ProC Suras. LookoutBiscuitii C-4.' 'iSOOoA 3.'.- - ■ FRESH-OHSP-WHOlESONE-DEUaOUS I tw SMHIMrr MKTNPOS AmilO IN TMB MANiNe or rant mscuits make fMIM TNK SIMIMRO •r EXCELLENCE I IhniP 0Mkr Im# oc if sst lit AmUI* Afclm mrwrik$m$ omu. CNATTANOOOA \

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