BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. ALL WERE MEASLES PREVAILS Tlu'vt' is Hii (*i>i(lt*inio «tf j in many i>arts uf "Pi ;;nsy I vinna ; • •' iinty anci in iiMition to inct n j an«l sulV> rinL' in nuin.v ' n*siMM*ts th«‘scliool work li.i-i lici n ' j badly cripulcd in SDnic s(*li0i)ls. | New or ronewa! subscriptions' (boyinniiiK January I) will cost SI.00 for one year, (>0 cents 6 months, .VS cents 3 months, 25 cents for 2 months. BREVARD INSTITUTE NOTES We have sold the last of the car load of pianos shipped to us at Brevard and HendersDnville, but if you want to save about $100 on the pur chase price of a good piano see us for one in the next shipment. I Write for catalog. s. MAXWELL Brevard and Hendersonville AT YOUR SERVICE Eggs, Poultry Butter and Hides All kinds country pro duce. W e pay cash for all you ship. Prices on request. Western Produce Co Asheville, N. IJ‘v K'!ivni!-Tnl iiritviiiTur '""1 Mr. W.Mvl Miiain hthI 1\ PixiXfV 'VCll* {'IJfStS Mt tll»“ lii-'itnT*- lordm-"'!- on Sunday A ;' "! uiiiiiy ol tl)«> t 'mcIm'Ts at d S*'id.iuha \ (■ lircn in at n M>ii til' iiM-i liners :it ttu' In nl i-f (' IIMI 1> til ■ I'M^f V.( »*k 'ri'ti'-C 'VllK a t-n>l 11n' i si'vvisv'^ st'Ki^' !(' s(’tiool. >1) US not to in11 r!’i'* \\ it !i 11-. '?is, 'rin‘ old Im'M \vl\ifl\ IlSi'd to oil ili'-roo; of t'lo dorinitoi'. ln-lovo it \v i'~ roini dt?l “d hn' lie*n ' d To if forn'i r iixduinf.-s. mi'l iM-'* !)• d to fill' t. ]) .1 a toli-xrapli Ttolo i>o-l ol ^Paxloi Hall. It I'-- lisid I'iiifily t ' sMin moll f'o'.’s worl'itr.' • ii tho farm, to int als. Hifjh Sch^ol Honor Roll, Jtinuary Kav Moose. Kiiltv K.innif Wi hl*. Kov llollaiiil, .K rrv Si:ii;i.'=oTt, Willie 'i'rii •, Harold Amaivla SMitl. Ma;'i;ic- Nance, IClizalictli Zachary. \\ ill Primary Honor Roll Allison Orr, David Orr, Annie Voaj^ue. KstluT Kei'ct, Mary Lewis. INSTITUTE COURSE FOR TEACHERS RECOMMENDED Our Modern, Well Organ ized and Carefiiily Stocked Prescription Departir^ent. Physicians, nurses and patrons I 1. • favorably comment on our careful New or renewal subscriptu^ns , "i x j t • (beginnin- January D will cost work and prompt deliveries. $1.00 for one year, 60 cents 6 R. S. MORGAN, Druggist months, .^5 cents 3 months, 25 cents for 2 months. ROSMAN, N. C. Come to the STRAND The only independent Moving Picture Tlieater in Asheville. Always the best of clean and interestinj'plays, come dies and travel pictures. The Strjnd Orchestra is generally considered the best in W’estern North Carolina. Patton Avenue Corner Lexington ASHEVILLE, N. C. We Buy Anything And Sell Everylliing Carry in stock all weights and sizes of I Beams, Chan nel, Angles, Plates, Con crete Bars, Plain Rounds and Relay Rails. Facilities for punching and cutting. Highest prices for Hides and Skins. S. STERNBERG & GO. Asheville, N. C. Buy From the Merchant Who Advertises. A. t. GOONT SAYSi “I HAVE eilNED 25 POUiUDS OfJ TnNLiii” V ' V *>. *»• •• -v .V- v'i I •• • ^7—... '• •> | ;\sheville Biisiness Man Who W'as .Sick in l*«'d is now Strong and Kobust. I’rof.t’. II 'rrowhridLTi'. ])rinciit;il of Hr»‘VHrd Tnstifnto, lias inlornii'd iiK* that tlu' nsi:al t\v.-lvt v.rck.-^ course for tcaclirrs in that iiistitn tion will itc*rin on Tiifsday, March I). r.U r He states that during tins t'.vclvc weeks course tlie usual ])cd !»!Z(''ry classes, the classes wliieh are tiikinir r*vie\vs of the I'onunon school subjects, and ti.e vocational de])artnients will he in o]>eration. Teachers whost' .‘•chools have closed or will close hy the first of M I rch would do widl t> ta ke ad va n- tair»‘ of t he course of!'cr«'d and t Ihtc hv ])re])are for Jiiore enicient work with the hovs and ^Ir’-i of the ]>uh- lic siditxils of the co'inty Xo chai’ire will Tiiaile for aca o.'ii;i- or norii'.al tunlon ti ktiv * aclier w!io sfinres froni the conn tv sujM'iintendeiit ot schools a cer tificate “tlmt she has tauirht to its c. iinph'tion a term of scliool ni Transylvania count v durin;^ tlie s’hool session >f I'.i 1 fp-'j;." T. ( '. 11 KM>KUSON, ('ounty Sn])t. PouLTPYNares *• To look at me now ynu -.^o’ddn’t l;no\v I!!' lor thi- sa!:i'* man I v. je ol 1 ji short whil" i)>ick, wlii’U I siarled (iTi 'I’.inlac,” ^\. ,\. (>ount, well kno \ii AsheviU • Itusm man of ‘.I I ( 'olle^'e street, that ciiy, >ald ; ‘•'A Ill'll Isay that I lrtv‘ t:aini'd e.\ac(l\- '*.t (M)unds on Tanlai". and not (juifi- three hottles o it. yon will kn why I am jileasrd to teil others wh'it it did lor mi'. ’ In cn - tlllUed. "li(>fove tal;in:r 'Fanlac I sutTeri d froTii i?i(!'.tre.stion and stomcich f ron hie. I c.Mi!ln,t relaw! solid foods ol an',' kind ; I was tI'Tvotis and I'un down and irot n» rest from the little si'-ep 1 rnanaLTeil to jnit in 1 was (•hilled to t_'ive up Work as s'lles- man atul Ihiallv }i:id to take to bed. Tnlil a fricnl told ine of 'Panlac; 1 had tried all sorts of remedies with out LTfiinirur relief. iiiU this 'I’an- ho' lias built me uj) from a total wreck to a stron;', robust niuM, I can eat :uid digest any thiui; edible | utider t he sun n >w ; m v sh’cj) is fine. i that tired out ItM'lin^ is ir«);ie jind 11 am full of vim and gainin'' in' str(‘imth every day.” . 'I’anlac is s»ld in lirevard hv the . Duckworth I’iiarmacy exclu'iivi'lv ! anil in Hendersonville by Hunter's I’harmacy —Advertisement. ; li a a a a o s and Carpets t You will find an unusually varied supply of floor coverings in all grades at our store, if you want one of the rich, soft, beautifully colored Oriental rugs for your parlor or haSl we can put it there. And quite as readily we can give you the simpler weaves in rugs or carpets — strong, elegant, long-wearing goods of American man ufacture. In fact, we specialize in domestic materials of medium price and highest quality. Word Is a Guaranty of Honest Values HOME SUPPLY COMPANY . M. COOKE, Proprietor. BREVARD, N. C. STRICKER’S HIGH QUALITY Garden and Farm «Seeds Have proven to (five the best results for Western North Carolina. Write for prices and samples of our Clovers, Grasses, Soy Beans, Seed Oats and All Other Seeda needed in quantity. Niagara Soluble Sulphur Compound The Bcientillc spraj' for apple and other fruit trees. Write for prices. OUR ANNUAIj descriptive catalog—the jfardener’s and farmer’s Kuide ylvinff valuable infor mation free. Write for it. Strieker Seed Co. Asheville, North Carolina. Do not 1)0 continually distuthing the i'ittiii.:? I’.en or turkey, or duck or, but leave thorn pretty nr.ich to them selves and they will mako a bettor job of hatciiing. Turki y roo.^^ts should bo located to ward tiio ro'.jf. allowing: only ample space lor tlio birds t(» .stand (■r'-'ct. Don’t bo airaiil of overforili;i;^ tiio ducl.s. They slieuld bu fed four or five timos a day. Good water is a nocossity at all tinios in the poultry yard, and don't forgot tliL! loose, dry earth for the dust bath. Ducklinps and goslings f-'hould never be allowed to swim, even in warm weather, because it will set back their growth. Bo sure thai tho hovers in the brood er?. are eleaiuMi every day and disin fected onco or twice a week. After the chicks are a few days old a run out on clean green grass in tho (»peu air every fair day is necessary for their health and growth. ('hicks with hens or in brooders should have ample indoor run so that Tlu*y can secun* plenty of exercise dur ing bad weather. Ten turkey (!ggs may be set under a good five-pound hen. AH portable chicken houses should bo elevated to keep out the rats. New Subscribers i F W'oodfln l^istrah Forest K. I) McKiiin i IMckens, S. (’. Renewals Iv Iv ('>rr I’.re^ard ’ F. I’liole Brevard I’errv (iallowav Brevard Mrs ,\i irv 1-]. (Jood.-on lli’evard \\ M. I ienrv 1 Irevard W. R Kimsev Brevard K. I{. ])eaver Brevard .1. \V. Owen Bosnian 1... V. Siixmoii Bosnian .T. L. Waldroi* 'lierrvlield (>at Allison lMs}^ah Forest Henry ('ha)»man (^)a(d)cc \'. B. Mc(4aha Cedar Mt )c(ir iallo\vay Luke 'Poxawav .I(dm l\i/,er Ijake Toxaway B. W. Norman Bistrah Forest .1 il'an Altiert Asln'vilh* Mrs. Weldon Kn^lish llorsn Shoe Mrs. .1. F". Henry Loiasville, Ky. \V. \V. Monteith (Ih'nvillc* Mrs. B. L. ('uiinin^hain Fletcher GLADE CREEK PEBBLES Mr. and Mrs. Raleitrh t'’a]tj)s visit ed ndatlveson Litth* liiv«‘r Sunday. .1, M. ( )rr of Selica has moved to Bisj^ah Forest. ! Mrs. \V. P. Mackey’s children j havt‘ tnj'asles. Frank Shnford has moved to Bre vard. Mrs. Berrv Towns(*nd spent Friday in Brevard. .lohn F. Lyday visitnl his t)rotIi- er. A. (^ Lydaj", ut Penri)8e, a few days ago. GASH BASIS ANNOUNCEMENT From Aiken & Scruggs Having made a changc in our business we take this method of thanking our many customers for their patron age since we opened business a year ago. The business will be run right on with but few changes. On and after this date all FEEDS will be sold strictly for cash on delivery. Owing to extremely high prices of Feed- stuffs we have decided it best for our customers asjwell as our interest to put it down as low as possible and sell strictly for cash. It saves disputed accounts, bookkeep ing and accumulation of bad accounts. Quick settle ments make life-long friends. Let^s bejriends. Yours for a prosperous 1917, AIKEN & SCRUGGS Successor to Aiken &. Brooks DON'T WAIT Ford Cars Reduced Touring Cars Reduced $80. New Price $388.50. Roadsters Reduced $45. New Price $373.50. May get hij^het but fruaranteed no lower within a rear. let us sell you one now. KING LIVERY COMPANY Agents for Dodge and Ford Autos. BREVARD, N. C. Window Washing Science In This Big Steel There are J^.000,000 window panes in the ]{etldehom Steel company's mills, and formerly those windows were washed at irregular intervals by men who worked on day wages and did whatever amount of labor they chose. Today the company has charts of all those windows and, by experiment, has determined the time and the number of men needed to wash the glass in each building. The work is standard ized. The price set for washing the windows in one of the immense ma chine shops is |443. The work is now done on schedule, the windows are kept clean (for steel mills), and the increased light inside has a perceptible effect on production. The cost is about one-fifth what it formerly was, per unit of window space. Take Advantage of a Waynes- ville Citizen’s Experience When the buck l)egins t(i ache, Don’t wait until backache be comes chronic ; 'Till kidney tronbles develop ; ’Till iirinury troubles destroy ni^hf.s r“st. Profit by a, Waynesville citizen’s exj)erierc(i. J. F. ^lellulYv, ])rop. of grocery, Killian St., Waynesville, X. C , sitvs: - I have used Doan’s kidnt^y Pills and 1 know tln;y are a line jnedieiiu! for kidney trouble and backache. I havti no hesitation in recommending' then ti» others who safter in that way." Price SOc, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask fora kidney remedy— iiet Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. McHaffy had. Foster- Milburn (Jo., Props., Buft’alo, N. Y. Fashion’s Decrees. A simple bodice is finished around the bottom with three tiny ruffles, the ruffles also appearing at the bottom of the sleeves. Children are wearing hats w^ith very wide brims. Some of the pocketbooks seen are ▼ery long and narrow. Silk jersey is used for afternoon dresses. Nearly all the latest corsages fasten in the back. Ribbon trimmings adorn the newest sports hats. RUB OUT PAIN with good oil liniment. That's the sure^ way to stop them. The best rubbing liniment is^ MUSTANC UNIMENT Good for the Ailments of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. Qood for your own A ches. Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Bums, Etc. 25c. 50c. $1. At all Dealers. CHESTNUT POLES WANTED Cash paid at siding. Write for prices. Your chestnut, cut into poles, will net you about $15 per cord. Buyers wanted at each sti'tion. ERSKINE POLE CO,, WEAVERVILLE, N. C oiir wnaeronze; ai2d crieap ANY folks in town have learned that when they want really fine cheese they must come here. lt*s so. We know a whole lot about cheese—how to judge it, how to buy it, how to keep it Cheese aids the digestion, but you must know how to eat it, and you must eat the right kind. Drop in if you are a stianger and talk cheese. COX 6c KILPATRICK Phone 41

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